package net.sf.colossus.gui; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Container; import java.awt.Cursor; import java.awt.GraphicsDevice; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.Window; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JTextArea; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import javax.swing.Timer; import javax.swing.UIManager; import javax.swing.UIManager.LookAndFeelInfo; import javax.swing.undo.UndoManager; import net.sf.colossus.client.Client; import net.sf.colossus.client.GameClientSide; import net.sf.colossus.client.IClientGUI; import net.sf.colossus.client.IOracle; import net.sf.colossus.client.InactivityWatchdog; import net.sf.colossus.client.LegionClientSide; import net.sf.colossus.common.Constants; import net.sf.colossus.common.IOptions; import net.sf.colossus.common.Options; import net.sf.colossus.common.WhatNextManager; import net.sf.colossus.common.WhatNextManager.WhatToDoNext; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import net.sf.colossus.guiutil.KDialog; import net.sf.colossus.util.CollectionHelper; import net.sf.colossus.util.Predicate; import net.sf.colossus.variant.BattleHex; import net.sf.colossus.variant.CreatureType; import net.sf.colossus.variant.MasterHex; import net.sf.colossus.variant.Variant; import net.sf.colossus.webclient.WebClient; @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class ClientGUI implements IClientGUI, GUICallbacks { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(ClientGUI.class .getName()); private final boolean LOG_CG = false; /* This is a number of seconds to wait for connection check * confirmation message before assuming connection is broken and * displaying a message telling so. */ private final static int CONN_CHECK_TIMEOUT = 5; private final static String IA_CLOSE_BUTTON_TEXT = "Close"; private final Object connectionCheckMutex = new Object(); private Timer connectionCheckTimer; private long lastConnectionCheckPackageSent = -1; // TODO the naming of these classes is confusing, they should be clearly named // as dialogs private MasterBoard board; private StatusScreen statusScreen; private CreatureCollectionView caretakerDisplay; private MovementDie movementDie; private EngagementResults engagementResults; private AutoInspector autoInspector; private EventViewer eventViewer; private PreferencesWindow preferencesWindow; private LogWindow logWindow; private ConnectionLogWindow connectionLogWindow; private PickCarry pickCarryDialog = null; // For negotiation. (And AI battle.) private Negotiate negotiate; private ReplyToProposal replyToProposal; private BattleBoard battleBoard; private WebClient webClient = null; private boolean startedByWebClient = false; private String gameId = null; // for the case if we have to restore the webclient private String wcUsername = null; private String wcPassword = null; /** * The object which handles what to do next when a game is going to end */ private final WhatNextManager whatNextManager; /** * Stack of legion marker ID's, to allow multiple levels of undo for * splits, moves, and recruits. * (for battle actions, the Strings are not actually marker ID's, * it's battle hex ID's there instead). * * TODO it would probably be good to have a full Command pattern here, similar * to Swing's {@link UndoManager} stuff. In the GUI client we could/should * probably just use that. A list of objects (which are mostly the string * identifiers of something) isn't that safe. */ private final LinkedList<Object> undoStack = new LinkedList<Object>(); private final LinkedList<PendingMove> pendingMoves = new LinkedList<PendingMove>(); private final Set<MasterHex> pendingMoveHexes = new HashSet<MasterHex>(); private boolean recoveredFromMoveNak = false; private final List<GUIBattleChit> battleChits = new ArrayList<GUIBattleChit>(); /** Information on the current moving legion. */ private Legion mover; /** the parent frame for secondary windows */ private JFrame secondaryParent = null; private int replayLastTurn = -1; private int replayMaxTurn = 0; // TODO change to enums... private int viewMode; private int recruitChitMode; private int legionMoveConfirmationMode; private int nextSplitClickMode; private boolean gameOverMessageAlreadyShown = false; protected final Client client; private InactivityWatchdog watchdog = null; private int inactivityWarningInterval = -1; // for things other GUI components need to inquire, // use the Oracle (on the long run, I guess there will be the // GameClientSide class behind it...) protected final IOracle oracle; // Per-client and per-player options. private final Options options; public ClientGUI(Client client, Options options, WhatNextManager whatNextMgr) { this.client = client; = client; this.options = options; this.whatNextManager = whatNextMgr; } public void setStartedByWebClient(boolean byWebClient) { this.startedByWebClient = byWebClient; } public boolean getStartedByWebClient() { return this.startedByWebClient; } public void setWebClient(WebClient wc, int inactivityWarningInterval, String gameId, String username, String password) { this.webClient = wc; this.inactivityWarningInterval = inactivityWarningInterval; this.gameId = gameId; this.wcUsername = username; this.wcPassword = password; } public String getGameId() { return this.gameId; } public void clearWebClient() { this.webClient = null; } public void setClientInWebClientNull() { if (webClient != null) { webClient.setGameClient(null); webClient = null; } } // TODO still needed? public MasterBoard getBoard() { return board; } public boolean hasBoard() { return board != null; } public Client getClient() { return client; } public IOracle getOracle() { return client; } public Game getGame() { return client.getGame(); } public GameClientSide getGameClientSide() { return (GameClientSide)client.getGame(); } public IOptions getOptions() { return options; } boolean isReplayOngoing() { return getClient().isReplayOngoing(); } boolean isRedoOngoing() { return getClient().isRedoOngoing(); } /* * If webclient is just hidden, bring it back; * if it had been used, ask whether to restore; * Otherwise just do nothing */ public void handleWebClientRestore() { if (this.webClient != null) { // was only Hidden, so bring it up without asking this.webClient.setVisible(true); } else { // webclient never used (local game), or explicitly closed // - don't bother user with it // If he now said quit -- he probably wants quit. // if he now used close or new game, he can get to web client // from GetPlayers dialog. } } public void showWebClient() { if (this.webClient == null) { this.webClient = new WebClient(whatNextManager, null, -1, this.wcUsername, this.wcPassword); this.webClient.setGameClient(client); } else { this.webClient.setVisible(true); this.webClient.toFront(); } } public void logPerhaps(String message) { if (LOG_CG) { LOGGER.fine("CG: " + message); } } public void initBoard() { logPerhaps("initBoard()"); String viewModeName = options.getStringOption(Options.viewMode); viewMode = options.getNumberForViewMode(viewModeName); String rcMode = options .getStringOption(Options.showRecruitChitsSubmenu); // TODO this can probably be dropped by now. if (rcMode == null || rcMode.equals("")) { // not set: convert from old "showAllRecruitChits" option boolean showAll = options.getOption(Options.showAllRecruitChits); if (showAll) { rcMode = Options.showRecruitChitsAll; } else { rcMode = Options.showRecruitChitsStrongest; } // initialize new option options.setOption(Options.showRecruitChitsSubmenu, rcMode); // clean up obsolete option from cfg file options.removeOption(Options.showAllRecruitChits); } recruitChitMode = options.getNumberForRecruitChitSelection(rcMode); String mcMode = options .getStringOption(Options.legionMoveConfirmationSubMenu); if (mcMode == null || mcMode.equals("")) { mcMode = Options.legionMoveConfirmationNoUnvisitedMove; // initialize new option options.setOption(Options.legionMoveConfirmationSubMenu, mcMode); // clean up obsolete option from cfg file options.removeOption(Options.confirmNoMove); } legionMoveConfirmationMode = options .getNumberForLegionMoveConfirmation(mcMode); String nextSplitMode = options .getStringOption(Options.nextSplitSubMenu); if (nextSplitMode == null || nextSplitMode.equals("")) { nextSplitMode = Options.nextSplitLeftClick; // initialize new option options.setOption(Options.nextSplitSubMenu, nextSplitMode); // clean up obsolete option from cfg file } nextSplitClickMode = options.getNumberForNextSplit(nextSplitMode); ensureEdtSetupClientGUI(); if (startedByWebClient) { if (webClient != null) { webClient.notifyComingUp(true); } } } public void actOnGameStartingFailed() { logPerhaps("actOnGameStartingFailed()"); if (webClient != null) { webClient.notifyComingUp(false); } } /** * Ensure that setupClientGUI() is run inside the EDT */ private void ensureEdtSetupClientGUI() { logPerhaps("ensureEdtSetupClientGUI()"); if (SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()) { setupClientGUI(); } else { try { SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { public void run() { setupClientGUI(); } }); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to run setupClientGUI with invokeAndWait(): ", e); } catch (InterruptedException e2) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to run setupClientGUI with invokeAndWait(): ", e2); } } } /** * Called via ensureEdtSetupClientGUI() when server sends all clients * the initBoard command. */ public void setupClientGUI() { logPerhaps("setupClientGUI()"); /* disposeEventViewer(); disposePreferencesWindow(); disposeEngagementResults(); disposeInspector(); disposeCaretakerDisplay(); disposeLogWindow(); disposeMasterBoard(); */ int scale = options.getIntOption(Options.scale); if (scale == -1) { scale = 15; options.setOption(Options.scale, scale); options.saveOptions(); } Scale.set(scale); board = new MasterBoard(client, this); if (options.getOption(Options.inactivityTimeout)) { inactivityWarningInterval = InactivityWatchdog.DEFAULT_INTERVAL; } // TODO: remove this when debug/development phase is over if (getOwningPlayer().getName().equals("localwatchdogtest")) { this.inactivityWarningInterval = InactivityWatchdog.DEBUG_INTERVAL; } // by default (local game) those inactivity values are all -1, // they get a value only from webclient; see setWebClient(...) if (client.needsWatchdog() && this.inactivityWarningInterval > 0) { LOGGER.fine("Creating an inactivityWatchdog with interval " + this.inactivityWarningInterval + " for player " + getOwningPlayerName()); watchdog = new InactivityWatchdog(client, this.inactivityWarningInterval); watchdog.start(); } else { LOGGER .fine("No watchdog; interval = " + inactivityWarningInterval); } initEventViewer(); initShowEngagementResults(); initPreferencesWindow(); showOrHideAutoInspector(options.getOption(Options.showAutoInspector)); logWindow = new LogWindow(options, Logger.getLogger(""), options.getOption(Options.showLogWindow)); // showOrHideLogWindow(options.getOption(Options.showLogWindow)); showOrHideConnectionLogWindow(options .getOption(Options.showConnectionLogWindow)); showOrHideCaretaker(options.getOption(Options.showCaretaker)); setupGUIOptionListeners(); syncCheckboxes(); board.maybeRequestFocusAndToFront(); } public void setChosenDevice(GraphicsDevice chosen) { logPerhaps("setChosenDevice(GraphicsDevice chosen)"); if (chosen != null) { secondaryParent = new JFrame(chosen.getDefaultConfiguration()); disposeStatusScreen(); updateStatusScreen(); disposeCaretakerDisplay(); boolean bval = options.getOption(Options.showCaretaker); showOrHideCaretaker(bval); } } private boolean ensureEdtNewBattleBoard() { logPerhaps("ensureEdtNewBattleBoard()"); if (SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()) { battleBoard = doNewBattleBoard(); } else { // @TODO: