package net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.session; import java.awt.*; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import javax.swing.JFileChooser; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.gui.desktopcontainer.SessionTabWidget; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.preferences.SquirrelPreferences; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.gui.ChooserPreviewer; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.gui.Dialogs; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.util.FileExtensionFilter; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.util.IOUtilities; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.util.IOUtilitiesImpl; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.util.StringManager; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.util.StringManagerFactory; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.util.StringUtilities; public class FileManager { private ISQLPanelAPI _sqlPanelAPI; private File _toSaveTo = null; private static final StringManager s_stringMgr = StringManagerFactory.getStringManager(FileManager.class); private FileChooserManager _fileChooserManager = new FileChooserManager(); private IOUtilities ioUtil = new IOUtilitiesImpl(); public void setIOUtilities(IOUtilities ioutilities) { this.ioUtil = ioutilities; } FileManager(ISQLPanelAPI sqlPanelAPI) { _sqlPanelAPI = sqlPanelAPI; } public boolean save() { return saveIntern(false); } public boolean saveAs() { return saveIntern(true); } public boolean open(File f) { return open(f, false); } public boolean open(File f, boolean appendToExisting) { boolean result = false; _sqlPanelAPI.getSession().selectMainTab(ISession.IMainPanelTabIndexes.SQL_TAB); result = true; if (!appendToExisting) { _sqlPanelAPI.setEntireSQLScript(""); } loadScript(f); return result; } public boolean open(boolean appendToExisting) { boolean result = false; JFileChooser chooser = _fileChooserManager.getFileChooser(); chooser.setAccessory(new ChooserPreviewer()); SquirrelPreferences prefs = _sqlPanelAPI.getSession().getApplication().getSquirrelPreferences(); Frame frame = SessionUtils.getOwningFrame(_sqlPanelAPI); if (prefs.isFileOpenInPreviousDir()) { String fileName = prefs.getFilePreviousDir(); if (fileName != null) { chooser.setCurrentDirectory(new File(fileName)); } } else { String dirName = prefs.getFileSpecifiedDir(); if (dirName != null) { chooser.setCurrentDirectory(new File(dirName)); } } _sqlPanelAPI.getSession().selectMainTab(ISession.IMainPanelTabIndexes.SQL_TAB); if (chooser.showOpenDialog(frame) == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { result = true; File selectedFile = chooser.getSelectedFile(); if (!appendToExisting) { _sqlPanelAPI.setEntireSQLScript(""); } loadScript(selectedFile); } return result; } private void loadScript(File file) { SquirrelPreferences prefs = _sqlPanelAPI.getSession().getApplication().getSquirrelPreferences(); FileInputStream fis = null; BufferedInputStream bis = null; try { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); fis = new FileInputStream(file); bis = new BufferedInputStream(fis); byte[] bytes = new byte[2048]; int iRead =; while (iRead != -1) { sb.append(new String(bytes, 0, iRead)); iRead =; } _sqlPanelAPI.appendSQLScript(convertPlatformEOLToLineFeed(sb.toString()), true); setFile(file); memorizeFile(file, prefs); } catch ( io) { _sqlPanelAPI.getSession().showErrorMessage(io); } finally { ioUtil.closeInputStream(bis); ioUtil.closeInputStream(fis); } } private void memorizeFile(File file, SquirrelPreferences prefs) { prefs.setFilePreviousDir(file.getAbsolutePath()); _sqlPanelAPI.getSession().getApplication().getRecentFilesManager().fileTouched(file.getAbsolutePath(), _sqlPanelAPI.getSession().getAlias()); } private boolean saveIntern(boolean toNewFile) { boolean result = false; if (toNewFile) { _toSaveTo = null; } JFileChooser chooser = _fileChooserManager.getFileChooser(); SquirrelPreferences prefs = _sqlPanelAPI.getSession().getApplication().getSquirrelPreferences(); Frame frame = SessionUtils.getOwningFrame(_sqlPanelAPI); for (; ;) { if (null == _toSaveTo) { if (prefs.isFileOpenInPreviousDir()) { String dirName = prefs.getFilePreviousDir(); if (dirName != null) { chooser.setCurrentDirectory(new File(dirName)); } } else { String dirName = prefs.getFileSpecifiedDir(); if (dirName != null) { chooser.setCurrentDirectory(new File(dirName)); } } } _sqlPanelAPI.getSession().selectMainTab(ISession.IMainPanelTabIndexes.SQL_TAB); if (null != _toSaveTo) { if (saveScript(frame, _toSaveTo, false)) { result = true; } break; } if (chooser.showSaveDialog(frame) == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { _fileChooserManager.saveWasApproved(); _toSaveTo = chooser.getSelectedFile(); if (!