package net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.preferences; /* * Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Colin Bell * * * Modifications Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Jason Height * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.action.ActionKeys; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.gui.mainframe.MainFrameWindowState; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.plugin.PluginStatus; import; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.util.ApplicationFiles; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.util.PropertyChangeReporter; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.util.ProxySettings; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.util.StringManager; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.util.StringManagerFactory; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.util.log.ILogger; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.util.log.LoggerController; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.xml.XMLBeanReader; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.xml.XMLBeanWriter; import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener; import; import; import; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; /** * This class represents the application preferences. * * @author <A HREF="">Colin Bell</A> */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class SquirrelPreferences implements Serializable { public interface IPropertyNames { String ACTION_KEYS = "actionKeys"; String CONFIRM_SESSION_CLOSE = "confirmSessionClose"; String FIRST_RUN = "firstRun"; String JDBC_DEBUG_TYPE = "jdbcDebugtype"; String LOGIN_TIMEOUT = "loginTimeout"; String LARGE_SCRIPT_STMT_COUNT = "largeScriptStmtCount"; String MAIN_FRAME_STATE = "mainFrameWindowState"; String MAXIMIMIZE_SESSION_SHEET_ON_OPEN = "maximizeSessionSheetOnOpen"; String NEW_SESSION_VIEW = "newSessionView"; String PLUGIN_OBJECTS = "pluginObjects"; String PLUGIN_STATUSES = "pluginStatuses"; String PROXY = "proxyPerferences"; String UPDATE = "updatePreferences"; String SCROLLABLE_TABBED_PANES = "getUseScrollableTabbedPanes"; String SESSION_PROPERTIES = "sessionProperties"; String SHOW_ALIASES_TOOL_BAR = "showAliasesToolBar"; String SHOW_CONTENTS_WHEN_DRAGGING = "showContentsWhenDragging"; String TABBED_STYLE = "tabbedStyle"; String USE_SCROLLABLE_TABBED_PANES_FOR_SESSION_TABS = "useScrollableTabbedPanesForSessionTabs"; String SHOW_TABBED_STYLE_HINT = "showTabbedStyleHint"; String SHOW_DRIVERS_TOOL_BAR = "showDriversToolBar"; String SHOW_LOADED_DRIVERS_ONLY = "showLoadedDriversOnly"; String SHOW_MAIN_STATUS_BAR = "showMainStatusBar"; String SHOW_MAIN_TOOL_BAR = "showMainToolBar"; String SHOW_TOOLTIPS = "showToolTips"; String SHOW_COLOR_ICONS_IN_TOOLBAR = "showColorIconsInToolbars"; String SHOW_PLUGIN_FILES_IN_SPLASH_SCREEN = "showPluginFilesInSplashScreen"; String FILE_OPEN_IN_PREVIOUS_DIR = "fileOpenInPreviousDir"; String FILE_OPEN_IN_SPECIFIED_DIR = "fileOpenInSpecifiedDir"; String FILE_SPECIFIED_DIR = "fileSpecifiedDir"; String FILE_PREVIOUS_DIR = "filePreviousdDir"; String WARN_JRE_JDBC_MISMATCH = "warnJreJdbcMismatch"; String WARN_FOR_UNSAVED_FILE_EDITS = "warnForUnsavedFileEdits"; String WARN_FOR_UNSAVED_BUFFER_EDITS = "warnForUnsavedBufferEdits"; String SHOW_SESSION_STARTUP_TIME_HINT = "showSessionStartupTimeHint"; String SHOW_DEBUG_LOG_MESSAGES = "showDebugLogMessages"; String SHOW_INFO_LOG_MESSAGES = "showInfoLogMessages"; String SHOW_ERROR_LOG_MESSAGES = "showErrorLogMessages"; String