package net.sf.colossus.server; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Logger; import net.sf.colossus.client.IClient; import net.sf.colossus.common.Constants; import; import; import; import; import; import net.sf.colossus.util.Glob; import net.sf.colossus.util.InstanceTracker; import net.sf.colossus.variant.BattleHex; import net.sf.colossus.variant.CreatureType; import net.sf.colossus.variant.MasterHex; public class ClientHandlerStub implements IClient { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger .getLogger(ClientHandlerStub.class.getName()); protected static final String sep = Constants.protocolTermSeparator; private static int TRUNC_LENGTH = 8; private static String TRUNC_FILLER = " "; protected Server server; protected static int counter = 0; protected boolean isGone = false; protected String isGoneReason = ""; protected String signonName; protected String playerName; // NOTE: this "default" truncated name here should be TRUNC_LENGTH chars protected String truncatedPlayerName = "<notset>"; protected int connectionId; // sync-when-disconnected stuff protected int messageCounter = 0; protected boolean isCommitPoint = false; protected long pingRequestCounter = 0; /** * Messages sent since last commit, that would need to be resent after a reconnect * Should perhaps be rather called "resendQueue" */ protected final ArrayList<MessageForClient> resendQueue = new ArrayList<MessageForClient>( 100); /** * Messages before last commitpoint. Those will be needed only if a player * connects from scratch. */ protected final ArrayList<MessageForClient> historyQueue = new ArrayList<MessageForClient>( 100); // for optimization, do not re-send if exactly identical to the one sent // last time. private String previousInfoStringsString = ""; /** We might still get battle related messages from client, who * has not received/processed the battle end (concede) yet. * We use this to check whether there is a "reason" why we try to * refer to a not-existing-any-more battle (e.g. conceded). */ private boolean battleRecentlyFinished = false; public ClientHandlerStub(Server server) { LOGGER.finest("ClientHandlerStub for a real client instantiated"); this.server = server; String tempId = "<no name yet #" + (counter++) + ">"; InstanceTracker.register(this, tempId); } public ClientHandlerStub(Server server, String clientName) { LOGGER.finest("ClientHandlerStub instantiated"); this.server = server; this.signonName = clientName; this.playerName = clientName; this.truncatedPlayerName = (playerName + TRUNC_FILLER).substring(0, TRUNC_LENGTH); String tempId = "<no name yet #" + (counter++) + ">"; InstanceTracker.register(this, tempId); } protected boolean isStub() { return true; } protected boolean canHandlePingRequest() { return true; } public boolean canHandleAdvancedSync() { return true; } protected boolean supportsReconnect() { // dummy return true; } protected boolean canHandleExtraRollRequest() { // dummy return true; } public boolean canHandleSuspendRequests() { // Always approves return true; } public boolean canHandleChangedValuesOnlyStyle() { // stub can, real clients depending on client version return true; } public void setConnectionId(int id) { this.connectionId = id; sendToClient(Constants.setConnectionId + sep + id); } int getConnectionId() { return this.connectionId; } public void setIsGone(String reason) {"Setting isGone to true in CH for '" + getClientName() + "' (reason: " + reason + ")"); this.isGone = true; this.isGoneReason = reason; } protected void sendToClient(String message) { enqueueToRedoQueue(messageCounter, message); } /** * Selector reported that client became writable again (after a prior * write attempt had not written all bytes). Now start/try writing the * message(s) which are still in the queue. */ protected void flushQueuedContent() { // not needed here } protected void enqueueToRedoQueue(int messageNr, String message) { resendQueue.add(new MessageForClient(messageNr, 0, message)); messageCounter++; } protected void commitPoint() { PrintWriter writer = server.getGame().getIscMessageFile(); if (writer == null) { return; } MessageForClient mfc; while (!resendQueue.isEmpty()) { mfc = resendQueue.remove(0); historyQueue.add(mfc); writer.println(mfc.getMessage()); } /* Iterator<MessageForClient> it = redoQueue.listIterator(alreadyHandled); while (it.hasNext()) { mfc =; String msg = mfc.getMessage(); writer.println(msg); alreadyHandled++; } */ writer.flush(); } protected void setBattleRecentlyFinished(boolean value) { battleRecentlyFinished = value; } protected boolean hasBattleRecentlyFinished() { return battleRecentlyFinished; } // ====================================================================== // IClient methods to sent requests to client over socket. /** * Server side disposes