use invokeLater() instead of invokeAndWait() ? // // Right now I don't dare to use invokeLater() - this way here // it preserves the execution order as it was without EDT, // but GUI stuff is one in EDT so we are safe from exceptions. Exception e = null; try { SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { public void run() { battleBoard = doNewBattleBoard(); } }); } /* catch (InvocationTargetException e1) { e = e1; } catch (InterruptedException e2) { e = e2; } */ catch (Exception e3) { client.logMsgToServer("E", "invokeAndWait caused unexpected exception " + e3.getClass().toString()); e = e3; } if (e != null) { String errorMessage = "Caught exception for doNewBattleBoard in " + "invokeAndWait(): "; client.logMsgToServer("E", errorMessage); LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, errorMessage, e); } } return battleBoard != null ? true : false; } public void actOnInitBattle() { logPerhaps("actOnInitBattle()"); if (ensureEdtNewBattleBoard()) { client.logMsgToServer("I", "Creating BattleBoard completed."); } else { if (ensureEdtNewBattleBoard()) { client.logMsgToServer("W", "Creating BattleBoard completed on 2nd attempt."); } else { client.logMsgToServer("E", "Creating BattleBoard failed also in 2nd attempt."); JOptionPane .showMessageDialog( board, "" + "Creating the BattleBoard failed 2 times, I am giving up! Please inform admin about this." + "\n\n" + "The application will probably not recover from this situation; try a suspend and resume,\n" + "but it would be best if you totally restart Colossus in between that.", "Bringing up BattleBoard failed!", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } } } private BattleBoard doNewBattleBoard() { logPerhaps("doNewBattleBoard()"); if (battleBoard != null) { LOGGER.warning("Old BattleBoard still in place? Disposing it."); battleBoard.dispose(); battleBoard = null; } try { battleBoard = new BattleBoard(this, getGame().getEngagement()); return battleBoard; } catch (Throwable e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Caught throwable " + e.getClass().toString(), e); return null; } } private KDialog lastDialog = null; private void disposeLastInactivityDialog() { if (lastDialog != null) { lastDialog.dispose(); lastDialog = null; } } /* must be called inside EDT */ private void showInactivityDialog(String title, String text, Color color) { getMapOrBoardFrame().requestFocus(); getMapOrBoardFrame().toFront(); lastDialog = new KDialog(getMapOrBoardFrame(), title, true); Container dialogPanel = lastDialog.getContentPane(); dialogPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); dialogPanel.setBackground(Color.yellow); final JTextArea textPanel = new JTextArea(text, 7, 40); textPanel.setEditable(false); textPanel.setBackground(color); dialogPanel.add(textPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); JLabel warningLabel = new JLabel(""); warningLabel.setHorizontalAlignment(JLabel.CENTER); dialogPanel.add(warningLabel, BorderLayout.NORTH); final JButton inactivityOkButton = new JButton( "OK, I continue playing."); inactivityOkButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // All this is relevant only for "AI took over for you" dialog if (inactivityOkButton.getText().equals(IA_CLOSE_BUTTON_TEXT)) { disposeLastInactivityDialog(); } else { boolean canClose = watchdog.userRequestsControlBack(); if (canClose) { disposeLastInactivityDialog(); } else { textPanel.append("\n\nAll right. Please wait..."); inactivityOkButton.setText(IA_CLOSE_BUTTON_TEXT); textPanel.setBackground(Color.gray); } } } }); dialogPanel.add(inactivityOkButton, BorderLayout.SOUTH); lastDialog.pack(); lastDialog.centerOnScreen(); lastDialog.setVisible(true); getMapOrBoardFrame().requestFocus(); getMapOrBoardFrame().toFront(); } public void displayInactivityDialogEnsureEDT(final String title, final String text, final Color color) { if (SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()) { disposeLastInactivityDialog(); showInactivityDialog(title, text, color); } else { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { disposeLastInactivityDialog(); showInactivityDialog(title, text, color); } }); } WhatNextManager.sleepFor(2000); } public void setStrikeNumbers(BattleUnit striker, Set<BattleHex> targetHexes) { logPerhaps("setStrikeNumbers(BattleUnit striker, " + "Set<BattleHex> targetHexes)"); for (BattleHex targetHex : targetHexes) { GUIBattleChit targetChit = getGUIBattleChit(targetHex); BattleUnit target = targetChit.getBattleUnit(); int strikeNr = getGame().getBattleStrike().getStrikeNumber( striker, target); targetChit.setStrikeNumber(strikeNr); } } /** reset all strike numbers on chits */ public void resetStrikeNumbers() { logPerhaps("resetStrikeNumbers()"); for (GUIBattleChit battleChit : getGUIBattleChits()) { battleChit.setStrikeNumber(0); battleChit.setStrikeDice(0); } } // TODO create/dispose status screen only on request, in this call here // only call the update (if it exists) public void updateStatusScreen() { logPerhaps("updateStatusScreen()"); if (client.getNumPlayers() < 1) { // Called too early. return; } if (options.getOption(Options.showStatusScreen)) { if (statusScreen != null) { statusScreen.updateStatusScreen(); } else { statusScreen = new StatusScreen(getPreferredParent(), this, options); } } else { // It seems board might be null in one AI client when reloading // a game and forceViewBoard set.... so, added null check again if (board != null) { board.adjustCheckboxIfNeeded(Options.showStatusScreen, false); if (statusScreen != null) { statusScreen.dispose(); } this.statusScreen = null; } } // XXX Should be called somewhere else, just once. setupPlayerLabel(); } boolean quitAlreadyTried = false; public void menuCloseBoard() { logPerhaps("menuCloseBoard()"); clearUndoStack(); doSetWhatToDoNext(WhatToDoNext.GET_PLAYERS_DIALOG, false); client.disposeClientOriginated(); } public void menuQuitGame() { logPerhaps("menuQuitGame()"); // Note that if this called from webclient, webclient has already // beforehand called client to set webclient to null :) if (webClient != null) { webClient.dispose(); webClient = null; } // as a fallback/safety: if the close/dispose chain does not work, // on 2nd attempt directly do System.exit() so that user can somehow // get rid of the game "cleanly"... if (quitAlreadyTried) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(getMapOrBoardFrame(), "Arggh!! Seems the standard Quit procedure does not work.\n" + "Doing System.exit() now the hard way.", "Proper quitting failed!", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); System.exit(1); } quitAlreadyTried = true; doSetWhatToDoNext(WhatToDoNext.QUIT_ALL, true); client.notifyServer(); } // Used now only by MasterBoard void askNewCloseQuitCancel(JFrame frame, boolean fromBattleBoard) { logPerhaps("askNewCloseQuitCancel(JFrame frame, " + "boolean fromBattleBoard)"); String[] dialogOptions = new String[4]; dialogOptions[0] = "New Game"; dialogOptions[1] = "Quit"; dialogOptions[2] = "Close"; dialogOptions[3] = "Cancel"; int answer = JOptionPane .showOptionDialog( frame, "Choose one of: Play another game, Quit, Close just this board, or Cancel", "Play another game?", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, dialogOptions, dialogOptions[3]); frame = null; if (answer == -1 || answer == 3) { return; } else { if (fromBattleBoard) { client.concede(); return; } } if (answer == 0) { menuNewGame(); } else if (answer == 1) { menuQuitGame(); } else if (answer == 2) { client.disposeClientOriginated(); } } /** When user requests it from File menu, this method here * requests the server to send us a confirmation package, * to confirm that connection is still alive and ok. */ void checkServerConnection() { logPerhaps("checkServerConnection()"); if (client.isSctAlreadyDown()) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(getMapOrBoardFrame(), "No point to send check message - we know already that " + " the socket connection is in 'down' state!", "Useless attempt to check connection", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); return; } Runnable checker = new Runnable() { public void run() { synchronized (connectionCheckMutex) { initiateConnectionCheck(); } } }; new Thread(checker).start(); } private void initiateConnectionCheck() { logPerhaps("initiateConnectionCheck()"); connectionCheckTimer = new Timer(1000 * CONN_CHECK_TIMEOUT, new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { timeoutAbortsConnectionCheck(); } }); lastConnectionCheckPackageSent = new Date().getTime(); connectionCheckTimer.start();"Client for player " + getOwningPlayer().getName() + " checking server connection (sending request)"); client.doCheckServerConnection(); } public void serverConfirmsConnection() { logPerhaps("serverConfirmsConnection()"); synchronized (connectionCheckMutex) {"Client for player " + getOwningPlayer().getName() + " received confirmation that connection is OK."); finishServerConnectionCheck(true); } } public void timeoutAbortsConnectionCheck() { logPerhaps("timeoutAbortsConnectionCheck()"); synchronized (connectionCheckMutex) {"Client for player " + getOwningPlayer().getName() + " - timeout reached, stopping now to wait for the reply."); finishServerConnectionCheck(false); } } /** Cleanup everything related to the serverConnectionCheck timer, * and show a message telling whether it went ok or not. * * Called by either serverConfirmsConnection() or * timeoutAbortsConnectionCheck(), which both synchronize on the * connectionCheckMutex. * */ private void finishServerConnectionCheck(boolean success) { logPerhaps("finishServerConnectionCheck(boolean success)"); if (connectionCheckTimer == null) { // race - the other one came nearly same time, and comes now // after the first one left this synchronize'd method. return; } if (connectionCheckTimer.isRunning()) { connectionCheckTimer.stop(); } connectionCheckTimer = null; if (success) { long responseReceivedTime = new Date().getTime(); long roundTripTime = responseReceivedTime - lastConnectionCheckPackageSent; JOptionPane .showMessageDialog(getMapOrBoardFrame(), "Received confirmation from server after " + roundTripTime + " ms - connection to " + "server is ok!", "Connection check succeeded.", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(getMapOrBoardFrame(), "Did not receive confirmation message from server within " + CONN_CHECK_TIMEOUT + " seconds - connection to " + "server is probably broken, or something hangs.", "Connection check failed!", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } } /** When user requests it from File menu, this method here * requests the server to send requests to all clients, and * returns their responses to us. */ void checkAllConnections() { logPerhaps("checkAllServerConnections()"); if (client.isSctAlreadyDown()) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(getMapOrBoardFrame(), "No point to request 'all connections check' - we know already that " + " the socket connection is in 'down' state!", "Useless attempt to check connection", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); return; } Runnable checker = new Runnable() { public void run() { synchronized (connectionCheckMutex) { initiateAllConnectionsCheck(); } } }; new Thread(checker).start(); } private void initiateAllConnectionsCheck() { logPerhaps("initiateAllConnectionsCheck()"); /* connectionCheckTimer = new Timer(1000 * CONN_CHECK_TIMEOUT, new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { timeoutAbortsConnectionCheck(); } }); lastConnectionCheckPackageSent = new Date().getTime(); connectionCheckTimer.start(); */"Client for player " + getOwningPlayer().getName() + " requesting response from all clients (sending request)"); client.doCheckAllConnections(getOwningPlayerName()); } private void doSetWhatToDoNext(WhatToDoNext whatToDoNext, boolean triggerQuitTimer) { logPerhaps("doSetWhatToDoNext(WhatToDoNext whatToDoNext, " + "boolean triggerQuitTimer)"); whatNextManager.setWhatToDoNext(whatToDoNext, triggerQuitTimer); } private void doSetWhatToDoNext(WhatToDoNext whatToDoNext, String loadFile) { logPerhaps("doSetWhatToDoNext(WhatToDoNext whatToDoNext, " + "String loadFile)"); whatNextManager.setWhatToDoNext(whatToDoNext, loadFile, true); } // Used by File=>Close and Window closing private void setWhatToDoNextForClose() { logPerhaps("setWhatToDoNextForClose()"); if (startedByWebClient) { doSetWhatToDoNext(WhatToDoNext.START_WEB_CLIENT, false); } else if (client.isRemote()) { // Remote clients get back to Network Client dialog doSetWhatToDoNext(WhatToDoNext.NET_CLIENT_DIALOG, false); } else { doSetWhatToDoNext(WhatToDoNext.GET_PLAYERS_DIALOG, false); } } public void menuNewGame() { logPerhaps("menuNewGame()"); if (webClient != null) { webClient.dispose(); webClient = null; } setWhatToDoNextForClose(); client.notifyServer(); } public void menuLoadGame(String filename) { logPerhaps("menuLoadGame(String filename)"); if (webClient != null) { webClient.dispose(); webClient = null; } doSetWhatToDoNext(WhatToDoNext.LOAD_GAME, filename); client.notifyServer(); } void menuSaveGame(String filename) { if (client.isRemote()) { // In practice this should never happen, because in remote // clients the File=>Save menu actions should not be visible // at all. But who knows... JOptionPane .showMessageDialog( getMapOrBoardFrame(), "The variable 'localServer' is null, which means you are " + "playing with a remote client. How on earth did you manage " + "to trigger a File=>Save action?