package net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.session.schemainfo; import; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.gui.db.SQLAliasSchemaProperties; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.gui.db.SchemaLoadInfo; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.gui.db.SchemaNameLoadInfo; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.gui.db.SchemaTableTypeCombination; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.session.ExtendedColumnInfo; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.session.ISession; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.session.SessionManager; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.sql.*; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.util.Utilities; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.util.log.ILogger; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.util.log.LoggerController; /** * This class is Serializable and yet doesn't declare serialVersionUID. This is done intentionally so that * the SchemaInfoCacheSerializer can detect incompatible class changes (by catching Exception when attempting * to read the serialized file). This was deemed to be a less error-prone way of handling changes to this * class file's definition, then having to remember to consider whether or not serialVersionUID should be * incremented for any given change. Therefore, it is very important to not introduce a serialVersionUID * class member, as forgetting to update it might lead to undetected incompatible class changes that don't * manifest themselves during de-serialization, but occur later in the application when missing members are * invoked (for example). This more conservative approach can lead to the serialized file being removed upon * installing a newer version of SQuirreL more often than necessary, but it seemed to us to be better than the * alternative. */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class SchemaInfoCache implements Serializable { private static final ILogger s_log = LoggerController.createLogger(SchemaInfoCache.class); private List<String> _catalogs = new ArrayList<String>(); private List<String> _schemas = new ArrayList<String>(); private TreeMap<CaseInsensitiveString, String> _keywords = new TreeMap<CaseInsensitiveString, String>(); private TreeMap<CaseInsensitiveString, String> _dataTypes = new TreeMap<CaseInsensitiveString, String>(); private Map<CaseInsensitiveString, String> _functions = Collections.synchronizedMap(new TreeMap<CaseInsensitiveString, String>()); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Schema dependent data. // Are changed only in this class // private TreeMap<CaseInsensitiveString, String> _internalTableNameTreeMap = new TreeMap<CaseInsensitiveString, String>(); private Map<CaseInsensitiveString, String> _tableNames = Collections.synchronizedMap(_internalTableNameTreeMap); /** * This data structure can be accessed by multiple concurrent threads. * Traversal via iterators is fast and cannot encounter interference from * other threads otherwise ConcurrentModificationExceptions may * result (Bug #1752089) * * One other thing: it must maintain the order in which items were inserted * so that traversal yeilds insertion order (Bug 1805954). */ private CopyOnWriteArrayList<ITableInfo> _iTableInfos = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<ITableInfo>(); private Hashtable<CaseInsensitiveString, List<ITableInfo>> _tableInfosBySimpleName = new Hashtable<CaseInsensitiveString, List<ITableInfo>>(); private SchemaInfoColumnCache _schemaInfoColumnCache = new SchemaInfoColumnCache(); private Map<CaseInsensitiveString, String> _procedureNames = Collections.synchronizedMap(new TreeMap<CaseInsensitiveString, String>()); private Map<IProcedureInfo, IProcedureInfo> _iProcedureInfos = Collections.synchronizedMap(new TreeMap<IProcedureInfo, IProcedureInfo>()); private Hashtable<CaseInsensitiveString, List<IProcedureInfo>> _procedureInfosBySimpleName = new Hashtable<CaseInsensitiveString, List<IProcedureInfo>>(); // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private SQLAliasSchemaProperties _schemaPropsCacheIsBasedOn; private transient String[] _viewTableTypesCacheable; private transient String[] _tabelTableTypesCacheable; //private transient String[] availableTypesInDataBase; private transient ISession _session = null; void setSession(ISession session) { _session = session; initTypes(); } boolean loadSchemaIndependentMetaData() { return _session.getAlias().getSchemaProperties().loadSchemaIndependentMetaData(_schemaPropsCacheIsBasedOn); } private