package net.sf.colossus.client; import java.awt.Color; import java.util.logging.Logger; import net.sf.colossus.util.HTMLColor; /** * Class InactivityWatchdog follows whether there is any GUI activity by the * user. If it's the player's turn and he's inactive for too long, it shows a * notification dialogs after each interval of "inactivityWarningInterval" * seconds. * After INITIALLY_TOLERATED_INTERVALS times, it triggers the AI to finish the * turn. In following player's turn, it waits only for one intverval. * Once user becomes active again, number of intervals it waits is reset to * INITIALLY_TOLERATED_INTERVALS. * * @author Clemens Katzer */ public class InactivityWatchdog extends Thread { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger .getLogger(InactivityWatchdog.class.getName()); private static final int INACTIVITY_CHECK_INTERVAL = 5; public static final int DEFAULT_INTERVAL = 30; public static final int DEBUG_INTERVAL = 10; private static final boolean IA_DEBUG = false; private final Client client; private final Autoplay autoplay; private final int inactivityWarningInterval; private static int INITIALLY_TOLERATED_INTERVALS = 3; private int currentlyStillToleratedIntervals; private int currentInterval; private int inactiveSeconds = 0; private boolean clockIsTicking = false; private boolean aiWasInControl = false; private boolean aiIsInControl = false; private boolean wasTicking = false; private boolean userRequestsControlBack = false; private boolean somethingHappened = false; private boolean done; public InactivityWatchdog(Client client, int inactivityWarningInterval) { this.client = client; this.autoplay = client.getAutoplay(); this.inactivityWarningInterval = inactivityWarningInterval; done = false; LOGGER.fine("\n\nInactivityWatchdog instantiated"); } public void setDone(boolean value) { done = value; } public void setClockTicking() { synchronized (this) { clockIsTicking = true; // markThatSomethingHappened(); } if (aiWasInControl || userRequestsControlBack) { printDebugValues("inactivityContinues"); aiWasInControl = false; inactivityContinues(); } } public void stopClockTicking() { synchronized (this) { clockIsTicking = false; } inactiveSeconds = 0; currentInterval = 0; // If ClientThread switched us back to clock not ticking while // AI is in control, it means AI has completed the turn. if (aiIsInControl) { aiIsInControl = false; autoplay.switchOffInactivityAutoplay(); aiWasInControl = true; inactivityAiCompletedTurn(); } } private void printDebugText(String text) { if (IA_DEBUG) { System.out.print(text); } } @Override public void run() { currentlyStillToleratedIntervals = INITIALLY_TOLERATED_INTERVALS; currentInterval = 0; while (!done) { sleepForCheckIntervalSecs(); if (done) { continue; } if (somethingHappened) { inactiveSeconds = 0; currentInterval = 0; currentlyStillToleratedIntervals = INITIALLY_TOLERATED_INTERVALS; somethingHappened = false; } else { printDebugText(isClockTicking() ? ":" : "."); } if (isClockTicking()) { if (!wasTicking) { LOGGER .fine("Noticed now that Clock has started ticking (= this user's turn started, or was attacked)..."); wasTicking = true; } if (autoplay.isInactivityAutoplayActive()) { printDebugText("watchdog: clock is ticking but AI is working anyway.\n"); inactiveSeconds = 0; } else { checkInactivityStatus(); } } else // not ticking { if (wasTicking) { LOGGER .fine("Noticed now that Clock has stopped ticking..."); wasTicking = false; printDebugValues("Clock stopped ticking"); } else { LOGGER.finest("clock is still not ticking..."); } inactiveSeconds = 0; currentInterval = 0; } }"Done flag set, watchdog ends now..."); } private void checkInactivityStatus() { printDebugValues("check start"); if (inactiveSeconds >= inactivityWarningInterval) { inactiveSeconds -= inactivityWarningInterval; currentInterval++; int totalInactiveSeconds = currentInterval * inactivityWarningInterval + inactiveSeconds; if (currentInterval >= currentlyStillToleratedIntervals) { LOGGER.finer("ClientThread " + client.getOwningPlayer().getName() + ": reached inactivity timeout! Enabling Autoplay."); printDebugValues("TIMEOUT"); aiIsInControl = true; currentlyStillToleratedIntervals = 1; inactiveSeconds = 0; currentInterval = 0; autoplay.switchOnInactivityAutoplay(); inactivityTimeoutReached(); client.getEventExecutor().retriggerEvent(); } else { LOGGER.fine("Turn #" + client.getTurnNumber() + " - user was already " + currentInterval + " intervals (" + totalInactiveSeconds + " seconds) doing nothing (away from screen?)