package net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.session.mainpanel; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.preferences.SquirrelPreferences; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.session.*; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.session.event.ISQLExecutionListener; import; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.datasetviewer.*; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.dialects.DialectFactory; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.dialects.DialectType; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.sql.SQLExecutionException; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.util.StringManager; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.util.StringManagerFactory; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.util.StringUtilities; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.util.log.ILogger; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.util.log.LoggerController; import java.sql.SQLWarning; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * This class is the handler for the execution of sql against the SQLExecuterPanel */ class SQLExecutionHandler implements ISQLExecuterHandler { private static final ILogger s_log = LoggerController.createLogger(SQLExecutionHandler.class); private static final StringManager s_stringMgr = StringManagerFactory.getStringManager(SQLExecutionHandler.class); private CancelPanelCtrl _cancelPanelCtrl; private SQLExecuterTask _executer; private ISession _session; private ISQLExecutionHandlerListener _executionHandlerListener; private static enum SQLType { INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, UNKNOWN } /** * Hold onto the current ResultDataSet so if the execution is * cancelled then this can be cancelled. */ private ResultSetDataSet rsds = null; private String sqlToBeExecuted = null; private SQLType sqlType = null; private IResultTab _resultTabToReplace; private boolean _largeScript = false; private double _scriptTotalTime = 0; private double _scriptQueryTime = 0; private double _scriptOutptutTime = 0; private int _scriptRowsInserted = 0; private int _scriptRowsSelected = 0; private int _scriptRowsUpdated = 0; private int _scriptRowsDeleted = 0; public SQLExecutionHandler(IResultTab resultTabToReplace, ISession session, String sql, ISQLExecutionHandlerListener executionHandlerListener, ISQLExecutionListener[] executionListeners) { _session = session; _executionHandlerListener = executionHandlerListener; _executer = new SQLExecuterTask(_session, sql, this, executionListeners); SquirrelPreferences prefs = _session.getApplication().getSquirrelPreferences(); if (prefs.getLargeScriptStmtCount() > 0 && _executer.getQueryCount() > prefs.getLargeScriptStmtCount()) { _executer.setExecutionListeners(new ISQLExecutionListener[0]); setLargeScript(true); } _resultTabToReplace = resultTabToReplace; CancelPanelListener listener = new CancelPanelListener() { @Override public void cancelRequested() { onCancelRequested(); } @Override public void closeRquested() { _executionHandlerListener.removeCancelPanel(_cancelPanelCtrl, null); } }; _cancelPanelCtrl = new CancelPanelCtrl(listener, session); _executionHandlerListener.setCancelPanel(_cancelPanelCtrl); _session.getApplication().getThreadPool().addTask(_executer); } private void onCancelRequested() { try { if (_executer != null) { _executer.cancel(); } } catch (Throwable th) { s_log.error("Error occured cancelling SQL", th); } } /** * Set whether or not the script is large. If the script is large, then * do some performance optimizations with the GUI so that it remains * responsive. If the UI is not responsive, then the user is not able * to see what is happening, nor are they able to control it (cancelling * becomes ineffective) * * @param aBoolean whether or not the script is large. */ public void setLargeScript(boolean aBoolean) { _largeScript = aBoolean; } /** * Determines whether or not the current statement SQL should be rendered. * Since too many statements can cause the UI to stop rendering the * statements, we back off rendering after many statements so that the UI * can continue to provide feedback to the user. * * @param current * @param total * @return */ private boolean shouldRenderSQL(int current, int total) { if (!