SchemaLoadInfo[] getAllSchemaLoadInfos() { SQLAliasSchemaProperties schemaProps = _session.getAlias().getSchemaProperties(); SchemaLoadInfo[] schemaLoadInfos = schemaProps.getSchemaLoadInfos(_schemaPropsCacheIsBasedOn, _tabelTableTypesCacheable, _viewTableTypesCacheable); SessionManager sessionMgr = _session.getApplication().getSessionManager(); boolean allSchemasAllowed = sessionMgr.areAllSchemasAllowed(_session); if( 1 == schemaLoadInfos.length && null == schemaLoadInfos[0].schemaName && false == allSchemasAllowed) { if(false == allSchemasAllowed) { String[] allowedSchemas = sessionMgr.getAllowedSchemas(_session); ArrayList<SchemaLoadInfo> ret = new ArrayList<SchemaLoadInfo>(); for (int i = 0; i < allowedSchemas.length; i++) { SchemaLoadInfo buf = (SchemaLoadInfo) Utilities.cloneObject( schemaLoadInfos[0], getClass().getClassLoader()); buf.schemaName = allowedSchemas[i]; ret.add(buf); } schemaLoadInfos = ret.toArray(new SchemaLoadInfo[ret.size()]); } } return schemaLoadInfos; } SchemaLoadInfo[] getMatchingSchemaLoadInfos(String schemaName) { return getMatchingSchemaLoadInfos(schemaName, null); } SchemaLoadInfo[] getMatchingSchemaLoadInfos(String schemaName, String[] tableTypes) { if(null == schemaName) { return getAllSchemaLoadInfos(); } SchemaLoadInfo[] schemaLoadInfos = getAllSchemaLoadInfos(); for (int i = 0; i < schemaLoadInfos.length; i++) { if(null == schemaLoadInfos[i].schemaName || schemaLoadInfos[i].schemaName.equals(schemaName)) { // null == schemaLoadInfos[0].schemaName is the case when there are no _schemas specified // schemaLoadInfos.length will then be 1. schemaLoadInfos[i].schemaName = schemaName; if(null != tableTypes) { SchemaLoadInfo buf = (SchemaLoadInfo) Utilities.cloneObject( schemaLoadInfos[i], getClass().getClassLoader()); buf.tableTypes = tableTypes; return new SchemaLoadInfo[]{buf}; } return new SchemaLoadInfo[]{schemaLoadInfos[i]}; } } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown Schema " + schemaName); } private void initTypes() { ArrayList<String> tableTypeCandidates = new ArrayList<String>(); tableTypeCandidates.add("TABLE"); tableTypeCandidates.add("SYSTEM TABLE"); ArrayList<String> viewTypeCandidates = new ArrayList<String>(); viewTypeCandidates.add("VIEW"); try { ArrayList<String> availableBuf = new ArrayList<String>(); String[] buf = _session.getSQLConnection().getSQLMetaData().getTableTypes(); availableBuf.addAll(Arrays.asList(buf)); for(Iterator<String> i=tableTypeCandidates.iterator();i.hasNext();) { if(false == availableBuf.contains( { i.remove(); } } for(Iterator<String> i=viewTypeCandidates.iterator();i.hasNext();) { if(false == availableBuf.contains( { i.remove(); } } } catch (SQLException e) { s_log.error("Could not get table types", e); } _tabelTableTypesCacheable = tableTypeCandidates.toArray(new String[tableTypeCandidates.size()]); _viewTableTypesCacheable = viewTypeCandidates.toArray(new String[viewTypeCandidates.size()]); } public boolean isCachedTableType(String type) { boolean found = false; for (int i = 0; i < _viewTableTypesCacheable.length; i++) { if(_viewTableTypesCacheable[i].equals(type)) { found = true; break; } } for (int i = 0; i < _tabelTableTypesCacheable.length; i++) { if(_tabelTableTypesCacheable[i].equals(type)) { found = true; break; } } return found; } static boolean containsType(String[] types, String type) { if(null == types) { return true; } for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { if(type.trim().equalsIgnoreCase(types[i])) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Adds the specified array of ITableInfos to the internal list(s), and sorts * the combination. * * @param infos the array of ITableInfos to add. */ public void writeToTableCache(ITableInfo[] infos) { for (ITableInfo info : infos) { String tableName = info.getSimpleName(); CaseInsensitiveString ciTableName = new CaseInsensitiveString(tableName); _tableNames.put(ciTableName, tableName); List<ITableInfo> aITabInfos = _tableInfosBySimpleName.get(ciTableName); if(null == aITabInfos) { aITabInfos = new ArrayList<ITableInfo>(); _tableInfosBySimpleName.put(ciTableName, aITabInfos); } aITabInfos.add(info); } // CopyOnWriteArrayList is unfortunately not sort-able as a List. So this // will throw an UnsupportedOperationException: // // Collections.sort(_iTableInfos, new TableInfoSimpleNameComparator()); // // The following is the best approach according to concurrency master // Doug Lea, in this post: // // // Here we copy the existing internal array into a new array that // is large enough to hold the original and new elements. Then