package net.sf.colossus.common; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * Class Options lists game options for Colossus. * * @author David Ripton * * TODO constants should be all uppercase */ public final class Options implements IOptions { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(Options.class .getName()); // Everything is public because we use this class in both the client // and server packages. (With separate data.) // Non-options that use the options framework // Will add player numbers 0 through n-1 to the end of these. public static final String playerName = "Player name "; public static final String playerType = "Player type "; public static final String runClientPlayer = "Network client playername"; public static final String runClientHost = "Network client hostname"; public static final String runClientPort = "Network client port"; public static final String runSpectatorClient = "Spectator client"; public static final String loadGameFileName = "Load game file name"; public static final String webFlagFileName = "Web game flag file"; public static final String serveAtPort = "Run server on port"; public static final String FORCE_BOARD = "Force View Board"; public static final String webServerHost = "Web server name"; public static final String webServerPort = "Web server port"; public static final String webClientLogin = "Web client login"; public static final String webClientPassword = "Web client password"; public static final String proposedGamesTableOption = "Proposed Games Table Column Widths"; // Option names // Server administrative options public static final String autosave = "Autosave"; public static final String autosaveMaxKeep = "Max autosave files"; public static final String autosaveVerboseNames = "Verbose autosave names"; public static final String autoStop = "AIs stop when humans dead"; public static final String autoQuit = "Auto quit when game over"; public static final String goOnWithoutObserver = "Go on without observer"; public static final String hotSeatMode = "Hot seat mode"; public static final String keepAccepting = "Keep accepting clients"; public static final String diceStatisticsFile = "Dice statistics file"; public static final String lastJava7Warning = "Last Java 7 warning"; // Rules options public static final String variant = "Variant"; public static final String variantFileWithFullPath = "Variant full path"; public static final String viewMode = "ViewMode"; public static final String dubiousAsBlanks = "Uncertain as blank (Autoinspector etc.)"; public static final String showMarker = "Show Marker (Autoinspector etc.)"; public static final String localOnlyOwn = "Locally only own legions"; // Web Client specific: public static final String minPlayersWeb = "Min Players Web Client"; public static final String targPlayersWeb = "Target Players Web Client"; public static final String maxPlayersWeb = "Max Players Web Client"; public static final String uponMessageToFront = "Window to front for message"; /* selections for viewable Legions */ public static final String viewableOwn = "Only own legions"; public static final String viewableLast = "Revealed during last turn"; public static final String viewableEver = "Ever revealed (or concludable) since start"; public static final String viewableAll = "True content for all legions"; public static final String[] viewModeArray = { viewableOwn, viewableEver, viewableAll }; public static final int viewableOwnNum = 1; public static final int viewableLastNum = 2; public static final int viewableEverNum = 3; public static final int viewableAllNum = 4; public static final String eventExpiring = "EventExpire"; public static final String eventExpiringNever = "never"; public static final String[] eventExpiringChoices = { "1", "2", "5", "10", eventExpiringNever }; public static final String balancedTowers = "Balanced starting towers"; public static final String allStacksVisible = "All stacks visible"; public static final String onlyOwnLegions = "Only own legions viewable"; public static final String cumulativeSlow = "Slowing is cumulative"; public static final String oneHexAllowed = "Always allows one hex"; public static final String fixedSequenceBattleDice = "Fixed-sequence battle dice"; public static final String pbBattleHits = "Probability-based battle hits"; public static final String sansLordAutoBattle = "Need lord for battle control"; public static final String inactivityTimeout = "Inactivity timeout"; public static final String noFirstTurnT2TTeleport = "No tower-to-tower Teleport on first turn"; public static final String noFirstTurnTeleport = "No Teleport on first turn"; public static final String towerToTowerTeleportOnly = "Tower-to-Tower Teleport only"; public static final String noTowerTeleport = "No Tower