SAVE_PREFERENCES_IMMEDIATELY = "savePreferencesImmediately"; String SELECT_ON_RIGHT_MOUSE_CLICK = "selectOnRightMouseClick"; String SHOW_PLEASE_WAIT_DIALOG = "showPleaseWaitDialog"; String PREFERRED_LOCALE = "preferredLocale"; } public interface IJdbcDebugTypes { int NONE = 0; int TO_STREAM = 1; int TO_WRITER = 2; } /** Internationalized strings for this class. */ private static final StringManager s_stringMgr = StringManagerFactory.getStringManager(SquirrelPreferences.class); /** Logger for this class. */ private final static ILogger s_log = LoggerController.createLogger(SquirrelPreferences.class); /** Bounds of the main frame. */ private MainFrameWindowState _mainFrameState = new MainFrameWindowState(); /** Properties for new sessions. */ private SessionProperties _sessionProps = new SessionProperties(); /** * Show contents of internal frames when dragging. <CODE>false</CODE> makes * dragging faster. */ private boolean _showContentsWhenDragging = false; private boolean _tabbedStyle = true; private boolean _useScrollableTabbedPanesForSessionTabs; private boolean _showTabbedStyleHint = true; private boolean _fileOpenInPreviousDir = true; private boolean _fileOpenInSpecifiedDir = false; private String _fileSpecifiedDir = ""; private String _filePreviousDir = System.getProperty("user.home"); /** JDBC Debug Type. */ private int _jdbcDebugType = IJdbcDebugTypes.NONE; /** Login timeout (seconds). */ private int _loginTimeout = 30; /** How many statements before we should consider using UI optimizations for * large script execution */ private int _largeScriptStmtCount = 200; /** The View to start when a new session is created. */ // JASON: What are its valid values? private String _newSessionView; /** Show tooltips for controls. */ private boolean _showToolTips = true; /** Use scrollable tabbed panes. JDK 1.4 and above only. */ private boolean _useScrollableTabbedPanes = false; /** Show main statusbar. */ private boolean _showMainStatusBar = true; /** Show main toolbar. */ private boolean _showMainToolBar = true; /** Show toolbar in the drivers window. */ private boolean _showDriversToolBar = true; /** Maximize session sheet on open. */ private boolean _maxSessionSheetOnOpen = false; /** Show toolbar in the aliases window. */ private boolean _showAliasesToolBar = true; /** Show color icons in toolbars. */ private boolean _showColorIconsInToolbars = true; /** Show the name of each jar being loaded when loading plugins */ private boolean _showPluginFilesInSplashScreen = false; /** Accelerators and mnemonics for actions. */ private ActionKeys[] _actionsKeys = new ActionKeys[0]; /** Proxy settings. */ private ProxySettings _proxySettings = new ProxySettings(); /** Software update settings */ private IUpdateSettings _updateSettings = new UpdateSettings(); /** Show loaded drivers only in the Drivers window. */ private boolean _showLoadedDriversOnly; /** Is this the first time SQuirreL has been run? */ private boolean _firstRun = true; /** Confirm closing sessions */ private boolean _confirmSessionClose = true; /** Warn for JRE/JDBC Driver API Version mismatch */ private boolean _warnJreJdbcMismatch = true; /** Collection of <TT>PluginStatus</tt> objects. */ private final ArrayList<PluginStatus> _pluginStatusInfoColl = new ArrayList<PluginStatus>(); /** Warning when closing session if a file was edited but not saved. */ private boolean _warnForUnsavedFileEdits = true; /** Warning when closing session if a buffer was edited but not saved. */ private boolean _warnForUnsavedBufferEdits = true; /** Hint