sort it. // And finally, create a new CopyOnWriteArrayList with the sorted array. /* Now, create an array large enough to hold the original and the new */ int currSize = _iTableInfos.size(); ITableInfo[] tableArr = _iTableInfos.toArray(new ITableInfo[currSize+infos.length]); /* * Append the new tables to the new array, starting at the end of the * original */ for (int i = 0; i < infos.length; i++) { tableArr[currSize + i] = infos[i]; } /* Sort it and store in a new CopyOnWriteArrayList */ Arrays.sort(tableArr, new TableInfoSimpleNameComparator()); _iTableInfos = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<ITableInfo>(tableArr); } /** * Adds a single ITableInfo to the internal list(s) and re-sorts. This * should not be called in a tight loop iterating over a list of ITableInfos. * If the caller is looping over an array of ITableInfo objects, please use * the version that accepts the ITableInfo array instead. * * @param info the ITableInfo to add. */ public void writeToTableCache(ITableInfo info) { writeToTableCache(new ITableInfo[] { info }); } public void writeToProcedureCache(IProcedureInfo procedure) { String proc = procedure.getSimpleName(); if (proc.length() > 0) { CaseInsensitiveString ciProc = new CaseInsensitiveString(proc); _procedureNames.put(ciProc ,proc); List<IProcedureInfo> aIProcInfos = _procedureInfosBySimpleName.get(ciProc); if(null == aIProcInfos) { aIProcInfos = new ArrayList<IProcedureInfo>(); _procedureInfosBySimpleName.put(ciProc, aIProcInfos); } aIProcInfos.add(procedure); } _iProcedureInfos.put(procedure, procedure); } public void writeColumsToCache(TableColumnInfo[] infos, CaseInsensitiveString simpleTableName) { _schemaInfoColumnCache.writeColumsToCache(infos, simpleTableName); } public void writeColumsNotAccessible(Throwable th, CaseInsensitiveString tableName) { _schemaInfoColumnCache.writeColumsNotAccessible(th, tableName); } void initialLoadDone() { /** * When _schemaPropsCacheIsBasedOn is null all loading will be done like there was no cache. * * This will make sure loading only heeds the cache during initial loading. * * Any further loading (via Object tree or tool bar) will be treated as a Cache refresh. */ _schemaPropsCacheIsBasedOn = null; } void prepareSerialization() { _schemaPropsCacheIsBasedOn = _session.getAlias().getSchemaProperties(); if(false == _schemaPropsCacheIsBasedOn.isCacheSchemaIndependentMetaData()) { clearSchemaIndependentData(); } if(SQLAliasSchemaProperties.GLOBAL_STATE_LOAD_ALL_CACHE_NONE == _schemaPropsCacheIsBasedOn.getGlobalState()) { clearAllSchemaDependentData(); } else if(SQLAliasSchemaProperties.GLOBAL_STATE_SPECIFY_SCHEMAS == _schemaPropsCacheIsBasedOn.getGlobalState()) { SchemaTableTypeCombination[] tableTypeCombis = _schemaPropsCacheIsBasedOn.getAllSchemaTableTypeCombinationsNotToBeCached(_tabelTableTypesCacheable, _viewTableTypesCacheable); for (int i = 0; i < tableTypeCombis.length; i++) { clearTables(null, tableTypeCombis[i].schemaName, null, tableTypeCombis[i].types); } String[] procedureSchemas = _schemaPropsCacheIsBasedOn.getAllSchemaProceduresNotToBeCached(); for (int i = 0; i < procedureSchemas.length; i++) { clearStoredProcedures(null, procedureSchemas[i], null); } } } private void clearAllSchemaDependentData() { _tableNames.clear(); _internalTableNameTreeMap.clear(); synchronized(_iTableInfos) { _iTableInfos.clear(); } _tableInfosBySimpleName.clear(); _schemaInfoColumnCache.clearColumns(); _procedureNames.clear(); _iProcedureInfos.clear(); _procedureInfosBySimpleName.clear(); _schemas.clear(); } private void clearSchemaIndependentData() { _catalogs.clear(); _keywords.clear(); _dataTypes.clear(); _functions.clear(); } void clearAllTableData() { _iTableInfos = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<ITableInfo>(); _tableInfosBySimpleName = new Hashtable<CaseInsensitiveString, List<ITableInfo>>(); _tableNames = Collections.synchronizedMap(_internalTableNameTreeMap); } void clearTables(String catalogName, String schemaName, String simpleName, String[] types) { for(Iterator<ITableInfo> i = _iTableInfos.