a client (and informs it about it first) * To be used only for "disposeAllClients()", otherwise setIsGone * reason is misleading. */ public void disposeClient() { // Don't do it again if (isGone) { return; } setIsGone("Server disposes client (all clients)"); server.queueClientHandlerForChannelChanges(this); } public void tellEngagement(MasterHex hex, Legion attacker, Legion defender) { sendToClient(Constants.tellEngagement + sep + hex.getLabel() + sep + attacker.getMarkerId() + sep + defender.getMarkerId()); } public void tellEngagementResults(Legion winner, String method, int points, int turns) { setBattleRecentlyFinished(true); sendToClient(Constants.tellEngagementResults + sep + (winner != null ? winner.getMarkerId() : null) + sep + method + sep + points + sep + turns); } public void tellWhatsHappening(String message) { sendToClient(Constants.tellWhatsHappening + sep + message); } public void tellMovementRoll(int roll, String reason) { sendToClient(Constants.tellMovementRoll + sep + roll + sep + reason); } public void syncOption(String optname, String value) { sendToClient(Constants.syncOption + sep + optname + sep + value); } public void updatePlayerInfo(List<String> infoStrings) { String infoStringsString = Glob.glob(infoStrings); if (previousInfoStringsString.equals(infoStringsString)) { LOGGER.finest("Skipping the re-send of identical player infos."); } else { sendToClient(Constants.updatePlayerInfo + sep + infoStringsString); previousInfoStringsString = infoStringsString; } } /** * Send an update of the frequently changing values. One message for each * player. */ public void updateChangedPlayerValues(String changedValues, String reason) { sendToClient(Constants.updateChangedValues + sep + changedValues + sep + reason); } public void setColor(PlayerColor color) { sendToClient(Constants.setColor + sep + color.getName()); } public void updateCreatureCount(CreatureType type, int count, int deadCount) { sendToClient(Constants.updateCreatureCount + sep + type.getName() + sep + count + sep + deadCount); } public void removeLegion(Legion legion) { sendToClient(Constants.removeLegion + sep + legion.getMarkerId()); } public void setLegionStatus(Legion legion, boolean moved, boolean teleported, EntrySide entrySide, CreatureType lastRecruit) { sendToClient(Constants.setLegionStatus + sep + legion.getMarkerId() + sep + moved + sep + teleported + sep + entrySide.ordinal() + sep + lastRecruit); } public void addCreature(Legion legion, CreatureType creature, String reason) { sendToClient(Constants.addCreature + sep + legion.getMarkerId() + sep + creature + sep + reason); } public void removeCreature(Legion legion, CreatureType creature, String reason) { sendToClient(Constants.removeCreature + sep + legion + sep + creature + sep + reason); } public void revealCreatures(Legion legion, final List<CreatureType> creatures, String reason) { sendToClient(Constants.revealCreatures + sep + legion.getMarkerId() + sep + Glob.glob(creatures) + sep + reason); } /** print the 'revealEngagagedCreature'-message, * args: markerId, isAttacker, list of creature names * @param markerId legion marker name that is currently in battle * @param creatures List of creatures in this legion * @param isAttacker true for attacker, false for defender * @param reason why this was revealed * @author Towi, copied from revealCreatures */ public void revealEngagedCreatures(final Legion legion, final List<CreatureType> creatures, final boolean isAttacker, String reason) { sendToClient(Constants.revealEngagedCreatures + sep + legion.getMarkerId() + sep + isAttacker + sep + Glob.glob(creatures) + sep + reason); } public void removeDeadBattleChits() { sendToClient(Constants.removeDeadBattleChits); } public void placeNewChit(String imageName, boolean inverted, int tag, BattleHex hex) { sendToClient(Constants.placeNewChit + sep + imageName + sep + inverted + sep + tag + sep + hex.getLabel()); } public void tellReplay(boolean val, int maxTurn) { sendToClient(Constants.replayOngoing + sep + val + sep + maxTurn); } public void tellRedo(boolean val) { sendToClient(Constants.redoOngoing + sep + val); } public void initBoard() { sendToClient(Constants.initBoard); } public void setPlayerName(String playerName) { setPlayerNameNoSend(playerName); sendToClient(Constants.setPlayerName + sep + playerName); } public void setPlayerNameNoSend(String playerName) { this.playerName = playerName; this.truncatedPlayerName = (playerName + TRUNC_FILLER).substring(0, TRUNC_LENGTH); } public String getSignonName() { return this.signonName; } // silently choose whatever useful, mostly for logging @Override public String getClientName() { return playerName != null ? playerName : (signonName != null ? signonName : "ClientNameNotSet"); } public String getPlayerName() { if (this.playerName == null) { LOGGER.warning("CH.playerName still null, returning signOnName '" + signonName + "'"); return this.signonName; } return this.playerName; } public String getTruncatedPlayerName() { return this.truncatedPlayerName; } public void createSummonAngel(Legion legion) { sendToClient(Constants.createSummonAngel + sep + legion.getMarkerId()); } public void askAcquireAngel(Legion legion, List<CreatureType> recruits) { sendToClient(Constants.askAcquireAngel + sep + legion.getMarkerId() + sep + Glob.glob(recruits)); } public void askChooseStrikePenalty(List<String> choices) { sendToClient(Constants.askChooseStrikePenalty + sep + Glob.glob(choices)); } public void tellGameOver(String message, boolean disposeFollows, boolean suspended) { sendToClient(Constants.tellGameOver + sep + message + sep + disposeFollows + sep + suspended); } public void tellPlayerElim(Player player, Player slayer) { // slayer can be null sendToClient(Constants.tellPlayerElim + sep + player.getName() + sep + (slayer != null ? slayer.getName() : null)); } public void askConcede(Legion ally, Legion enemy) { sendToClient(Constants.askConcede + sep + ally.getMarkerId() + sep + enemy.getMarkerId()); } public void askFlee(Legion ally, Legion enemy) { sendToClient(Constants.askFlee + sep + ally.getMarkerId() + sep + enemy.getMarkerId()); } public void askNegotiate(Legion attacker, Legion defender) { sendToClient(Constants.askNegotiate + sep + attacker.getMarkerId() + sep + defender.getMarkerId()); } public void tellProposal(String proposalString) { sendToClient(Constants.tellProposal + sep + proposalString); } public void tellSlowResults(int targetTag, int slowValue) { sendToClient(Constants.tellSlowResults + sep + targetTag + sep + slowValue); } public void tellStrikeResults(int strikerTag, int targetTag, int strikeNumber, List<String> rolls, int damage, boolean killed, boolean wasCarry, int carryDamageLeft, Set<String> carryTargetDescriptions) { sendToClient(Constants.tellStrikeResults + sep + strikerTag + sep + targetTag + sep + strikeNumber + sep + Glob.glob(rolls) + sep + damage + sep + killed + sep + wasCarry + sep + carryDamageLeft + sep + Glob.glob(carryTargetDescriptions)); } public void initBattle(MasterHex hex, int battleTurnNumber, Player battleActivePlayer, BattlePhase battlePhase, Legion attacker, Legion defender) { sendToClient(Constants.initBattle + sep + hex.getLabel() + sep + battleTurnNumber + sep + battleActivePlayer.getName() + sep + battlePhase.ordinal() + sep + attacker.getMarkerId() + sep + defender.getMarkerId()); } public void cleanupBattle() { sendToClient(Constants.cleanupBattle); } public void nextEngagement() { sendToClient(Constants.nextEngagement); } public void doReinforce(Legion legion) { sendToClient(Constants.doReinforce + sep + legion.getMarkerId()); } public void didRecruit(Legion legion, CreatureType recruit, CreatureType recruiter, int numRecruiters) { sendToClient(Constants.didRecruit + sep + legion.getMarkerId() + sep + recruit + sep + recruiter + sep + numRecruiters); } public void undidRecruit(Legion legion, CreatureType recruit) { sendToClient(Constants.undidRecruit + sep + legion + sep + recruit); } public void setupTurnState(Player activePlayer, int turnNumber) { commitPoint(); sendToClient(Constants.setupTurnState + sep + activePlayer.getName() + sep + turnNumber); } public void setupSplit(Player activePlayer, int turnNumber) { commitPoint(); sendToClient(Constants.setupSplit + sep + activePlayer.getName() + sep + turnNumber); } public void setupMove() { commitPoint(); sendToClient(Constants.setupMove); } public void setupFight() { commitPoint(); sendToClient(Constants.setupFight); } public void setupMuster() { commitPoint(); sendToClient(Constants.setupMuster); } public void kickPhase() { sendToClient(Constants.kickPhase); } public void setupBattleSummon(Player battleActivePlayer, int battleTurnNumber) { sendToClient(Constants.setupBattleSummon + sep + battleActivePlayer.getName() + sep + battleTurnNumber); } public void setupBattleRecruit(Player battleActivePlayer, int battleTurnNumber) { sendToClient(Constants.setupBattleRecruit + sep + battleActivePlayer.getName() + sep + battleTurnNumber); } public void setupBattleMove(Player battleActivePlayer, int battleTurnNumber) { sendToClient(Constants.setupBattleMove + sep + battleActivePlayer.getName() + sep + battleTurnNumber); } public void setupBattleFight(BattlePhase battlePhase, Player battleActivePlayer) { sendToClient(Constants.setupBattleFight + sep + battlePhase.ordinal() + sep + battleActivePlayer.getName()); } public void tellLegionLocation(Legion legion, MasterHex hex) { sendToClient(Constants.tellLegionLocation + sep + legion.getMarkerId() + sep + hex.getLabel()); } public void tellBattleMove(int tag, BattleHex startingHex, BattleHex