package net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.session.schemainfo; /* * Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Colin Bell * * * Copyright (C) 2001 Johan Compagner * * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.IApplication; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.gui.db.SQLAliasSchemaProperties; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.gui.db.SchemaLoadInfo; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.gui.db.SchemaNameLoadInfo; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.session.ExtendedColumnInfo; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.session.ISession; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.session.schemainfo.ObjFilterMatcher; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.session.event.SessionAdapter; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.session.event.SessionEvent; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.gui.GUIUtils; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.sql.DataTypeInfo; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.sql.DatabaseObjectType; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.sql.IDatabaseObjectInfo; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.sql.IProcedureInfo; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.sql.ISQLConnection; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.sql.ITableInfo; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.sql.ProcedureInfo; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.sql.ProgressCallBack; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.sql.ProgressCallBackAdaptor; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.sql.SQLDatabaseMetaData; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.sql.TableColumnInfo; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.sql.TableInfo; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.util.StringManager; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.util.StringManagerFactory; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.util.log.ILogger; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.util.log.LoggerController; public class SchemaInfo { public static final int TABLE_EXT_NOT_A_TABLE = 0; public static final int TABLE_EXT_COLS_LOADED_IN_THIS_CALL = 1; public static final int TABLE_EXT_COLS_LOADED_BEFORE = 2; private static final StringManager s_stringMgr = StringManagerFactory.getStringManager(SchemaInfo.class); private boolean _loading = false; private boolean _loaded = false; private SQLDatabaseMetaData _dmd; ISession _session = null; private static final ILogger s_log = LoggerController.createLogger(SchemaInfo.class); private SessionAdapter _sessionListener; /** * The number of load methods */ private static final int LOAD_METHODS_COUNT = 7; private static final int MAX_PROGRESS = 100; static interface i18n { // i18n[SchemaInfo.loadingCatalogs=Loading catalogs] String LOADING_CATALOGS_MSG = s_stringMgr.getString("SchemaInfo.loadingCatalogs"); // i18n[SchemaInfo.loadingKeywords=Loading keywords] String LOADING_KEYWORDS_MSG = s_stringMgr.getString("SchemaInfo.loadingKeywords"); // i18n[SchemaInfo.loadingDataTypes=Loading data types] String LOADING_DATATYPES_MSG = s_stringMgr.getString("SchemaInfo.loadingDataTypes"); // i18n[SchemaInfo.loadingFunctions=Loading functions] String LOADING_FUNCTIONS_MSG = s_stringMgr.getString("SchemaInfo.loadingFunctions"); // i18n[SchemaInfo.loadingTables=Loading tables] String LOADING_TABLES_MSG = s_stringMgr.getString("SchemaInfo.loadingTables"); // i18n[SchemaInfo.loadingStoredProcedures=Loading stored procedures] String LOADING_PROCS_MSG = s_stringMgr.getString("SchemaInfo.loadingStoredProcedures"); // i18n[SchemaInfo.loadingSchemas=Loading schemas] String LOADING_SCHEMAS_MSG = s_stringMgr.getString("SchemaInfo.loadingSchemas"); } final HashMap<CaseInsensitiveString,CaseInsensitiveString> _tablesLoadingColsInBackground = new HashMap<CaseInsensitiveString,CaseInsensitiveString>(); private SchemaInfoCache _schemaInfoCache; private Vector<SchemaInfoUpdateListener> _listeners = new Vector<SchemaInfoUpdateListener>(); private boolean _inInitialLoad; private long _initalLoadBeginTime; private boolean _sessionStartupTimeHintShown; private boolean _schemasAndCatalogsLoaded; private boolean _tablesLoaded; private boolean _storedProceduresLoaded; public SchemaInfo(IApplication app) { _sessionListener = new SessionAdapter() { public void connectionClosedForReconnect(SessionEvent evt) { if (null != _session && _session.getIdentifier().equals(evt.getSession().getIdentifier())) { _dmd = null; } } public void reconnected(SessionEvent evt) { if (null != _session && _session.getIdentifier().equals(evt.getSession().getIdentifier())) { _dmd = _session.getSQLConnection().getSQLMetaData(); if (null != _dmd) {"SchemaInfo.SuccessfullyRestoredDatabaseMetaData")); } } } public void sessionClosing(SessionEvent evt) {, _schemaInfoCache); } }; if (app != null) { app.getSessionManager().addSessionListener(_sessionListener); } } public void initialLoad(ISession session) { _session = session; breathing(); _schemaInfoCache = SchemaInfoCacheSerializer.load(_session); try { _inInitialLoad = true; _initalLoadBeginTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); privateLoadAll(); } finally { _inInitialLoad = false; _schemaInfoCache.initialLoadDone(); } } public void reloadAll() { reloadAll(true); } /** * @param fireSchemaInfoUpdate Should only be false when the caller makes sure fireSchemaInfoUpdate() is called later. */ void reloadAll(boolean fireSchemaInfoUpdate) { SchemaInfoCacheSerializer.deleteCacheFile(_session.getApplication(), _session.getAlias(), false); _schemaInfoCache = SchemaInfoCacheSerializer.load(_session); privateLoadAll(); if(fireSchemaInfoUpdate) { GUIUtils.processOnSwingEventThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { fireSchemaInfoUpdate(); } }); } } /** * Will re-read all table data into the cache. */ public void reloadAllTables() { GUIUtils.processOnSwingEventThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { _session.getSessionSheet().setStatusBarProgress(i18n.LOADING_TABLES_MSG, 0, MAX_PROGRESS, 50); } }); breathing(); _schemaInfoCache.clearAllTableData(); loadTables(null, null, null, null, 0); notifyTablesLoaded(); GUIUtils.processOnSwingEventThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { fireSchemaInfoUpdate(); _session.getSessionSheet().setStatusBarProgressFinished(); } }); } private void privateLoadAll() { synchronized (this) { if(_loading) { return; } _loading = true; _schemasAndCatalogsLoaded = false; _tablesLoaded = false; _storedProceduresLoaded = false; } breathing(); long mstart = System.currentTimeMillis(); long mfinish = 0; try { ISQLConnection conn = _session.getSQLConnection(); _dmd = conn.getSQLMetaData(); _dmd.clearCache(); int progress = 0; progress = loadCatalogs(progress); progress = loadSchemas(progress); notifySchemasAndCatalogsLoad(); long start = 0, finish = 0; try { if (s_log.isDebugEnabled()) { s_log.debug(i18n.LOADING_KEYWORDS_MSG); start = System.currentTimeMillis(); } int beginProgress = getLoadMethodProgress(progress++); setProgress(i18n.LOADING_KEYWORDS_MSG, beginProgress); loadKeywords(i18n.LOADING_KEYWORDS_MSG, beginProgress); if (s_log.isDebugEnabled()) { finish = System.currentTimeMillis(); s_log.debug("Keywords loaded in " + (finish - start) + " ms"); } } catch (Exception ex) { s_log.error("Error loading keywords", ex); } try { if (s_log.isDebugEnabled()) { s_log.debug(i18n.LOADING_DATATYPES_MSG); start = System.currentTimeMillis(); } int beginProgress = getLoadMethodProgress(progress++); setProgress(i18n.LOADING_DATATYPES_MSG, beginProgress); loadDataTypes(i18n.LOADING_DATATYPES_MSG, beginProgress); if (s_log.isDebugEnabled()) { finish = System.currentTimeMillis(); s_log.debug("Data types loaded in " + (finish - start) + " ms"); } } catch (Exception ex) { s_log.error("Error loading data types", ex); } try { if (s_log.isDebugEnabled()) { s_log.debug(i18n.LOADING_FUNCTIONS_MSG); start = System.currentTimeMillis(); } int beginProgress = getLoadMethodProgress(progress++); setProgress(i18n.LOADING_FUNCTIONS_MSG, beginProgress); loadGlobalFunctions(i18n.LOADING_FUNCTIONS_MSG, beginProgress); if (s_log.isDebugEnabled()) { finish = System.currentTimeMillis(); s_log.debug("Functions loaded in " + (finish - start) + " ms"); } } catch (Exception ex) { s_log.error("Error loading functions", ex); } progress = loadTables(null, null, null, null, progress); notifyTablesLoaded(); progress = loadStoredProcedures(null, null, null, progress); notifyStoredProceduresLoaded(); } finally { if (_session != null && _session.getSessionSheet() != null) { _session.getSessionSheet().setStatusBarProgressFinished(); } _loading = false; _loaded = true; } if (s_log.isDebugEnabled()) { mfinish = System.currentTimeMillis(); s_log.debug("SchemaInfo.load took " + (mfinish - mstart) + " ms"); } } private void notifyStoredProceduresLoaded() { synchronized(this) { _storedProceduresLoaded = true; this.notifyAll(); } } private void notifyTablesLoaded() { synchronized(this) { _tablesLoaded = true; this.notifyAll(); } } private void notifySchemasAndCatalogsLoad() { synchronized(this) { _schemasAndCatalogsLoaded = true; this.notifyAll(); } } private int loadStoredProcedures(String catalog, String schema, String procNamePattern, int progress) { long start = 0, finish = 0; try { if (s_log.isDebugEnabled()) { s_log.debug(i18n.LOADING_PROCS_MSG); start = System.currentTimeMillis(); } int beginProgress = getLoadMethodProgress(progress++); setProgress(i18n.LOADING_PROCS_MSG, beginProgress); privateLoadStoredProcedures(catalog, schema, procNamePattern, i18n.LOADING_PROCS_MSG, beginProgress); if (s_log.isDebugEnabled()) { finish = System.currentTimeMillis(); s_log.debug("stored procedures loaded in " + (finish - start) + " ms"); } } catch (Exception ex) { s_log.error("Error loading stored procedures", ex); } return progress; } private int loadTables(String catalog, String schema, String tableNamePattern, String[] types, int progress) { long start = 0, finish = 0; try { if (s_log.isDebugEnabled()) { s_log.debug(i18n.LOADING_TABLES_MSG); start = System.currentTimeMillis(); } int beginProgress = getLoadMethodProgress(progress++); setProgress(i18n.LOADING_TABLES_MSG, beginProgress); privateLoadTables(catalog, schema, tableNamePattern, types, i18n.LOADING_TABLES_MSG, beginProgress); if (s_log.isDebugEnabled()) { finish = System.currentTimeMillis(); s_log.debug("Tables loaded in " + (finish - start) + " ms"); } } catch (Exception ex) { s_log.error("Error loading tables", ex); } return progress; } private int loadSchemas(int progress) { long start = 0, finish = 0; try { if (s_log.isDebugEnabled()) { s_log.debug(i18n.LOADING_SCHEMAS_MSG); start = System.currentTimeMillis(); } int beginProgress = getLoadMethodProgress(progress++); setProgress(i18n.LOADING_SCHEMAS_MSG, beginProgress); privateLoadSchemas(); if (s_log.isDebugEnabled()) { finish = System.currentTimeMillis(); s_log.debug("Schemas loaded in " + (finish - start) + " ms"); } } catch (Exception ex) { s_log.error("Error loading schemas", ex); } return progress; } private int loadCatalogs(int progress) { long start = 0, finish = 0; try { if (s_log.isDebugEnabled()) { s_log.debug(i18n.LOADING_CATALOGS_MSG); start = System.currentTimeMillis(); } int beginProgress = getLoadMethodProgress(progress++); setProgress(i18n.LOADING_CATALOGS_MSG, beginProgress); privateLoadCatalogs(); if (s_log.isDebugEnabled()) { finish = System.currentTimeMillis(); s_log.debug("Catalogs loaded in " + (finish - start) + " ms"); } } catch (Exception ex) { s_log.error("Error loading catalogs", ex); } return progress; } private int getLoadMethodProgress(int progress) { return (int)(((double)progress) / ((double)LOAD_METHODS_COUNT) * (MAX_PROGRESS)); } private