package net.sf.colossus.webserver; import java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import net.sf.colossus.util.BuildInfo; import net.sf.colossus.webclient.WebClient; import net.sf.colossus.webcommon.FormatWhen; import net.sf.colossus.webcommon.GameInfo; import net.sf.colossus.webcommon.GameInfo.GameState; import net.sf.colossus.webcommon.IColossusMail; import net.sf.colossus.webcommon.IGameRunner; import net.sf.colossus.webcommon.IPortProvider; import net.sf.colossus.webcommon.IRunWebServer; import net.sf.colossus.webcommon.IWebClient; import net.sf.colossus.webcommon.IWebServer; import net.sf.colossus.webcommon.User; import net.sf.colossus.webcommon.UserDB; /** * The main class for the WebServer * - brings up the WebServer GUI * - starts the ServerSocket and listens there for WebClients * - based on actions coming from clients, keeps book of * "instant" and "running" games (both GameInfo objects), * and tell the GameInfo objects when to start the game. * * @author Clemens Katzer */ public class WebServer implements IWebServer, IRunWebServer { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WebServer.class .getName()); private WebServerOptions options = null; private PortBookKeeper portBookKeeper = null; private IWebServerGUI gui = null; private final IColossusMail mailObject; private final static int MIN_FREE_GAME_PORTS = 5; private final int INACTIVITY_CHECK_INTERVAL = 10; private final int INACTIVITY_WARNING_INTERVAL = 30; private final int INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT = 90; private final static ArrayList<String> loginMessage = new ArrayList<String>(); /** * Controls whether the GUI is shown or not. * * At the moment this is configured only by the possibility of doing so: * if the environment supports running a GUI, we will, if not, we won't. * It could be combined with a command line option to suppress the GUI * even if it would be possible to show one. */ private final boolean runGUI = !GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless(); private boolean shutdownRequested = false; private String proposedGamesFilename; private boolean proposedGamesListModified = false; private final int maxClients; private UserDB userDB; private final HashMap<String, GameInfo> allGames = new HashMap<String, GameInfo>(); private final ArrayList<GameInfo> proposedGames = new ArrayList<GameInfo>(); private final ArrayList<GameInfo> runningGames = new ArrayList<GameInfo>(); private final ArrayList<GameInfo> suspendedGames = new ArrayList<GameInfo>(); private final ArrayList<GameInfo> endingGames = new ArrayList<GameInfo>(); // Used also as separator for storing proposed games to file: private final static String sep = IWebServer.WebProtocolSeparator; /** Server port where we listen for WebClient connections */ private final int serverPort; /** Server actual socket where we listen for WebClient connections */ private ServerSocket serverSocket; private final ChatChannel generalChat; private final ClientWatchDog watchDog; private final FormatWhen whenFormatter; private PrintWriter dumpInfoFile; public static void main(String[] args) { DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd_HH:mm:ss"); LOGGER.log( Level.INFO, "Start for ColossusWeb version '" + BuildInfo.getFullBuildInfoString() + "' at " + dateFormat.format(new Date())); String optionsFileName = WebServerConstants.defaultOptionsFilename; if (args.length > 0) { optionsFileName = args[0]; } WebServer server = new WebServer(optionsFileName); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "before init socket"); server.runSocketServer(); // execution comes to here only when server is shut down // (shutDownRequested set to true, so that the loop quits) server = null; LOGGER.log(Level.ALL, "WebServer.main() will end..."); // JVM should do a clean exit now, no System.exit() needed. // @TODO: does it work on all platforms, all Java versions? // If not, build here a demon timer that does the // System.exit() after a few seconds...? } public WebServer(String optionsFile) { this.options = new WebServerOptions(optionsFile); options.loadOptions(); this.whenFormatter = new FormatWhen(); try { PrintWriter p = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream( "dump-info.txt", true)); dumpInfoFile = p; dumpInfoFile.println(""); dumpInfoFile.println("WebServer started."); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.warning("Can't create/append to dump-info.txt"); dumpInfoFile = null; } this.serverPort = options .getIntOptionNoUndef(WebServerConstants.optServerPort); this.maxClients = options .getIntOptionNoUndef(WebServerConstants.optMaxClients); int portRangeFrom = options .getIntOptionNoUndef(WebServerConstants.optPortRangeFrom); int availablePorts = options .getIntOptionNoUndef(WebServerConstants.optAvailablePorts); if (availablePorts % 2 != 0) { LOGGER.warning("Suspicious option value " + availablePorts + " for available ports - should be an even (nr % 2 == 0) " + "value (every 2nd port is used as file serving port)!"); } int availableGamePorts = availablePorts / 2; if (availableGamePorts < MIN_FREE_GAME_PORTS) { LOGGER .severe("Available ports from cf file is " + availableGamePorts + " but according to MIN_FREE_GAME_PORTS it should be at least " + MIN_FREE_GAME_PORTS + "! Exiting."); System.exit(0); } mailObject = new ColossusMail(options); portBookKeeper = new PortBookKeeper(portRangeFrom, availablePorts); int freePorts = portBookKeeper.countFreePorts();"Actually free ports: " + freePorts); if (freePorts < MIN_FREE_GAME_PORTS) { LOGGER.severe("Too few (only " + freePorts + ") free playing ports! Exiting."); System.exit(0); } if (freePorts < availableGamePorts) { LOGGER.warning("Only " + freePorts + " free ports, instead of " + availableGamePorts); } else if (freePorts < (availablePorts / 2)) { LOGGER.severe("Not even half the amount of expected ports (" + freePorts + " of " + availablePorts + ") is free!"); System.exit(0); } LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Server started: port " + serverPort + ", maxClients " + maxClients); doReadUsersFromFile(); doReadGamesFromFile(); doReadLoginMessage(); this.generalChat = new ChatChannel(IWebServer.generalChatName, options, userDB); generalChat.createWelcomeMessage(); if (runGUI) { this.gui = new WebServerGUI(this); } else { this.gui = new