package net.sf.colossus.webserver; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Date; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import java.util.logging.Logger; class QueuedSocketWriter extends Thread { static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(QueuedSocketWriter.class .getName()); private final static String MSG_EXIT_LOOP = "_EXIT_LOOP"; private final static String MSG_FLUSH_MSGS = "_FLUSH_MESSAGES"; /** * The actual queue holding all messages that need to be sent. * This is a concurrent-safe queue. */ private final LinkedBlockingQueue<String> queue; /** * The actual writer object which will send printed data over the socket. */ PrintWriter out; /** * Sending thread that requests the flushing, waits on this mutex until * notified that the flush was completed (boolean 'flushed' below set to true). */ private final Object flushMutex = new Object(); /** * Set to true when flushing is completed. */ private boolean flushed; private boolean done = false; private static int instanceIdCounter = 0; private final int instanceId; public QueuedSocketWriter(Socket socket) throws IOException { this.out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter( socket.getOutputStream())), true); this.queue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<String>(); this.instanceId = ++instanceIdCounter;"QueuedSocketWriter #" + instanceId + " created."); } @Override public void run() { while (!done) { String message = readNextFromQueue(); if (message == null) { LOGGER.warning("Got null message from queue?"); continue; } if (message.equals(MSG_EXIT_LOOP)) {"QueuedSocketWriter #" + instanceId + ": Got MSG_EXIT_LOOP."); break; } if (message.equals(MSG_FLUSH_MSGS)) {"QueuedSocketWriter #" + instanceId + ": reached the FLUSH marker."); synchronized (flushMutex) { flushed = true;"QueuedSocketWriter #" + instanceId + ": notifying flusher."); flushMutex.notify(); } } else { long sentTime = new Date().getTime(); out.println(message); long spentTime = new Date().getTime() - sentTime; String logMsg = "QueuedSocketWriter #" + instanceId + ": actual writing took " + spentTime + " ms for message: " + message; if (spentTime > 500) {"NOTE: " + logMsg); } else { // LOGGER.fine(logMsg); } } }"QueuedSocketWriter #" + instanceId + " after main loop."); } /** * Enqueues a flush marker and waits on the mutex until the flushing of all * messages enqueued prior to the marker have been sent. * (this does at the moment not imply that the client has received them * (not to mention even has processed them). */ public void flushMessages() { synchronized (flushMutex) { sendMessage(MSG_FLUSH_MSGS); try { flushed = false; while (!flushed) { flushMutex.wait(); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOGGER.warning("flushMessages waiting interrupted?"); } } } public void stopWriter() { done = true; sendMessage(MSG_EXIT_LOOP); } public void sendMessage(String message) { queue.add(message); } /** * We use no timeout while waiting for next message in the queue. * To get it out of the loop, we enqueue a special marker (MSG_EXIT_LOOP). * @return String containing the next message to write. */ private String readNextFromQueue() { try { String message = queue.take(); return message; } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOGGER.warning("queue.poll interrupted!"); } return null; } }