to Alias Schema Properties when Session startup takes considerable time */ private boolean _showSessionStartupTimeHint = true; /** Show DEBUG log messages in the log viewer */ private boolean _showDebugLogMessages = true; /** Show INFO log messages in the log viewer */ private boolean _showInfoLogMessages = true; /** Show ERROR log messages in the log viewer */ private boolean _showErrorLogMessages = true; /** Always save preferences immediately when they change, instead of at shutdown */ private boolean _savePreferencesImmediately = false; /** Whether or not to change the selection while right-clicking on list or tree node */ private boolean _selectOnRightMouseClick = true; /** Object to handle property change events. */ private transient PropertyChangeReporter _propChgReporter; private boolean _showPleaseWaitDialog; private String _preferredLocale; /** * Default ctor. */ public SquirrelPreferences() { super(); loadDefaults(); } public void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener) { getPropertyChangeReporter().addPropertyChangeListener(listener); } public void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener) { getPropertyChangeReporter().removePropertyChangeListener(listener); } public String getNewSessionView() { return _newSessionView; } public synchronized void setNewSessionView(String data) { if (((data == null) && (_newSessionView != null)) || (data != null) && !data.equals(_newSessionView)) { final String oldValue = _newSessionView; _newSessionView = data; getPropertyChangeReporter().firePropertyChange( IPropertyNames.NEW_SESSION_VIEW, oldValue, _newSessionView); } } public SessionProperties getSessionProperties() { return _sessionProps; } public synchronized void setSessionProperties(SessionProperties data) { if (_sessionProps != data) { final SessionProperties oldValue = _sessionProps; _sessionProps = data; getPropertyChangeReporter().firePropertyChange(IPropertyNames.SESSION_PROPERTIES, oldValue, _sessionProps); } } public MainFrameWindowState getMainFrameWindowState() { return _mainFrameState; } public synchronized void setMainFrameWindowState(MainFrameWindowState data) { final MainFrameWindowState oldValue = _mainFrameState; _mainFrameState = data; getPropertyChangeReporter().firePropertyChange(IPropertyNames.MAIN_FRAME_STATE, oldValue, _mainFrameState); } public boolean getTabbedStyle() { return _tabbedStyle; } public synchronized void setTabbedStyle(boolean data) { if (data != _tabbedStyle) { final boolean oldValue = _tabbedStyle; _tabbedStyle = data; getPropertyChangeReporter().firePropertyChange(IPropertyNames.TABBED_STYLE, oldValue, _tabbedStyle); } } public boolean getUseScrollableTabbedPanesForSessionTabs() { return _useScrollableTabbedPanesForSessionTabs; } public synchronized void setUseScrollableTabbedPanesForSessionTabs(boolean data) { if (data != _useScrollableTabbedPanesForSessionTabs) { final boolean oldValue = _useScrollableTabbedPanesForSessionTabs; _useScrollableTabbedPanesForSessionTabs = data; getPropertyChangeReporter().firePropertyChange(IPropertyNames.USE_SCROLLABLE_TABBED_PANES_FOR_SESSION_TABS, oldValue, _useScrollableTabbedPanesForSessionTabs); } } public boolean getShowTabbedStyleHint() { return _showTabbedStyleHint; } public synchronized void setShowTabbedStyleHint(boolean data) { if (data != _showTabbedStyleHint) { final boolean oldValue = _showTabbedStyleHint; _showTabbedStyleHint = data; getPropertyChangeReporter().firePropertyChange(IPropertyNames.SHOW_TABBED_STYLE_HINT, oldValue, _showTabbedStyleHint); } } public boolean