Teleport"; public static final String noTitanTeleport = "No Titan Teleport"; public static final String noFirstTurnWarlockRecruit = "No Warlock recruiting on first turn"; public static final String unlimitedMulligans = "Unlimited Mulligans"; public static final String enableEditingMode = "Enable Editing Mode"; // Those are global options which need to be transferred to clients, even if // not set (meaning false), but if Client has them stored from earlier synchronizations // (e.g. removed file, or now playing on public server) public static final String[] globalGameOptions = { cumulativeSlow, oneHexAllowed, fixedSequenceBattleDice, sansLordAutoBattle, noFirstTurnT2TTeleport, noFirstTurnTeleport, towerToTowerTeleportOnly, noTowerTeleport, noTitanTeleport, unlimitedMulligans, noFirstTurnWarlockRecruit, enableEditingMode, inactivityTimeout }; // Display options (client only) public static final String stealFocus = "Steal focus"; public static final String turnStartBeep = "When my turns starts, beep"; public static final String turnStartToFront = "When my turn starts, window to front"; public static final String turnStartBottomBarYellow = "When my turn starts, turn BottomBar yellow"; public static final String turnStartChatYellow = "When my turn starts, turn Chat background yellow"; public static final String BattleTerrainHazardWindow = "Show Terrain and Hazards"; public static final String showCaretaker = "Show Caretaker's stacks"; public static final String showStatusScreen = "Show game status"; public static final String showAutoInspector = "Show inspector"; public static final String showEventViewer = "Show event window"; public static final String showLogWindow = "Show log window"; public static final String showConnectionLogWindow = "Show connection log window"; public static final String showWebClient = "Show web client"; public static final String suppressedWelcomeDialog = "Suppressed Welcome Dialog"; public static final String showEngagementResults = "Show engagement results"; public static final String useOverlay = "Use Graphical Overlay"; public static final String noBaseColor = "Use black overlay on Chits"; public static final String playerColoredAngels = "Use player colored Angels"; public static final String useColoredBorders = "Use colored borders on Battle Chits"; public static final String doNotInvertDefender = "Do not invert defender's Battle Chits"; public static final String showHitThreshold = "Show needed roll for hit"; public static final String showDiceAjustmentsTerrain = "Show added/lost dice due to terrain"; public static final String showDiceAjustmentsRange = "Show lost dice due to rangestrike"; public static final String showAllRecruitChits = "Show all recruit Chits"; public static final String showRecruitChitsSubmenu = "Show recruit preview chits..."; public static final String showRecruitChitsNone = "None"; public static final String showRecruitChitsStrongest = "Strongest"; public static final String showRecruitChitsRecruitHint = "Recruit Hint"; public static final String showRecruitChitsAll = "All"; public static final int showRecruitChitsNumNone = 0; public static final int showRecruitChitsNumStrongest = 1; public static final int showRecruitChitsNumRecruitHint = 2; public static final int showRecruitChitsNumAll = 3; public static final String antialias = "Antialias"; public static final String scale = "Scale"; // Window locations and sizes (client only) public static final String locX = "Location X"; public static final String locY = "Location Y"; public static final String sizeX = "Size X"; public static final String sizeY = "Size Y"; // AI options (client only) public static final String autoPickColor = "Auto pick color"; public static final String autoPickMarker = "Auto pick markers"; public static final String autoSplit = "Auto split"; public static final String autoMasterMove = "Auto masterboard move"; public static final String autoPickEntrySide = "Auto pick entry sides"; public static final String autoPickLord = "Auto pick teleporting lord"; public static final String autoPickEngagements = "Auto pick engagements"; public static final String autoFlee = "Auto flee"; public static final String autoConcede = "Auto concede"; public static final String autoNegotiate = "Auto negotiate"; public static final String autoForcedStrike = "Auto forced strike"; public static final String autoCarrySingle = "Auto carry single"; public static final String autoRangeSingle = "Auto rangestrike single"; public static final String autoSummonAngels = "Auto summon angels"; public static final String autoAcquireAngels = "Auto acquire angels"; public static final String autoRecruit = "Auto recruit"; public static final String autoPickRecruiter = "Auto pick recruiters"; public static final String