\nAnyway, from a remote " + "client I can't do File=>Save for you...", "Save Game not available on remote client", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } else { client.locallyInitiateSaveGame(filename); } } void menuSuspendGame(boolean save) { client.initiateSuspend(save); } private void setupPlayerLabel() { logPerhaps("setupPlayerLabel()"); if (board != null) { board.setupPlayerLabel(); } } public void highlightEngagements() { logPerhaps("highlightEngagements()"); if (isMyTurn()) { board.maybeRequestFocusAndToFront(); } board.highlightEngagements(); } private JFrame getPreferredParent() { if ((secondaryParent == null) && (board != null)) { return board.getFrame(); } return secondaryParent; } /** * The view mode as set in the game options, without applying * 'locally only own' client option * @return */ public int getRawViewMode() { return viewMode; } /** * The view mode after applying the 'locally only own' setting */ public int getEffectiveViewMode() { if (options.getOption(Options.localOnlyOwn)) { return Options.viewableOwnNum; } return viewMode; } public int getRecruitChitMode() { return recruitChitMode; } public int getLegionMoveConfirmationMode() { return legionMoveConfirmationMode; } public int getNextSplitClickMode() { return nextSplitClickMode; } /* * Trigger side effects after changing an option value. * * TODO now that there are listeners, many of the other classes could listen to the * options relevant to them instead of dispatching it all through the Client class. */ private void setupGUIOptionListeners() { logPerhaps("setupGUIOptionListeners()"); GUIHex.setAntialias(options.getOption(Options.antialias)); options.addListener(Options.antialias, new IOptions.Listener() { @Override public void booleanOptionChanged(String optname, boolean oldValue, boolean newValue) { GUIHex.setAntialias(newValue); options.setOption(Options.antialias, newValue); repaintAllWindows(); } }); GUIHex.setOverlay(options.getOption(Options.useOverlay)); options.addListener(Options.useOverlay, new IOptions.Listener() { @Override public void booleanOptionChanged(String optname, boolean oldValue, boolean newValue) { GUIHex.setOverlay(newValue); options.setOption(Options.useOverlay, newValue); if (board != null) { board.repaintAfterOverlayChanged(); } } }); options.addListener(Options.showRecruitChitsSubmenu, new IOptions.Listener() { @Override public void stringOptionChanged(String optname, String oldValue, String newValue) { recruitChitMode = options .getNumberForRecruitChitSelection(newValue); } }); options.addListener(Options.legionMoveConfirmationSubMenu, new IOptions.Listener() { @Override public void stringOptionChanged(String optname, String oldValue, String newValue) { legionMoveConfirmationMode = options .getNumberForLegionMoveConfirmation(newValue); } }); options.addListener(Options.nextSplitSubMenu, new IOptions.Listener() { @Override public void stringOptionChanged(String optname, String oldValue, String newValue) { nextSplitClickMode = options.getNumberForNextSplit(newValue); } }); CreatureType.setNoBaseColor(options.getOption(Options.noBaseColor)); options.addListener(Options.noBaseColor, new IOptions.Listener() { @Override public void booleanOptionChanged(String optname, boolean oldValue, boolean newValue) { CreatureType.setNoBaseColor(newValue); options.setOption(Options.noBaseColor, newValue); net.sf.colossus.util.StaticResourceLoader.purgeImageCache(); repaintAllWindows(); } }); GUIBattleChit.setUseColoredBorders(options .getOption(Options.useColoredBorders)); options.addListener(Options.useColoredBorders, new IOptions.Listener() { @Override public void booleanOptionChanged(String optname, boolean oldValue, boolean newValue) { GUIBattleChit.setUseColoredBorders(newValue); options.setOption(Options.useColoredBorders, newValue); repaintAllWindows(); } }); options.addListener(Options.showCaretaker, new IOptions.Listener() { @Override public void booleanOptionChanged(String optname, boolean oldValue, boolean newValue) { showOrHideCaretaker(newValue); syncCheckboxes(); } }); options.addListener(Options.showLogWindow, new IOptions.Listener() { @Override public void booleanOptionChanged(String optname, boolean oldValue, boolean newValue) { showOrHideLogWindow(newValue); syncCheckboxes(); } }); options.addListener(Options.showConnectionLogWindow, new IOptions.Listener() { @Override public void booleanOptionChanged(String optname, boolean oldValue, boolean newValue) { showOrHideConnectionLogWindow(newValue); syncCheckboxes(); } }); options.addListener(Options.showStatusScreen, new IOptions.Listener() { @Override public void booleanOptionChanged(String optname, boolean oldValue, boolean newValue) { updateStatusScreen(); } }); options.addListener(Options.showAutoInspector, new IOptions.Listener() { @Override public void booleanOptionChanged(String optname, boolean oldValue, boolean newValue) { showOrHideAutoInspector(newValue); syncCheckboxes(); } }); options.addListener(Options.showEventViewer, new IOptions.Listener() { @Override public void booleanOptionChanged(String optname, boolean oldValue, boolean newValue) { eventViewerSetVisibleMaybe(); syncCheckboxes(); } }); options.addListener(Options.viewMode, new IOptions.Listener() { @Override public void stringOptionChanged(String optname, String oldValue, String newValue) { viewMode = options.getNumberForViewMode(newValue); } }); options.addListener(Options.dubiousAsBlanks, new IOptions.Listener() { @Override public void booleanOptionChanged(String optname, boolean oldValue, boolean newValue) { autoInspectorSetDubiousAsBlanks(newValue); } }); options.addListener(Options.showEngagementResults, new IOptions.Listener() { @Override public void booleanOptionChanged(String optname, boolean oldValue, boolean newValue) { engagementResultsMaybeShow(); } }); options.addListener(Options.favoriteLookFeel, new IOptions.Listener() { @Override public void stringOptionChanged(String optname, String oldValue, String newValue) { setLookAndFeel(newValue); } }); options.addListener(Options.scale, new IOptions.Listener() { // TODO check if we could use the intOptionChanged callback here @Override public void stringOptionChanged(String optname, String oldValue, String newValue) { int scale = Integer.parseInt(newValue); if (scale > 0) { Scale.set(scale); rescaleAllWindows(); } } }); } /* Create the event viewer, so that it can collect data from beginning on. * EventViewer shows itself depending on whether the option for it is set. */ private void initEventViewer() { logPerhaps("initEventViewer()"); if (eventViewer == null) { JFrame parent = getPreferredParent(); eventViewer = new EventViewer(parent, options, client); } } public void eventViewerSetVisibleMaybe() { logPerhaps("eventViewerSetVisibleMaybe()"); // if null: no board (not yet, or not at all) => no eventviewer if (eventViewer != null) { // Eventviewer takes care of showing/hiding itself eventViewer.setVisibleMaybe(); } } public void autoInspectorSetDubiousAsBlanks(boolean newValue) { logPerhaps("autoInspectorSetDubiousAsBlanks(boolean newValue)"); if (autoInspector != null) { autoInspector.setDubiousAsBlanks(newValue); } } public void engagementResultsMaybeShow() { logPerhaps("engagementResultsMaybeShow()"); // maybeShow decides by itself based on the current value // of the option whether to hide or show. // null if called too early by optionListener when loading options // TODO try change order: first create, then listeners/load options? if (engagementResults != null) { engagementResults.maybeShow(); } } public void actOnTellLegionLocation(Legion legion, MasterHex hex) { LOGGER .fine("CG: actOnTellLegionLocation(Legion legion, MasterHex hex)"); // @TODO: this creates it every time, not only when necessary ? Marker marker = new Marker(legion, 3 * Scale.get(), legion.getLongMarkerId(), client, (client != null)); setMarker(legion, marker); if (!isReplayOngoing()) { board.alignLegions(hex); } } /** Add the marker to the end of the list and to the LegionInfo. If it's already in the list, remove the earlier entry. */ void setMarker(Legion legion, Marker marker) { board.setMarkerForLegion(legion, marker); } /** * EventViewer, Turn change actions, clear recruited chits, * push to undo stack, reset to default cursor if no splits pending * * Update marker count text, align and highlight legions, * and for first turn now enable done * (for all others it was enabled at begin of the phase) */ /** * EventViewer, Turn change actions, clear recruited chits, * push to undo stack, reset to default cursor if no splits pending * * Update marker count text, align and highlight legions, * and for first turn now enable done * (for all others it was enabled at begin of the phase) */ public void actOnDidSplit(int turn, Legion parent, Legion child, MasterHex hex) { LOGGER .fine("CG: actOnDidSplit(int turn, Legion parent, Legion child,"); // TODO move if block to eventviewer itself? // Not during replay, but during redo: if (!isReplayOngoing() || isRedoOngoing()) { eventViewerNewSplitEvent(turn, parent, child); } Marker marker = new Marker(child, 3 * Scale.get(), child.getLongMarkerId(), client, (client != null)); setMarker(child, marker); if (isReplayOngoing()) { replayTurnChange(turn); } if (isMyTurn()) { board.clearRecruitedChits(); board.clearPossibleRecruitChits(); pushUndoStack(child.getMarkerId()); if (client.getTurnNumber() == 1) { board.enableDoneAction(); } // After doing a split, refresh the number of markers available board.setMarkerCount(client.getOwningPlayer() .getMarkersAvailable().size()); updatePendingSplitsText(); if (client.getOwningPlayer().countPendingSplits() == 0) { defaultCursor(); } } if (!isReplayOngoing()) { board.alignLegions(hex); board.highlightTallLegions(); } } public void actOnDoneWithMoves() { logPerhaps("actOnDoneWithMoves()"); board.clearRecruitedChits(); board.clearPossibleRecruitChits(); } public void actOnDoneWithSplits() { logPerhaps("actOnDoneWithSplits()"); board.clearRecruitedChits(); } public void actOnDidRecruit(Legion legion, CreatureType recruit, List<CreatureType> recruiters, String reason) { LOGGER .fine("CG: actOnDidRecruit(Legion legion, CreatureType