NullWebServerGUI(); } watchDog = new ClientWatchDog(userDB); watchDog.start(); updateGUI(); /* boolean runGameConsole = false; if (runGameConsole) { console(); } */ LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "WebServer instantiated, maxClients = " + maxClients + " , port = " + serverPort); } /** * */ private void doReadGamesFromFile() { proposedGamesFilename = options .getStringOption(WebServerConstants.optGamesFile); if (proposedGamesFilename == null) { proposedGamesFilename = WebServerConstants.DEFAULT_GAMES_FILE; LOGGER .warning("Filename for storing games not defined in cfg file!" + " Using default " + proposedGamesFilename); } readGamesFromFile(proposedGamesFilename); } /** * */ private void doReadUsersFromFile() { String usersFile = options .getStringOption(WebServerConstants.optUsersFile); int maxUsers = options.getIntOption(WebServerConstants.optMaxUsers); userDB = new UserDB(usersFile, maxUsers); } /** * */ private void doReadLoginMessage() { String LoginMessageFilename = options .getStringOption(WebServerConstants.optLoginMessageFile); if (LoginMessageFilename != null) { readLoginMessageFromFile(LoginMessageFilename); } } /** * Triggered by remode admin connection */ public void rereadLoginMessage() { doReadLoginMessage(); } void runSocketServer() { int socketQueueLen = options .getIntOptionNoUndef(WebServerConstants.optSocketQueueLen); LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "About to create web server socket on port " + serverPort); try { if (serverSocket != null) { serverSocket.close(); serverSocket = null; } serverSocket = new ServerSocket(serverPort, socketQueueLen); serverSocket.setReuseAddress(true); } catch (IOException ex) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not create socket on port " + serverPort + ": " + ex.getMessage()); System.exit(1); } LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "User-server started, waiting for clients"); while (!shutdownRequested) { boolean rejected = waitForUser(); if (rejected) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "accepted one client but " + "rejected it - maxClients limit reached."); } } writeBackUsers(); userDB.cleanup(); generalChat.dispose(); gui.shutdown(); gui = null; options = null; portBookKeeper = null; LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "Web Server after main loop."); } public ChatChannel getGeneralChat() { return this.generalChat; } public void writeBackUsers() { userDB.storeUsersToFile(); } public void updateLoggedinStatus(User u, WebServerClient wsc) { userDB.updateLoggedinStatus(u, wsc); } // called by WebServerGUI.closeWindow() event // OR by WebServerSocketThread.shutdownServer(). // If the latter ( = admin user requested it remotely), need to close // also the GUI window -- if there is one. public void initiateShutdown(String byUserName) { if (byUserName == null) {"Web Server shut down by GUI"); } else {"Web server shut down remotely by user '" + byUserName + "'"); } try { shutdownServer(); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "exception in initiateShutdown() ", e); } } public void shutdownServer() { shutdownRequested = true; watchDog.shutdown(); closeAllWebServerClientSocketThreads(); makeDummyConnection(); } public void makeDummyConnection() { // make a dummy connection, to get the thread out of the // accept(). try { Socket socket = new Socket("localhost", serverPort); socket.close(); } // UnknownHostException, IOException, IllegalBlockingModeException catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "exception in makeDummyConnection", e); } } private boolean waitForUser() { boolean rejected = false; Socket clientSocket = null; try { clientSocket = serverSocket.accept(); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "Got client connection from IP: " + clientSocket.getInetAddress().toString()); if (shutdownRequested) { serverSocket.close(); return false; } else if (userDB.getLoggedInCount() >= maxClients) { rejected = true; reject(clientSocket); } else { // ok, can log in } if (!rejected) { WebServerClient client = new WebServerClient(this, clientSocket); client.startThread(); updateUserCounts(); } } catch (IOException ex) { if (shutdownRequested) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Waiting for user did throw exception: " + ex.toString()); } else { // does not matter LOGGER.log( Level.FINEST, "ShutdownRequested, closing caused an exception: " + ex.toString()); } return false; } catch (Throwable any) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "!!! WebServer waitForUser loop caught throwable: ", any); } return rejected; } private void reject(Socket socket) { try { PrintWriter rejectedClientWriter = new PrintWriter( new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter( socket.getOutputStream())), true); rejectedClientWriter.println(IWebClient.tooManyUsers); rejectedClientWriter.println(IWebClient.connectionClosed); // give client some time to process the response try { Thread.sleep(500); } catch (InterruptedException e) { /* ignore */ } socket.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Rejecting a user did throw exception: ", ex); } } private void closeAllWebServerClientSocketThreads() { Collection<User> users = userDB.getLoggedInUsers(); for (User u : users) { u.updateLastLogout(); // TODO: should this really deal directly with the actual // WebServerClientSocketThread, or indirectly via the // WebServerClient instead? WebServerClient wsc = (WebServerClient)u.getWebserverClient(); WebServerClientSocketThread cst = wsc.getWSCSThread(); if (cst == null) { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "Thread for user is empty - skipping interrupt and join."); continue; } cst.tellToTerminate(); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "WebServer.closeAllWebServerClientSocketThreads: before join"); try { cst.