package net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.gui; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.Version; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.util.log.ILogger; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.util.log.LoggerController; import java.awt.*; public class SplashStringWriter { private final static ILogger s_log = LoggerController.createLogger(SplashStringWriter.class); private SplashScreen _splashScreen; private boolean _hasTwoLines; private int _maxNumberOffCallsToWriteUpperLine; private static final Font FONT = new Font(Font.DIALOG, Font.BOLD, 14); private static final Color BG = new Color(171, 176, 195); private static final Color FG_UPPER =; private static final Color FG_PROGRESS = new Color(74, 91, 153); private static final Color FG_LOWER = new Color(74, 91, 153); private static final int X_DIST = 10; private static final int Y_DIST = 12; private static final int X_PROGRESSBAR = X_DIST - 3; private Graphics2D _graphics; private int _yUpper; private int _yLower; private int _numberOffCallsToWriteUpperLine; private int _yProgressbar; private int _maxWidhtProgressbar; private int _heightProgressbar; private String _lowerLine; private String _upperLine; private int _paintAreaHeight; public SplashStringWriter(SplashScreen splashScreen, boolean hasTwoLines, int maxNumberOffCallsToWriteUpperLine) { _splashScreen = splashScreen; _hasTwoLines = hasTwoLines; _maxNumberOffCallsToWriteUpperLine = maxNumberOffCallsToWriteUpperLine; _graphics = _splashScreen.createGraphics(); _graphics.setFont(FONT); _yLower = _splashScreen.getSize().height - Y_DIST; FontMetrics fontMetrics = _graphics.getFontMetrics(FONT); if (_hasTwoLines) { _yUpper = _yLower - fontMetrics.getHeight() - Y_DIST; _paintAreaHeight = 2 * (Y_DIST + fontMetrics.getHeight()); } else { _yUpper = _yLower; _paintAreaHeight = Y_DIST + fontMetrics.getHeight(); } _yProgressbar = _yUpper - fontMetrics.getHeight() - 2; _maxWidhtProgressbar = _splashScreen.getSize().width - 2 * X_DIST; _heightProgressbar = fontMetrics.getHeight() + 10; _graphics.setColor(FG_UPPER); paintCopyrigthAndVersion(fontMetrics); } private void paintCopyrigthAndVersion(FontMetrics fontMetrics) { String[] splits = Version.getCopyrightStatement().split("\\n"); int xVers = (_splashScreen.getSize().width - fontMetrics.getStringBounds(Version.getVersion(), _graphics).getBounds().width) / 2; int yVers = _splashScreen.getSize().height - (_paintAreaHeight + ((splits.length + 1) * (fontMetrics.getHeight() + 5))); _graphics.drawString(Version.getVersion(), xVers, yVers); for (int i = 0; i < splits.length; i++) { int xSpilt = (_splashScreen.getSize().width - fontMetrics.getStringBounds(splits[i], _graphics).getBounds().width) / 2; int ySplit = _splashScreen.getSize().height - (_paintAreaHeight + ((splits.length - i) * (fontMetrics.getHeight() + 5))); _graphics.drawString(splits[i], xSpilt, ySplit); } } public void writeUpperProgressLine(String s) { _upperLine = s; ++_numberOffCallsToWriteUpperLine; paint(); } public void writeLowerProgressLine(String s) { _lowerLine = s; paint(); } private void paint() { clear(); paintProgress(); paintStrings(); } private void paintStrings() { write(_upperLine, _yUpper, FG_UPPER); if(_hasTwoLines) { write(_lowerLine, _yLower, FG_LOWER); } } private void paintProgress() { if(_maxNumberOffCallsToWriteUpperLine < _numberOffCallsToWriteUpperLine + 1) { String msg = "Programmer: Please increase _maxNumberOffCallsToWriteUpperLine to make the Progressbar work right"; s_log.error(msg, new IllegalStateException(msg)); _numberOffCallsToWriteUpperLine = _maxNumberOffCallsToWriteUpperLine; } int width = (int) ( (double)(_maxWidhtProgressbar) * ((double)(_numberOffCallsToWriteUpperLine)) / ((double)(_maxNumberOffCallsToWriteUpperLine)) ); _graphics.setColor(FG_PROGRESS); _graphics.fillRect(X_PROGRESSBAR, _yProgressbar, width, _heightProgressbar); } private void clear() { _graphics.setColor(BG); _graphics.fillRect(0, _splashScreen.getSize().height - _paintAreaHeight, _splashScreen.getSize().width, _paintAreaHeight); } private String write(String s, int y, Color fg) { if (null != s) { _graphics.setColor(fg); _graphics.drawString(s, X_DIST, y); _splashScreen.update(); } return s; } }