void setProgress(final String note, final int value) { breathing(); if (_session == null || _session.getSessionSheet() == null) { return; } _session.getSessionSheet().setStatusBarProgress(note, 0, MAX_PROGRESS, value); if(_inInitialLoad && false == _sessionStartupTimeHintShown && false == _session.getAlias().getSchemaProperties().isCacheSchemaIndependentMetaData() && SQLAliasSchemaProperties.GLOBAL_STATE_LOAD_ALL_CACHE_NONE == _session.getAlias().getSchemaProperties().getGlobalState() && _session.getApplication().getSquirrelPreferences().getShowSessionStartupTimeHint() && System.currentTimeMillis() - _initalLoadBeginTime > 3000) { _sessionStartupTimeHintShown = true; SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { new SessionStartupTimeHintController(_session); } }); } } /** * We found that the UI behaves much nicer at startup if * loading schema info interupted for little moments. */ private void breathing() { // In case this is called by the AWT thread, log a message - this is most likey a bug if (SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()) { if (s_log.isDebugEnabled()) { s_log.debug("breathing: ignoring request to sleep the event dispatch thread"); } return; } synchronized(this) { try { wait(50); } catch (InterruptedException e) { if (s_log.isInfoEnabled()) {"breathing: Interrupted", e); } } } } private void privateLoadStoredProcedures(String catalog, String schema, String procNamePattern, final String msg, final int beginProgress) { try { ProgressCallBack pcb = new ProgressCallBackAdaptor() { @Override public void currentlyLoading(String simpleName) { setProgress(msg + " (" + simpleName + ")", beginProgress); } }; SchemaLoadInfo[] schemaLoadInfos = _schemaInfoCache.getMatchingSchemaLoadInfos(schema); for (int i = 0; i < schemaLoadInfos.length; i++) { if(schemaLoadInfos[i].loadProcedures) { IProcedureInfo[] procedures = _dmd.getProcedures(catalog, schemaLoadInfos[i].schemaName, procNamePattern, pcb); for (int j = 0; j < procedures.length; j++) { _schemaInfoCache.writeToProcedureCache(procedures[j]); } } } } catch (Throwable th) { s_log.error("Failed to load stored procedures", th); } } private void privateLoadCatalogs() { try { if(false == _schemaInfoCache.loadSchemaIndependentMetaData()) { return; } _schemaInfoCache.writeCatalogs(_dmd.getCatalogs()); } catch (Throwable th) { s_log.error("failed to load catalog names", th); } } private void privateLoadSchemas() { try { _session.getApplication().getSessionManager().clearAllowedSchemaCache(_session); SchemaNameLoadInfo schemaNameLoadInfo = _schemaInfoCache.getSchemaNameLoadInfo(); if(SchemaNameLoadInfo.STATE_DONT_REFERESH_SCHEMA_NAMES == schemaNameLoadInfo.state) { return; } String[] schemasToWrite; if(SchemaNameLoadInfo.STATE_REFERESH_SCHEMA_NAMES_FROM_DB == schemaNameLoadInfo.state) { schemasToWrite = _session.getApplication().getSessionManager().getAllowedSchemas(_session); } else if(SchemaNameLoadInfo.STATE_USES_PROVIDED_SCHEMA_NAMES == schemaNameLoadInfo.state) { schemasToWrite = schemaNameLoadInfo.schemaNames; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown SchemaNameLoadInfo.state = " + schemaNameLoadInfo.state); } _schemaInfoCache.writeSchemas(schemasToWrite); } catch (Throwable th) { s_log.error("failed to load schema names", th); } } public boolean isKeyword(String data) { return isKeyword(new CaseInsensitiveString(data)); } /** * Retrieve whether the passed string is a keyword. * * @param keyword String to check. * * @return <TT>true</TT> if a keyword. */ public boolean isKeyword(CaseInsensitiveString data) { if (!_loading && data != null) { return _schemaInfoCache.getKeywordsForReadOnly().containsKey(data); } return false; } public boolean isDataType(String data) { return isDataType(new CaseInsensitiveString(data)); } /** * Retrieve whether the passed string is a data type. * * @param keyword String to check. * * @return <TT>true</TT> if a data type. */ public boolean isDataType(CaseInsensitiveString data) { if (!