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "thread.join() interrupted?? Ignoring it.", e); } } } /** Each user server thread's name is set to it user's name. */ String getPlayerName() { return Thread.currentThread().getName(); } public UserDB getUserDB() { return userDB; } public User findUserByName(String name) { return userDB.findUserByName(name); } public String verifyLogin(String username, String password) { return userDB.verifyLogin(username, password); } public PortBookKeeper getPortBookKeeper() { return this.portBookKeeper; } public IPortProvider getPortProvider() { return this.portBookKeeper; } public void updateGUI() { if (gui == null) { // skip it if called too early or already going down... return; } gui.setScheduledGamesInfo(countProposedGames(true) + " scheduled games stored"); gui.setInstantGamesInfo(countProposedGames(false) + " instant games stored"); gui.setRunningGamesInfo(runningGames.size() + " running games"); gui.setEndingGamesInfo(endingGames.size() + " games just ending"); gui.setSuspendedGamesInfo(suspendedGames.size() + " games suspended"); gui.setUsedPortsInfo(portBookKeeper.calculateUsedPorts() + " ports in use"); } public void watchGame(String gameId, String userName) {"Got request from client " + userName + " to watch game " + gameId); GameInfo gi = findFromRunningGames(gameId); if (gi != null && gi.isRunning()) { String host = gi.getHostingHost(); int port = gi.getPort();"Sending connect info: host=" + host + ", port=" + port); sendWatchGameInfo(userName, gameId, host, port); } else { LOGGER.warning("No running game with id " + gameId + " found!"); } } public void sendWatchGameInfo(String userName, String gameId, String host, int port) { IWebClient client = null; String reasonFail = null; User user = userDB.findUserByName(userName); if (user != null) { client = user.getWebserverClient(); if (client != null) { client.watchGameInfo(gameId, host, port); } else { reasonFail = "User " + userName + " is not online"; } } else { reasonFail = "Unknown user '" + userName + "'"; } if (reasonFail != null) { LOGGER.warning("Sending watchGameInfo for game " + gameId + " to user " + userName + " failed: " + reasonFail); } } /** * Dump server state info into a static file, at the moment dump-info.txt */ public void dumpInfo() { if (dumpInfoFile != null) { dumpInfo(dumpInfoFile); dumpInfoFile.flush(); } else { LOGGER.warning("Can't dump info because dumpInfoFile is null!"); } } /** * Dump info into given PrintWriter * @param pw PrintWriter for the file to print dump to */ public void dumpInfo(PrintWriter pw) { long now = new Date().getTime(); String nowString = whenFormatter.timeAndDateAsString(now); pw.println("Dump at " + nowString); StringBuilder ul = new StringBuilder(); Collection<User> users = userDB.getLoggedInUsers(); for (User u : users) { String name; if (u != null) { name = u.getName(); } else { name = "<null user?>"; } if (ul.length() > 0) { ul.append(", "); } ul.append(name); } pw.println(users.size() + " users connected: " + ul.toString()); pw.println("All games:"); for (GameInfo gi : allGames.values()) { pw.println(" #" + gi.getGameId() + ", state " + gi.getStateString()); } ArrayList<String> igList = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<String> sgList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (GameInfo gi : proposedGames) { (gi.isScheduledGame() ? sgList : igList).add(gi.getGameId()); } pw.println(sgList.size() + " proposed scheduled games stored: " + sgList.toString()); pw.println(igList.size() + " proposed instant games stored:" + igList.toString()); ArrayList<String> temporaryGameList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (GameInfo gi : runningGames) { temporaryGameList.add(gi.getGameId()); } pw.println(runningGames.size() + " running games: " + temporaryGameList.toString()); temporaryGameList.clear(); for (GameInfo gi : suspendedGames) { temporaryGameList.add(gi.getGameId()); } pw.println(suspendedGames.size() + " suspended games: " + temporaryGameList.toString()); temporaryGameList.clear(); for (GameInfo gi : endingGames) { temporaryGameList.add(gi.getGameId()); } pw.println(endingGames.size() + " games just ending: " + temporaryGameList.toString()); pw.println(portBookKeeper.getStatus()); pw.println(""); pw.println(""); } private GameInfo isInvolvedInInstantGame(String initiatorName) { ArrayList<GameInfo> games = new ArrayList<GameInfo>(allGames.values()); for (GameInfo gi : games) { if (!gi.isScheduledGame() && (gi.isEnrolled(initiatorName) || gi.getInitiator().equals( initiatorName)) // This relies on that that the client side does not allow // proposing if one is actually still playing; but allow it // here, because we can't distinct still playing from being // dead, and thus one could never propose as long as the other // game is still ongoing. // TODO: fix when webserver has better knowledge of game // state, i.e. which players are alive in which game... && !gi.getGameState().equals(GameState.RUNNING) && !gi.getGameState().equals(GameState.SUSPENDED) && !gi.getGameState().equals(GameState.DELETED)) { return gi; } } return null; } public GameInfo proposeGame(String initiator, String variant, String viewmode, long startAt, int duration, String summary, String expire, List<String> gameOptions, List<String> teleportOptions, int min, int target, int max) { if (GameInfo.wouldBeInstantGame(startAt)) { GameInfo involvedGame = isInvolvedInInstantGame(initiator); if (involvedGame != null) { LOGGER.warning("User " + initiator + " proposes instant game, " + "but user is already involved in instant game " + involvedGame.getGameId() + "!"); // no game created from proposal return null; } else {"User " + initiator + " proposed instant game " + "- not involved in game yet, so that's ok!"); } } GameInfo gi = new GameInfo(initiator, variant, viewmode, startAt, duration, summary, expire, gameOptions, teleportOptions, min, target, max); String scheduleType = gi.isScheduledGame() ? "scheduled" : "instant";"Game " + gi.getGameId() + " (" + scheduleType + ") was proposed by " + initiator + ". Adding to list."); allGames.put(gi.getGameId(), gi); proposedGames.add(gi); proposedGamesListModified = true; updateGUI(); allTellGameInfo(gi); systemMessageToAll("Game " + gi.getGameId() + " (" + scheduleType + ") was proposed by " + initiator + ": " + gi.getVariant() + ", " + gi.getViewmode()); return gi; } public void cancelIfNecessary(User user) { LOGGER.fine("Checking if any cancelling is needed for user " + user.getName()); ArrayList<GameInfo> games = new ArrayList<GameInfo>(allGames.values()); for (GameInfo gi : games) { if (gi.getInitiator().equals(user.getName()) && !gi.isScheduledGame() && !gi.getGameState().equals(GameState.RUNNING) && !gi.getGameState().equals(GameState.SUSPENDED) && !gi.getGameState().equals(GameState.ENDING)) {"Auto-cancelling instant