getShowContentsWhenDragging() { return _showContentsWhenDragging; } public synchronized void setShowContentsWhenDragging(boolean data) { if (data != _showContentsWhenDragging) { final boolean oldValue = _showContentsWhenDragging; _showContentsWhenDragging = data; getPropertyChangeReporter().firePropertyChange(IPropertyNames.SHOW_CONTENTS_WHEN_DRAGGING, oldValue, _showContentsWhenDragging); } } public boolean getShowMainStatusBar() { return _showMainStatusBar; } public synchronized void setShowMainStatusBar(boolean data) { if (data != _showMainStatusBar) { final boolean oldValue = _showMainStatusBar; _showMainStatusBar = data; getPropertyChangeReporter().firePropertyChange(IPropertyNames.SHOW_MAIN_STATUS_BAR, oldValue, _showMainStatusBar); } } public boolean getShowMainToolBar() { return _showMainToolBar; } public synchronized void setShowMainToolBar(boolean data) { if (data != _showMainToolBar) { final boolean oldValue = _showMainToolBar; _showMainToolBar = data; getPropertyChangeReporter().firePropertyChange(IPropertyNames.SHOW_MAIN_TOOL_BAR, oldValue, _showMainToolBar); } } public boolean getShowAliasesToolBar() { return _showAliasesToolBar; } public synchronized void setShowAliasesToolBar(boolean data) { if (data != _showAliasesToolBar) { final boolean oldValue = _showAliasesToolBar; _showAliasesToolBar = data; getPropertyChangeReporter().firePropertyChange(IPropertyNames.SHOW_ALIASES_TOOL_BAR, oldValue, _showAliasesToolBar); } } public boolean getShowDriversToolBar() { return _showDriversToolBar; } public synchronized void setShowDriversToolBar(boolean data) { if (data != _showDriversToolBar) { final boolean oldValue = _showDriversToolBar; _showDriversToolBar = data; getPropertyChangeReporter().firePropertyChange(IPropertyNames.SHOW_DRIVERS_TOOL_BAR, oldValue, _showDriversToolBar); } } public boolean getShowColoriconsInToolbar() { return _showColorIconsInToolbars; } public synchronized void setShowColoriconsInToolbar(boolean data) { if (data != _showColorIconsInToolbars) { final boolean oldValue = _showColorIconsInToolbars; _showColorIconsInToolbars = data; getPropertyChangeReporter().firePropertyChange(IPropertyNames.SHOW_COLOR_ICONS_IN_TOOLBAR, oldValue, _showColorIconsInToolbars); } } public boolean getShowPluginFilesInSplashScreen() { return _showPluginFilesInSplashScreen; } public synchronized void setShowPluginFilesInSplashScreen(boolean data) { if (data != _showPluginFilesInSplashScreen) { final boolean oldValue = _showPluginFilesInSplashScreen; _showPluginFilesInSplashScreen = data; getPropertyChangeReporter().firePropertyChange( IPropertyNames.SHOW_PLUGIN_FILES_IN_SPLASH_SCREEN, oldValue, _showPluginFilesInSplashScreen); } } public int getLoginTimeout() { return _loginTimeout; } public synchronized void setLoginTimeout(int data) { if (data != _loginTimeout) { final int oldValue = _loginTimeout; _loginTimeout = data; getPropertyChangeReporter().firePropertyChange(IPropertyNames.LOGIN_TIMEOUT, oldValue, _loginTimeout); } } public int getLargeScriptStmtCount() { return _largeScriptStmtCount; } public synchronized void setLargeScriptStmtCount(int count) { if (count != _largeScriptStmtCount) { final int oldValue = _largeScriptStmtCount; _largeScriptStmtCount = count; getPropertyChangeReporter().firePropertyChange( IPropertyNames.LARGE_SCRIPT_STMT_COUNT, oldValue, _largeScriptStmtCount); } } public int getJdbcDebugType() { return _jdbcDebugType; } public synchronized void setJdbcDebugType(int data) { if (data < IJdbcDebugTypes.NONE || data > IJdbcDebugTypes.TO_WRITER) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid setDebugJdbcToStream of :" + data); } if (data != _jdbcDebugType) { final int oldValue = _jdbcDebugType; _jdbcDebugType = data; getPropertyChangeReporter().firePropertyChange( IPropertyNames.JDBC_DEBUG_TYPE, oldValue, _jdbcDebugType); } } public boolean getShowToolTips() { return _showToolTips; } public synchronized void setShowToolTips(boolean data) { if (data != _showToolTips) { final boolean oldValue = _showToolTips; _showToolTips = data; getPropertyChangeReporter().firePropertyChange( IPropertyNames.SHOW_TOOLTIPS, oldValue, _showToolTips); } } public boolean getUseScrollableTabbedPanes() { return _useScrollableTabbedPanes; } public synchronized void setUseScrollableTabbedPanes(boolean data) { if (data != _useScrollableTabbedPanes) { final boolean oldValue = _useScrollableTabbedPanes; _useScrollableTabbedPanes = data; getPropertyChangeReporter().firePropertyChange( IPropertyNames.SCROLLABLE_TABBED_PANES, oldValue, _useScrollableTabbedPanes); } } public boolean getMaximizeSessionSheetOnOpen() { return _maxSessionSheetOnOpen; } public synchronized void setMaximizeSessionSheetOnOpen(boolean data) { if (data != _maxSessionSheetOnOpen) { final boolean oldValue = _maxSessionSheetOnOpen; _maxSessionSheetOnOpen= data; getPropertyChangeReporter().firePropertyChange( IPropertyNames.MAXIMIMIZE_SESSION_SHEET_ON_OPEN, oldValue, _maxSessionSheetOnOpen); } } public ActionKeys[] getActionKeys() { return _actionsKeys; } public ActionKeys getActionKeys(int idx) { return _actionsKeys[idx]; } public synchronized void setActionKeys(ActionKeys[] data) { final ActionKeys[] oldValue = _actionsKeys; _actionsKeys = data != null ? data : new ActionKeys[0]; getPropertyChangeReporter().firePropertyChange(IPropertyNames.ACTION_KEYS, oldValue, _actionsKeys); } public void setActionKeys(int idx, ActionKeys value) { final ActionKeys[] oldValue = _actionsKeys; _actionsKeys[idx] = value; getPropertyChangeReporter().firePropertyChange(IPropertyNames.ACTION_KEYS, oldValue, _actionsKeys); } public synchronized PluginStatus[] getPluginStatuses() { final PluginStatus[] ar = new PluginStatus[_pluginStatusInfoColl.size()]; return _pluginStatusInfoColl.toArray(ar); } public PluginStatus getPluginStatus(int idx) { return _pluginStatusInfoColl.get(idx); } public synchronized void setPluginStatuses(PluginStatus[] data) { if (data == null) { data = new PluginStatus[0]; } PluginStatus[] oldValue = new PluginStatus[_pluginStatusInfoColl.size()]; oldValue = _pluginStatusInfoColl.toArray(oldValue); _pluginStatusInfoColl.clear(); _pluginStatusInfoColl.addAll(Arrays.asList(data)); getPropertyChangeReporter().firePropertyChange(IPropertyNames.PLUGIN_STATUSES, oldValue, data); } public synchronized void setPluginStatus(int idx, PluginStatus value) { _pluginStatusInfoColl.ensureCapacity(idx + 1); final PluginStatus oldValue = _pluginStatusInfoColl.get(idx);; _pluginStatusInfoColl.set(idx, value); getPropertyChangeReporter().firePropertyChange(IPropertyNames.PLUGIN_STATUSES, oldValue, value); } /** * Retrieve the proxy settings. Note that this method returns a clone * of the actual proxy settings used. * * @return <TT>ProxySettings</TT> object. */ public ProxySettings getProxySettings() { return (ProxySettings)_proxySettings.clone(); } public IUpdateSettings getUpdateSettings() { return new UpdateSettings(_updateSettings); } public synchronized void setUpdateSettings(IUpdateSettings data) { if (data == null) { data = new UpdateSettings(); } final IUpdateSettings oldValue = _updateSettings; _updateSettings= data; getPropertyChangeReporter().firePropertyChange(IPropertyNames.UPDATE, oldValue, _updateSettings); } public synchronized void setProxySettings(ProxySettings data) { if (data == null) { data = new ProxySettings(); } final ProxySettings oldValue = _proxySettings; _proxySettings= data; getPropertyChangeReporter().firePropertyChange(IPropertyNames.PROXY, oldValue, _proxySettings); } /** * @return whether only the loaded JDBC drivers are displayed in the * Drivers window. */ public boolean getShowLoadedDriversOnly() { return _showLoadedDriversOnly; } /** * Set whether only the loaded JDBC drivers are displayed in the * Drivers window. * * @param data New value for this property. */ public synchronized void setShowLoadedDriversOnly(boolean data) { if (data != _showLoadedDriversOnly) { final boolean oldValue = _showLoadedDriversOnly; _showLoadedDriversOnly = data; getPropertyChangeReporter().firePropertyChange( IPropertyNames.SHOW_LOADED_DRIVERS_ONLY, oldValue, _showLoadedDriversOnly); } } /** * Is this the first time SQuirreL has been run? * * @return <tt>true</tt> if this is the first time SQuirreL has been run * else <tt>false</tt>. */ public boolean isFirstRun() { return _firstRun; } public synchronized void setFirstRun(boolean data) { if (data != _firstRun) { final boolean oldValue = _firstRun; _firstRun = data; getPropertyChangeReporter().firePropertyChange(IPropertyNames.FIRST_RUN, oldValue, _firstRun); } } /** * Should user confirm whether sessions should be closed. * * @return <tt>true</tt> if user should have to confirm session close * else <tt>false</tt>. */ public boolean getConfirmSessionClose() { return _confirmSessionClose; } public synchronized void setConfirmSessionClose(boolean data) { if (data != _confirmSessionClose) { final boolean oldValue = _confirmSessionClose; _confirmSessionClose = data; getPropertyChangeReporter().firePropertyChange( IPropertyNames.CONFIRM_SESSION_CLOSE, oldValue, _confirmSessionClose); } } public boolean isFileOpenInPreviousDir() { return _fileOpenInPreviousDir; } public synchronized void setFileOpenInPreviousDir(boolean data) { if (data != _fileOpenInPreviousDir) { final boolean oldValue = _fileOpenInPreviousDir; _fileOpenInPreviousDir = data; getPropertyChangeReporter().firePropertyChange( IPropertyNames.FILE_OPEN_IN_PREVIOUS_DIR, oldValue, _fileOpenInPreviousDir); } } public boolean isFileOpenInSpecifiedDir() { return _fileOpenInSpecifiedDir; } public synchronized void setFileOpenInSpecifiedDir(boolean data) { if (data != _fileOpenInSpecifiedDir) { final boolean oldValue = _fileOpenInSpecifiedDir; _fileOpenInSpecifiedDir = data; getPropertyChangeReporter().firePropertyChange( IPropertyNames.FILE_OPEN_IN_SPECIFIED_DIR, oldValue, _fileOpenInSpecifiedDir); } } public String getFileSpecifiedDir() { return _fileSpecifiedDir; } public synchronized void setFileSpecifiedDir(String data) { if (false == ("" + data).equals(_fileSpecifiedDir)) { final String oldValue = _fileSpecifiedDir; _fileSpecifiedDir = data; getPropertyChangeReporter().firePropertyChange( IPropertyNames.FILE_SPECIFIED_DIR, oldValue, _fileSpecifiedDir); } } public String getFilePreviousDir() { return _filePreviousDir; } public synchronized void setFilePreviousDir(String data) { if (false == ("" + data).equals(_filePreviousDir)) { final String oldValue = _filePreviousDir; _filePreviousDir = data; getPropertyChangeReporter().firePropertyChange( IPropertyNames.FILE_PREVIOUS_DIR, oldValue, _filePreviousDir); } } /** * Helper method. */ public boolean isJdbcDebugToStream() { return _jdbcDebugType == IJdbcDebugTypes.TO_STREAM; } /** * Helper method. */ public boolean isJdbcDebugToWriter() { return _jdbcDebugType == IJdbcDebugTypes.TO_WRITER; } /** * Helper method. */ public boolean isJdbcDebugDontDebug() { return !