package; import; import; import com.constellio.model.frameworks.validation.ValidationError; import com.constellio.model.frameworks.validation.ValidationErrors; import com.constellio.model.frameworks.validation.ValidationException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.vaadin.server.Page; import com.vaadin.server.Resource; import com.vaadin.ui.*; import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickEvent; import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickListener; import com.vaadin.ui.Notification.Type; import com.vaadin.ui.themes.ValoTheme; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import java.util.*; import static$; @SuppressWarnings("serial") public abstract class BaseForm<T> extends CustomComponent { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BaseForm.class); public static final String BASE_FORM = "base-form"; public static final String STYLE_FIELD = "base-form-field"; public static final String BUTTONS_LAYOUT = "base-form-buttons-layout"; public static final String SAVE_BUTTON = "base-form-save"; public static final String CANCEL_BUTTON = "base-form_cancel"; protected T viewObject; protected Item item; protected VerticalLayout formLayout; protected HorizontalLayout buttonsLayout; protected Button saveButton; protected Button cancelButton; protected List<Field<?>> fields = new ArrayList<Field<?>>(); protected FieldGroup fieldGroup; protected TabSheet tabSheet; private Map<String, VerticalLayout> tabs = new HashMap<>(); private boolean useTabSheet; public BaseForm(final T viewObject, Serializable objectWithMemberFields, Field<?>... fields) { this(viewObject, new MemberFieldBinder(objectWithMemberFields), fields); } public BaseForm(final T viewObject, List<FieldAndPropertyId> fieldsAndPropertyIds) { this(viewObject, new FieldAndPropertyIdBinder(fieldsAndPropertyIds), toFields(fieldsAndPropertyIds)); } private BaseForm(final T viewObject, FieldBinder binder, Field<?>... fields) { super(); this.viewObject = viewObject; for (Field<?> field : fields) { this.fields.add(field); } setSizeFull(); addStyleName(BASE_FORM); item = newItem(viewObject); formLayout = new VerticalLayout(); formLayout.setSpacing(true); fieldGroup = new FieldGroup(item) { @Override protected void configureField(Field<?> field) { if (field instanceof AbstractField) { AbstractField<?> abstractField = (AbstractField<?>) field; abstractField.setValidationVisible(false); } field.setBuffered(isBuffered()); // Do not alter the readOnly and enabled states of the field } }; // fieldGroup.setBuffered(false); binder.bind(fieldGroup); tabSheet = new TabSheet(); // First pass to see if all the fields have the same tab status boolean tabFound = false; for (Field<?> field : fields) { Object propertyId = fieldGroup.getPropertyId(field); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(getTabCaption(field, propertyId))) { tabFound = true; break; } } if (tabFound) { useTabSheet = true; } boolean firstField = true; for (Field<?> field : fields) { if (firstField) { field.focus(); firstField = false; } field.addStyleName(STYLE_FIELD); OnEnterKeyHandler onEnterHandler = new OnEnterKeyHandler() { @Override public void onEnterKeyPressed() { trySave(); } }; if (field instanceof TextField) { onEnterHandler.installOn((TextField) field); } else if (field instanceof DateField) { onEnterHandler.installOn((DateField) field); } else if (field instanceof ComboBox) { onEnterHandler.installOn((ComboBox) field); } addToDefaultLayoutOrTabSheet(field); } buttonsLayout = new HorizontalLayout(); buttonsLayout.addStyleName(BUTTONS_LAYOUT); buttonsLayout.setSpacing(true); saveButton = new Button(getSaveButtonCaption()); saveButton.addStyleName(SAVE_BUTTON); saveButton.addStyleName(ValoTheme.BUTTON_PRIMARY); saveButton.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { trySave(); } }); cancelButton = new Button(getCancelButtonCaption()); cancelButton.addStyleName(CANCEL_BUTTON); cancelButton.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { cancelButtonClick(viewObject); } }); setCompositionRoot(formLayout); if (tabSheet.iterator().hasNext()) { formLayout.addComponent(tabSheet); } formLayout.addComponent(buttonsLayout); buttonsLayout.addComponents(saveButton, cancelButton); } protected String getSaveButtonCaption() { return $("save"); } protected String getCancelButtonCaption() { return $("cancel"); } private void addToDefaultLayoutOrTabSheet(Field<?> field) { VerticalLayout fieldLayout; if (useTabSheet) { Object propertyId = fieldGroup.getPropertyId(field); String groupLabel = getTabCaption(field, propertyId); String tabCaption; if (StringUtils.isBlank(groupLabel)) { tabCaption = $("BaseForm.defaultTab"); } else if (!groupLabel.matches("\\w.*")) { tabCaption = groupLabel; } else { tabCaption = $("BaseForm.defaultTabIcon") + " " + groupLabel; } Resource tabIcon = getTabIcon(tabCaption); fieldLayout = tabs.get(tabCaption); if (fieldLayout == null) { fieldLayout = new VerticalLayout(); fieldLayout.setWidth("100%"); tabs.put(tabCaption, fieldLayout); fieldLayout.setSpacing(true); if (tabIcon != null) { tabSheet.addTab(fieldLayout, tabCaption, tabIcon); } else { tabSheet.addTab(fieldLayout, tabCaption); } } } else { fieldLayout = formLayout; } addFieldToLayout(field, fieldLayout); } protected void addFieldToLayout(Field<?> field, VerticalLayout fieldLayout) { fieldLayout.addComponent(field); } public void commit() { for (Field<?