package net.sf.colossus.webclient; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import net.sf.colossus.util.Glob; import net.sf.colossus.webcommon.GameInfo; import net.sf.colossus.webcommon.IWebClient; import net.sf.colossus.webcommon.IWebServer; import net.sf.colossus.webcommon.User; /** * This implements the webserver/client communication at client side. * It implements the server interface on client side; * i.e. something server wanted to execute for a client, is read * from the client socket input stream, parsed, and executed * by the (WebClient)SocketThread. * * This also contains the methods which are called by the client * (WebClient's GUI) and are sent over the socket to the server * (note that those calls mostly happen in the EDT). * * @author Clemens Katzer */ public class WebClientSocketThread extends Thread implements IWebServer { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger .getLogger(WebClientSocketThread.class.getName()); private IWebClient webClient = null; private final HashMap<String, GameInfo> gameHash; private String hostname = null; private final int port; private String username = null; private String password = null; private boolean force = false; private String email = null; private Socket socket; private BufferedReader in; private PrintWriter out; private boolean stillNeedsRun = true; private final static String sep = IWebServer.WebProtocolSeparator; private boolean loggedIn = false; private AckWaiter ackWaiter; private WcstException failedException = null; private static int counter = 0; private static WebClientSocketThread currentAttempt = null; private boolean closingForcefullyToCancel = false; private final static Object connectOngoingMutex = new Object(); // TODO also defined in webserver.WebServerConstants! private final Charset charset = Charset.forName("UTF-8"); public WebClientSocketThread(IWebClient wcGUI, String hostname, int port, String username, String password, boolean force, String email, String confCode, HashMap<String, GameInfo> gameHash) { super("WebClientSocketThread for user " + username + "-" + counter); counter++; this.webClient = wcGUI; this.gameHash = gameHash; this.hostname = hostname;"WCST constructor: user " + username + " host " + hostname + " port " + port + " password " + password); this.port = port; this.username = username; this.password = password; this.force = force; = email; this.ackWaiter = new AckWaiter(); net.sf.colossus.util.InstanceTracker .register(this, "WCST " + username); try { synchronized (connectOngoingMutex) { WebClientSocketThread.currentAttempt = this; } // connect, as well as any of the three below // might throw an exception if they fail: connect(); synchronized (connectOngoingMutex) { WebClientSocketThread.currentAttempt = null; } // If client GUI provided a confirmation code, then in is a // confirmation for a previously sent registration; otherwise: // If client GUI provided an email, it's a registration attempt, // otherwise just a normal login. if (confCode != null) { // confirmation confirm(confCode); } else if (email != null) { // initial registration register(); } else { // no email, login instead login(); } } catch (WcstException e) { this.failedException = e; } } public String getOneLine() throws IOException { String line = "No line - got exception!"; try { line =; } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception during read from socket!", e); Thread.dumpStack(); throw e; } return line; } public WcstException getException() { return failedException; } public static void cancelConnectAttempt() { synchronized (connectOngoingMutex) { if (currentAttempt != null) { currentAttempt.closeSocketForcefully(); currentAttempt = null; } else { LOGGER.warning("no point to cancel, currentAttempt is null."); } } } private void closeSocketForcefully() { if (socket != null) { try { closingForcefullyToCancel = true; socket.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // ignore any exception } } } private void connect() throws WcstException { String info = null; writeLog("About to connect client socket to " + hostname + ":" + port); try { InetSocketAddress address = new InetSocketAddress(hostname, port); socket = new Socket(); // 10.000 = 10 seconds timeout socket.connect(address, 10000); if (socket != null) { out = new PrintWriter( new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter( socket.getOutputStream(), charset)), true); } else { LOGGER.warning("socket null - creating printWriter skipped!"); } } catch (UnknownHostException e) { info = "Unknown host: " + e.getMessage() + "\" - wrong address/server name?"; writeLog(e.toString()); } catch (SocketTimeoutException e) { info = "Could not connect: '" + e.getMessage() + "' - possibly a firewall blocking port " + port + "?"; } catch (ConnectException e) { info = "Could not connect: '" + e.getMessage() + "' - wrong address/port, or server not running?"; writeLog(e.toString()); } catch (Exception e) // IOException, IllegalBlockingModeException { if (closingForcefullyToCancel) { info = "Connect attempt interrupted/cancelled " + "(closingForcefullyToCancel flag is set): " + e.toString(); writeLog(e.toString()); throw new WcstException(info, false, true); } info = "Exception during connect: " + e.toString(); writeLog(e.toString()); } if (info != null) { String message = info; throw new WcstException(message); } } /** * Initial registration attempt * * @throws WcstException */ private void register() throws WcstException { String info = null; try { = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( socket.getInputStream(), charset)); send(RegisterUser + sep + username + sep + password + sep + email); String fromServer = null; if ((fromServer = getOneLine()) != null) { if (fromServer.startsWith("ACK:")) { // ("WCST.register(): ok, got ACK! ("+fromServer+")"); } else { // TODO: why do we handle this with NACKs ? String prefix = "NACK: " + IWebServer.RegisterUser + sep; if (fromServer.startsWith(prefix)) { info = fromServer.substring(prefix.length()); } else { info = fromServer; } } } else { info = "NULL reply from server (socket closed??)!"; } } catch (Exception ex) { writeLog(ex.toString()); info = "Creating or reading from buffered reader failed"; } if (info != null) {"register() : info != null, info: " + info); String message = info; throw new WcstException(message); } } /** * Send the confirmation code * @throws WcstException */ private void confirm(String confCode) throws WcstException { String info = null; try { = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( socket.getInputStream(), charset)); send(ConfirmRegistration + sep + username + sep + confCode); String fromServer = null; if ((fromServer = getOneLine()) != null) { if (fromServer.startsWith("ACK:")) { // ("WCST.confirm(): ok, got ACK! ("+fromServer+")"); } else { String prefix = "NACK: " + IWebServer.ConfirmRegistration + sep; if (fromServer.startsWith(prefix)) { info = fromServer.substring(prefix.length()); } else { info = fromServer; } } } else { info = "NULL reply from server (socket closed??)!"; } } catch (Exception ex) { writeLog(ex.toString()); info = "Creating or reading from buffered reader failed"; } if (info != null) { throw new WcstException(info); } } private void login() throws WcstException { String info = null; boolean duplicateLogin = false; boolean cancelled = false; try { = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( socket.getInputStream(), charset)); int version = webClient.getClientVersion(); send(Login + sep + username + sep + password + sep + force + sep + version); String fromServer = null; if ((fromServer = getOneLine()) != null) { if (fromServer.startsWith("ACK:")) { loggedIn = true; } else if (fromServer.equals("NACK: " + IWebServer.Login + sep + IWebClient.alreadyLoggedIn)) { duplicateLogin = true; info = "Already logged in!"; } else { String prefix = "NACK: " + IWebServer.Login + sep; if (fromServer.startsWith(prefix)) { info = fromServer.substring(prefix.length()); } else { info = fromServer; } } } else { info = "NULL reply from server (socket closed??)!"; } } catch (Exception ex) { writeLog(ex.toString()); info = "Creating or reading from buffered reader failed"; } if (info != null) { String message = "Login failed: " + info; throw new WcstException(message, duplicateLogin, cancelled); } } // Needed even if instantiation failed, otherwise the GC // won't clean up this thread if it was not run // TODO perhaps that is not needed any more in Java 1.5 ? public boolean stillNeedsRun() { return stillNeedsRun; } public String getUsername() { return username; } public String getUserEmail() { return email; } @Override public void run() { String threadName = Thread.currentThread().getName(); stillNeedsRun = false; if (this.socket == null) { // All right. We were just called to get the run() // done, even if the constructor threw exception, // for example could not connect. // Socket would be null if server closes us quickly // enough. It seems it can happen that that is not the, // case, so make sure we bail out even if server does not // kick us out quickly enough... + ": socket null, cleanup+return"); doCleanup(); return; } if (this.failedException != null) { // All right. We were just called to get the run() // done, even if the constructor threw exception. // It seems it can happen that socket == null is not always // the case, so make sure we bail out even if server does not // kick us out quickly enough... + ": failedException set, cleanup+return"); doCleanup(); return; } + ": everything normal, going to run loop!"); String fromServer = null; boolean done = false; boolean forcedLogout = false; try { while (!done && (fromServer = getOneLine()) != null) { String[] tokens = fromServer.split(sep, -1); String command = tokens[0]; if (fromServer.startsWith("ACK: ")) { command = tokens[0].substring(5); handleAckNack(command, tokens); } else if (fromServer.startsWith("NACK: ")) { command = tokens[0].substring(6); handleAckNack(command, tokens); } else if (fromServer.equals(IWebClient.connectionClosed)) { done = true; } else if (fromServer.equals(IWebClient.forcedLogout)) { forcedLogout = true; done = true; } else if (command.equals(IWebClient.gameInfo)) { GameInfo gi = restoreGameInfo(tokens); webClient.gameInfo(gi); } else if (command.equals(IWebClient.userInfo)) { int loggedin = Integer.parseInt(tokens[1]); int enrolled = Integer.parseInt(tokens[2]); int playing = Integer.parseInt(tokens[3]); int dead = Integer.parseInt(tokens[4]); long ago = Long.parseLong(tokens[5]); String text = tokens[6]; webClient.userInfo(loggedin, enrolled, playing, dead, ago, text); } else if (command.equals(IWebClient.didEnroll)) { String gameId = tokens[1]; String user = tokens[2]; webClient.didEnroll(gameId, user); } else if (command.equals(IWebClient.didUnenroll)) { String gameId = tokens[1]; String user = tokens[2]; webClient.didUnenroll(gameId, user); } else if (command.equals(IWebClient.gameCancelled)) { String gameId = tokens[1]; String byUser = tokens[2]; webClient.gameCancelled(gameId, byUser); } else if (command.equals(IWebClient.gameStartsSoon)) { String gameId = tokens[1]; String startUser = tokens[2]; confirmCommand(command, gameId, startUser, "nothing"); webClient.gameStartsSoon(gameId, startUser); } else if (command.equals(IWebClient.gameStartsNow)) { String gameId = tokens[1]; int port = Integer.parseInt(tokens[2]); String host = tokens[3]; int checkIV = -1; int warnIV = -1; int timeout = -1; if (tokens.length > 4) { checkIV = Integer.parseInt(tokens[4]); warnIV = Integer.parseInt(tokens[5]); timeout = Integer.parseInt(tokens[6]); } confirmCommand(command, gameId, port + "", host); webClient.gameStartsNow(gameId, port, host, checkIV, warnIV, timeout); } else if (command.equals(IWebClient.chatDeliver)) { String chatId = tokens[1]; long when = Long.parseLong(tokens[2]); String sender = tokens[3]; String message = tokens[4]; boolean resent = Boolean.valueOf(tokens[5]).booleanValue(); webClient.chatDeliver(chatId, when, sender, message, resent); } else if (command.equals(IWebClient.pingRequest)) { String arg1 = tokens[1]; String arg2 = tokens[2]; String arg3 = tokens[3]; pingResponse(arg1, arg2, arg3); } else if (command.equals(IWebClient.generalMessage)) { long when = Long.parseLong(tokens[1]); boolean error = Boolean.valueOf(tokens[2]).booleanValue(); String title = tokens[3]; String message = tokens[4]; webClient.deliverGeneralMessage(when, error, title, message); } else if (command.equals(IWebClient.requestAttention)) { long when = Long.parseLong(tokens[1]); String byUser = tokens[2]; boolean byAdmin = Boolean.valueOf(tokens[3]) .booleanValue(); String message = tokens[4]; int beepCount = Integer.parseInt(tokens[5]); long beepInterval = Long.parseLong(tokens[6]); boolean windows = Boolean.valueOf(tokens[7]) .booleanValue(); webClient.requestAttention(when, byUser, byAdmin, message, beepCount, beepInterval, windows); } else if (command.equals(IWebClient.watchGameInfo)) { String gameId = tokens[1]; String host = tokens[2]; int port = Integer.parseInt(tokens[3]); webClient.watchGameInfo(gameId, host, port); } else if (command.equals(IWebClient.grantAdmin)) { webClient.grantAdminStatus(); } else if (command.equals(IWebClient.tellOwnInfo)) { String email = tokens[1]; webClient.tellOwnInfo(email); } else { if (webClient != null) { if (webClient instanceof WebClient) { ((WebClient)webClient).showAnswer(fromServer); } /* else if (webClient instanceof WebClient) { ((WebClient)webClient).showAnswer(fromServer); } */ } } } // while !done && readLine != null writeLog("End of SocketClientThread while loop, done = " + done + " readline " + (fromServer == null ? " null " : "'" + fromServer + "'")); if (loggedIn) { // Unexpectedly got a connection closed, at least we did not // initiate the logout ourself. So, to be sure, reset the GUI // to be "empty". webClient.connectionReset(forcedLogout); } } catch (IOException ex) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "WebClientSocketThread IOException!"); webClient.connectionReset(false); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "WebClientSocketThread whatever Exception!", e); Thread.dumpStack(); webClient.connectionReset(false); } doCleanup(); } private GameInfo restoreGameInfo(String[] tokens) { GameInfo gi = GameInfo.fromString(tokens, gameHash, false); return gi; } private void doCleanup() { if (socket != null) { try { socket.