_toSaveTo.exists() && null != _fileChooserManager.getSelectedFileEnding()) { if (!_toSaveTo.getAbsolutePath().endsWith(_fileChooserManager.getSelectedFileEnding())) { _toSaveTo = new File(_toSaveTo.getAbsolutePath() + _fileChooserManager.getSelectedFileEnding()); } } if (saveScript(frame, _toSaveTo, true)) { result = true; break; } else { _toSaveTo = null; result = false; break; } } else { break; } } return result; } private boolean saveScript(Frame frame, File file, boolean askReplace) { boolean doSave = false; if (file.exists() && !file.canWrite()) { // i18n[FileManager.error.cannotwritefile=File {0} \ncannot be written to.] String msg = s_stringMgr.getString("FileManager.error.cannotwritefile", file.getAbsolutePath()); Dialogs.showOk(frame, msg); return false; } if (askReplace && file.exists()) { // i18n[FileManager.confirm.filereplace={0} \nalready exists. Do you want to replace it?] String confirmMsg = s_stringMgr.getString("FileManager.confirm.filereplace", file.getAbsolutePath()); doSave = Dialogs.showYesNo(frame, confirmMsg); //i18n if (!doSave) { return false; } file.delete(); } else { doSave = true; } SquirrelPreferences prefs = _sqlPanelAPI.getSession().getApplication().getSquirrelPreferences(); if (doSave) { memorizeFile(file, prefs); FileOutputStream fos = null; try { fos = new FileOutputStream(file); String sScript = getEntireSQLScriptWithPlatformEolChar(); fos.write(sScript.getBytes()); setFile(file); // i18n[FileManager.savedfile=Saved to {0}] String msg = s_stringMgr.getString("FileManager.savedfile", file.getAbsolutePath()); _sqlPanelAPI.getSession().showMessage(msg); } catch (IOException ex) { _sqlPanelAPI.getSession().showErrorMessage(ex); } finally { ioUtil.closeOutputStream(fos); } } return true; } /** * Bug: 2119937 (Windows EOL chars (CRLF) are converted to Linux EOL (LF)) * Internally, SQuirreL prefers to represent EOL as "\n". This is fine for Unix, but in Windows, EOL is * "\r\n". So, if the platform-specific EOL isn't "\n", this method will replace all "\n", with "\r\n". * Other editors on Windows will then properly display the EOL characters. * * @return a String that represents the SQL Script being saved with adjusted (if necessary) EOL characters. */ private String getEntireSQLScriptWithPlatformEolChar() { String result = _sqlPanelAPI.getEntireSQLScript(); return convertLineFeedToPlatformEOL(result); } private String convertLineFeedToPlatformEOL(String result) { String platformEolStr = StringUtilities.getEolStr(); if (result != null && !"".equals(result)) { // We eagerly take care that no redundant CRs exist // because they hide in files and cause any kind of trouble. result = result.replaceAll("\\r", ""); if (!platformEolStr.equals("\n")) { result = result.replaceAll("\\n", platformEolStr); } } return result; } /** * Without calling this method when loading a file on Windows * method convertLineFeedToPlatformEOL() which is called when saving a file * would create duplicate \r each time a file is opened and saved. */ private String convertPlatformEOLToLineFeed(String s) { String platformEolStr = StringUtilities.getEolStr(); if (null == s || "".equals(s)) { return s; } if (false == platformEolStr.equals("\n")) { s = s.replaceAll(platformEolStr, "\n"); } // We eagerly take care that no redundant CRs exist // because they hide in files and cause any kind of trouble. return s.replaceAll("\\r", ""); } private void setFile(File file) { _toSaveTo = file; getActiveSessionTabWidget().setSqlFile(file); } private SessionTabWidget getActiveSessionTabWidget() { return (SessionTabWidget)_sqlPanelAPI.getSession().getActiveSessionWindow(); } public File getFile() { return _toSaveTo; } public void clearCurrentFile() { _toSaveTo = null; } }