endingHex, boolean undo) { sendToClient(Constants.tellBattleMove + sep + tag + sep + startingHex.getLabel() + sep + endingHex.getLabel() + sep + undo); } public void didMove(Legion legion, MasterHex startingHex, MasterHex currentHex, EntrySide entrySide, boolean teleport, CreatureType teleportingLord, boolean splitLegionHasForcedMove) { sendToClient(Constants.didMove + sep + legion.getMarkerId() + sep + startingHex.getLabel() + sep + currentHex.getLabel() + sep + entrySide.getLabel() + sep + teleport + sep + (teleportingLord == null ? "null" : teleportingLord) + sep + splitLegionHasForcedMove); } public void undidMove(Legion legion, MasterHex formerHex, MasterHex currentHex, boolean splitLegionHasForcedMove) { sendToClient(Constants.undidMove + sep + legion.getMarkerId() + sep + formerHex.getLabel() + sep + currentHex.getLabel() + sep + splitLegionHasForcedMove); } public void didSummon(Legion summoner, Legion donor, CreatureType summon) { sendToClient(Constants.didSummon + sep + summoner + sep + donor + sep + summon); } public void undidSplit(Legion splitoff, Legion survivor, int turn) { sendToClient(Constants.undidSplit + sep + splitoff.getMarkerId() + sep + survivor.getMarkerId() + sep + turn); } public void didSplit(MasterHex hex, Legion parent, Legion child, int childHeight, List<CreatureType> splitoffs, int turn) { // hex can be null when loading a game // TODO make sure we always have a hex assert parent != null : " Split needs parent"; assert child != null : " Split needs child"; assert hex != null : "Split needs location"; sendToClient(Constants.didSplit + sep + hex.getLabel() + sep + parent.getMarkerId() + sep + child.getMarkerId() + sep + childHeight + sep + Glob.glob(splitoffs) + sep + turn); } public void askPickColor(List<PlayerColor> colorsLeft) { sendToClient(Constants.askPickColor + sep + Glob.glob(colorsLeft)); } public void askPickFirstMarker() { sendToClient(Constants.askPickFirstMarker); } public void log(String message) { sendToClient(Constants.log + sep + message); } public void nak(String reason, String errmsg) { sendToClient(Constants.nak + sep + reason + sep + errmsg); } public void setBoardActive(boolean val) { sendToClient(Constants.boardActive + sep + val); } public void tellInitialGameInfo(String variantName, Collection<String> playerNames) { String allPlayerNames = Glob.glob(playerNames); sendToClient(Constants.gameInitInfo + sep + variantName + sep + allPlayerNames); } public void confirmWhenCaughtUp() {"Sending request to confirm catchup to client " + playerName); sendToClient(Constants.askConfirmCatchUp); } public void serverConfirmsConnection() {"Sending server connection confirmation to client " + playerName); sendToClient(Constants.serverConnectionOK); } /* One client has asked for connnection confirmation; here server * relays this to each client. */ public void relayedPeerRequest(String requestingClientName) {"Relaying peerRequest from client " + requestingClientName + " to client " + getClientName()); sendToClient(Constants.relayedPeerRequest + sep + requestingClientName); } /* Relay the "received" response back to requester */ public void peerRequestReceivedBy(String respondingClientName, int queueLen) {"Relaying back the received message of client " + getClientName() + " to " + respondingClientName); sendToClient(Constants.relayBackReceivedMsg + sep + respondingClientName + sep + queueLen); } /* Relay the "processed" response back to requester */ public void peerRequestProcessedBy(String respondingClientName) {"Relaying back the processed message of client " + getClientName() + " to " + respondingClientName); sendToClient(Constants.relayBackProcessedMsg + sep + respondingClientName); } public void pingRequest(long requestSent) { if (canHandlePingRequest()) { pingRequestCounter++; sendToClient(Constants.pingRequest + sep + pingRequestCounter + sep + requestSent); } } public long getLastUsedPingRequestCounter() { return pingRequestCounter; } public void messageFromServer(String message) { // appears as pop-up window with "OK" button sendToClient(Constants.messageFromServer + sep + message); } public void appendToConnectionLog(String message) { if (canHandleAdvancedSync()) { sendToClient(Constants.appendToConnectionLog + sep + message); } } public void tellSyncCompleted(int syncRequestNumber) { sendToClient(Constants.syncCompleted + sep + syncRequestNumber); } public void requestExtraRollApproval(String requestor, int requestId) { sendToClient(Constants.requestExtraRollApproval + sep + requestor + sep + requestId); } public void askSuspendConfirmation(String requestorName, int timeout) { sendToClient(Constants.askSuspendConfirmation + sep + requestorName + sep + timeout); } void prn(String text) { if ("remote".equals(getClientName())) { System.out.println(text); } } }