recruit,"); postRecruitStuff(legion); board.addRecruitedChit(legion); board.highlightPossibleRecruitLegionHexes(); if (eventViewer != null) { eventViewer.recruitEvent(legion, recruit, recruiters, reason); } } /** * Do what is needed after recruit (or mark as skip recruit): * push to undo stack, update legions left to muster, hightlight remaining ones, * * @param legion */ private void postRecruitStuff(Legion legion) { logPerhaps("postRecruitStuff(Legion legion)"); if (client.isMyLegion(legion)) { pushUndoStack(legion.getMarkerId()); if (!getGameClientSide().isBattleOngoing()) { board.updateLegionsLeftToMusterText(); } } } public void actOnRemoveCreature(Legion legion, CreatureType type, String reason) { LOGGER .fine("CG: actOnRemoveCreature(Legion legion, CreatureType type,"); if (reason.equals(Constants.reasonUndidReinforce)) { LOGGER .warning("removeCreature should not be called for undidReinforce!"); } else if (reason.equals(Constants.reasonUndidRecruit)) { // normal undidRecruit does not use this, but during loading a game // they appear as add- and removeCreature calls."removeCreature called for undidRecruit - ignored"); } else { eventViewer.removeCreature(legion, type, reason); } } public void actOnRemoveCreaturePart2(Legion legion) { logPerhaps("actOnRemoveCreaturePart2(Legion legion)"); if (!isReplayOngoing()) { GUIMasterHex hex = board.getGUIHexByMasterHex(legion .getCurrentHex()); hex.repaint(); } board.actOnEditLegionMaybe(legion); } public void actOnAddCreature(Legion legion, CreatureType creature, String reason) { LOGGER .fine("CG: actOnAddCreature(Legion legion, CreatureType creature,"); if (!isReplayOngoing()) { GUIMasterHex hex = board.getGUIHexByMasterHex(legion .getCurrentHex()); hex.repaint(); } board.actOnEditLegionMaybe(legion); eventViewer.addCreature(legion, creature, reason); } public void actOnUndidSplit(Legion survivor, int turn) { logPerhaps("actOnUndidSplit(Legion survivor, int turn)"); if (client.isReplayBeforeRedo()) { replayTurnChange(turn); } else { // After undoing a split, refresh the number of markers available if (isMyTurn()) { if (survivor.getPlayer().countPendingUndoSplits() == 0) { defaultCursor(); } board.setMarkerCount(client.getOwningPlayer() .getMarkersAvailable().size()); updatePendingSplitsText(); } board.alignLegions(survivor.getCurrentHex()); board.highlightTallLegions(); board.repaint(); } } public void actOnUndidRecruitPart(Legion legion, boolean wasReinforcement, int turnNumber) { LOGGER .fine("CG: actOnUndidRecruitPart(Legion legion, boolean wasReinforcement,"); board.cleanRecruitedChit((LegionClientSide)legion); board.highlightPossibleRecruitLegionHexes(); if (client.isMyLegion(legion)) { defaultCursor(); if (!wasReinforcement) { board.updateLegionsLeftToMusterText(); } } int eventType = wasReinforcement ? RevealEvent.eventReinforce : RevealEvent.eventRecruit; eventViewer.undoEvent(eventType, legion, null, turnNumber); } public boolean chooseWhetherToTeleport() { String[] dialogOptions = new String[2]; dialogOptions[0] = "Teleport"; dialogOptions[1] = "Move Normally"; int answer = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(board, "Teleport?", "Teleport?", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, dialogOptions, dialogOptions[1]); return (answer == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION); } public void actOnDidMove(Legion legion, MasterHex startingHex, MasterHex currentHex, boolean teleport, CreatureType teleportingLord, boolean splitLegionHasForcedMove) { logPerhaps("actOnDidMove(Legion legion, MasterHex startingHex,"); if (teleport) { eventViewer.newCreatureRevealEvent(RevealEvent.eventTeleport, legion, teleportingLord, null); } if (client.isMyLegion(legion)) { setMoveCompleted(legion, startingHex, currentHex); updatePendingMovesText(); } board.clearPossibleRecruitChits(); board.alignLegions(startingHex); board.alignLegions(currentHex); board.highlightUnmovedLegions(); board.repaint(); if (client.isMyLegion(legion)) { pushUndoStack(legion.getMarkerId()); if (splitLegionHasForcedMove) { board.disableDoneAction("Split legion needs to move"); } else { board.enableDoneAction(); } board.updateLegionsLeftToMoveText(true); } } public void actOnUndidMove(Legion legion, MasterHex formerHex, MasterHex currentHex, boolean splitLegionHasForcedMove, boolean didTeleport) { logPerhaps("actOnUndidMove(Legion legion, MasterHex formerHex,"); board.clearPossibleRecruitChits(); board.alignLegions(formerHex); board.alignLegions(currentHex); board.highlightUnmovedLegions(); board.repaint(); if (isMyTurn()) { if (isUndoStackEmpty()) { board.disableDoneAction("At least one legion must move"); } else if (splitLegionHasForcedMove) { board.disableDoneAction("Split legion needs to move"); } else { board.enableDoneAction(); } board.updateLegionsLeftToMoveText(true); } if (didTeleport) { eventViewer.undoEvent(RevealEvent.eventTeleport, legion, null, client.getTurnNumber()); } } public void actOnNoMoreEngagements() { logPerhaps("actOnNoMoreEngagements()"); board.setPhaseInfo("Press \"Done\" to end the engagements phase"); board.enableDoneAction(); } public void alignLegionsMaybe(Legion legion) { logPerhaps("alignLegionsMaybe(Legion legion)"); if (!isReplayOngoing()) { board.alignLegions(legion.getCurrentHex()); } } public void actOnRemoveLegion(Legion legion) { logPerhaps("actOnRemoveLegion(Legion legion)"); board.removeMarkerForLegion(legion); } public void actOnDoSummon() { logPerhaps("actOnDoSummon()"); highlightEngagements(); board.repaint(); } public void setLookAndFeel(String lfName) { logPerhaps("setLookAndFeel(String lfName)"); try { UIManager.setLookAndFeel(lfName); UIManager.LookAndFeelInfo[] lnfInfos = UIManager .getInstalledLookAndFeels(); boolean exist = false; for (LookAndFeelInfo lnfInfo : lnfInfos) { exist = exist || lnfInfo.getClassName().equals(lfName); } if (!exist) { UIManager.installLookAndFeel(new UIManager.LookAndFeelInfo( UIManager.getLookAndFeel().getName(), lfName)); } updateEverything(); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "Switched to Look & Feel: " + lfName); options.setOption(Options.favoriteLookFeel, lfName); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Look & Feel " + lfName + " not usable", e); } } public void updateEverything() { logPerhaps("updateEverything()"); board.updateComponentTreeUI(); board.pack(); updateTreeAndPack(statusScreen); updateTreeAndPack(caretakerDisplay); updateTreeAndPack(preferencesWindow); repaintAllWindows(); } private void updateTreeAndPack(Window window) { logPerhaps("updateTreeAndPack(Window window)"); if (window != null) { SwingUtilities.updateComponentTreeUI(window); window.pack(); } } public void replayTurnChange(int nowTurn) { logPerhaps("replayTurnChange(int nowTurn)"); assert board != null : "board is null in replayTurnChange!"; if (board != null) { if (nowTurn != replayLastTurn) { board.updateReplayText(nowTurn, replayMaxTurn); replayLastTurn = nowTurn; } } } public void prn(String text) { client.prn(text); } public void actOnTellReplay(int maxTurn) { logPerhaps("actOnTellReplay(int maxTurn)"); if (isReplayOngoing()) { // Switching to replay mode replayMaxTurn = maxTurn; if (board != null) { board.setReplayMode(); board.updateReplayText(0, replayMaxTurn); } } else { repaintAllAfterReplay(); } } private void repaintAllAfterReplay() { // Replay mode now over if (board != null) { try {"before invokeAndWait for recreateMarkers()"); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { public void run() { makeBoardRecreateMarkers(); } }); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to run makeBoard" + "RecreateMarkers() with invokeAndWait(): ", e); } catch (InterruptedException e2) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to run makeBoard" + "RecreateMarkers() with invokeAndWait(): ", e2); }"after invokeAndWait for recreateMarkers()"); } } public void makeBoardRecreateMarkers() { logPerhaps("makeBoardRecreateMarkers()"); board.recreateMarkers(); } public void actOnTellRedoChange() { logPerhaps("actOnTellRedoChange()"); if (isRedoOngoing()) { // Redo switched on: make all visible. //repaintAllAfterReplay(); //board.repaint(); } else { if (client.getGame().getPhase().equals(Phase.MUSTER)) { board.unselectAllHexes(); board.clearRecruitedChits(); board.clearPossibleRecruitChits(); board.alignAllLegions(); // board.paintRecruitedChits(g); board.getFrame().repaint(); // repaintAfterOverlayChanged(); } } } private void clearUndoStack() { logPerhaps("clearUndoStack()"); undoStack.clear(); } private Object popUndoStack() { return undoStack.removeFirst(); } void pushUndoStack(Object object) { undoStack.addFirst(object); } public boolean isUndoStackEmpty() { return undoStack.isEmpty(); } public void eventViewerCancelReinforcement(CreatureType recruit, int turnNr) { eventViewer.cancelReinforcement(recruit, turnNr); } public void eventViewerSetCreatureDead(BattleUnit battleUnit) { eventViewer.setCreatureDead(battleUnit); } public void eventViewerNewSplitEvent(int turn, Legion parent, Legion child) { eventViewer.newSplitEvent(turn, parent, null, child); } public void eventViewerUndoEvent(Legion splitoff, Legion survivor, int turn) { eventViewer .undoEvent(RevealEvent.eventSplit, survivor, splitoff, turn); } public void setPreferencesCheckBoxValue(String name, boolean value) { preferencesWindow.setCheckBoxValue(name, value); } public void setPreferencesRadioButtonValue(String name, boolean value) { preferencesWindow.setRadioButtonValue(name, value); } private void initPreferencesWindow() { if (preferencesWindow == null) { preferencesWindow = new PreferencesWindow(options, this); } } public void setPreferencesWindowVisible(boolean val) { if (preferencesWindow != null) { preferencesWindow.setVisible(val); } } public void showMarker(Marker marker) { if (autoInspector != null) { String markerId = marker.getId(); Legion legion = client.getLegion(markerId); autoInspector.showLegion((LegionClientSide)legion, client.isMyLegion(legion)); } } private void showOrHideCaretaker(boolean bval) { if (board == null) { LOGGER.warning("showOrHideCaretaker attempted but no board yet!"); // No board yet, or no board at all - nothing to do. // Initial show will be done in initBoard. return; } if (bval) { if (caretakerDisplay == null) { caretakerDisplay = new CreatureCollectionView( getPreferredParent(), this); } } else { disposeCaretakerDisplay(); } } private void showOrHideAutoInspector(boolean bval) { JFrame parent = getPreferredParent(); if (parent == null) { // No board yet, or no board at all - nothing to do. // Initial show will be done in initBoard. return; } if (bval) { if (autoInspector == null) { Variant variant = getGame().getVariant(); autoInspector = new AutoInspector(parent, options, options.getOption(Options.dubiousAsBlanks), variant, this); } } else { disposeInspector(); } } public void showHexRecruitTree(GUIMasterHex hex) { if (autoInspector != null) { autoInspector.showHexRecruitTree(hex); } } public void didSummon(Legion summoner, Legion donor, CreatureType summon) { eventViewer.newCreatureRevealEvent(RevealEvent.eventSummon, donor, summon, summoner); } public void repaintBattleBoard() { logPerhaps("repaintBattleBoard()"); if (battleBoard != null) { battleBoard.repaint(); } } public void repaintAllWindows() { logPerhaps("repaintAllWindows()"); if (statusScreen != null) { statusScreen.repaint(); } if (caretakerDisplay != null) { caretakerDisplay.repaint(); } board.getFrame().repaint(); if (battleBoard != null) { battleBoard.repaint(); } } public void rescaleAllWindows() { logPerhaps("rescaleAllWindows()"); if (statusScreen != null) { statusScreen.rescale(); } board.clearRecruitedChits(); board.clearPossibleRecruitChits(); board.rescale(); if (battleBoard != null) { battleBoard.rescale(); } repaintAllWindows(); // highlight legions that