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "WebClientSocketThread close() IOException!", ex); } } socket = null; webClient = null; ackWaiter = null; } public void dispose() { doCleanup(); } private void send(String s) { out.println(s); } private class AckWaiter { String command; String result; boolean waiting = false; public AckWaiter() { // nothing special to do } public boolean isWaiting() { return waiting; } public synchronized String sendAndWait(String command, String args) { waiting = true; setCommand(command); send(command + sep + args); // will wait() until SocketThread has set the result and called notify. String result = waitForAck(); waiting = false; return result; } public void setCommand(String command) { this.command = command; } public String getCommand() { return command; } public synchronized String waitForAck() { try { wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, " got exception " + e.toString()); } return result; } public synchronized void setResult(String result) { this.result = result; this.notify(); } } public void logout() { loggedIn = false; send(Logout); } public void messageToAdmin(long when, String senderName, String senderMail, List<String> lines) { String listOfLines = Glob.glob(Glob.sep, lines); send(MessageToAdmin + sep + when + sep + senderName + sep + senderMail + sep + listOfLines); } public String changeProperties(String username, String oldPW, String newPW, String email, Boolean isAdminObj) { String reason = ackWaiter.sendAndWait(ChangePassword, username + sep + oldPW + sep + newPW + sep + email + sep + isAdminObj); return reason; } private void handleAckNack(String command, String[] tokens) { if (ackWaiter != null && ackWaiter.isWaiting()) { String cmd = ackWaiter.getCommand(); if (cmd != null && cmd.equals(command)) { ackWaiter.setResult(tokens[1]); } else { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Waiting for (N)ACK for command " + cmd + " but " + "got " + command); } } } public GameInfo proposeGame(String initiator, String variant, String viewmode, long startAt, int duration, String summary, String expire, List<String> gameOptions, List<String> teleportOptions, int min, int target, int max) { String gameOptionsString = Glob.glob(gameOptions); String teleportOptionsString = Glob.glob(teleportOptions); send(Propose + sep + initiator + sep + variant + sep + viewmode + sep + startAt + sep + duration + sep + summary + sep + expire + sep + gameOptionsString + sep + teleportOptionsString + sep + min + sep + target + sep + max); return null; } public void enrollUserToGame(String gameId, String username) { send(Enroll + sep + gameId + sep + username); } public void unenrollUserFromGame(String gameId, String username) { send(Unenroll + sep + gameId + sep + username); } public void cancelGame(String gameId, String byUser) { send(Cancel + sep + gameId + sep + byUser); } public void startGame(String gameId, User byUser) { send(Start + sep + gameId + sep + byUser.getName()); } public void resumeGame(String gameId, String loadGame, User byUser) { send(Resume + sep + gameId + sep + loadGame + sep + byUser.getName()); } public void deleteSuspendedGame(String gameId, User user) { send(DeleteSuspendedGame + sep + gameId + sep + user.getName()); } public void informStartedByPlayer(String gameId) { send(StartedByPlayer + sep + gameId); } public void informLocallyGameOver(String gameId) { send(LocallyGameOver + sep + gameId); } public void startGameOnPlayerHost(String gameId, String hostingPlayer, String playerHost, int port) { send(StartAtPlayer + sep + gameId + sep + hostingPlayer + sep + playerHost + sep + port); } public void chatSubmit(String chatId, String sender, String message) { String sending = ChatSubmit + sep + chatId + sep + sender + sep + message; send(sending); } public void pingResponse(String arg1, String arg2, String arg3) { send(PingResponse + sep + arg1 + sep + arg2 + sep + arg3); } public void watchGame(String gameId, String username) { send(WatchGame + sep + gameId + sep + username); } public void sleepFor(long millis) { try { Thread.sleep(millis); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // ignore } } public void confirmCommand(String cmd, String arg1, String arg2, String arg3) { sleepFor(200); long now = new Date().getTime(); send(ConfirmCommand + sep + now + sep + cmd + sep + arg1 + sep + arg2 + sep + arg3); } public void requestUserAttention(long when, String sender, boolean isAdmin, String recipient, String message, int beepCount, long beepInterval, boolean windows) { String sending = RequestUserAttention + sep + when + sep + sender + sep + isAdmin + sep + recipient + sep + message + sep + beepCount + sep + beepInterval + sep + windows; send(sending); } public void shutdownServer() { send(IWebServer.ShutdownServer); } public void rereadLoginMessage() { send(IWebServer.RereadLoginMessage); } public void dumpInfo() { send(IWebServer.DumpInfo); } public void submitAnyText(String text) { if (text.equals("die")) { System.exit(1); } send(text); } private void writeLog(String s) { if (true) { LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, s); } } public class WcstException extends Exception { boolean failedBecauseAlreadyLoggedIn = false; boolean wasCancelled = false; public WcstException(String message, boolean dupl, boolean cancelled) { super(message); failedBecauseAlreadyLoggedIn = dupl; wasCancelled = cancelled; } public WcstException(String message) { super(message); failedBecauseAlreadyLoggedIn = false; } public boolean failedBecauseAlreadyLoggedIn() { return failedBecauseAlreadyLoggedIn; } public boolean wasCancelled() { return wasCancelled; } } }