autoReinforce = "Auto reinforce"; public static final String autoPlay = "Auto play"; // Confirmations (client only) public static final String confirmNoRecruit = "Confirm when not all possible recruits taken"; public static final String confirmNoMove = "Confirm when not all possible moves made"; public static final String confirmNoSplit = "Confirm when not all full legions split"; public static final String confirmConcedeWithTitan = "Confirm when you concede with your Titan"; public static final String legionMoveConfirmationSubMenu = "Legion Movement Confirmation"; public static final String legionMoveConfirmationNoMove = "Any legion has not moved"; public static final String legionMoveConfirmationNoUnvisitedMove = "Unvisited legion has not moved"; public static final String legionMoveConfirmationNoConfirm = "No movement confirmation"; public static final int legionMoveConfirmationNumNoConfirm = 0; public static final int legionMoveConfirmationNumMove = 1; public static final int legionMoveConfirmationNumUnvisitedMove = 2; public static final String nextSplitSubMenu = "Split Phase Next Key Mouse Click"; public static final String nextMove = "Move Phase Next Key Left Click"; public static final String nextMuster = "Muster Phase Next Key Left Click"; public static final String nextSplitAllSplitable = "Split Phase Visit All Splittable Legions"; public static final String nextSplitLeftClick = "Split Phase Next Key Left Click (show markers)"; public static final String nextSplitRightClick = "Split Phase Next Key Right Click (show creatures)"; public static final String nextSplitNoClick = "Split Phase Next Key No Mouse Click"; public static final int nextSplitNumNoClick = 0; public static final int nextSplitNumLeftClick = 1; public static final int nextSplitNumRightClick = 2; // AI timing options (client only) public static final String aiTimeLimit = "AI time limit"; public static final String aiDelay = "AI delay"; // General per-player options (client only) public static final String favoriteColors = "Favorite colors"; public static final String favoriteLookFeel = "Favorite Look And Feel"; public static final String serverName = "Server name"; public static final String activePreferencesTab = "Active preferences tab"; public static final String editModeActive = "Edit Mode"; public static final String legionListByMarkerId = "Sort legion list by marker Id"; private final Properties props = new Properties(); private final String owner; // playerName, or Constants.optionsServerName private final String dataPath; // WebServer sets to create a server.cfg file // AIs and the "startOption" do not read nor write to an actual file private boolean noFile; // Unit and functional tests read a file, but should not write anything back private final boolean readOnly; private final Map<String, List<Listener>> listeners = new HashMap<String, List<Listener>>(); public Options(String owner, String customPath, boolean noFile, boolean readOnly) { this.owner = owner; this.dataPath = customPath; this.noFile = noFile; this.readOnly = readOnly; } public Options(String owner, String customPath, boolean noFile) { this.owner = owner; this.dataPath = customPath; this.noFile = noFile; this.readOnly = false; } public Options(String owner) { this(owner, Constants.DEFAULT_COLOSSUS_HOME, false); } public Options(String owner, boolean noFile) { this(owner, Constants.DEFAULT_COLOSSUS_HOME, noFile); } public String getOptionsFilename() { return dataPath + "/" + Constants.OPTIONS_BASE + owner + Constants.OPTIONS_EXTENSION; } synchronized public void loadOptions() { // As long as we don't prevent e.g. Human players to // choose "<byColor>" have to block it here - otherwise // it gives File Exceptions due to the "<" character. if (owner.startsWith(Constants.byColor) || owner.startsWith(Constants.byType)) { this.noFile = true; } // Don't load if noFile is set - typically AI players if (this.noFile) { return; } String optionsFile = getOptionsFilename();"Loading options from " + optionsFile); FileInputStream in = null; try { in = new FileInputStream(optionsFile); props.load(in); // The pure "Player\ Type\ " (without number) is not needed, // it causes on Client side trouble if there is a listener props.remove(Options.playerType); triggerAllOptions(); } catch (IOException e) { // this can happen for the netclient-config and others, so // don't warn"Couldn't read options from " + optionsFile); return; } finally { if (in != null) { try { in.close(); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Could not close options file properly", e); } } } } synchronized public void saveOptions() { // Don't save if noFile is set - typically AI players if (this.noFile) { return; } // Don't save if readOnly mode was set - typically test cases if (this.readOnly) { return; } String optionsFile = getOptionsFilename(); File optionsDir = new File(dataPath); if (!optionsDir.exists() || !optionsDir.isDirectory()) { LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Trying to make directory " + dataPath); if (!optionsDir.mkdirs()) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not create options directory " + optionsDir.toString()); return; } } FileOutputStream out = null; try { out = new FileOutputStream(optionsFile);, Constants.CONFIG_VERSION); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Couldn't write options to " + optionsFile, e); } try { if (out != null) { out.