game " + gi.getGameId() + ", state=" + gi.getGameState().toString() + " because initiator " + user.getName() + " is going to be gone..."); cancelGame(gi.getGameId(), user.getName()); } } // if players connection broke unexpectedly, due to the exception the // saveGameIsNeeded at the end of parseLine will not be done saveGamesIfNeeded(); } public void reEnrollIfNecessary(WebServerClient newclient) { IWebClient client = newclient; User newUser = newclient.getUser(); ArrayList<GameInfo> games = new ArrayList<GameInfo>(allGames.values()); for (GameInfo gi : games) { if (gi.reEnrollIfNecessary(newUser) && gi.isProposedOrDue()) { LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "Telling user " + newUser.getName() + " that he is still enrolled in game " + gi.getGameId()); // userMap finds already new user for that name LOGGER.fine("Player " + newUser.getName() + " re-enrolled to game " + gi.getGameId()); client.didEnroll(gi.getGameId(), newUser.getName()); allTellGameInfo(gi); } } } public void tellAllGamesFromListToOne(WebServerClient client, ArrayList<GameInfo> games) { Iterator<GameInfo> it = games.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { GameInfo gi =; client.gameInfo(gi); } } public void tellAllProposedGamesToOne(WebServerClient client) { tellAllGamesFromListToOne(client, proposedGames); } public void tellAllRunningGamesToOne(WebServerClient client) { tellAllGamesFromListToOne(client, runningGames); } public void tellAllSuspendedGamesToOne(WebServerClient client) { tellAllGamesFromListToOne(client, suspendedGames); } public void allTellGameInfo(GameInfo gi) { Collection<User> users = userDB.getLoggedInUsers(); for (User u : users) { IWebClient client = u.getWebserverClient(); if (client != null) { client.gameInfo(gi); } } } public void tellEnrolledGameStartsSoon(GameInfo gi) { String gameId = gi.getGameId(); ArrayList<User> players = gi.getPlayers(); Iterator<User> it = players.iterator(); // should have been set, but who knows... String byUserName = "unknown"; User byUser = gi.getStartingUser(); if (byUser != null) { byUserName = byUser.getName(); } while (it.hasNext()) { User u =; IWebClient client = u.getWebserverClient(); if (client != null) { LOGGER.finest("Sending gameStartsSoon to client for user " + u.getName()); client.gameInfo(gi); client.gameStartsSoon(gameId, byUserName); ((WebServerClient)client).requestPingNow(); } else { LOGGER.warning("getThread for user " + u.getName() + " (of game " + gi.getGameId() + ") returned null client!"); } } } public void tellEnrolledGameStartsNow(GameInfo gi, String host, int port) { String gameId = gi.getGameId(); gi.setState(GameState.READY_TO_CONNECT); ArrayList<User> players = gi.getPlayers(); Iterator<User> it = players.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { User u =; IWebClient client = u.getWebserverClient(); if (client != null) { client.gameInfo(gi);"sending gamestartsnow to client " + u.getName()); client.gameStartsNow(gameId, port, host, INACTIVITY_CHECK_INTERVAL, INACTIVITY_WARNING_INTERVAL, INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT); ((WebServerClient)client).requestPingNow(); } else { LOGGER.warning("getThread for user " + u.getName() + " (of game " + gi.getGameId() + ") returned null client!"); } } } public void gameStarted(GameInfo gi) { gi.setState(GameState.RUNNING); proposedGames.remove(gi); suspendedGames.remove(gi); runningGames.add(gi); proposedGamesListModified = true; updateGUI(); allTellGameInfo(gi); } public void gameFailed(GameInfo gi, String reason) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "GAME starting/running failed!!! Reason: " + reason); } // =========== Client actions ========== public void enrollUserToGame(String gameId, String username) { User user = userDB.findUserByName(username); GameInfo gi = findByGameId(gameId); if (gi != null) { synchronized (gi) { if (!gi.isStarting()) { String reasonFail = gi.enroll(user); proposedGamesListModified = true; if (reasonFail == null) { updateOnline(gi); allTellGameInfo(gi); IWebClient client = user.getWebserverClient(); LOGGER.fine("Player " + username + " enrolled to game " + gameId); client.didEnroll(gameId, user.getName()); } else {"Player " + username + " failed to enroll to game " + gameId + ", reason=" + reasonFail); long when = 0; IWebClient webClient = user.getWebserverClient(); if (webClient != null) { webClient.deliverGeneralMessage(when, false, "Can't enroll!", reasonFail); } } } else { LOGGER.warning("Player " + username + " tried to enroll to game " + gameId + " but game is already starting!"); IWebClient webClient = user.getWebserverClient(); if (webClient != null) { String message = "Enrolling to " + gi.getGameId() + " failed, game is already starting."; long when = 0; webClient.deliverGeneralMessage(when, false, "Can't enroll!", message); } } } } } public void unenrollUserFromGame(String gameId, String username) { GameInfo gi = findByGameId(gameId); User user = userDB.findUserByName(username); if (gi != null) { synchronized (gi) { // TODO HACK!! don't check for now, otherwise can't unenroll // from games that failed to start. boolean preventUnenroll = false; if (gi.isStarting() && preventUnenroll) { LOGGER.warning("Player " + username + " tried to unenroll from game " + gameId + ", but it is already starting."); IWebClient webClient = user.getWebserverClient(); if (webClient != null) { String message = "Unenrolling from " + gi.getGameId() + " failed, game is already starting."; long when = 0; webClient.deliverGeneralMessage(when, false, "Can't unenroll!", message); } } else { String reasonFail = gi.unenroll(user); proposedGamesListModified = true; if (reasonFail == null) { updateOnline(gi); allTellGameInfo(gi); IWebClient client = user.getWebserverClient(); LOGGER.fine("Player " + username + " unenrolled from game " + gameId); client.didUnenroll(gameId, user.getName()); } } } } } public void cancelGame(String gameId, String byUser) {"User " + byUser + " requests to cancel game " + gameId); GameInfo gi = findByGameId(gameId); if (gi == null) {"Attempt to cancel game with id " + gameId + " but no GameInfo found for that id."); return; } if (gi.wasAlreadyStarted()) { LOGGER.warning("Attempt to cancel game " + gameId + " but it is/was already starting! Ignoring that attempt."); return; } if (gi.getPort() != -1) { portBookKeeper.releasePort(gi); } IGameRunner