_loading && data != null) { return _schemaInfoCache.getDataTypesForReadOnly().containsKey(data); } return false; } public boolean isFunction(String data) { return isFunction(new CaseInsensitiveString(data)); } /** * Retrieve whether the passed string is a function. * * @param keyword String to check. * * @return <TT>true</TT> if a function. */ public boolean isFunction(CaseInsensitiveString data) { if (!_loading && data != null) { return _schemaInfoCache.getFunctionsForReadOnly().containsKey(data); } return false; } public boolean isTable(String data) { return isTable(new CaseInsensitiveString(data)); } public boolean isTable(CaseInsensitiveString data) { int tableExtRes = isTableExt(data); return TABLE_EXT_COLS_LOADED_IN_THIS_CALL == tableExtRes || TABLE_EXT_COLS_LOADED_BEFORE == tableExtRes; } /** * Retrieve whether the passed string is a table and wether this table's colums where loaded before this call. * * @param keyword String to check. * * @return <TT>true</TT> if a table. */ public int isTableExt(CaseInsensitiveString data) { if (!_loading && data != null) { if(_schemaInfoCache.getTableNamesForReadOnly().containsKey(data)) { if (loadColumns(data)) { return TABLE_EXT_COLS_LOADED_IN_THIS_CALL; } else { return TABLE_EXT_COLS_LOADED_BEFORE; } } } return TABLE_EXT_NOT_A_TABLE; } public boolean isColumn(String data) { return isColumn(new CaseInsensitiveString(data)); } /** * Retrieve whether the passed string is a column. * * @param keyword String to check. * * @return <TT>true</TT> if a column. */ public boolean isColumn(CaseInsensitiveString data) { if (!_loading && data != null) { return _schemaInfoCache.getExtColumnInfosByColumnNameForReadOnly().containsKey(data); } return false; } /** * This method returns the case sensitive name of a table as it is stored * in the database. * The case sensitive name is needed for example if you want to retrieve * a table's meta data. Quote from the API doc of DataBaseMetaData.getTables(): * Parameters: * ... * tableNamePattern - a table name pattern; must match the table name as it is stored in the database * * * @param data The tables name in arbitrary case. * @return the table name as it is stored in the database */ public String getCaseSensitiveTableName(String data) { if (!_loading && data != null) { return _schemaInfoCache.getTableNamesForReadOnly().get(new CaseInsensitiveString(data)); } return null; } public String getCaseSensitiveProcedureName(String data) { if (!_loading && data != null) { return _schemaInfoCache.getProcedureNamesForReadOnly().get(new CaseInsensitiveString(data)); } return null; } private void loadKeywords(String msg, int beginProgress) { try { if(false == _schemaInfoCache.loadSchemaIndependentMetaData()) { return; } setProgress(msg + " (default keywords)", beginProgress); Hashtable<CaseInsensitiveString, String> keywordsBuf = new Hashtable<CaseInsensitiveString, String>(); for (int i = 0; i < DefaultKeywords.KEY_WORDS.length; i++) { String kw = DefaultKeywords.KEY_WORDS[i]; keywordsBuf.put(new CaseInsensitiveString(kw), kw); } // Extra keywords that this DBMS supports. if (_dmd != null) { setProgress(msg + " (DB specific keywords)", beginProgress); String[] sqlKeywords = _dmd.getSQLKeywords(); for (int i = 0; i < sqlKeywords.length; i++) { keywordsBuf.put(new CaseInsensitiveString(sqlKeywords[i]), sqlKeywords[i]); } String catalogTerm = _dmd.getCatalogTerm(); if (catalogTerm != null) { keywordsBuf.put(new CaseInsensitiveString(catalogTerm), catalogTerm); } String schemaTerm = _dmd.getSchemaTerm(); if (schemaTerm != null) { keywordsBuf.put(new CaseInsensitiveString(schemaTerm), schemaTerm); } String procedureTerm = _dmd.getProcedureTerm(); if (procedureTerm != null) { keywordsBuf.put(new CaseInsensitiveString(procedureTerm), procedureTerm); } } _schemaInfoCache.writeKeywords(keywordsBuf); } catch (Throwable ex) { s_log.error("Error occured creating keyword