package net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.util; /* * Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Colin Bell * * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.util.IJavaPropertyNames; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.ApplicationArguments; /** * This class contains information about files and directories used by the * application. * * @author <A HREF="">Colin Bell</A> */ public class ApplicationFiles { /** Name of directory to contain users settings. */ private String _userSettingsDir; /** Name of folder that contains Squirrel app. */ private final File _squirrelHomeDir; /** Name of folder that contains plugins. */ private String _squirrelPluginsDir; /** Documentation folder. */ private String _documentationDir; /** Name of folder that contains library jars */ private String _libraryDir; /** Name of folder that contains update files */ private String _updateDir; /** Flag for cleaning up execution log files on app entry. **/ private static boolean needExecutionLogCleanup = true; /** Flag for cleaning up debug log files on app entry. **/ private static boolean needDebugLogCleanup = true; /** * Ctor. */ public ApplicationFiles() { super(); ApplicationArguments args = ApplicationArguments.getInstance(); final String homeDir = args.getSquirrelHomeDirectory(); _squirrelHomeDir = new File(homeDir != null ? homeDir : System.getProperty(IJavaPropertyNames.USER_DIR)); String homeDirPath = _squirrelHomeDir.getPath() + File.separator; _squirrelPluginsDir = homeDirPath + "plugins"; _documentationDir = homeDirPath + "doc"; _libraryDir = homeDirPath + "lib"; _updateDir = homeDirPath + "update"; _userSettingsDir = args.getUserSettingsDirectoryOverride(); if (_userSettingsDir == null) { _userSettingsDir = System.getProperty(IJavaPropertyNames.USER_HOME) + File.separator + ".bigtable-sql"; } try { new File(_userSettingsDir).mkdirs(); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println( "Error creating user settings directory: " + _userSettingsDir); System.out.println(ex.toString()); } try { final File logsDir = getExecutionLogFile().getParentFile(); logsDir.mkdirs(); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("Error creating logs directory"); System.out.println(ex.toString()); } } public File getUserSettingsDirectory() { return new File(_userSettingsDir); } public File getPluginsDirectory() { return new File(_squirrelPluginsDir); } public File getLibraryDirectory() { return new File(_libraryDir); } public File getUpdateDirectory() { return new File(_updateDir); } /** * @return file that contains database aliases. */ public File getDatabaseAliasesFile() { return new File(_userSettingsDir + File.separator + "SQLAliases23.xml"); } public File getDatabaseAliasesTreeStructureFile() { return new File(_userSettingsDir + File.separator + "SQLAliases23_treeStructure.xml"); } public File getRecentFilesXmlBeanFile() { return new File(_userSettingsDir + File.separator + "RecentFilesXmlBean.xml"); } public File getDatabaseAliasesFile_before_version_2_3() { return new File(_userSettingsDir + File.separator + "SQLAliases.xml"); } /** * @return file that contains JDBC driver definitions. */ public File getDatabaseDriversFile() { return new File(_userSettingsDir + File.separator + "SQLDrivers.xml"); } /** * @return file that contains JDBC driver definitions. */ public File getUserPreferencesFile() { return new File(_userSettingsDir + File.separator + "prefs.xml"); } /** * @return file that contains the selections user chose for Cell import/export. */ public File getCellImportExportSelectionsFile() { return new File(_userSettingsDir + File.separator + "cellImportExport.xml"); } /** * @return file that contains the selections user chose * for DataType-specific properties. */ public File getDTPropertiesFile() { return new File(_userSettingsDir + File.separator + "DTproperties.xml"); } /** * @return file that contains the selections user chose for specific columns to use * in the WHERE clause when editing a cell in a DB table. */ public File getEditWhereColsFile() { return new File(_userSettingsDir + File.separator + "editWhereCols.xml"); } /** * @return file to log execution information to. */ public File getExecutionLogFile() { final String dirPath = _userSettingsDir + File.separator + "logs"; final String logBaseName = "bigtable-sql.log"; if (needExecutionLogCleanup) { // first time through this method in program, so go cleanup // old log files deleteOldFiles(dirPath, logBaseName); needExecutionLogCleanup = false; } return new File(dirPath + File.separator + logBaseName); } /** * @return file to log JDBC debug information to. */ public File getJDBCDebugLogFile() { final String dirPath = _userSettingsDir + File.separator + "logs"; final String logBaseName = "jdbcdebug.log"; if (needDebugLogCleanup) { // first time through this method in program, so go cleanup // old log files deleteOldFiles(dirPath, logBaseName); needDebugLogCleanup = false; } return new File(dirPath + File.separator + logBaseName); } /** * @return file to log debug information to. */ // public File getDebugLogFile() // { // return new File(_userSettingsDir + File.separator + "squirrel-sql-debug.log"); // } /** * @return serialized Vector containing history of SQL queries executed */ public File getUserSQLHistoryFile() { return new File(_userSettingsDir + File.separator + "sql_history.xml"); } public File getSquirrelHomeDir() { return _squirrelHomeDir; } /** * @return directory that contains plugin specific user settings */ public File getPluginsUserSettingsDirectory() { return new File(_userSettingsDir + File.separator + "plugins"); } /** * @return the quickstart guide. */ public File getQuickStartGuideFile() { return new File(_documentationDir + File.separator + "quick_start.html"); } /** * @return the FAQ. */ public File getFAQFile() { return new File(_documentationDir + File.separator + "faq.html"); } /** * @return the changelog. */ public File getChangeLogFile() { return new File(_documentationDir + File.separator + "changes.txt"); } /** * @return the licence file. */ public File getLicenceFile() { return new File(_documentationDir + File.separator + "licences/squirrel_licence.txt"); } /** * @return the Welcome document.. */ public File getWelcomeFile() { return new File(_documentationDir + File.separator + "welcome.html"); } /** * Internal method to remove old files such as log files. * The dirPath is the path name of the directory containing the files. * The fileBase is the base name of all files in the set to be culled, * i.e. this method removes old versions of files named <fileBase>*, * but not the file named <fileBase> or recent versions of that file. * It is assumed that files are named with dates such that the names of * older files are alphabetically before newer files. */ private void deleteOldFiles(String dirPath, String fileBase) { // the number of files to keep is arbitrarilly set here final int numberToKeep = 3; // define filter to select only names using the fileBase class OldFileNameFilter implements FilenameFilter { String fBase; OldFileNameFilter(String fileBase) { fBase = fileBase; } public boolean accept (File dir, String name) { if (name.startsWith(fBase)) return true; return false; } } // get the directory File dir = new File(dirPath); // create filename filter and attach to directory OldFileNameFilter fileFilter = new OldFileNameFilter(fileBase); // get list of files using that base name String fileNames[] = dir.list(fileFilter); if (fileNames == null || fileNames.length <= numberToKeep) return; // not too many old files // we do not expect a lot of files in this directory, // so just do things linearly // sort the list Arrays.sort(fileNames); // If the file using the base name with no extention exists, // it is first. The other files are in order from oldest to newest. // The set of files to delete is slightly different depending on // whether the base name file exists or not. int startIndex = 0; int endIndex = fileNames.length - numberToKeep; if (fileNames[0].equals(fileBase)) { // since the base name file exists, we need to skip it // and bump up the endIndex startIndex = 1; endIndex++; } for (int i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) { // delete the old file File oldFile = new File(dirPath + File.separator + fileNames[i]); oldFile.delete(); } } public File getSQuirrelJarFile() { File ret = new File(_squirrelHomeDir.getPath() + File.separator + "lib" + File.separator + "squirrel-sql.jar"); if(false == ret.exists()) { ret = new File(_squirrelHomeDir.getPath() + File.separator + "squirrel-sql.jar"); } return ret; } public File getFwJarFile() { return new File(_squirrelHomeDir.getPath() + File.separator + "lib" + File.separator + "fw.jar"); } /** * @return serialized List containing user specific configurations for WIKI tables. */ public File getUserSpecificWikiConfigurationsFile() { return new File(_userSettingsDir + File.separator + "userSpecificWikiTableConfigurations.xml"); } }