gr = gi.getGameRunner(); if (gr != null) {"For Cancel: game " + gameId + " has already GameRunner, not touching it."); } else {"For Cancel: no GameRunner for GameInfo with gameId " + gameId); } Collection<User> users = userDB.getLoggedInUsers(); for (User u : users) { IWebClient client = u.getWebserverClient(); if (client != null) { client.gameCancelled(gameId, byUser); } } allGames.remove(gi.getGameId()); proposedGames.remove(gi); proposedGamesListModified = true; updateGUI(); } public void startGame(String gameId, User byUser) { GameInfo gi = findByGameId(gameId); if (gi != null) { synchronized (gi) { attemptStartOnServer(gi, byUser); } } else { LOGGER.warning("Did not find a GameInfo for gameId " + gameId + " to start it on the server!"); } } public void resumeGame(String gameId, String loadGame, User byUser) {"User " + byUser.getName() + " wants to resume game " + gameId + ", from file " + loadGame); GameInfo gi = findFromSuspendedGames(gameId); if (gi != null) { gi.setResumeFromFilename(loadGame); synchronized (gi) { attemptStartOnServer(gi, byUser); } } else { LOGGER.warning("Did not find a GameInfo for gameId " + gameId + " to resume it on the server!"); } } public void deleteSuspendedGame(String gameId, User user) {"User " + user.getName() + " wants to delete suspended game " + gameId); GameInfo gi = findFromSuspendedGames(gameId); { if (gi != null) { gi.setState(GameState.DELETED); allGames.remove(gi.getGameId()); proposedGames.remove(gi); suspendedGames.remove(gi); proposedGamesListModified = true; allTellGameInfo(gi); updateGUI(); } } } private void attemptStartOnServer(GameInfo gi, User byUser) { // if (!gi.allEnrolledOnline()) // { // LOGGER.warning("User " + byUser.getName() // + " requested to start game " + gi.getGameId() // + ", but not all enrolled players are online."); // String reason = "Not all enrolled players online!"; // informAllEnrolledThatStartFailed(gi, reason, byUser); //} // else if (!gi.isStartable()) if (!gi.isStartable()) { LOGGER.warning("User " + byUser.getName() + " attempted to start" + " game " + gi.getGameId() + ", but it is already running or" + " start attempt in progress (state=" + gi.getGameState() + ")!"); } else { gi.markStarting(byUser); allTellGameInfo(gi); String reason = startOneGame(gi); proposedGamesListModified = true; if (reason == null) { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "Found gi, got port " + gi.getPort()); } else { LOGGER.warning("starting/running game " + gi.getGameId() + " failed!! Reason: " + reason); informAllEnrolledThatStartFailed(gi, reason, byUser); gi.cancelStarting(); } } } /** * A game was started by a WebClient user locally on his computer * and is ready to accept the other players as remote client; * so we notify them and tell them host and port to where to connect. * * AT THE MOMENT THIS FUNCTIONALITY IS NOT IN USE AT ALL! */ public void startGameOnPlayerHost(String gameId, String hostingPlayer, String playerHost, int port) { GameInfo gi = findByGameId(gameId); if (gi != null) { ArrayList<User> users = gi.getPlayers(); for (User u : users) {"Informing player " + u.getName() + " that game starts at host of hosting player " + hostingPlayer); IWebClient webClient = u.getWebserverClient(); webClient.gameStartsNow(gameId, port, playerHost, INACTIVITY_CHECK_INTERVAL, INACTIVITY_WARNING_INTERVAL, INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT); } } else { LOGGER.warning("Did not find a GameInfo for gameId " + gameId + " to inform the other players to connect to host " + playerHost + " port " + port); } proposedGamesListModified = true; } public void informStartedByPlayer(String gameId) {"Tell enrolled players that game " + gameId + " was started by a player."); GameInfo gi = findByGameId(gameId); if (gi != null) { gameStarted(gi); } else { LOGGER.severe("Got request informGameStarted but did not find " + "any game for gameId " + gameId); } proposedGamesListModified = true; } public void informAllEnrolledAbout(GameInfo gi, String message) { long when = new Date().getTime(); ArrayList<User> users = gi.getPlayers(); for (User u : users) { IWebClient webClient = u.getWebserverClient(); if (webClient == null) { LOGGER.warning("Skip informing player " + u.getName() + " (webclient null) about: " + message); } else { webClient.systemMessage(when, message); } } } public void systemMessageToAll(String message) { long when = new Date().getTime(); Collection<User> users = userDB.getLoggedInUsers(); for (User u : users) { IWebClient client = u.getWebserverClient(); if (client == null) { LOGGER.warning("Skip sending systemMessage to player " + u.getName() + " (webclient null): " + message); } else { client.systemMessage(when, message); } } } public void informAllEnrolledThatStartFailed(GameInfo gi, String reason, User byUser) { ArrayList<User> users = gi.getPlayers(); String message = "Starting game with gameId " + gi.getGameId() + " (initiated by player " + byUser.getName() + ") failed. Reason: " + reason; for (User u : users) { IWebClient webClient = u.getWebserverClient(); if (webClient == null) { LOGGER.warning("Skip informing player " + u.getName() + " (webclient null): " + message); } else if (webClient.getClientVersion() >= WebClient.WC_VERSION_GENERAL_MESSAGE) { LOGGER .info("Informing player " + u.getName() + ": " + message); // for the starting user it's an error, others just info boolean error = u.getName().equals(byUser.getName()); // when == 0: do not show a specific time long when = 0; webClient.deliverGeneralMessage(when, error, "Game start failed!", message); } else { LOGGER.warning("Skip informing player " + u.getName() + " (too old webclient): " + message); } } } public void requestUserAttention(long when, String sender, boolean isAdmin, String recipient, String message, int beepCount, long beepInterval, boolean windows) { IWebClient recipientClient = null; String reasonFail = null; User user = userDB.findUserByName(recipient); if (user != null) { recipientClient = user.getWebserverClient(); if (recipientClient != null) { recipientClient.requestAttention(when, sender, isAdmin, message, beepCount, beepInterval, windows); informPingDone(sender, recipient, message); } else { reasonFail = "User " + recipient + " is not online"; } } else { reasonFail = "Unknown user '" + recipient + "'"; } if (reasonFail != null) { informPingFailed(sender, reasonFail, message); } } private void informPingDone(String sender, String recipient, String message) { if ("SYSTEM".equals(sender)) { return; } User senderUser = userDB.findUserByName(sender); IWebClient senderWebClient = senderUser.getWebserverClient(); String[] lines = new String[] { "You /ping'ed to " + recipient + ": " + message }; ChatChannel gc = getGeneralChat(); if (senderWebClient != null) { gc.sendLinesToClient(gc.getChannelId(), senderWebClient, Arrays.asList(lines), false, ""); } else { LOGGER.warning("requestUserAttention to " + recipient + " done ok, but could not find client for sender " + sender + " to send confirmation message!");"Failed message was: " + message); } } private void informPingFailed(String sender, String reasonFail, String message) { User senderUser = userDB.findUserByName(sender); IWebClient senderWebClient = senderUser.getWebserverClient(); String[] lines = new String[] { "Sorry, your ping request failed, reason: " + reasonFail, "Your text was: " + message }; ChatChannel gc = getGeneralChat(); if (senderWebClient != null) { gc.sendLinesToClient(gc.getChannelId(), senderWebClient, Arrays.asList(lines), true, ""); } else { LOGGER.warning("requestUserAttention failed (" + reasonFail + ") but could not find client" + " to send error message to sender either!"); } } public void informLocallyGameOver(String gameId) {"WebServer informLocallyGameOver id " + gameId); GameInfo gi = findFromRunningGames(gameId); unregisterGamePlayerPC(gi);"WebServer informLocallyGameOver id " + gameId + " ENDS"); } public void updateUserCounts() { int connected = userDB.getLoggedInCount(); allTellUserCounts(); gui.setUserInfo(connected + " users connected."); ArrayList<GameInfo> games = new ArrayList<GameInfo>(allGames.values()); for (GameInfo gi : games) { // returns true if changed if (updateOnline(gi)) { allTellGameInfo(gi); } } } public void allTellUserCounts() { if (userDB.getLoggedInCount() > 0) { int loggedin = userDB.getLoggedInCount(); // the other five are still dummies. int enrolled = userDB.getEnrolledCount(); int playing = userDB.getPlayingCount(); int dead = userDB.getDeadCount(); long ago = 0; StringBuffer text = new StringBuffer(""); Collection<User> users = userDB.getLoggedInUsers(); for (User u : users) { if (text.length() != 0) { text.append(", "); } text.append(u.getName()); } for (User u : users) { IWebClient client = u.getWebserverClient(); if (client != null) { client.userInfo(loggedin, enrolled, playing, dead, ago, text.toString()); } } } } public void chatSubmit(String chatId, String sender, String message) { generalChat.createStoreAndDeliverMessage(sender, message); } public void handlePingQuotedName(String sender, String pingCommand) { long when = new Date().getTime(); boolean isAdmin = userDB.findUserByName(sender).isAdmin(); // /ping " // 01234567 String args = pingCommand.substring(7); // split at the closing quote, eat up trailing spaces in name and // leading spaces of the message String[] tokens = args.split(" *\" *", 2); if (tokens.length != 2) { LOGGER.warning("invalid pingCommand with quotes '" + pingCommand + "' from user " + sender + "!"); String reasonFail = "Invalid /ping syntax. Use: /ping \"RECIPIENT NAME\" [optionally some message]"; informPingFailed(sender, reasonFail, pingCommand); } else { String recipient = tokens[0]; String message = "<no message specified by sender>"; String msg = tokens[1]; if (msg != null && !msg.matches(" *")) { message = msg; } requestUserAttention(when, sender, isAdmin, recipient, message, 3, 500, true); } } public void handlePing(String sender, String pingCommand) { long when = new Date().getTime(); boolean isAdmin = userDB.findUserByName(sender).isAdmin(); String[] tokens = pingCommand.split(" +", 3); if (tokens.length < 2) { // Just /ping : inform about the usage: String reasonFail = "Invalid /ping syntax. Use: /ping RECIPIENT [optionally some message]"; informPingFailed(sender, reasonFail, pingCommand); } else { String recipient = tokens[1]; String message = "<no message specified by sender>"; if (tokens.length >= 3) { message = tokens[2]; } requestUserAttention(when, sender, isAdmin, recipient, message, 3, 500, true); } } public void tellLastChatMessagesToOne(WebServerClient client, String chatId) { if (!chatId.equals(IWebServer.generalChatName)) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "tellLastChatMessagesToOne: " + "illegal chat id " + chatId + " - doing nothing"); return; } generalChat.tellLastMessagesToOne(client); } public void sendMessageOfTheDayToOne(WebServerClient client, String chatId) { if (!chatId.equals(IWebServer.generalChatName)) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "sendMessageOfTheDayToOne: " + "illegal chat id " + chatId + " - doing nothing"); return; } generalChat.deliverMessageOfTheDayToClient(chatId, client, loginMessage); } public void sendOldVersionWarningToOne(WebServerClient client, String userName, String chatId) { if (!chatId.equals(IWebServer.generalChatName)) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "sendMessageOfTheDayToOne: " + "illegal chat id " + chatId + " - doing nothing"); return; } generalChat.deliverOldVersionWarning(chatId, userName, client); } private void readLoginMessageFromFile(String filename) { try { File loginMessageFile = new File(filename); if (!loginMessageFile.exists()) { return; } else {"Reading login message from file " + filename); } ArrayList<String> temp = new ArrayList<String>(); BufferedReader loginMessagesReader = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(loginMessageFile), WebServerConstants.charset)); String line = null; while ((line = loginMessagesReader.readLine()) != null) { temp.add(line); } loginMessagesReader.close(); loginMessage.clear(); loginMessage.addAll(temp);"Read " + loginMessage.size() + " lines from file " + filename); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Login message file " + filename + " not found!", e); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "IOException while reading login message file " + filename + "!", e); } } public void logout() { // Handled by WebServerSocketClientThread main loop; // only listed here to satisfy the interface. } public void messageToAdmin(long when, String fromUser, String