package; import java.util.Random; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import net.sf.colossus.util.DevRandom; /** * Class Dice handles nowadays only "general" die-rolling, usually using the * default "low-quality" Java PRNG or whatever is defined to use instead. * * Player specific rolls where we want "as good as possible" rolls moved to * PlayerSpecificDice. * * @author David Ripton * @author Romain Dolbeau */ public final class Dice { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger .getLogger(Dice.class.getName()); private static Random random = new DevRandom(); private static final int[] stats = new int[6]; private static int rcount = 0; static void init(String source) { random = new DevRandom(source); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { stats[i] = 0; } } /** Put all die rolling in one place, in case we decide to change random * number algorithms, use an external dice server, etc. */ public static int rollDie() { int roll = rollDie(6); synchronized (stats) { stats[roll - 1]++; rcount++; if ((rcount % 60) == 0) { LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "[rstats] Current D6 distribution (" + rcount + " rolls, " + (rcount / 6) + " each):\n" + "[rstats] \t1: " + stats[0] + "\n" + "[rstats] \t2: " + stats[1] + "\n" + "[rstats] \t3: " + stats[2] + "\n" + "[rstats] \t4: " + stats[3] + "\n" + "[rstats] \t5: " + stats[4] + "\n" + "[rstats] \t6: " + stats[5]); } } return roll; } public static int rollDie(int size) { return random.nextInt(size) + 1; } private static int[] basicSequence = { 4, 3, 1, 6, 5, 2 }; //private static int[] basicSequence = {1,2,3,4,5,6}; private static int seqNum = -1; /* this one return from a fixed sequence, instead of a random value */ public static int rollDieNonRandom() { seqNum = (seqNum + 1) % basicSequence.length; return (basicSequence[seqNum]); } }