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Couldn't close outputstream after options written to " + optionsFile, e); } } synchronized public void setOption(String optname, String value) { String oldValue = getStringOption(optname); if (!value.equals(oldValue)) { props.setProperty(optname, value); triggerStringOption(optname, oldValue, value); } } synchronized public void setOption(String optname, boolean value) { boolean undefined = isOptionUndefined(optname); boolean oldValue = getOption(optname); if (undefined || oldValue != value) { setOption(optname, String.valueOf(value)); triggerBooleanOption(optname, oldValue, value); } } synchronized public void setOption(String optname, int value) { int oldValue = getIntOption(optname); if (oldValue != value) { setOption(optname, String.valueOf(value)); triggerIntOption(optname, oldValue, value); } } synchronized public String getStringOption(String optname) { String value = props.getProperty(optname); return value; } synchronized public String getStringOption(String optname, String defaultValue) { String value = props.getProperty(optname, defaultValue); return value; } synchronized public boolean getOption(String optname) { // the "if start with "Auto "... removed, that part is // now handled by AutoPlay class. String value = getStringOption(optname); return (value != null && value.equals("true")); } synchronized public boolean getOption(String optname, boolean defaultValue) { String value = getStringOption(optname, (defaultValue ? "true" : "false")); return (value != null && value.equals("true")); } /** Return -1 if the option's value has not been set. */ synchronized public int getIntOption(String optname) { String buf = getStringOption(optname); int value = -1; try { value = Integer.parseInt(buf); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { value = -1; } return value; } public boolean isOptionUndefined(String optname) { return (getStringOption(optname) == null); } synchronized public void removeOption(String optname) { props.remove(optname); } // we know we didn't mistreat Properties by adding non-Strings @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") synchronized public Enumeration<String> propertyNames() { return (Enumeration<String>)props.propertyNames(); } /** Remove all playerName and playerType entries. */ synchronized public void clearPlayerInfo() { Enumeration<String> en = propertyNames(); while (en.hasMoreElements()) { String name = en.nextElement(); if (name.startsWith(playerName) || name.startsWith(playerType)) { props.remove(name); } } } /** Wipe everything. */ synchronized public void clear() { props.clear(); } synchronized public boolean isEmpty() { return props.isEmpty(); } @Override public String toString() { return props.toString(); } // client compares then only numeric modes (easier and faster in runtime) // TODO this one and the next one could be better solved with enums synchronized public int getNumberForViewMode(String viewMode) { int val = Options.viewableAllNum; if (viewMode == null) { return Options.viewableAllNum; } if (viewMode.equals(Options.viewableAll)) { val = Options.viewableAllNum; } if (viewMode.equals(Options.viewableEver)) { val = Options.viewableEverNum; } if (viewMode.equals(Options.viewableLast)) { val = Options.viewableLastNum; } if (viewMode.equals(Options.viewableOwn)) { val = Options.viewableOwnNum; } return val; } /* // Right now (09/2007) not used anywhere; but perhaps web server should // store and transmit only the numerical modes, then this would be needed. // so I keep it here for now. public static String xgetStringForViewMode(int val) { String text = Options.viewableAll; switch(val) { case Options.viewableAllNum: text = Options.viewableAll; break; case Options.viewableEverNum: text = Options.viewableEver; break; case Options.viewableLastNum: text = Options.viewableLast; break; case Options.viewableOwnNum: text = Options.viewableOwn; break; default: text = Options.viewableAll; break; } return text; } */ // client compares then only numeric modes (easier and faster in runtime) // ((can use switch case statement)) synchronized public int getNumberForRecruitChitSelection(String