could do something, // and e.g. in movephase, set mover to null board.actOnMisclick(); } public void disposeInspector() { if (autoInspector != null) { autoInspector.setVisible(false); autoInspector.dispose(); autoInspector = null; } } public void updateCreatureCountDisplay() { if (caretakerDisplay != null && !isReplayOngoing()) { caretakerDisplay.update(); } } private void disposeMasterBoard() { logPerhaps("disposeMasterBoard()"); if (board != null) { board.dispose(); board = null; } else { LOGGER.warning("attempt to dispose board but board is null!"); } } private void disposeBattleBoard() { logPerhaps("disposeBattleBoard()"); if (battleBoard != null) { battleBoard.dispose(); battleBoard = null; } } /** Dispose the PickCarryDialog, make sure that that is done inside the * EDT (caused GUI to hang in 1.6.0_39 whereas in 1.6.0_38 it worked )-; */ public void disposePickCarryDialog() { logPerhaps("disposePickCarryDialog()"); if (SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()) { actualDisposePickCarryDialog(); } else { try { SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { public void run() { actualDisposePickCarryDialog(); } }); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.warning("When trying to run disposePickCarryDialog " + "in invokeAndWait, caught exception: " + e); } } } private void actualDisposePickCarryDialog() { logPerhaps("actualDisposePickCarryDialog()"); if (pickCarryDialog != null) { if (battleBoard != null) { battleBoard.unselectAllHexes(); } pickCarryDialog.dispose(); pickCarryDialog = null; } } private void disposeStatusScreen() { if (statusScreen != null) { statusScreen.dispose(); statusScreen = null; } } private void disposeLogWindow() { if (logWindow != null) { logWindow.setVisible(false); logWindow.dispose(); logWindow = null; } } private void disposeConnectionLogWindow() { if (connectionLogWindow != null) { connectionLogWindow.setVisible(false); connectionLogWindow.dispose(); connectionLogWindow = null; } } private void disposeEventViewer() { if (eventViewer != null) { eventViewer.dispose(); eventViewer = null; } } private void disposePreferencesWindow() { if (preferencesWindow != null) { preferencesWindow.dispose(); preferencesWindow = null; } } void disposeEngagementResults() { engagementResults.dispose(); engagementResults = null; } private void disposeCaretakerDisplay() { if (caretakerDisplay != null) { caretakerDisplay.dispose(); caretakerDisplay = null; } } public void showNegotiate(Legion attacker, Legion defender) { dueOrNotChangesActions(false, "showNegotiate"); logPerhaps("showNegotiate(Legion attacker, Legion defender)"); board.clearDefenderFlee(); negotiate = new Negotiate(this, attacker, defender); } public void respawnNegotiate() { logPerhaps("respawnNegotiate()"); if (negotiate != null) { negotiate.dispose(); } negotiate = new Negotiate(this, client.getAttacker(), client.getDefender()); } public void showConcede(Client client, Legion ally, Legion enemy) { LOGGER.fine("CG: showConcede(client, ally " + ally.getMarkerId() + ", enemy " + enemy.getMarkerId()); dueOrNotChangesActions(true, "showConcede"); if (getGame().getDefender().equals(ally)) { myTurnStartsWindowActions(); } else { LOGGER.finest("showConcede(): not-ally-case"); } board.clearDefenderFlee(); Concede.concede(this, board.getFrame(), ally, enemy); } public void showFlee(Client client, Legion ally, Legion enemy) { LOGGER.fine("CG: showFlee(client, ally " + ally.getMarkerId() + ", enemy " + enemy.getMarkerId()); dueOrNotChangesActions(true, "showFlee"); if (getGame().getDefender().equals(ally)) { myTurnStartsWindowActions(); } else { LOGGER.finest("showFlee(): not-ally-case"); } Concede.flee(this, board.getFrame(), ally, enemy); } public void inactivityAutoFleeOrConcede(boolean reply) { Concede.inactivityAutoFleeOrConcede(reply); } public void askExtraRollApproval(String requestorName, boolean ourself, final int requestId) { final String message = "Player " + requestorName + " asks for an extra roll. Pleave approve or deny."; SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { showExtraRollApprovalDialog(message, requestId); } }); } private void showExtraRollApprovalDialog(final String message, int requestId) { String[] options = new String[2]; options[0] = new String("Approve"); options[1] = new String("Deny"); int response = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(board, message, "Approval for extra roll request", 0, JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE, null, options, null); boolean approved = (response == 0 ? true : false); client.sendExtraRollRequestResponse(approved, requestId); } public boolean isPointSideMovementDie(Point point) { return movementDie != null && movementDie.getBounds().contains(point); } public void askSuspendConfirmation(final String requestorName, int timeout) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { askSuspendConfirmationInEDT(requestorName); } });"askSuspendConfirmationDialog invokeLater"); } public void askSuspendConfirmationInEDT(String requestorName) { String[] options = new String[2]; options[0] = new String("Approve"); options[1] = new String("Deny"); int response = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(board, "Player " + requestorName + " requested to suspend the game. OK?", "Suspend Game?", 0, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, options, null); boolean approved = (response == 0 ? true : false); suspendResponse(approved); } public void suspendResponse(boolean approve) { client.suspendResponse(approve); } public void initShowEngagementResults() { logPerhaps("initShowEngagementResults()"); JFrame parent = getPreferredParent(); // no board at all, e.g. AI - nothing to do. if (parent == null) { return; } engagementResults = new EngagementResults(parent, client, options); engagementResults.maybeShow(); } public void tellEngagement(Legion attacker, Legion defender, int turnNumber) { LOGGER .fine("CG: tellEngagement(Legion attacker, Legion defender, int turnNumber)"); // remember for end of battle. tellEngagementResultsAttackerStartingContents = client .getLegionImageNames(attacker); tellEngagementResultsDefenderStartingContents = client .getLegionImageNames(defender); // TODO: I have the feeling that getLegionCertainties() // does not work here. // I always seem to get either ALL true or ALL false. tellEngagementResultsAttackerLegionCertainities = client .getLegionCreatureCertainties(attacker); tellEngagementResultsDefenderLegionCertainities = client .getLegionCreatureCertainties(defender); highlightBattleSite(client.getBattleSite()); eventViewer.tellEngagement(attacker, defender, turnNumber); board.updateEngagementsLeftText(); client.logMsgToServer("I", "In tellEngagement, battleSite is " + client.getBattleSite()); board.clearEngagingPending(); } public boolean hasWatchdog() { return watchdog != null; } private void dueOrNotChangesActions(boolean isDue, String reason) { // if (client.getOwningPlayer().getName().equals("localwatchdogtest") // || client.getOwningPlayer().getName().equals("Blue")) // { // LOGGER.finest("Due: " + (isDue ? "yes" : "no ") + "; reason: " // + reason); // } dueOrNotChangesYellowActions(isDue); if (hasWatchdog()) { updateClockTicking(isDue, reason); } } /* This sets or stops inactivityWatchdog ticking, based on the shouldRun * argument. If the state is already as requested, does nothing. */ private void updateClockTicking(boolean shouldRun, String reason) { boolean isTicking = watchdog.isClockTicking(); LOGGER.finest("UPDATE CLOCK (reason " + reason + "): ticking: shouldrun=" + shouldRun + ", isTicking=" + isTicking); if (shouldRun && client.getEventExecutor().getRetriggeredEventOngoing()) { LOGGER .finest("was asked to update clock, but this is the retriggered event."); } else if (shouldRun && client.getAutoplay().isInactivityAutoplayActive()) { LOGGER .finest("was asked to update clock, but inactivityAutoplay is active anyway."); } else if (isTicking && !shouldRun) { watchdog.stopClockTicking(); } else if (!isTicking && shouldRun) { watchdog.setClockTicking(); } } void highlightBattleSite(MasterHex battleSite) { logPerhaps("highlightBattleSite(MasterHex battleSite)"); if (battleSite != null) { board.unselectAllHexes(); board.selectHex(battleSite); } } public void actOnTellEngagementResults(Legion winner, String method, int points, int turns) { LOGGER .fine("CG: actOnTellEngagementResults(Legion winner, String method,"); JFrame frame = getMapOrBoardFrame(); if (frame == null) { return; } // If battle was resolved by negotiation, close remaining // dialogs (also on the one which did NOT press Accept) // as soon as possible, don't let them open until // user presses "Done" in Resolve Engagements or picks next // engagement. If it stays open and user picks something there, // it would cause trouble. cleanupNegotiationDialogs(); // just in case, make sure this get cleared. Might still be set // if opponent decided to flee. board.clearDefenderFlee(); eventViewer.tellEngagementResults(winner, method, turns); engagementResults .addData(winner, method, points, turns, tellEngagementResultsAttackerStartingContents, tellEngagementResultsDefenderStartingContents, tellEngagementResultsAttackerLegionCertainities, tellEngagementResultsDefenderLegionCertainities, client.isMyTurn()); } public void actOnEngagementCompleted() { dueOrNotChangesActions(isMyTurn(), "engagement over"); logPerhaps("actOnEngagementCompleted()"); board.updateEngagementsLeftText(); } public void tellWhatsHappening(String message) { logPerhaps("tellWhatsHappening(String message)"); board.setPhaseInfo(message); } public void actOnTellMovementRoll(int roll, String reason) { if (client.isReplayBeforeRedo()) { return; } logPerhaps("actOnTellMovementRoll(" + roll + ", " + reason + ")"); // TODO move if block to eventviewer itself? // Not during replay, but during redo: if (!isReplayOngoing() || isRedoOngoing()) { eventViewer.tellMovementRoll(roll, reason); } // No point to recreate and repaint if it's same as before if (movementDie == null || roll != movementDie.getDisplayedRoll()) { movementDie = new MovementDie(4 * Scale.get(), MovementDie.getDieImageName(roll)); // TODO why do we not repaint if iconified? if (board.getFrame().getExtendedState() != JFrame.ICONIFIED) { board.repaint(); } } } private List<String> tellEngagementResultsAttackerStartingContents = null; private List<String> tellEngagementResultsDefenderStartingContents = null; private List<Boolean> tellEngagementResultsAttackerLegionCertainities = null; private List<Boolean> tellEngagementResultsDefenderLegionCertainities = null; /* pass revealed info to EventViewer and * additionally remember the images list for later, the engagement report */ public void revealEngagedCreatures(Legion legion, final List<CreatureType> creatures, boolean isAttacker, String reason) { logPerhaps("revealEngagedCreatures(Legion legion,"); // in engagement we need to update the remembered list, too. if (isAttacker) { tellEngagementResultsAttackerStartingContents = client .getLegionImageNames(legion); // towi: should return a list of trues, right? // TODO if comment above is right: add assertion tellEngagementResultsAttackerLegionCertainities = client .getLegionCreatureCertainties(legion); } else { tellEngagementResultsDefenderStartingContents = client .getLegionImageNames(legion); // towi: should return a list of trues, right? // TODO if comment above is right: add assertion tellEngagementResultsDefenderLegionCertainities = client .getLegionCreatureCertainties(legion); } eventViewer.revealEngagedCreatures(creatures, isAttacker, reason); } public void eventViewerRevealCreatures(Legion legion, final List<CreatureType> creatures, String reason) { eventViewer.revealCreatures(legion, creatures, reason); } private void showOrHideLogWindow(boolean show) { if (show) { if (logWindow == null) { // after recent changes (14.10.2013) we should never // actually get here any more... // the logger with the empty name is parent to all loggers // and thus catches all messages logWindow = new LogWindow(options, Logger.getLogger(""), show); } else { logWindow.setVisible(true); } } else { if (logWindow != null) { logWindow.setVisible(false); } } } private void showOrHideConnectionLogWindow(boolean show) { show = false; if (show) { if (connectionLogWindow == null) { // the logger with the empty name is parent to all loggers // and thus catches all messages connectionLogWindow = new ConnectionLogWindow(options); } else { connectionLogWindow.setVisible(true); } } else { if (connectionLogWindow != null) { connectionLogWindow.setVisible(false); } } } public void appendToConnectionLog(String s) { // Creates or make visible, if needed: // options.setOption(Options.showConnectionLogWindow, true); // connectionLogWindow.append(s); } public void actOnReconnectCompleted() { if (!isMyTurn()) {""); return; } if (getGame().isPhase(Phase.MOVE)) { pendingMoves.clear(); board.highlightUnmovedLegions(); } } // TODO why is syncCheckBoxes is called to sync *all* checkboxes in each // listener, and not only for the one changed option? /** * Ensure that Player menu checkboxes reflect the correct state. * Copied the TODO below from the interface where it's now removed... * * TODO let the checkboxes have their own listeners instead. Or even * better: use a binding framework. */ public void syncCheckboxes() { Enumeration<String> en = options.propertyNames(); while (en.hasMoreElements()) { String name = en.nextElement(); boolean value = options.getOption(name); board.adjustCheckboxIfNeeded(name, value); } } public void doAcquireAngel(Legion legion, List<CreatureType> recruits) { LOGGER .fine("CG: doAcquireAngel(Legion legion, List<CreatureType> recruits)"); board.deiconify(); new AcquireAngel(board.getFrame(), this, legion, recruits); dueOrNotChangesActions(true, "doaquire angel"); } public void setBoardActive(boolean val) { LOGGER.finer("setBoardActive(boolean val)"); board.setBoardActive(val); } public void doPickSummonAngel(Legion legion, List<Legion> possibleDonors) { dueOrNotChangesActions(true, "dopicksummonangel"); logPerhaps("doPickSummonAngel(Legion legion,"); new SummonAngel(this, legion, possibleDonors); } public List<CreatureType> doPickSplitLegion(Legion parent, String childMarker) { List<CreatureType> creaturesToSplit = SplitLegion.splitLegion(this, parent, childMarker); // null means cancel, empty list to signal "mark as skip". if (creaturesToSplit != null && creaturesToSplit.isEmpty()) { markLegionAsSkipSplit(parent); // give back null to client to make client do nothing any more. creaturesToSplit = null; } return creaturesToSplit; } private void markLegionAsSkipSplit(Legion legion) { logPerhaps("markLegionAsSkipSplit(Legion legion)"); legion.setSkipThisTime(true); pushUndoStack(legion.getMarkerId()); board.clearPossibleRecruitChits(); board.highlightTallLegions(); } public void resetAllLegionFlags() { logPerhaps("resetAllLegionFlags()"); for (Legion l : getOwningPlayer().getLegions()) { l.setSkipThisTime(false); l.setVisitedThisPhase(false); } } public boolean isPickCarryOngoing() { return pickCarryDialog != null; } public void doPickCarries(Client client, int carryDamage, Set<String> carryTargetDescriptions) { logPerhaps("doPickCarries(Client client, int carryDamage,"); Set<BattleHex> carryTargetHexes = new HashSet<BattleHex>(); for (String desc : carryTargetDescriptions) { carryTargetHexes.add(battleBoard.getBattleHexByLabel(desc .substring(desc.length() - 2))); } battleBoard.highlightPossibleCarries(carryTargetHexes); pickCarryDialog = new PickCarry(battleBoard, this, carryDamage, carryTargetDescriptions); } public PickCarry getPickCarryDialog() { return pickCarryDialog; } public void handlePickCarry(GUIBattleHex hex) { logPerhaps("handlePickCarry(GUIBattleHex hex)"); String hexLabel = ""; if (hex != null) { hexLabel = hex.getHexModel().getLabel(); } String choiceDesc = pickCarryDialog.findCarryChoiceForHex(hexLabel); // clicked on possible carry target if (choiceDesc != null) { pickCarryDialog.handleCarryToDescription(choiceDesc); } else { // enemy but not carryable to there } } public void doPickColor(final String playerName, final List<PlayerColor> colorsLeft) { dueOrNotChangesActions(true, "dopickcolor"); logPerhaps("doPickColor(final String playerName,"); if (SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()) { bringUpPickColorDialog(playerName, colorsLeft); } else { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { bringUpPickColorDialog(playerName, colorsLeft); } }); } } public void bringUpPickColorDialog(String playerName, List<PlayerColor> colorsLeft) { board.setPhaseInfo("Pick a color!"); PickColor.PickColorCallback callback = new PickColor.PickColorCallback() { @Override public void tellPickedColor(PlayerColor color) { // method that passes it on to client answerPickColor(color); } }; // Do not allow null: for pick initial color keep asking if one chosen new PickColor(board.getFrame(), playerName, colorsLeft, options, callback, false); } public void doPickSplitMarker(Legion parent, Set<String> markersAvailable) { createPickMarkerDialog(this, markersAvailable, parent); } public void doPickInitialMarker(Set<String> markersAvailable) { dueOrNotChangesActions(true, "dopickinitialmarker"); board.setPhaseInfo("Pick initial marker!"); createPickMarkerDialog(this, markersAvailable, null); } public void createPickMarkerDialog(final ClientGUI gui, final Set<String> markerIds, final Legion parent) { if (SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()) { new PickMarker(gui, markerIds, parent); } else { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { new PickMarker(gui, markerIds, parent); } }); } } public CreatureType doPickRecruit(Legion legion, String hexDescription) { List<CreatureType> recruits = client.findEligibleRecruits(legion, legion.getCurrentHex()); return PickRecruit.pickRecruit(board.getFrame(), recruits, hexDescription, legion, this); } /** * TODO This is just a HACK. * PickRecruit calls this to mark a legion as that user wants to not * recruit anything this turn. * Better would be, if that dialog could return a "NONE" CreatureType * and the caller does the work cleanly... * (postponed for now because the NONE-CreatureType would be so much * work right now...) * @param legion */ public void markLegionAsSkipRecruit(Legion legion) { legion.setSkipThisTime(true); postRecruitStuff(legion); // TODO : if we one day handle skip recruit as a special // "NONE"-CreatureType, show recruit chit and highlight could // both be part of the postRecruit call, highlight not needed // here separately. board.highlightPossibleRecruitLegionHexes(); } public String doPickRecruiter(List<String> recruiters, String hexDescription, Legion legion) { String recruiterName = null; // Even if PickRecruiter dialog is modal, this only prevents mouse // and keyboard into; but with pressing "D" one could still end the // recruiting phase which leaves game in inconsisten state... // So, forcibly really disable the Done action for that time. board.disableDoneAction("Finish 'Pick Recruiter' first"); recruiterName = PickRecruiter.pickRecruiter(board.getFrame(), recruiters, hexDescription, legion, this); board.enableDoneAction(); return recruiterName; } public EntrySide doPickEntrySide(MasterHex hex, Set<EntrySide> entrySides) { return PickEntrySide.pickEntrySide(board.getFrame(), hex, entrySides); } public CreatureType doPickLord(List<CreatureType> lords) { return PickLord.pickLord(options, board.getFrame(), lords); } public void doPickStrikePenalty(Client client, List<String> choices) { new PickStrikePenalty(battleBoard, this, choices); } public void tellProposal(String proposalString) { logPerhaps("tellProposal(String proposalString)"); Proposal proposal = Proposal.makeFromString(proposalString, client.getGameClientSide()); if (replyToProposal != null) { replyToProposal.dispose(); } replyToProposal = new ReplyToProposal(board.getFrame(), this, getOwningPlayer().getName(), options, proposal); } public void cleanupNegotiationDialogs() { logPerhaps("cleanupNegotiationDialogs()"); if (negotiate != null) { negotiate.dispose(); negotiate = null; } if (replyToProposal != null) { replyToProposal.dispose(); replyToProposal = null; } } public void actOnTurnOrPlayerChange(Client client, int turnNr, Player player) { logPerhaps("actOnTurnOrPlayerChange(Client client, int turnNr,"); cleanupNegotiationDialogs(); if (isMyTurn()) { myTurnStartsWindowActions(); } dueOrNotChangesActions(isMyTurn(), "actonturnorplayerchange"); eventViewer.turnOrPlayerChange(turnNr, player); if (watchdog != null) { if (client.getEventExecutor().getRetriggeredEventOngoing()) { client.kickPhase(); } } else { LOGGER.finest("(ClientGUI of client " + getOwningPlayerName() + ": no watchdog needed)"); } } private void myTurnStartsWindowActions() { if (getOptions().getOption(Options.turnStartBeep)) { board.getToolkit().beep(); } if (options.getOption(Options.turnStartToFront)) { board.getFrame().toFront(); if ((board.getFrame().getExtendedState() & JFrame.ICONIFIED) != 0) { board.getFrame().setExtendedState(JFrame.NORMAL); } } } private void dueOrNotChangesYellowActions(boolean isDue) { if (options.getOption(Options.turnStartBottomBarYellow, true)) { board.myTurnBottomBarActions(isDue); } if (options.getOption(Options.turnStartChatYellow, true)) { notifyWebClientItsPlayersTurn(isDue); } } // might also be called be PreferencesWindow void notifyWebClientItsPlayersTurn(boolean isDue) { if (webClient != null) { webClient.notifyItsPlayersTurn(isDue); } } public void markThatSomethingHappened() { if (watchdog != null) { watchdog.markThatSomethingHappened(); } } public void actOnGameStarting() { logPerhaps("actOnGameStarting()"); if (!client.isRemote()) { board.enableSaveActions(); } } public void actOnSetupSplit() { logPerhaps("actOnSetupSplit()"); // TODO probably this can be removed? if (isMyTurn()) { // for debug purposes. We had a bug where legions remain // on the board even if player is dead. So, let's check // for this once per turn and clean up. validateLegions(); } disposeMovementDie(); clearUndoStack(); board.setupSplitMenu(); board.fullRepaint(); // Ensure that movement die goes away if (isMyTurn()) { // TODO replace all those "when xxx happens then set label to yyy" // with proper "set game state to state xxx and trigger redisplaying // of labels and setting actions dis-/enabled accordingly"... if (client.getTurnNumber() == 1) { board.disableDoneAction("Split legions in first round"); } board.maybeRequestFocusAndToFront(); defaultCursor(); // TODO I believe the code below is meant for the purpose: // "If no legions can be split, directly be done with Split // phase, except if that is the result of the autoSplit" // - so that one can review and undo. // But that does not make so much sense, as this is in the // "setupSplit" call, so the AI can't have done anything yet? // // 2009 June, Clemens: added "&& !isUndoStackEmpty()". If one did // split all possible legions just before save and load it again, // then this one here would otherwise automatically do the // "doneWithSplit()". if ((getOwningPlayer().getMarkersAvailable().size() < 1 || client .findTallLegionHexes(4, true).isEmpty()) && !client.getAutoSplit() && isUndoStackEmpty()) { client.doneWithSplits(); } } else { waitCursor(); } updateStatusScreen(); } private void validateLegions() { logPerhaps("validateLegions()"); boolean foundProblem = false; for (Player p : client.getGameClientSide().getPlayers()) { if (p.isDead()) { for (Legion l : p.getLegions()) { LOGGER .warning("Dead player " + p.getName() + " has " + "still legion " + l.getMarkerId() + ". Removing it."); p.removeLegion(l); foundProblem = true; } } } if (foundProblem) {"Found legion(s) for dead player " + "- recreating markers"); board.recreateMarkers(); } } public void actOnSetupMuster() { logPerhaps("actOnSetupMuster()"); clearUndoStack(); cleanupNegotiationDialogs(); board.setupMusterMenu(); if (isMyTurn()) { board.maybeRequestFocusAndToFront(); defaultCursor(); } updateStatusScreen(); } public void actOnSetupMove() { logPerhaps("actOnSetupMove()"); clearUndoStack(); pendingMoves.clear(); pendingMoveHexes.clear(); recoveredFromMoveNak = false; board.setupMoveMenu(); // Force showing the updated movement die. // taken repaint away because actOnTellMovementRoll does it anyway // board.repaint(); if (isMyTurn()) { defaultCursor(); } updateStatusScreen(); } public void actOnSetupFight() { logPerhaps("actOnSetupFight()"); clearUndoStack(); board.setupFightMenu(); updateStatusScreen(); } public void actOnSetupBattleFight() { logPerhaps("actOnSetupBattleFight()"); if (battleBoard != null) { battleBoard.updatePhaseAndTurn(); if (client.isMyBattlePhase()) { battleBoard.reqFocus(); defaultCursor(); } else { waitCursor(); } battleBoard.setupFightMenu(); } updateStatusScreen(); dueOrNotChangesActions(client.isMyBattlePhase(), client .getBattlePhase().toString()); } public void actOnSetupBattleMove() { logPerhaps("actOnSetupBattleMove()"); // needed/better to do here, than when finishing a battle turn, // for two reasons: 1) done with moves quickly after a move (before // server response received and handled) move would/might get into // stack again, and worse, 2) concede during battle undoStack remained // with content as well, causing "Undo battle move errors" (#3497085) clearUndoStack(); if (battleBoard != null) { battleBoard.updatePhaseAndTurn(); if (client.isMyBattlePhase()) { battleBoard.reqFocus(); defaultCursor(); battleBoard.setupMoveMenu(); } } updateStatusScreen(); dueOrNotChangesActions(client.isMyBattlePhase(), "actonbattlemove"); } public void actOnTellBattleMove(BattleHex startingHex, BattleHex endingHex, boolean rememberForUndo) { logPerhaps("actOnTellBattleMove(BattleHex startingHex,"); if (rememberForUndo) { pushUndoStack(endingHex.getLabel()); } if (battleBoard != null) { battleBoard.alignChits(startingHex); battleBoard.alignChits(endingHex); battleBoard.repaint(); actOnPendingBattleMoveOver(); } } public void actOnPendingBattleMoveOver() { logPerhaps("actOnPendingBattleMoveOver()"); battleBoard.actOnPendingBattleMoveOver(); } public void actOnDoneWithBattleMoves() { logPerhaps("actOnDoneWithBattleMoves()"); clearUndoStack(); } public void actOnSetupBattleRecruit() { logPerhaps("actOnSetupBattleRecruit()"); if (battleBoard != null) { battleBoard.updatePhaseAndTurn(); if (client.isMyBattlePhase()) { battleBoard.reqFocus(); battleBoard.setupRecruitMenu(); } } updateStatusScreen(); } public void actOnSetupBattleSummon() { logPerhaps("actOnSetupBattleSummon()"); if (battleBoard != null) { battleBoard.updatePhaseAndTurn(); if (client.isMyBattlePhase()) { battleBoard.reqFocus(); battleBoard.setupSummonMenu(); defaultCursor(); } else { waitCursor(); } } updateStatusScreen(); } private void addBattleChit(GUIBattleChit battleChit) { logPerhaps("addBattleChit(GUIBattleChit battleChit)"); battleChits.add(battleChit); } /** * Get a list of all GUIBattleChits (on the current BattleMap) * @return The list of GUIBattleChits */ public List<GUIBattleChit> getGUIBattleChits() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(battleChits); } /** * Find all GUIBattleChits that occupy a specified hex * Note that this can be several for the offboard position(s) * * @param hex The hex to give Chits for * @return A List of GUIBattleChits */ public List<GUIBattleChit> getGUIBattleChitsInHex(final BattleHex hex) { return CollectionHelper.selectAsList(battleChits, new Predicate<GUIBattleChit>() { public boolean matches(GUIBattleChit battleChit) { return hex.equals(battleChit.getBattleUnit() .getCurrentHex()); } }); } public GUIBattleChit getGUIBattleChit(BattleHex hex) { for (GUIBattleChit battleChit : getGUIBattleChits()) { if (hex.equals(battleChit.getBattleUnit().getCurrentHex())) { return battleChit; } } return null; } public void actOnPlaceNewChit(String imageName, BattleUnit battleUnit, BattleHex hex) { LOGGER .fine("CG: actOnPlaceNewChit(String imageName, BattleUnit battleUnit,"); Legion legion = battleUnit.getLegion(); PlayerColor playerColor = legion.getPlayer().getColor(); GUIBattleChit battleChit = new GUIBattleChit(5 * Scale.get(), imageName, battleUnit.isDefender(), playerColor, getClient(), battleUnit); addBattleChit(battleChit); // TODO is the "if ( != null)" still needed? if (battleBoard != null) { battleBoard.alignChits(hex); // Make sure BattleBoard is visible after summon or muster. battleBoard.reqFocus(); } } private String getBattleUnitDescription(BattleCritter battleUnit) { if (battleUnit == null) { return ""; } BattleHex hex = battleUnit.getCurrentHex(); return battleUnit.getType().getName() + " in " + hex.getDescription(); } public void actOnTellStrikeResults(boolean wasCarry, int strikeNumber, List<String> rolls, BattleCritter striker, BattleCritter target) { LOGGER .fine("CG: actOnTellStrikeResults(boolean wasCarry, int strikeNumber,"); if (battleBoard != null) { if (!wasCarry) { battleBoard.addDiceResults(getBattleUnitDescription(striker), getBattleUnitDescription(target), strikeNumber, rolls); } battleBoard.unselectAllHexes(); } } public void actOnHitsSet(BattleUnit target) { logPerhaps("actOnHitsSet(BattleUnit target)"); battleBoard.actOnHitsSet(target.getCurrentHex()); } public void highlightCrittersWithTargets() { logPerhaps("highlightCrittersWithTargets()"); if (battleBoard != null) { battleBoard.highlightCrittersWithTargets(); } } public void indicateStrikesDone(boolean auto) { logPerhaps("markStrikesDone()"); if (battleBoard != null) { battleBoard.indicateStrikesDone(auto); } } public void revertDoneIndicator() { logPerhaps("revertDoneIndicator()"); if (battleBoard != null) { battleBoard.revertDoneIndicator(); } } public void actOnApplyCarries(BattleHex hex) { logPerhaps("actOnApplyCarries(BattleHex hex)"); if (battleBoard != null) { battleBoard.unselectHex(hex); battleBoard.repaint(); } } public void actOnCleanupBattle() { logPerhaps("actOnCleanupBattle()"); if (battleBoard != null) { battleBoard.dispose(); battleBoard = null; } battleChits.clear(); } /** * For the topmost item on undo stack, undo the done recruit, * or reset the skipThisTime flag if set. */ void undoLastRecruit() { if (!isUndoStackEmpty()) { String markerId = (String)popUndoStack(); Legion legion = client.getLegion(markerId); handleUndoRecruit(legion); } } /** * For a specific clicked legion, undo the done recruit, * or reset the skipThisTime flag if set. * @param legion The legion for which to undo the recruit */ public void undoRecruit(Legion legion) { logPerhaps("undoRecruit(Legion legion)"); if (undoStack.contains(legion.getMarkerId())) { undoStack.remove(legion.getMarkerId()); } handleUndoRecruit(legion); } /** * This does the actual work for undoing a recruit * @param legion The legion for which to undo the recruit */ private void handleUndoRecruit(Legion legion) { logPerhaps("handleUndoRecruit(Legion legion)"); if (legion.hasRecruited()) { waitCursor(); getClient().undoRecruit(legion); } else { legion.setSkipThisTime(false); if (client.isMyLegion(legion)) { board.updateLegionsLeftToMusterText(); } } } public void actOnSplitRelatedRequestSent() { board.highlightTallLegions(); updatePendingSplitsText(); waitCursor(); } void undoAllSplits() { while (!isUndoStackEmpty()) { undoLastSplit(); } } void undoLastSplit() { if (client.getOwningPlayer().countPendingSplits() != 0) { LOGGER.finer("undoLastSplit(): split request pending"); showMessageDialogAndWait("Split request still pending\n(waiting for server response)"); return; } if (!isUndoStackEmpty()) { String splitoffId = (String)popUndoStack(); Legion legion = client.getLegion(splitoffId); if (legion.getSkipThisTime()) { legion.setSkipThisTime(false); board.alignLegions(legion.getCurrentHex()); board.highlightTallLegions(); } else { client.undoSplit(legion); // to highlight the unsplitting one in blue board.highlightTallLegions(); board.repaint(); updatePendingSplitsText(); } } } public void informSplitRequiredFirstRound() { logPerhaps("informSplitRequiredFirstRound()"); // must split in first turn - Done not allowed now if (board != null && isMyTurn()) { board.disableDoneAction("Split required in first round"); } } public void informSplitDoneFirstRound() { logPerhaps("informSplitDoneFirstRound()"); if (board != null && isMyTurn()) { board.enableDoneAction(); } } void undoLastMove() { if (pendingMoves.size() > 0) { displayNoUndoWhilePendingMovesInfo(); return; } if (!isUndoStackEmpty()) { String markerId = (String)popUndoStack(); Legion legion = client.getLegion(markerId); if (legion.hasMoved()) { getClient().undoMove(legion); } else { legion.setSkipThisTime(false); } board.updateLegionsLeftToMoveText(true); } } public void undoLastBattleMove() { logPerhaps("undoLastBattleMove()"); if (!isUndoStackEmpty()) { String hexLabel = (String)popUndoStack(); BattleHex hex = battleBoard.getBattleHexByLabel(hexLabel); undoBattleMove(hex); } } public void undoAllBattleMoves() { logPerhaps("undoAllBattleMoves()"); while (!isUndoStackEmpty()) { undoLastBattleMove(); } } public void undoAllMoves() { logPerhaps("undoAllMoves()"); if (pendingMoves.size() > 0) { displayNoUndoWhilePendingMovesInfo(); return; } board.clearRecruitedChits(); board.clearPossibleRecruitChits(); while (!isUndoStackEmpty()) { undoLastMove(); } } public void undoAllRecruits() { logPerhaps("undoAllRecruits()"); while (!isUndoStackEmpty()) { undoLastRecruit(); } } private void displayNoUndoWhilePendingMovesInfo() { logPerhaps("displayNoUndoWhilePendingMovesInfo()"); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(getMapOrBoardFrame(), "For some moves is still the confirmation from server and " + "screen update missing!\n" + "Undo can't be done beofre all moves are completed " + "(see message beside the Done button).", "Pending Moves!", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } public void defaultCursor() { logPerhaps("defaultCursor()"); board.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR)); } public void waitCursor() { logPerhaps("waitCursor()"); board.