package; import; import; import com.constellio.model.entities.schemas.Metadata; @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class RecordServicesRuntimeException extends RuntimeException { public RecordServicesRuntimeException() { } public RecordServicesRuntimeException(String message) { super(message); } public RecordServicesRuntimeException(Throwable cause) { super(cause); } public RecordServicesRuntimeException(String message, Throwable cause) { super(message, cause); } public static class CannotAddRecord extends RecordServicesRuntimeException { public CannotAddRecord(String recordId, Exception e) { super("Cannot add record. Record id : " + recordId + ". Other changes may have been committed.", e); } public CannotAddRecord(String recordId) { this(recordId, null); } } public static class NoSuchRecordWithId extends RecordServicesRuntimeException { public NoSuchRecordWithId(String id, Exception e) { super("No such record with id : " + id, e); } } public static class SchemaTypeOfARecordHasReadOnlyLock extends RecordServicesRuntimeException { public SchemaTypeOfARecordHasReadOnlyLock(String schemaType, String id) { super("Schema type '" + schemaType + "' of record '" + id + "' has read only locked"); } } public static class BrokenReference extends RecordServicesRuntimeException { public BrokenReference(String recordIdWithReference, String referencedId, Metadata metadata, Exception e) { super("Record '" + recordIdWithReference + "' is referencing an inexistent record '" + referencedId + "' of schema type '" + metadata.getReferencedSchemaType() + "' in metadata '" + metadata.getLocalCode() + "'", e); } } public static class CannotSetIdsToReindexInEmptyTransaction extends RecordServicesRuntimeException { public CannotSetIdsToReindexInEmptyTransaction() { super("Cannot set ids to reindex in an empty transaction"); } } public static class IdAlreadyExisting extends RecordServicesRuntimeException { public IdAlreadyExisting(String id) { super("The transaction is adding a record with id '" + id + "', which is already used for another record."); } } public static class NoSuchRecordWithMetadataValue extends RecordServicesRuntimeException { public NoSuchRecordWithMetadataValue(String metadataCode, String metadataValue) { super("No such record with value '" + metadataValue + "' for metadata '" + metadataCode + "'"); } } public static class UserCannotReadDocument extends RecordServicesRuntimeException { public UserCannotReadDocument(String id, String username) { super("User " + username + " is not authorized to read document " + id + "."); } } public static class UnresolvableOptimsiticLockingCausingInfiniteLoops extends RecordServicesRuntimeException { public UnresolvableOptimsiticLockingCausingInfiniteLoops(TransactionDTO transaction) { super("Transaction is causing unresolvable optimistic locking (causing an infinite loop) : " + LoggerUtils.toString(transaction)); } } public static class RecordIsNotAPrincipalConcept extends RecordServicesRuntimeException { public RecordIsNotAPrincipalConcept(String id) { super("Record is not a principal concept : " + id); } } public static class NewReferenceToOtherLogicallyDeletedRecord extends RecordServicesRuntimeException { public NewReferenceToOtherLogicallyDeletedRecord(String id, Exception e) { super("Record cannot have a new reference to a logically deleted record : " + id, e); } } public static class RecordServicesRuntimeException_CannotLogicallyDeleteRecord extends RecordServicesRuntimeException { public RecordServicesRuntimeException_CannotLogicallyDeleteRecord(String recordId, Exception e) { super("Cannot logically delete record '" + recordId + "'", e); } public RecordServicesRuntimeException_CannotLogicallyDeleteRecord(String recordId) { this(recordId, null); } } public static class RecordServicesRuntimeException_CannotDelayFlushingOfRecordsInCache extends RecordServicesRuntimeException { public RecordServicesRuntimeException_CannotDelayFlushingOfRecordsInCache(String type, String recordId) { super("Cannot delay the flushing of a record of type '" + type + "' that may be in a cache : '" + recordId + "'"); } } public static class RecordServicesRuntimeException_CannotPhysicallyDeleteRecord extends RecordServicesRuntimeException { public RecordServicesRuntimeException_CannotPhysicallyDeleteRecord(String recordId, Exception e) { super("Cannot physically delete record '" + recordId + "'", e); } public RecordServicesRuntimeException_CannotPhysicallyDeleteRecord(String recordId) { this(recordId, null); } } public static class RecordServicesRuntimeException_CannotRestoreRecord extends RecordServicesRuntimeException { public RecordServicesRuntimeException_CannotRestoreRecord(String recordId, Exception e) { super("Cannot restore record '" + recordId + "'", e); } public RecordServicesRuntimeException_CannotRestoreRecord(String recordId) { this(recordId, null); } } public static class RecordServicesRuntimeException_TransactionWithMoreThan1000RecordsCannotHaveTryMergeOptimisticLockingResolution extends RecordServicesRuntimeException { public RecordServicesRuntimeException_TransactionWithMoreThan1000RecordsCannotHaveTryMergeOptimisticLockingResolution() { super("Transaction with more than 1000 records cannot have try merge optimistic locking resolution"); } } public static class RecordServicesRuntimeException_TransactionHasMoreThan100000Records extends RecordServicesRuntimeException { public RecordServicesRuntimeException_TransactionHasMoreThan100000Records(int length) { super("Transaction has " + length + " records. Limit is 100000"); } } public static class RecordServicesRuntimeException_RecordsFlushingFailed extends RecordServicesRuntimeException { public RecordServicesRuntimeException_RecordsFlushingFailed(Exception e) { super("Records flushing failed", e); } } public static class RecordServicesRuntimeException_CalculatorIsUsingAnForbiddenMetadata extends RecordServicesRuntimeException { public RecordServicesRuntimeException_CalculatorIsUsingAnForbiddenMetadata(String calculator, String metadata) { super("Calculator '" + calculator + "' is using a fobidden metadata : " + metadata); } } public static class RecordServicesRuntimeException_ExceptionWhileCalculating extends RecordServicesRuntimeException { public RecordServicesRuntimeException_ExceptionWhileCalculating(String recordId, Exception e) { super("Exception while calculating metadatas of record'" + recordId + "'. Verify that the record is valid.", e); } } }