> field : fieldGroup.getFields()) { try { field.commit(); } catch (SourceException | InvalidValueException e) { // Ignore the error } } } /** * If this method is overriden and doesn't return null anymore, a tab sheet will be used to display the fields. * * @param field The field that will be added under the tab * @param propertyId The property id attached to the field * @return The caption of the tab under which the field will be added */ protected String getTabCaption(Field<?> field, Object propertyId) { return null; } protected Resource getTabIcon(String tabCaption) { return null; } public List<Field<?>> getFields() { return fields; } public Field<?> getField(String id) { for (Field<?> field : fields) { if (id.equals(field.getId())) { return field; } } return null; } public T getViewObject() { return viewObject; } protected Item newItem(T viewObject) { return new BeanItem<T>(viewObject); } final public void callTrySave() { trySave(); } private void trySave() { clearBackendValidators(); for (Field<?> field : fields) { if (field instanceof AbstractField) { AbstractField<?> abstractField = (AbstractField<?>) field; abstractField.setValidationVisible(true); } } if (fieldGroup.isValid()) { try { fieldGroup.commit(); try { saveButtonClick(viewObject); } catch (Exception e) { ValidationErrors errors = MessageUtils.getValidationErrors(e); if (errors != null) { showBackendValidationException(errors); } else { showErrorMessage(MessageUtils.toMessage(e)); LOGGER.warn(e.getMessage(), e); } } } catch (CommitException e) { showErrorMessage(MessageUtils.toMessage(e)); LOGGER.warn(e.getMessage(), e); } } else { Field<?> firstFieldWithError = null; StringBuilder missingRequiredFields = new StringBuilder(); for (Field<?> field : fieldGroup.getFields()) { if (!field.isValid() && field.isRequired() && isEmptyValue(field.getValue())) { field.setRequiredError($("requiredField")); if(missingRequiredFields.length() != 0) { missingRequiredFields.append("<br/>"); } missingRequiredFields.append($("requiredFieldWithName", "\"" + field.getCaption() + "\"")); if (firstFieldWithError == null) { firstFieldWithError = field; } } } if (firstFieldWithError != null) { firstFieldWithError.focus(); showErrorMessage(missingRequiredFields.toString()); } } } private boolean isEmptyValue(Object value) { boolean emptyValue; if (value == null) { emptyValue = true; } else if (value instanceof String) { emptyValue = StringUtils.isBlank((String) value); } else if (value instanceof Collection) { emptyValue = ((Collection<?>) value).isEmpty(); } else { emptyValue = false; } return emptyValue; } protected void showBackendValidationException(ValidationErrors validationErrors) { Set<String> globalErrorMessages = new HashSet<String>(); for (ValidationError validationError : validationErrors.getValidationErrors()) { String errorMessage = $(validationError); globalErrorMessages.add(errorMessage); } if (!globalErrorMessages.isEmpty()) { StringBuffer globalErrorMessagesSB = new StringBuffer(); for (String globalErrorMessage : globalErrorMessages) { globalErrorMessage = $(globalErrorMessage); if (globalErrorMessagesSB.length() != 0) { globalErrorMessagesSB.append("<br />"); } globalErrorMessagesSB.append(globalErrorMessage); } showErrorMessage(globalErrorMessagesSB.toString()); } } protected void clearBackendValidators() { for (Field<?> field : fields) { for (Validator validator : new ArrayList<Validator>(field.getValidators())) { if (validator instanceof BackendValidator) { field.removeValidator(validator); } } } } protected void showErrorMessage(String message) { Notification notification = new Notification(message + "<br/><br/>" + $("clickToClose"), Type.WARNING_MESSAGE); notification.setHtmlContentAllowed(true);; } protected abstract void saveButtonClick(T viewObject) throws ValidationException; protected abstract void cancelButtonClick(T viewObject); public static class FieldAndPropertyId implements Serializable { public final Field<?> field; public final Object propertyId; public FieldAndPropertyId(Field<?> field, Object propertyId) { super(); this.field = field; this.propertyId = propertyId; } } private interface FieldBinder extends Serializable { void bind(FieldGroup fieldGroup); } private static class MemberFieldBinder implements FieldBinder { private Serializable objectWithMemberFields; public MemberFieldBinder(Serializable objectWithMemberFields) { this.objectWithMemberFields = objectWithMemberFields; } public void bind(FieldGroup fieldGroup) { fieldGroup.bindMemberFields(objectWithMemberFields); } } private static class FieldAndPropertyIdBinder implements FieldBinder { private List<FieldAndPropertyId> fieldsAndPropertyIds; public FieldAndPropertyIdBinder(List<FieldAndPropertyId> fieldsAndPropertyIds) { this.fieldsAndPropertyIds = fieldsAndPropertyIds; } public void bind(FieldGroup fieldGroup) { for (FieldAndPropertyId fieldAndPropertyId : fieldsAndPropertyIds) { Field<?> field = fieldAndPropertyId.field; Object propertyId = fieldAndPropertyId.propertyId; fieldGroup.bind(field, propertyId); } } } private static Field<?>[] toFields(List<FieldAndPropertyId> fieldsAndPropertyIds) { Field<?>[] fields = new Field<?>[fieldsAndPropertyIds.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < fieldsAndPropertyIds.size(); i++) { FieldAndPropertyId fieldAndPropertyId = fieldsAndPropertyIds.get(i); fields[i] = fieldAndPropertyId.field; } return fields; } protected static class BackendValidator extends AbstractValidator<Object> { public BackendValidator(String errorMessage) { super(errorMessage); } @Override protected boolean isValidValue(Object value) { return false; } @Override public Class<Object> getType() { return Object.class; } } }