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR)); } public void doCleanupGUI() { logPerhaps("doCleanupGUI()"); if (SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()) { cleanupGUI(); } else { try { SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { public void run() { cleanupGUI(); } }); } catch (InterruptedException e) {/* ignore */ } catch (InvocationTargetException e2) {/* ignore */ } } } private void disposeMovementDie() { logPerhaps("disposeMovementDie()"); movementDie = null; } MovementDie getMovementDie() { return movementDie; } private void cleanupGUI() { logPerhaps("cleanupGUI()"); try { disposeInspector(); disposeCaretakerDisplay(); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "During disposal of Inspector and Caretaker: " + e.toString(), e); } client.cleanupBattle(); if (watchdog != null) { watchdog.finish(); watchdog = null; } disposeLogWindow(); // For now, that one shall NOT be reopened by default on next start options.setOption(Options.showConnectionLogWindow, false); disposeConnectionLogWindow(); disposeLastInactivityDialog(); disposeMovementDie(); disposeStatusScreen(); disposeEventViewer(); disposePreferencesWindow(); disposeEngagementResults(); disposeBattleBoard(); disposeMasterBoard(); // Options must be saved after all satellites are disposed, // because they store their location and state (enabled or not, e.g.) // in disposal. options.saveOptions(); this.secondaryParent = null; client.doAdditionalCleanup(); } /** * Update Board and Status screen to reflect the new game over state. * Show the game over message, or store it to be shown later. * If dispose will follow soon, don't show message immediately * (to avoid having the user to have click two boxes), instead store * it for later to be shown then together with the dispose dialog. * * @param message The message ("XXXX wins", or "Draw") * @param disposeFollows If true, server will send a dispose message soon */ public void actOnTellGameOver(String message, boolean disposeFollows, boolean suspended) { LOGGER.fine("CG: actOnTellGameOver('" + message + "', dispose=" + disposeFollows + ", suspended=" + suspended); if (webClient != null) { webClient.notifyItsPlayersTurn(false); webClient.tellGameEnds(); } if (statusScreen != null) { statusScreen.repaint(); } defaultCursor(); if (watchdog != null) { LOGGER.finer("Game over: stopping the watchdog for player: " + client.getOwningPlayer().getName()); watchdog.finish(); } board.setGameOverState(message); dueOrNotChangesYellowActions(false); if (disposeFollows) { // AutoQuit active, application will terminate immediately // If this here is local client, we don't want to wait this // client here to answer; if it's a remote client, it will // be displayed together with the connection lost message. } else { // show right away. Connection closed might come or not. showMessageDialogAndWait(message); } } public void showMessageDialogAndWait(final String message) { logPerhaps("showMessageDialogAndWait(String message)"); // Don't bother showing messages to AI players. if (getOwningPlayer().isAI()) {"Message for AI player " + getOwningPlayer().getName() + ": " + message); return; } if (SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()) { doShowMessageDialog(message); } else { try { SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { public void run() { doShowMessageDialog(message); } }); } catch (InterruptedException e) {/* ignore */ } catch (InvocationTargetException e2) {/* ignore */ } } } void doShowMessageDialog(String message) { logPerhaps("doShowMessageDialog(String message)"); // For humans in autoplay do not show messages... if (client.isAutoplayActive()) { // ... suppress any other messages than the game over message ... String goMessage = getClient().getGame().getGameOverMessage(); if ((goMessage != null && message.contains(goMessage)) // but suppress even that if autoQuit is on // (=> remote stresstest) && !options.getOption(Options.autoQuit)) { // go on to showing } else { // do not show it, return instead. return; } } JFrame frame = getMapOrBoardFrame(); if (frame != null) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(frame, message); } } // called by WebClient public void doConfirmAndQuit() { // In odd situations, e.g. web game did not start properly, the // game client is set in webclient, but board is still null if (board != null) { // Board does the "Really Quit?" confirmation and initiates // then (if user confirmed) the disposal of everything. board.doQuitGameAction(); } else { menuQuitGame(); } } /** * This is for permanent, non-reversible closed connections */ public void showConnectionClosedMessage() { defaultCursor(); board.setServerClosedMessage(client.getGame().isGameOver()); String dialogMessage = null; String dialogTitle = null; if (client.getGame().isGameOver()) { if (client.getGame().isSuspended()) { if (startedByWebClient) { showWebClient(); } if (webClient != null) // should be set now! { webClient.notifyGameSuspended(); return; } else { // we should not get here, but just in case... dialogMessage = "Game was suspended and server closed connection.\n" + " Your board will close now."; dialogTitle = "Game suspended"; } } else if (!gameOverMessageAlreadyShown) { // don't show again! gameOverMessageAlreadyShown = true; dialogMessage = "Game over: " + client.getGame().getGameOverMessage() + "!\n\n" + "(connection closed from server side)"; dialogTitle = "Game Over: Server closed connection"; } else { dialogMessage = "Connection now closed from server side."; dialogTitle = "Game Over: server closed connection"; } } else { dialogMessage = "Connection to server unexpectedly lost?"; dialogTitle = "Server closed connection"; } JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(getMapOrBoardFrame(), dialogMessage, dialogTitle, JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } private JFrame getMapOrBoardFrame() { JFrame frame = null; if (battleBoard != null) { frame = battleBoard; } else if (board != null) { frame = board.getFrame(); } return frame; } // From other GUI components: void negotiateCallback(Proposal proposal, boolean respawn) { LOGGER .fine("CG: negotiateCallback(Proposal proposal, boolean respawn)"); getClient().negotiateCallback(proposal, respawn); } // All kind of other GUI components might need this, too. public Player getOwningPlayer() { return client.getOwningPlayer(); } public String getOwningPlayerName() { return getOwningPlayer().getName(); } public boolean isMyTurn() { return client.isMyTurn(); } public Legion getMover() { return mover; } public void setMover(Legion legion) { logPerhaps("setMover(Legion legion)"); this.mover = legion; } public boolean doMove(MasterHex hex) { for (PendingMove pendingMove : pendingMoves) { if (pendingMove.getLegion().equals(mover)) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(getMapOrBoardFrame(), "Legion already moved, but screen update happens only " + "after confirmation from server was received.", "Already moved!", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); return false; } } return client.doMove(mover, hex); } public void actOnMoveNak() { logPerhaps("actOnMoveNak()"); defaultCursor(); pendingMoves.clear(); pendingMoveHexes.clear(); recoveredFromMoveNak = true; } // GUI keeps track for which doMove()'s server has not ackknowledged yet, // so that we can catch cases when user attempts to click/move them again // (e.g. when server response is slow) private class PendingMove { public Legion mover; public MasterHex currentHex; public MasterHex targetHex; public PendingMove(Legion mover, MasterHex current, MasterHex target) { this.mover = mover; this.currentHex = current; this.targetHex = target; } public boolean matches(Legion mover, MasterHex current, MasterHex target) { return this.mover == mover && this.currentHex.equals(current) && this.targetHex.equals(target); } public Legion getLegion() { return mover; } } // doMove was sent to server, store it in list public void setMovePending(Legion mover, MasterHex currentHex, MasterHex targetHex) { logPerhaps("setMovePending(Legion mover, MasterHex currentHex,"); // board.visualizeMoveTarget(mover, currentHex, targetHex); PendingMove move = new PendingMove(mover, currentHex, targetHex); synchronized (pendingMoves) { pendingMoves.add(move); pendingMoveHexes.add(targetHex); waitCursor(); } updatePendingMovesText(); } private void updatePendingMovesText() { logPerhaps("updatePendingText()"); int count; synchronized (pendingMoves) { count = pendingMoves.size(); } if (count > 0) { String movesPendingText = " (" + count + " move" + (count != 1 ? "s" : "") + " pending)"; board.setPendingText(movesPendingText); } else { board.setMovementPhase(); } } private void updatePendingSplitsText() { logPerhaps("updatePendingSplitsText()"); int pendingSplits = getOwningPlayer().countPendingSplits(); int pendingUndos = getOwningPlayer().countPendingUndoSplits(); if (pendingUndos > 0) { String splitsPendingText = " (" + pendingUndos + " undo-split" + (pendingUndos != 1 ? "s" : "") + " pending)"; board.setPendingText(splitsPendingText); } else if (pendingSplits > 0) { String splitsPendingText = " (" + pendingSplits + " split" + (pendingSplits != 1 ? "s" : "") + " pending)"; board.setPendingText(splitsPendingText); } else if (getGame().getTurnNumber() == 1) { if (client.getNumSplitsThisTurn() == 0) { informSplitRequiredFirstRound(); } else if (client.getNumSplitsThisTurn() == 1) { informSplitDoneFirstRound(); } board.setPendingText(""); } else { board.updateSplitPendingText("Split stacks"); board.setMarkerCount(client.getOwningPlayer() .getMarkersAvailable().size()); } } public Set<MasterHex> getPendingMoveHexes() { Set<MasterHex> hexes = new HashSet<MasterHex>(); synchronized (pendingMoves) { hexes.addAll(pendingMoveHexes); } return hexes; } public Set<MasterHex> getStillToMoveHexes() { HashSet<Legion> pendingLegions = new HashSet<Legion>(); synchronized (pendingMoves) { for (PendingMove move : pendingMoves) { pendingLegions.add(move.getLegion()); } } return client.findUnmovedLegionHexes(true, pendingLegions); } // Search and remove this pendingMove from list public void setMoveCompleted(Legion mover, MasterHex current, MasterHex target) { logPerhaps("setMoveCompleted(Legion mover, MasterHex current,"); pendingMoveHexes.remove(target); PendingMove foundMove = null; for (PendingMove move : pendingMoves) { if (move.matches(mover, current, target)) { foundMove = move; continue; } } if (foundMove != null) { // ok, remove later } else if (isRedoOngoing()) { // move was probably done before saving } else if (recoveredFromMoveNak) { // OK, recover from Nak wiped out pendingMoves list (because one // move was sent to server but did not really happen, and it's // hard to figure out which). // This way we loose some "safety checking", but at least no // legal moves are prevented. } else { LOGGER.warning("Could not find pending move for legion " + mover + " from hex " + current + " to hex " + target + "; redo=" + isRedoOngoing() + ", replay=" + isReplayOngoing()); } synchronized (pendingMoves) { pendingMoves.remove(foundMove); if (pendingMoves.isEmpty()) { defaultCursor(); } } } public void removeBattleChit(BattleUnit battleUnit) { logPerhaps("removeBattleChit(BattleUnit battleUnit)"); for (Iterator<GUIBattleChit> iterator = battleChits.iterator(); iterator .hasNext();) { GUIBattleChit chit =; if (chit.getBattleUnit().equals(battleUnit)) { iterator.remove(); } } } public GUICallbacks getCallbackHandler() { return this; } public void answerPickColor(PlayerColor color) { logPerhaps("answerPickColor(PlayerColor color)"); getClient().answerPickColor(color); } public void leaveCarryMode() { logPerhaps("leaveCarryMode()"); getClient().leaveCarryMode(); } public void applyCarries(BattleHex hex) { logPerhaps("applyCarries(BattleHex hex)"); getClient().applyCarries(hex); } public void acquireAngelCallback(Legion legion, CreatureType angelType) { LOGGER .fine("CG: acquireAngelCallback(Legion legion, CreatureType angelType)"); getClient().acquireAngelCallback(legion, angelType); } public void answerFlee(Legion ally, boolean answer) { logPerhaps("answerFlee(Legion ally, boolean answer)"); if (getGame().getDefender().equals(ally)) { dueOrNotChangesActions(false, "Flee answered (" + answer + ")"); } getClient().answerFlee(ally, answer); } public void answerConcede(Legion legion, boolean answer) { logPerhaps("answerConcede(Legion legion, boolean answer)"); dueOrNotChangesActions(false, "Concede answered (" + answer + ")"); getClient().answerConcede(legion, answer); } public void doBattleMove(int tag, BattleHex hex) { logPerhaps("doBattleMove(int tag, BattleHex hex)"); getClient().doBattleMove(tag, hex); } public void undoBattleMove(BattleHex hex) { logPerhaps("undoBattleMove(BattleHex hex)"); getClient().undoBattleMove(hex); } public void strike(int tag, BattleHex hex) { logPerhaps("strike(int tag, BattleHex hex)"); getClient().strike(tag, hex); } public void doneWithBattleMoves() { logPerhaps("doneWithBattleMoves()"); getClient().doneWithBattleMoves(); } public void doneWithStrikes() { logPerhaps("doneWithStrikes()"); getClient().doneWithStrikes(false); } public void concede() { logPerhaps("concede()"); getClient().concede(); } }