fromMail, List<String> message) { generalChat.writeMessageToAdminToChatlog(when, fromUser, fromMail, message); mailObject.sendMessageToAdminMail(when, fromUser, fromMail, message); } public String registerUser(String username, String password, String email) { String reason = userDB.registerUser(username, password, email, mailObject); return reason; } public String confirmRegistration(String username, String confirmationCode) { String reason = userDB.confirmRegistration(username, confirmationCode); return reason; } public String changeProperties(String username, String oldPW, String newPW, String email, Boolean isAdminObj) { String reason = userDB.changeProperties(username, oldPW, newPW, email, isAdminObj); return reason; } // =========== internal workers ============ /** * When a user logged in or out, this is called for every GameInfo to update * how many of the enrolled players are currently online. * @param userDB TODO * * @return true if the count of online users was changed i.e. GameInfo * needs to be updated to all clients */ boolean updateOnline(GameInfo gi) { int found = 0; for (User u : gi.getPlayers()) { if (userDB.isUserOnline(u)) { found++; } } // TODO in reEnrollIfNecessary case this is now wrong?? // perhaps because in the moment of update user is just not online... return gi.updateOnlineCount(found); } private int countProposedGames(boolean shallBeScheduled) { int count = 0; for (GameInfo gi : proposedGames) { if (gi.isScheduledGame() == shallBeScheduled) { count++; } } return count; } private GameInfo findByGameId(String gameId) { return allGames.get(gameId); } private GameInfo findFromRunningGames(String gameId) { GameInfo foundGi = null; for (GameInfo gi : runningGames) { if (gi.getGameId().equals(gameId)) { foundGi = gi; break; } } return foundGi; } private GameInfo findFromSuspendedGames(String gameId) { GameInfo foundGi = null; for (GameInfo gi : suspendedGames) { if (gi.getGameId().equals(gameId)) { foundGi = gi; break; } } return foundGi; } private IGameRunner getGameOnServer(GameInfo gi) { assert gi != null : "Cannot find GameOnServer for GameInfo that is null!"; IGameRunner gr = gi.getGameRunner(); if (gr == null) { LOGGER.severe("GameInfo with GameId " + gi.getGameId() + " returned null as GameRunner"); } return gr; } private String startOneGame(GameInfo gi) { // Reason for failure String reason = null; RunGameInOwnJVM gr = new RunGameInOwnJVM(this, options, gi); boolean ok = gr.makeRunningGame(); if (!ok) { reason = gr.getReasonStartFailed(); return reason; } else { gr.tryToStart(); LOGGER.fine("Returned from starter for game " + gi.getGameId()); updateGUI(); } LOGGER.fine("Successfully started game " + gi.getGameId() + " on port " + gi.getPort()); // failureReason == null means success return reason; } /** * unregister a game from runningGames (or proposedGames), * and keep in endingGames until it's reaped */ public void unregisterGame(GameInfo gi, int port) { synchronized (allGames) { LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "unregister: trying to remove..."); if (runningGames.contains(gi)) { LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "Removing game " + gi.getGameId() + " from running games list"); runningGames.remove(gi); if (gi.getGameState().equals(GameState.SUSPENDED)) { synchronized (suspendedGames) { LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "Adding game " + gi.getGameId() + " to suspended games list"); suspendedGames.add(gi); } } else { gi.setState(GameState.ENDING); } } else if (suspendedGames.contains(gi)) { LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "Reaper: first removing game " + gi.getGameId() + " from suspended list"); suspendedGames.remove(gi); if (gi.getGameState().equals(GameState.SUSPENDED)) { LOGGER .log(Level.FINEST, "When reaping, still/again suspended; adding game " + gi.getGameId() + " back to suspended games list"); suspendedGames.add(gi); } else { gi.setState(GameState.ENDING); } } // If game starting did not succeed might still be in proposed list else if (proposedGames.contains(gi)) { LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "Removing game " + gi.getGameId() + " from proposed games list"); proposedGames.remove(gi); proposedGamesListModified = true; } else { LOGGER.warning("Neither proposed, running nor suspended games" + " list contains game " + gi.getGameId()); } } synchronized (endingGames) { LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "Putting game " + gi.getGameId() + " to ending games list"); endingGames.add(gi); } proposedGamesListModified = true; saveGamesIfNeeded(); allTellGameInfo(gi); boolean suspended = gi.getGameState().equals(GameState.SUSPENDED); GameThreadReaper r = new GameThreadReaper(); r.start(); LOGGER.finest("GameThreadReaper started for" + (suspended ? " suspended" : " ending ") + " game " + gi.getGameId()); updateGUI(); } /** * unregister a game (run on player's PC) from runningGames, * keep in endingGames until it's reaped */ public void unregisterGamePlayerPC(GameInfo gi) { if (gi == null) { LOGGER .warning("unregisterGamePlayerPC called with a null GameInfo object?"); return; } synchronized (runningGames) { LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "trying to remove..."); if (runningGames.contains(gi)) { LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "removing..."); runningGames.remove(gi); } // TODO: also add the "if start failed check proposed games list, too" here? else { LOGGER.warning("runningGames does not contain game " + gi.getGameId()); } } gi.setState(GameState.ENDING); allTellGameInfo(gi); updateGUI(); } private void readGamesFromFile(String filename) { int maximumFileId = getMaximumGameIdFromFiles(); GameInfo.setNextFreeGameId(maximumFileId + 1); try { File gamesFile = new File(filename); if (!gamesFile.exists()) { LOGGER.warning("Games file " + filename + " does not exist yet. I'll create an empty one now."); gamesFile.createNewFile(); } else {"Reading games from file " + filename); } BufferedReader games = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( new FileInputStream(gamesFile), WebServerConstants.charset)); String line = null; while ((line = games.readLine()) != null) { if (line.startsWith("#")) { // ignore comment line } else if (line.matches("\\s*")) { // ignore empty line } else { // GameInfo.fromString expects the token[0] // to be the command name: String lineWithCmd = "Dummy" + sep + line; String[] tokens = lineWithCmd.split(sep); GameInfo gi = GameInfo.fromString(tokens, allGames, true); if (gi.getGameState().equals(GameState.PROPOSED)) { proposedGames.add(gi); } else if (gi.getGameState().equals(GameState.SUSPENDED)) { suspendedGames.add(gi); } else { LOGGER.warning("restored game " + gi.getGameId() + " is " + gi.getGameState() + ", should be proposed or suspended?"); } } } games.close();"Restored " + allGames.size() + " games from file " + filename); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Games file " + filename + " not found!", e); System.exit(1); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "IOException while reading games file " + filename + "!", e); System.exit(1); } proposedGamesListModified = false; } public void saveGamesIfNeeded() { if (proposedGamesListModified) { storeGamesToFile(proposedGamesFilename); } } private void storeGamesToFile(String filename) { if (filename == null) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "filename must not be null, but it is!"); throw new RuntimeException("gameFile filename is null!"); } PrintWriter out = null; try { out = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream( filename), WebServerConstants.charset)); ArrayList<GameInfo> games = new ArrayList<GameInfo>( allGames.values()); for (GameInfo gi : games) { if (gi.relevantForSaving()) { String asString = gi.toString(sep); out.println(asString); } } out.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Writing games file " + filename + "failed: FileNotFoundException: ", e); throw new RuntimeException("FileNotFound exception while " + "creating/closing scheduled-Games file!"); } proposedGamesListModified = false; } /** * A Null Object for the web server GUI interface. * * Avoids having to check for null everywhere. */ private static final class NullWebServerGUI implements IWebServerGUI { public void setScheduledGamesInfo(String s) { // nothing } public void setEndingGamesInfo(String s) { // nothing } public void setSuspendedGamesInfo(String s) { // nothing } public void setUsedPortsInfo(String s) { // nothing } public void setInstantGamesInfo(String s) { // nothing } public void setRunningGamesInfo(String s) { // nothing } public void setUserInfo(String s) { // nothing } public void shutdown() { // nothing } } public String getStringOption(String key) { return this.options.getStringOption(key); } /** * Check whether any game executed in an own process has been * finished. * */ class GameThreadReaper extends Thread { public GameThreadReaper() { // nothing to do } @Override public void run() { boolean didSomething = false; LOGGER.finest("GameThreadReaper started running."); synchronized (endingGames) { didSomething = handleGamesFromList(endingGames, "ending games"); } if (didSomething) { updateGUI(); } LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "GameThreadReaper run() ends"); } } private boolean handleGamesFromList(List<GameInfo> list, String listName) { boolean didSomething = false; if (!list.isEmpty()) { LOGGER.finest("There are " + list.size() + " games in " + listName + " list."); didSomething = true; Iterator<GameInfo> it = list.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { GameInfo gi =; IGameRunner gos = getGameOnServer(gi); if (gos == null) { LOGGER.warning("No GameRunner found for GameInfo" + " with id " + gi.getGameId() + " to reap it's process."); } else if (gos instanceof RunGameInOwnJVM) { String name = ((RunGameInOwnJVM)gos).getName(); LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "REAPER: wait for '" + name + "' to end..."); try { ((RunGameInOwnJVM)gos).join(); LOGGER.log( Level.FINE, " ok, ended... releasing port " + gi.getPort()); portBookKeeper.releasePort(gi); } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Ups??? Caught exception ", e); } } else { LOGGER.warning("GameThreadReaper can handle only " + "GameRunners of type RunGameInOwnJVM, " + "but we got something else!"); } if (!gi.getGameState().equals(GameState.SUSPENDED)) { LOGGER.finest("Removing ending game " + gi.getGameId() + " from allGames."); allGames.remove(gi.getGameId()); } else { LOGGER.finest("NOT removing suspended game " + gi.getGameId() + " from allGames."); } it.remove(); } LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Reaper loop for " + listName + "list ended"); } else { LOGGER.finest("List for " + listName + " is empty, nothing to do"); // nothing to do } return didSomething; } /** * Searches the game directory tree for highest game number for which * a game directory had been earlier created. * Tree is expected to have groups per each 100 games; example: * * base * base/nn00-nn99 * base/nn00-nn99/nn00 * base/nn00-nn99/nn04 * base/nn00-nn99/nn98 * base/mm00-mm99/mm12 * base/mm00-mm99/mm87 * * Eventually, when we reach gameId 10000+, groupdirs will have the form * base/kkk00-kkk99 * base/kkk00-kkk99/kkk02 * base/kkk00-kkk99/kkk87 * * Example, if last created game dir was 6789 ( "base/6700-6799/6789" ), * this returns 6789. * * @return The highest game number for which a directory already exists, * (otherwise 0 if therre is no dir at all) */ private int getMaximumGameIdFromFiles() { // Server will create next as maxId + 1 int maxId = 0; String workFilesBaseDir = options .getStringOption(WebServerConstants.optWorkFilesBaseDir); File baseDir = new File(workFilesBaseDir); if (baseDir.isDirectory()) { String maxGroup = null; int maxNumber = -1; Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(\\d+)-\\d+"); String[] dirNames = baseDir.list(); if (dirNames != null && dirNames.length > 0) { for (int grp = 0; grp < dirNames.length; grp++) { String dirName = dirNames[grp]; Matcher m = p.matcher(dirName); if (m.matches()) { String firstNumber =; int number = Integer.parseInt(firstNumber); if (number > maxNumber) { maxNumber = number; maxGroup = dirName; } } } if (maxGroup != null) { File groupDir = new File(baseDir, maxGroup); if (groupDir.isDirectory()) { String[] names = groupDir.list(); for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { String name = names[i]; try { int number = Integer.parseInt(name); if (number > maxId) { maxId = number; } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // Ignore non-number filenames } } } else { LOGGER.severe("Group '" + groupDir + "' is not a directory?!?"); } } } } return maxId; } }