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { ITableInfo ti =; boolean matches = matchesMetaString(ti.getCatalogName(), catalogName); matches &= matchesMetaString(ti.getSchemaName(), schemaName); matches &= matchesMetaString(ti.getSimpleName(), simpleName); if(null != types) { boolean found = false; for (int j = 0; j < types.length; j++) { if(types[j].equals(ti.getType())) { found = true; break; } } matches &= found; } if(matches) { // CopyOnWriteArrayList has snapshot iterators that don't support // iterator.remove() _iTableInfos.remove(ti); CaseInsensitiveString ciSimpleTableName = new CaseInsensitiveString(ti.getSimpleName()); List<ITableInfo> tableInfos = _tableInfosBySimpleName.get(ciSimpleTableName); tableInfos.remove(ti); if(0 == tableInfos.size()) { _tableInfosBySimpleName.remove(ciSimpleTableName); _tableNames.remove(ciSimpleTableName); } _schemaInfoColumnCache.clearColumns(ciSimpleTableName); } } } void clearStoredProcedures(String catalogName, String schemaName, String simpleName) { for(Iterator<IProcedureInfo> i = _iProcedureInfos.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { IProcedureInfo pi =; boolean matches = matchesMetaString(pi.getCatalogName(), catalogName); matches &= matchesMetaString(pi.getSchemaName(), schemaName); matches &= matchesMetaString(pi.getSimpleName(), simpleName); if(matches) { i.remove(); CaseInsensitiveString ciSimpleName = new CaseInsensitiveString(pi.getSimpleName()); List<IProcedureInfo> procedureInfos = _procedureInfosBySimpleName.get(ciSimpleName); procedureInfos.remove(pi); if(0 == procedureInfos.size()) { _procedureInfosBySimpleName.remove(ciSimpleName); _procedureNames.remove(ciSimpleName); } } } } private boolean matchesMetaString(String s, String toCheck) { if(null == s || null == toCheck) { return true; } return s.equals(toCheck); } SchemaNameLoadInfo getSchemaNameLoadInfo() { return _session.getAlias().getSchemaProperties().getSchemaNameLoadInfo(_schemaPropsCacheIsBasedOn); } void writeCatalogs(String[] catalogs) { this._catalogs.clear(); this._catalogs.addAll(Arrays.asList(catalogs)); } void writeSchemas(String[] schemasToWrite) { _schemas.clear(); _schemas.addAll(Arrays.asList(schemasToWrite)); } void writeKeywords(Hashtable<CaseInsensitiveString, String> keywordsBuf) { _keywords.clear(); _keywords.putAll(keywordsBuf); } void writeDataTypes(Hashtable<CaseInsensitiveString, String> dataTypesBuf) { _dataTypes.clear(); _dataTypes.putAll(dataTypesBuf); } void writeFunctions(Hashtable<CaseInsensitiveString, String> functionsBuf) { _functions.clear(); _functions.putAll(functionsBuf); } List<String> getCatalogsForReadOnly() { return _catalogs; } List<String> getSchemasForReadOnly() { return _schemas; } TreeMap<CaseInsensitiveString, String> getKeywordsForReadOnly() { return _keywords; } TreeMap<CaseInsensitiveString, String> getDataTypesForReadOnly() { return _dataTypes; } Map<CaseInsensitiveString, String> getFunctionsForReadOnly() { return _functions; } Map<CaseInsensitiveString, String> getTableNamesForReadOnly() { return _internalTableNameTreeMap; } List<ITableInfo> getITableInfosForReadOnly() { return _iTableInfos; } Hashtable<CaseInsensitiveString, List<ITableInfo>> getTableInfosBySimpleNameForReadOnly() { return _tableInfosBySimpleName; } public boolean didTryLoadingColumns(CaseInsensitiveString tableName) { return _schemaInfoColumnCache.didTryLoadingColumns(tableName); } public List<ExtendedColumnInfo> getExtendedColumnInfosForReadOnly(CaseInsensitiveString cissTableName) { return _schemaInfoColumnCache.getExtendedColumnInfosForReadOnly(cissTableName); } Map<CaseInsensitiveString, List<ExtendedColumnInfo>> getExtColumnInfosByColumnNameForReadOnly() { return _schemaInfoColumnCache.getExtColumnInfosByColumnNameForReadOnly(); } Map<CaseInsensitiveString, String> getProcedureNamesForReadOnly() { return _procedureNames; } Map<IProcedureInfo, IProcedureInfo> getIProcedureInfosForReadOnly() { return _iProcedureInfos; } /** * When SchemaInfoCache has been deserialized the the constants in DatabaseObjectType * still come from the last serialisation. Thus the == operator won't work * unless we replace the DatabaseObjectTypes * */ void replaceDatabaseObjectTypeConstantObjectsByConstantObjectsOfThisVM() { for (ITableInfo iTableInfo : _iTableInfos) { if(iTableInfo instanceof TableInfo) { ((TableInfo)iTableInfo).replaceDatabaseObjectTypeConstantObjectsByConstantObjectsOfThisVM(); } } for (IProcedureInfo iProcedureInfo : _iProcedureInfos.keySet()) { if(iProcedureInfo instanceof DatabaseObjectInfo) { ((DatabaseObjectInfo)iProcedureInfo).replaceDatabaseObjectTypeConstantObjectsByConstantObjectsOfThisVM(DatabaseObjectType.PROCEDURE); } } } /** * A comparator for ITableInfos that compares them using their simple name. * All other data (such as schema) is ignored, since it isn't likely that we * will need to compare tables in multiple schemas/catalogs in the same list. */ private class TableInfoSimpleNameComparator implements Comparator<ITableInfo> { public int compare(ITableInfo o1, ITableInfo o2) { return o1.getSimpleName().compareTo(o2.getSimpleName()); } } }