package net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.session; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import java.util.regex.Matcher; public class EditableSqlCheck { private static final int ALLOWS_EDITING_FALSE = 0; private static final int ALLOWS_EDITING_TRUE = 1; private static final int ALLOWS_EDITING_UNKNOWN = 2; private String _tableNameFromSQL = null; public EditableSqlCheck(SQLExecutionInfo exInfo) { if(null == exInfo || null == exInfo.getSQL()) { return; } _tableNameFromSQL = getTableFromSQLIntern(exInfo.getSQL()); } private String getTableFromSQLIntern(String sql) { Pattern patternBeforeTable = Pattern.compile("SELECT\\s+[A-Z0-9_\\*\\.',\\s]*\\s+FROM\\s+([A-Z0-9_\\.]+)"); sql = sql.toUpperCase().trim(); // Bug 1371587 - remove useless accent characters if they exist sql = sql.replaceAll("\\`", ""); Matcher matcher; matcher = patternBeforeTable.matcher(sql); if(false == matcher.find()) { return null; } String table =; String behindTable = sql.substring(matcher.end(1)).trim(); int ret = behindTableAllowsEditing(behindTable); if(ALLOWS_EDITING_UNKNOWN == ret) { // This might be because an table alias is used maybe with an AS before it. Pattern patternBehindTable; if(behindTable.startsWith("AS") && 2 < behindTable.length() && Character.isWhitespace(behindTable.charAt(2))) { patternBehindTable = Pattern.compile("AS\\s+([A-Z0-9_]+)\\s+"); } else { patternBehindTable = Pattern.compile("([A-Z0-9_]+)\\s+|[A-Z0-9_]+$"); } matcher = patternBehindTable.matcher(behindTable); if(false == matcher.find()) { return null; } String alias =; String behindAlias = behindTable.substring(matcher.end(0)).trim(); ret = behindTableAllowsEditing(behindAlias); if(ALLOWS_EDITING_TRUE == ret) { return table; } else { return null; } } else if(ALLOWS_EDITING_TRUE == ret) { return table; } else //(ALLOWS_EDITING_FALSE == ret) { return null; } } private int behindTableAllowsEditing(String behindTable) { if(0 == behindTable.length()) { return ALLOWS_EDITING_TRUE; } else if( behindTable.startsWith("WHERE") || behindTable.startsWith("ORDER") || behindTable.startsWith("GROUP")) { return ALLOWS_EDITING_TRUE; } else if( behindTable.startsWith(",") || behindTable.startsWith("INNER") || behindTable.startsWith("LEFT") || behindTable.startsWith("RIGHT") || behindTable.startsWith("OUTER") || behindTable.startsWith(",")) { return ALLOWS_EDITING_FALSE; } else { return ALLOWS_EDITING_UNKNOWN; } } public boolean allowsEditing() { return null != _tableNameFromSQL; } public String getTableNameFromSQL() { return _tableNameFromSQL; } }