s) { if (s == null || s.equals("")) { return Options.showRecruitChitsNumNone; } int val = Options.showRecruitChitsNumAll; if (s.equals(Options.showRecruitChitsNone)) { val = Options.showRecruitChitsNumNone; } if (s.equals(Options.showRecruitChitsStrongest)) { val = Options.showRecruitChitsNumStrongest; } if (s.equals(Options.showRecruitChitsRecruitHint)) { val = Options.showRecruitChitsNumRecruitHint; } if (s.equals(Options.showRecruitChitsAll)) { val = Options.showRecruitChitsNumAll; } return val; } synchronized public int getNumberForLegionMoveConfirmation(String s) { if (s == null || s.equals("")) { return Options.legionMoveConfirmationNumNoConfirm; } int val = Options.legionMoveConfirmationNumNoConfirm; if (s.equals(Options.legionMoveConfirmationNoMove)) { val = Options.legionMoveConfirmationNumMove; } if (s.equals(Options.legionMoveConfirmationNoUnvisitedMove)) { val = Options.legionMoveConfirmationNumUnvisitedMove; } return val; } synchronized public int getNumberForNextSplit(String s) { if (s == null || s.equals("")) { return Options.nextSplitNumNoClick; } int val = Options.nextSplitNumLeftClick; if (s.equals(Options.nextSplitRightClick)) { val = Options.nextSplitNumRightClick; } if (s.equals(Options.nextSplitNoClick)) { val = Options.nextSplitNumNoClick; } return val; } private static boolean functionalTestOngoing = false; public static void setFunctionalTest(boolean val) { functionalTestOngoing = val; } public static boolean isFunctionalTest() { return functionalTestOngoing; } private static boolean startupTestOngoing = false; public static void setStartupTest(boolean val) { setFunctionalTest(val); startupTestOngoing = val; } public static boolean isStartupTest() { return startupTestOngoing; } private static String propNameStresstestRounds = "net.sf.colossus.stressTestRounds"; public static boolean isStresstest() { return System.getProperty(propNameStresstestRounds) != null; } synchronized public static int getHowManyStresstestRoundsProperty() { String propHowMany = System.getProperty(propNameStresstestRounds); int howMany = 0; if (propHowMany != null) { try { int i = Integer.parseInt(propHowMany); howMany = i; } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { howMany = 1; LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "NOTE: Value '" + propHowMany + "' from property " + propNameStresstestRounds + " is not a valid number - using default value 1!"); } } return howMany; } synchronized public void addListener(String optname, Listener listener) { List<Listener> optionListeners = getListenersForOption(optname); optionListeners.add(listener); } private List<Listener> getListenersForOption(String optname) { List<Listener> optionListeners = listeners.get(optname); if (optionListeners == null) { optionListeners = new ArrayList<Listener>(); listeners.put(optname, optionListeners); } return optionListeners; } synchronized public void removeListener(Listener listener) { for (List<Listener> optionListeners : listeners.values()) { optionListeners.remove(listener); } } private void triggerBooleanOption(String optname, boolean oldValue, boolean newValue) { List<Listener> optionListeners = getListenersForOption(optname); for (Listener listener : optionListeners) { listener.booleanOptionChanged(optname, oldValue, newValue); } } private void triggerIntOption(String optname, int oldValue, int newValue) { List<Listener> optionListeners = getListenersForOption(optname); for (Listener listener : optionListeners) { listener.intOptionChanged(optname, oldValue, newValue); } } private void triggerStringOption(String optname, String oldValue, String newValue) { List<Listener> optionListeners = getListenersForOption(optname); for (Listener listener : optionListeners) { listener.stringOptionChanged(optname, oldValue, newValue); } } private void triggerAllOptions() { for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> option : props.entrySet()) { String optname = (String)option.getKey(); String stringVal = (String)option.getValue(); // try triggering things as integer or boolean first // (which implies a string trigger) // make sure the oldVal is guaranteed to be different try { int intVal = Integer.parseInt(stringVal); // don't just negate the value, it might be Integer.MIN_VALUE // used by someone as a marker if (intVal == 0) { triggerIntOption(optname, 1, 0); } else { triggerIntOption(optname, 0, intVal); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // so it is not a number, let's try boolean if (stringVal.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { triggerBooleanOption(optname, false, true); } else if (stringVal.equalsIgnoreCase("false")) { triggerBooleanOption(optname, true, false); } else { // neither int nor boolean triggerStringOption(optname, null, stringVal); } } } } }