_largeScript) { return true; } boolean result = true; // Back-off a bit after a hundred updates to allow the UI to update if (total > 200 && current > 100 && current % 10 != 0) { result = false; } if (total > 1000 && current > 500 && current % 50 != 0) { result = false; } if (total > 2000 && current > 1000 && current % 100 != 0) { result = false; } return result; } public void sqlToBeExecuted(final String sql) { _cancelPanelCtrl.incCurrentQueryIndex(); int currentStmtCount = _cancelPanelCtrl.getCurrentQueryIndex(); if (!shouldRenderSQL(currentStmtCount, _cancelPanelCtrl.getTotalCount())) { return; } final String cleanSQL = StringUtilities.cleanString(sql); sqlToBeExecuted = cleanSQL; sqlType = getSQLType(cleanSQL); _cancelPanelCtrl.setSQL(sqlToBeExecuted); // i18n[SQLResultExecuterPanel.execStatus=Executing SQL...] String status = s_stringMgr.getString("SQLResultExecuterPanel.execStatus"); _cancelPanelCtrl.setStatusLabel(status); } private SQLType getSQLType(String sql) { SQLType result = SQLType.UNKNOWN; if (sql.toLowerCase().startsWith("insert")) { result = SQLType.INSERT; } if (sql.toLowerCase().startsWith("update")) { result = SQLType.UPDATE; } if (sql.toLowerCase().startsWith("select")) { result = SQLType.SELECT; } if (sql.toLowerCase().startsWith("delete")) { result = SQLType.DELETE; } return result; } /** * This will - depending on the size of the script - print a message * indicating the time that it took to execute one or more queries. * When executing a large script (as defined by the user, but default is * > 200 statements) we don't want to keep sending messages to the * message panel, otherwise the UI will get behind and slow the execution * of the script and prevent the user from cancelling the operation. So * this method will track the total time when executing a large script, * otherwise for small scripts it puts out a message for every statemselect * from employeeent. */ public void sqlExecutionComplete(final SQLExecutionInfo exInfo, final int processedStatementCount, final int statementCount) { final Integer numberResultRowsRead = exInfo.getNumberResultRowsRead(); if (_largeScript) { double executionLength = ((double) exInfo.getSQLExecutionElapsedMillis()) / 1000; double outputLength = ((double) exInfo.getResultsProcessingElapsedMillis()) / 1000; double totalLength = executionLength + outputLength; // Track the time in aggregate for the script. _scriptQueryTime += executionLength; _scriptOutptutTime += outputLength; _scriptTotalTime += totalLength; // When we get to the last statement, if the script is large, // show the user the total execution time. if (statementCount == processedStatementCount) { printScriptExecDetails(statementCount, _scriptQueryTime, _scriptOutptutTime, _scriptTotalTime); } } else { allProcessingComplete(exInfo, processedStatementCount, statementCount, numberResultRowsRead); } } private void allProcessingComplete(SQLExecutionInfo exInfo, int processedStatementCount, int statementCount, Integer numberResultRowsRead) { double executionLength = ((double) exInfo.getSQLExecutionElapsedMillis()) / 1000; double outputLength = ((double) exInfo.getResultsProcessingElapsedMillis()) / 1000; double totalLength = executionLength + outputLength; final NumberFormat nbrFmt = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(); Object[] args = new Object[]{ Integer.valueOf(processedStatementCount), Integer.valueOf(statementCount), numberResultRowsRead == null ? 0 : numberResultRowsRead, nbrFmt.format(totalLength), nbrFmt.format(executionLength), nbrFmt.format(outputLength) }; //i18n[SQLResultExecuterPanel.queryStatistics=Query {0} of {1} //elapsed time (seconds) - Total: {2}, SQL query: {3}, //Building output: {4}] String stats = s_stringMgr.getString("SQLResultExecuterPanel.queryStatistics", args); _session.showMessage(stats); } private void printScriptExecDetails(int statementCount, double executionLength, double outputLength, double totalLength) { final NumberFormat nbrFmt = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(); Object[] args = new Object[]{ Integer.valueOf(statementCount), nbrFmt.format(totalLength), nbrFmt.format(executionLength), nbrFmt.format(outputLength) }; //i18n[SQLResultExecuterPanel.scriptQueryStatistics=Executed {0} //queries; elapsed time (seconds) - Total: {1}, SQL query: {2}, //Building output: {3}] String stats = s_stringMgr.getString("SQLResultExecuterPanel.scriptQueryStatistics", args); String[] counts = new String[]{Integer.toString(_scriptRowsInserted), Integer.toString(_scriptRowsSelected), Integer.toString(_scriptRowsUpdated), Integer.toString(_scriptRowsDeleted)}; //i18n[SQLResultExecuterPanel.scriptStmtCounts=Row update //counts: {0} Inserts, {1} Selects, {2} Updates, {3} Deletes String msg = s_stringMgr.getString("SQLResultExecuterPanel.scriptStmtCounts", counts); _session.showMessage(msg); _session.showMessage(stats); } public void sqlExecutionCancelled() { if (rsds != null) { rsds.cancelProcessing(); } // i18n[SQLResultExecuterPanel.canceleRequested=Query execution cancel requested by user.] // String canc = // s_stringMgr.getString("SQLResultExecuterPanel.canceleRequested"); // getSession().getMessageHandler().showMessage(canc); } public void sqlDataUpdated(int updateCount) { Integer count = Integer.valueOf(updateCount); String msg = ""; switch (sqlType) { case INSERT: if (_largeScript) { _scriptRowsInserted++; } else { // i18n[SQLResultExecuterPanel.rowsUpdated={0} Row(s) Inserted] msg = s_stringMgr.getString("SQLResultExecuterPanel.rowsInserted", count); } break; case SELECT: if (_largeScript) { _scriptRowsSelected++; } else { // i18n[SQLResultExecuterPanel.rowsSelected={0} Row(s) Selected] msg = s_stringMgr.getString("SQLResultExecuterPanel.rowsSelected", count); } break; case UPDATE: if (_largeScript) { _scriptRowsUpdated++; } else { // i18n[SQLResultExecuterPanel.rowsUpdated={0} Row(s) Updated] msg = s_stringMgr.getString("SQLResultExecuterPanel.rowsUpdated", count); } break; case DELETE: if (_largeScript) { _scriptRowsDeleted++; } else { // i18n[SQLResultExecuterPanel.rowsDeleted={0} Row(s) Deleted] msg = s_stringMgr.getString("SQLResultExecuterPanel.rowsDeleted", count); } break; } if (_largeScript) { return; } _session.showMessage(msg); } public void sqlResultSetAvailable(ResultSetWrapper rs, SQLExecutionInfo info, IDataSetUpdateableTableModel model) throws DataSetException { // i18n[SQLResultExecuterPanel.outputStatus=Building output...] String outputStatus = s_stringMgr.getString("SQLResultExecuterPanel.outputStatus"); _cancelPanelCtrl.setStatusLabel(outputStatus); rsds = new ResultSetDataSet(); try { SessionProperties props = _session.getProperties(); ResultSetMetaDataDataSet rsmdds = null; if (props.getShowResultsMetaData()) { rsmdds = new ResultSetMetaDataDataSet(rs.getResultSet()); } DialectType dialectType = DialectFactory.getDialectType(_session.getMetaData()); // rsds.setContentsTabResultSet() reads the result set. So results processing on the DB is over // and this time is measured. None is interested in the time that it takes us to render Swing tables ... info.resultsProcessingComplete(rsds.setSqlExecutionTabResultSet(rs, null, dialectType)); _executionHandlerListener.addResultsTab(info, rsds, rsmdds, model, _resultTabToReplace); }finally{ /* * Make sure, that in any case, even when a exception occurs, the rsds is set to null, so that * the GC can clean them. */ rsds = null; } } public void sqlExecutionWarning(SQLWarning warn) { _session.showMessage(warn); } public void sqlStatementCount(int statementCount) { _cancelPanelCtrl.setQueryCount(statementCount); } public void sqlCloseExecutionHandler(ArrayList<String> sqlExecErrorMsgs, String lastExecutedStatement) { _executionHandlerListener.removeCancelPanel(_cancelPanelCtrl, _resultTabToReplace); if (null != sqlExecErrorMsgs && 0 < sqlExecErrorMsgs.size() && _session.getProperties().getShowSQLErrorsInTab()) { _executionHandlerListener.displayErrors(sqlExecErrorMsgs, lastExecutedStatement); } _executer = null; } public String sqlExecutionException(Throwable th, String postErrorString) { SQLExecutionException ex = new SQLExecutionException(th, postErrorString); String message = _session.formatException(ex); _session.showErrorMessage(message); if (_session.getProperties().getWriteSQLErrorsToLog()) {; } return message; } }