(isJdbcDebugToStream() || isJdbcDebugToWriter()); } /** * Helper method. */ public void doJdbcDebugToStream() { setJdbcDebugType(IJdbcDebugTypes.TO_STREAM); } /** * Helper method. */ public void doJdbcDebugToWriter() { setJdbcDebugType(IJdbcDebugTypes.TO_WRITER); } /** * Helper method. */ public void dontDoJdbcDebug() { setJdbcDebugType(IJdbcDebugTypes.NONE); } public static SquirrelPreferences load() { File prefsFile = new ApplicationFiles().getUserPreferencesFile(); try { XMLBeanReader doc = new XMLBeanReader(); doc.load(prefsFile); @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Iterator it = doc.iterator(); if (it.hasNext()) { return (SquirrelPreferences); } } catch (FileNotFoundException ignore) { // property file not found for user - first time user ran pgm. } catch (Exception ex) { s_log.error(s_stringMgr.getString("SquirrelPreferences.error.reading", prefsFile.getPath()), ex); } return new SquirrelPreferences(); } /** * Save preferences to disk. */ public synchronized void save() { File prefsFile = new ApplicationFiles().getUserPreferencesFile(); try { XMLBeanWriter wtr = new XMLBeanWriter(this);; } catch (Exception ex) { s_log.error(s_stringMgr.getString("SquirrelPreferences.error.writing", prefsFile.getPath()), ex); } } private void loadDefaults() { if (_loginTimeout == -1) { _loginTimeout = DriverManager.getLoginTimeout(); } } private synchronized PropertyChangeReporter getPropertyChangeReporter() { if (_propChgReporter == null) { _propChgReporter = new PropertyChangeReporter(this); } return _propChgReporter; } /** * @param data The _warnJreJdbcMismatch to set. */ public synchronized void setWarnJreJdbcMismatch(boolean data) { if (data != _warnJreJdbcMismatch) { final boolean oldValue = _warnJreJdbcMismatch; _warnJreJdbcMismatch = data; getPropertyChangeReporter().firePropertyChange( IPropertyNames.WARN_JRE_JDBC_MISMATCH, oldValue, _warnJreJdbcMismatch); } } /** * @return Returns the _warnJreJdbcMismatch. */ public boolean getWarnJreJdbcMismatch() { return _warnJreJdbcMismatch; } /** * @param data The _warnForUnsaveFileEdits to set. */ public synchronized void setWarnForUnsavedFileEdits(boolean data) { if (data != _warnForUnsavedFileEdits) { final boolean oldValue = _warnForUnsavedFileEdits; _warnForUnsavedFileEdits = data; getPropertyChangeReporter().firePropertyChange( IPropertyNames.WARN_FOR_UNSAVED_FILE_EDITS, oldValue, _warnForUnsavedFileEdits); } } /** * @return Returns the _warnForUnsaveFileEdits. */ public boolean getWarnForUnsavedFileEdits() { return _warnForUnsavedFileEdits; } /** * @param data The _warnForUnsavedBufferEdits to set. */ public synchronized void setWarnForUnsavedBufferEdits(boolean data) { if (data != _warnForUnsavedBufferEdits) { final boolean oldValue = _warnForUnsavedBufferEdits; _warnForUnsavedBufferEdits = data; getPropertyChangeReporter().firePropertyChange( IPropertyNames.WARN_FOR_UNSAVED_BUFFER_EDITS, oldValue, _warnForUnsavedBufferEdits); } } /** * @return Returns the _warnForUnsaveFileEdits. */ public boolean getWarnForUnsavedBufferEdits() { return _warnForUnsavedBufferEdits; } /** * @param data The _warnForUnsavedBufferEdits to set. */ public synchronized void setShowSessionStartupTimeHint(boolean data) { if (data != _showSessionStartupTimeHint) { final boolean oldValue = _showSessionStartupTimeHint; _showSessionStartupTimeHint = data; getPropertyChangeReporter().firePropertyChange( IPropertyNames.SHOW_SESSION_STARTUP_TIME_HINT, oldValue, _showSessionStartupTimeHint); } } /** * @return Returns the _warnForUnsaveFileEdits. */ public boolean getShowSessionStartupTimeHint() { return _showSessionStartupTimeHint; } /** * @param data The _warnForUnsavedBufferEdits to set. */ public synchronized void setShowDebugLogMessages(boolean data) { if (data != _showDebugLogMessages) { final boolean oldValue = _showDebugLogMessages; _showDebugLogMessages = data; getPropertyChangeReporter().firePropertyChange( IPropertyNames.SHOW_DEBUG_LOG_MESSAGES, oldValue, _showDebugLogMessages); } } /** * @return Returns the _warnForUnsaveFileEdits. */ public boolean getShowDebugLogMessage() { return _showDebugLogMessages; } /** * @param data the _showInfoLogMessages to set */ public void setShowInfoLogMessages(boolean data) { if (data != _showInfoLogMessages) { final boolean oldValue = _showInfoLogMessages; _showInfoLogMessages = data; getPropertyChangeReporter().firePropertyChange( IPropertyNames.SHOW_INFO_LOG_MESSAGES, oldValue, _showInfoLogMessages); } } /** * @return the _showInfoLogMessages */ public boolean getShowInfoLogMessages() { return _showInfoLogMessages; } /** * @param data the _showErrorLogMessages to set */ public void setShowErrorLogMessages(boolean data) { if (data != _showErrorLogMessages) { final boolean oldValue = _showErrorLogMessages; _showErrorLogMessages = data; getPropertyChangeReporter().firePropertyChange( IPropertyNames.SHOW_ERROR_LOG_MESSAGES, oldValue, _showErrorLogMessages); } } /** * @return the _showErrorLogMessages */ public boolean getShowErrorLogMessages() { return _showErrorLogMessages; } /** * @param data the _savePreferencesImmediately to set */ public void setSavePreferencesImmediately(boolean data) { if (data != _savePreferencesImmediately) { final boolean oldValue = _savePreferencesImmediately; _savePreferencesImmediately = data; getPropertyChangeReporter().firePropertyChange( IPropertyNames.SAVE_PREFERENCES_IMMEDIATELY, oldValue, _savePreferencesImmediately); } } /** * @return the _showErrorLogMessages */ public boolean getSavePreferencesImmediately() { return _savePreferencesImmediately; } /** * Sets the behavior of changing the selected nodes in a list / tree when the popup menu is accessed. * * @param selectOnRightMouseClick if true, then if the popup is triggered over a non-selected node, that * node is selected prior to showing the popup menu. */ public void setSelectOnRightMouseClick(boolean selectOnRightMouseClick) { this._selectOnRightMouseClick = selectOnRightMouseClick; } /** * @return a boolean value indicating whether or not to change the selected node in a tree or * list on a right-mouse click just before the popup is displayed. */ public boolean getSelectOnRightMouseClick() { return _selectOnRightMouseClick; } /** * @return a boolean value indicating whether or not to show a cancel dialog that allows a user to cancel * long-running queries. */ public boolean getShowPleaseWaitDialog() { return _showPleaseWaitDialog; } /** * Sets whether or not to show a cancel dialog that allows a user to cancel long-running queries. * * @param showPleaseWaitDialog boolean value */ public void setShowPleaseWaitDialog(boolean showPleaseWaitDialog) { this._showPleaseWaitDialog = showPleaseWaitDialog; } /** * @return the preferredLocale */ public String getPreferredLocale() { return _preferredLocale; } /** * @param locale the preferredLocale to set */ public void setPreferredLocale(String locale) { _preferredLocale = locale; } }