package net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.preferences; /* * Copyright (C) 2003 Colin Bell * * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.GridBagConstraints; import java.awt.GridBagLayout; import java.awt.Insets; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JScrollPane; import javax.swing.SwingConstants; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.IApplication; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.session.ISession; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.datasetviewer.cellcomponent.CellComponentFactory; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.gui.OkJPanel; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.util.StringManager; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.util.StringManagerFactory; /** * This panel allows the user to tailor DataType-specific settings for a session. * * @author <A HREF="">Colin Bell</A> * @author gwg */ public class DataTypePreferencesPanel implements IGlobalPreferencesPanel { /** The actual GUI panel that allows user to do the maintenance. */ private final DataTypePropertiesPanel _myPanel; private JScrollPane _myscrolledPanel; /** Internationalized strings for this class. */ private static final StringManager s_stringMgr = StringManagerFactory.getStringManager(DataTypePreferencesPanel.class); /** * ctor specifying the Application API. * * @param app Application API. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException * Thrown if <tt>null</tt> <tt>IApplication</tt> * passed. */ public DataTypePreferencesPanel() { super(); _myPanel = new DataTypePropertiesPanel(); _myscrolledPanel = new JScrollPane(_myPanel); _myscrolledPanel.getVerticalScrollBar().setUnitIncrement(10); _myscrolledPanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(600, 450)); } public void initialize(IApplication app) { // We need this method to satisfy one of the Interfaces we implement, // but since we have moved all operations to the DataType sub-panels // which initialize their own data during creation, // there is nothing for us to do here } public void uninitialize(IApplication app) { // We need this method to satisfy one of the Interfaces we implement, // but since we have moved all operations to the DataType sub-panels // which initialize their own data during creation, // there is nothing for us to do here } public void initialize(IApplication app, ISession session) throws IllegalArgumentException { // We need this method to satisfy one of the Interfaces we implement, // but since we have moved all operations to the DataType sub-panels // which initialize their own data during creation, // there is nothing for us to do here } public Component getPanelComponent() { return _myscrolledPanel; } public String getTitle() { // i18n[DataTypePreferencesPanel.propsPanel.title=Data Type Controls] return s_stringMgr.getString("DataTypePreferencesPanel.propsPanel.title"); } public String getHint() { // i18n[DataTypePreferencesPanel.propsPanel.hint=Set options for specific Data Types] return s_stringMgr.getString("DataTypePreferencesPanel.propsPanel.hint"); } public void applyChanges() { _myPanel.applyChanges(); } private static final class DataTypePropertiesPanel extends JPanel { /** List of OkJPanels containing controls for specific DataType info */ OkJPanel[] dataTypePanels; DataTypePropertiesPanel() { super(); createGUI(); } void applyChanges() { for (int i=0; i< dataTypePanels.length; i++) dataTypePanels[i].ok(); } private void createGUI() { setLayout(new GridBagLayout()); final GridBagConstraints gbc = new GridBagConstraints(); gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST; gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; gbc.insets = new Insets(4, 4, 4, 4); gbc.gridx = 0; gbc.gridy = 0; // JScrollPane sp = new JScrollPane(createDataTypesPanel()); // sp.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(600, 450)); // add(sp, gbc); add(createDataTypesPanel(), gbc); } private JPanel createDataTypesPanel() { JPanel pnl = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout()); final GridBagConstraints gbc = new GridBagConstraints(); gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; gbc.insets = new Insets(4, 4, 4, 4); gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST; gbc.gridx = 0; gbc.gridy = 0; // add each of the panels created by the DataType objects for // editing their own properties dataTypePanels = CellComponentFactory.getControlPanels(); for (int i=0; i<dataTypePanels.length; i++) { gbc.gridx=0; gbc.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; ++gbc.gridy; pnl.add(dataTypePanels[i], gbc); } return pnl; } private static final class RightLabel extends JLabel { RightLabel(String title) { super(title, SwingConstants.RIGHT); } } } }