package net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.util; import java.awt.AWTEvent; import java.awt.EventQueue; import java.awt.Toolkit; import; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; /** * Monitors the AWT event dispatch thread for events that take longer than * a certain time to be dispatched. * * The principle is to record the time at which we start processing an event, * and have another thread check frequently to see if we're still processing. * If the other thread notices that we've been processing a single event for * too long, it prints a stack trace showing what the event dispatch thread * is doing, and continues to time it until it finally finishes. * * This is useful in determining what code is causing your Java application's * GUI to be unresponsive. * * @author Elliott Hughes <> */ public final class EventDispatchThreadHangMonitor extends EventQueue { private static final EventQueue INSTANCE = new EventDispatchThreadHangMonitor(); // Time to wait between checks that the event dispatch thread isn't hung. private static final long CHECK_INTERVAL_MS = 100; // Maximum time we won't warn about. private static final long UNREASONABLE_DISPATCH_DURATION_MS = 500; // Used as the value of startedLastEventDispatchAt when we're not in // the middle of event dispatch. private static final long NO_CURRENT_EVENT = 0; // When we started dispatching the current event, in milliseconds. private long startedLastEventDispatchAt = NO_CURRENT_EVENT; // Have we already dumped a stack trace for the current event dispatch? private boolean reportedHang = false; // The event dispatch thread, for the purpose of getting stack traces. private Thread eventDispatchThread = null; private EventDispatchThreadHangMonitor() { initTimer(); } /** * Sets up a timer to check for hangs frequently. */ private void initTimer() { final long initialDelayMs = 0; final boolean isDaemon = true; Timer timer = new Timer("EventDispatchThreadHangMonitor", isDaemon); timer.schedule(new HangChecker(), initialDelayMs, CHECK_INTERVAL_MS); } private class HangChecker extends TimerTask { @Override public void run() { // Synchronize on the outer class, because that's where all // the state lives. synchronized (INSTANCE) { checkForHang(); } } private void checkForHang() { if (startedLastEventDispatchAt == NO_CURRENT_EVENT) { // We don't destroy the timer when there's nothing happening // because it would mean a lot more work on every single AWT // event that gets dispatched. return; } if (timeSoFar() > UNREASONABLE_DISPATCH_DURATION_MS) { reportHang(); } } private void reportHang() { if (reportedHang) { // Don't keep reporting the same hang every 100 ms. return; } reportedHang = true; System.out.println("--- event dispatch thread stuck processing event for " + timeSoFar() + " ms:"); StackTraceElement[] stackTrace = eventDispatchThread.getStackTrace(); printStackTrace(System.out, stackTrace); } private void printStackTrace(PrintStream out, StackTraceElement[] stackTrace) { // We know that it's not interesting to show any code above where // we get involved in event dispatch, so we stop printing the stack // trace when we get as far back as our code. final String ourEventQueueClassName = EventDispatchThreadHangMonitor.class.getName(); for (StackTraceElement stackTraceElement : stackTrace) { if (stackTraceElement.getClassName().equals(ourEventQueueClassName)) { return; } out.println(" " + stackTraceElement); } } } /** * Returns how long we've been processing the current event (in * milliseconds). */ private long timeSoFar() { long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); return (currentTime - startedLastEventDispatchAt); } /** * Sets up hang detection for the event dispatch thread. */ public static void initMonitoring() { Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemEventQueue().push(INSTANCE); } /** * Overrides EventQueue.dispatchEvent to call our pre and post hooks either * side of the system's event dispatch code. */ @Override protected void dispatchEvent(AWTEvent event) { preDispatchEvent(); super.dispatchEvent(event); postDispatchEvent(); } /** * Stores the time at which we started processing the current event. */ private synchronized void preDispatchEvent() { if (eventDispatchThread == null) { // I don't know of any API for getting the event dispatch thread, // but we can assume that it's the current thread if we're in the // middle of dispatching an AWT event... eventDispatchThread = Thread.currentThread(); } reportedHang = false; startedLastEventDispatchAt = System.currentTimeMillis(); } /** * Reports the end of any ongoing hang, and notes that we're no longer * processing an event. */ private synchronized void postDispatchEvent() { if (reportedHang) { System.out.println("--- event dispatch thread unstuck after " + timeSoFar() + " ms."); } startedLastEventDispatchAt = NO_CURRENT_EVENT; } }