!"); inactivityWarning( totalInactiveSeconds, (currentlyStillToleratedIntervals * inactivityWarningInterval)); } } } public void inactivityWarning(int inactiveSecs, int timeoutSecs) { LOGGER.finer("ClientThread " + client.getOwningPlayer().getName() + ": idle for " + inactiveSeconds + "seconds!"); final String title = "It's your turn (" + inactiveSecs + " seconds inactive of allowed " + timeoutSecs + " seconds)!"; String pluralS = (currentInterval == 1 ? "" : "s"); final String text = "\nHey, it's your turn to do something, and " + "you've been doing nothing for " + currentInterval + " interval" + pluralS + " à " + inactivityWarningInterval + " seconds.\n" + "After a total of " + timeoutSecs + " seconds of inactivity the AI will take over for you!"; Color color = (currentInterval == 1 ? HTMLColor.lightYellow : HTMLColor.yellow); client.getGUI().displayInactivityDialogEnsureEDT(title, text, color); } public void inactivityTimeoutReached() { LOGGER.finer("ClientThread " + client.getOwningPlayer().getName() + ": reached inactivity timeout! Enabling Autoplay."); final String title = "AI took over for you!"; final String text = "\n" + "You've been inactive for too long. AI took over for you in this round, " + "and can not be safely interrupted (might hang the game).\n\n" + "If you click OK now, then you will be back in control at next possible occasion."; client.getGUI().displayInactivityDialogEnsureEDT(title, text,; } public void inactivityAiCompletedTurn() { String part2; Color color; if (userRequestsControlBack) { aiWasInControl = false; markThatSomethingHappened(); return; } part2 = "You clicked OK, so you will be back in control next time when you are supposed to do " + " something (your turn starts, or you are attacked). You can safely close this window now."; color = Color.lightGray; part2 = "Click OK to signal that you are back, otherwise time AI will take over again " + "when you are next time\nsupposed to do something\n" + "(your turn starts, or you are attacked), but then after a shorter waiting period.\n"; color = HTMLColor.yellow; final String title = "The AI finished for you!"; final String text = "\nThe AI had finished your turn or engagement, " + "so right now it's probably some other players turn.\n" + part2; client.getGUI().displayInactivityDialogEnsureEDT(title, text, color); } public void inactivityContinues() { if (userRequestsControlBack) { userRequestsControlBack = false; printDebugText("\n\n OK, go ahead!\n\n"); final String title = "Your turn #" + client.getTurnNumber() + " has started!"; final String text = "\n" + "All right, go ahead!"; client.getGUI().displayInactivityDialogEnsureEDT(title, text, HTMLColor.lightYellow); } else { printDebugText("inactivityContinues"); final String title = "Your turn #" + client.getTurnNumber() + " has started!"; final String text = "\n" + "You have not done anything since last turn where AI took over,\n" + "so this time AI will take over after a shorter waiting period.\n" + "Click OK to signal that you are back and take back control."; client.getGUI().displayInactivityDialogEnsureEDT(title, text, HTMLColor.lightSalmon); } } public boolean isClockTicking() { synchronized (this) { return clockIsTicking; } } public boolean userRequestsControlBack() { printDebugValues("userRequestsControlBack"); boolean canCloseImmediately; if (aiIsInControl) { printDebugText("ai in Control - return false"); canCloseImmediately = false; userRequestsControlBack = true; } else { printDebugText("ai not in Control - return true"); canCloseImmediately = true; somethingHappened = true; } return canCloseImmediately; } public void markThatSomethingHappened() { somethingHappened = true; } private void sleepForCheckIntervalSecs() { try { Thread.sleep(INACTIVITY_CHECK_INTERVAL * 1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOGGER.finest("got interrupted, done=" + done); if (done) { LOGGER.fine("Watchdog sleep was interrupted " + "and done is true; that's fine."); } else { LOGGER.warning("watchdog: interruptedException " + "but done not set??"); } } inactiveSeconds += INACTIVITY_CHECK_INTERVAL; } private void printDebugValues(String msg) { if (IA_DEBUG) { System.out.println(msg + ": inactiveSecs: " + inactiveSeconds + ", currentInterval: " + currentInterval + ", tolerated: " + currentlyStillToleratedIntervals); } } public void finish() { if (done) { LOGGER.fine("watchdog finish: done is already set."); return; } LOGGER.fine("finnish: setting done true"); setDone(true); LOGGER.fine("interrupting sleep"); this.interrupt(); } }