collection", ex); } } private void loadDataTypes(String msg, int beginProgress) { try { if(false == _schemaInfoCache.loadSchemaIndependentMetaData()) { return; } Hashtable<CaseInsensitiveString, String> dataTypesBuf = new Hashtable<CaseInsensitiveString, String>(); DataTypeInfo[] infos = _dmd.getDataTypes(); for (int i = 0; i < infos.length; i++) { String typeName = infos[i].getSimpleName(); dataTypesBuf.put(new CaseInsensitiveString(typeName), typeName); if(0 == i % 100 ) { setProgress(msg + " (" + typeName + ")", beginProgress); } } _schemaInfoCache.writeDataTypes(dataTypesBuf); } catch (Throwable ex) { s_log.error("Error occured creating data types collection", ex); } } private void loadGlobalFunctions(String msg, int beginProgress) { if(false == _schemaInfoCache.loadSchemaIndependentMetaData()) { return; } ArrayList<String> buf = new ArrayList<String>(); try { setProgress(msg + " (numeric functions)", beginProgress); buf.addAll(Arrays.asList(_dmd.getNumericFunctions())); } catch (Throwable ex) { s_log.error("Error", ex); } try { setProgress(msg + " (string functions)", beginProgress); buf.addAll(Arrays.asList((_dmd.getStringFunctions()))); } catch (Throwable ex) { s_log.error("Error", ex); } try { setProgress(msg + " (time/date functions)", beginProgress); buf.addAll(Arrays.asList(_dmd.getTimeDateFunctions())); } catch (Throwable ex) { s_log.error("Error", ex); } Hashtable<CaseInsensitiveString, String> functionsBuf = new Hashtable<CaseInsensitiveString, String>(); for (int i = 0; i < buf.size(); i++) { String func = buf.get(i); if (func.length() > 0) { functionsBuf.put(new CaseInsensitiveString(func) ,func); } } _schemaInfoCache.writeFunctions(functionsBuf); } public String[] getKeywords() { return _schemaInfoCache.getKeywordsForReadOnly().values().toArray(new String[_schemaInfoCache.getKeywordsForReadOnly().size()]); } public String[] getDataTypes() { return _schemaInfoCache.getDataTypesForReadOnly().values().toArray(new String[_schemaInfoCache.getDataTypesForReadOnly().size()]); } public String[] getFunctions() { return _schemaInfoCache.getFunctionsForReadOnly().values().toArray(new String[_schemaInfoCache.getFunctionsForReadOnly().size()]); } public String[] getTables() { return _schemaInfoCache.getTableNamesForReadOnly().values().toArray(new String[_schemaInfoCache.getTableNamesForReadOnly().size()]); } public String[] getCatalogs() { return _schemaInfoCache.getCatalogsForReadOnly().toArray(new String[_schemaInfoCache.getCatalogsForReadOnly().size()]); } public String[] getSchemas() { return _schemaInfoCache.getSchemasForReadOnly().toArray(new String[_schemaInfoCache.getSchemasForReadOnly().size()]); } public ITableInfo[] getITableInfos() { return getITableInfos(null, null); } public ITableInfo[] getITableInfos(String catalog, String schema) { return getITableInfos(catalog, schema, null); } public ITableInfo[] getITableInfos(String catalog, String schema, String simpleName) { return getITableInfos(catalog, schema, new ObjFilterMatcher(simpleName), null); } public ITableInfo[] getITableInfos(String catalog, String schema, ObjFilterMatcher filterMatcher, String[] types) { ArrayList<ITableInfo> ret = new ArrayList<ITableInfo>(); if (null != types) { // By default null == types we return only cached types ITableInfo[] tableInfosForUncachedTypes = getTableInfosForUncachedTypes(catalog, schema, filterMatcher, types); ret.addAll(Arrays.asList(tableInfosForUncachedTypes)); } List<ITableInfo> tis = _schemaInfoCache.getITableInfosForReadOnly(); for(ITableInfo iTableInfo : tis) { if(null != catalog && false == catalog.equalsIgnoreCase(iTableInfo.getCatalogName()) && false == fulfillsPlatformDependendMatches(iTableInfo, catalog) ) { continue; } if(null != schema && false == schema.equalsIgnoreCase(iTableInfo.getSchemaName()) ) { continue; } if(false == SchemaInfoCache.containsType(types, iTableInfo.getType())) { continue; } if(filterMatcher.matches(iTableInfo.getSimpleName())) { ret.add(iTableInfo); } // if(null != tableNamePattern && false == tableNamePattern.endsWith("%") && false == iTableInfo.getSimpleName().equals(tableNamePattern)) // { // continue; // } // // if(null != tableNamePattern && tableNamePattern.endsWith("%")) // { // String tableNameBegin = tableNamePattern.substring(0, tableNamePattern.length() - 1); // if(false == iTableInfo.getSimpleName().startsWith(tableNameBegin)) // { // continue; // } // } // // ret.add(iTableInfo); } return ret.toArray(new ITableInfo[ret.size()]); } private boolean fulfillsPlatformDependendMatches(ITableInfo iTableInfo, String catalog) { if(SQLDatabaseMetaData.DriverMatch.isComHttxDriver(_session.getSQLConnection())) { return ( iTableInfo.getCatalogName()==null && "\".\"".equals(catalog)); } else { return false; } } private ITableInfo[] getTableInfosForUncachedTypes(String catalog, String schema, ObjFilterMatcher filterMatcher, String[] types) { try { ArrayList<String> missingTypes = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { if(false == _schemaInfoCache.isCachedTableType(types[i])) { missingTypes.add(types[i]); } } if(0 < missingTypes.size()) { try { String[] buf = missingTypes.toArray(new String[missingTypes.size()]); ProgressCallBack pcb = new ProgressCallBackAdaptor() { @Override public void currentlyLoading(String simpleName) { StringBuilder tmp = new StringBuilder(i18n.LOADING_TABLES_MSG); tmp.append(" ("); tmp.append(simpleName); tmp.append(")"); setProgress(tmp.toString(), 1); } }; return _dmd.getTables(catalog, schema, filterMatcher.getMetaDataMatchString(), buf, pcb); } finally { _session.getSessionSheet().setStatusBarProgressFinished(); } } } catch (SQLException e) { s_log.error("Error loading uncached tables", e); } return new ITableInfo[0]; } public IProcedureInfo[] getStoredProceduresInfos(String catalog, String schema) { return getStoredProceduresInfos(catalog, schema, new ObjFilterMatcher()); } public IProcedureInfo[] getStoredProceduresInfos(String catalog, String schema, ObjFilterMatcher filterMatcher) { ArrayList<IProcedureInfo> ret = new ArrayList<IProcedureInfo>(); for (Iterator<IProcedureInfo> i = _schemaInfoCache.getIProcedureInfosForReadOnly().keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { IProcedureInfo iProcInfo =; boolean toAdd = true; if (null != catalog && false == catalog.equalsIgnoreCase(iProcInfo.getCatalogName())) { toAdd = false; } if (null != schema && false == schema.equalsIgnoreCase(iProcInfo.getSchemaName())) { toAdd = false; } if(false == filterMatcher.matches(iProcInfo.getSimpleName())) { toAdd = false; } if (toAdd) { ret.add(iProcInfo); } } return ret.toArray(new IProcedureInfo[ret.size()]); } public boolean isLoaded() { return _loaded; } private void privateLoadTables(String catalog, String schema, String tableNamePattern, String[] types, final String msg, final int beginProgress) { try { ProgressCallBack pcb = new ProgressCallBackAdaptor() { @Override public void currentlyLoading(String simpleName) { setProgress(msg + " (" + simpleName + ")", beginProgress); } }; SchemaLoadInfo[] schemaLoadInfos = _schemaInfoCache.getMatchingSchemaLoadInfos(schema, types); for (int i = 0; i < schemaLoadInfos.length; i++) { ITableInfo[] infos = _dmd.getTables(catalog, schemaLoadInfos[i].schemaName, tableNamePattern, schemaLoadInfos[i].tableTypes, pcb); _schemaInfoCache.writeToTableCache(infos); } } catch (Throwable th) { s_log.error("failed to load table names", th); } } /** * * @return true only when the table's columns are loaded within this call. */ private boolean loadColumns(final CaseInsensitiveString tableName) { try { if(_schemaInfoCache.didTryLoadingColumns(tableName)) { return false; } if (_session.getProperties().getLoadColumnsInBackground()) { if(_tablesLoadingColsInBackground.containsKey(tableName)) { return false; } // Note: A CaseInsensitiveString can be a mutable string. // In fact it is a mutable string here because this is usually called from // within Syntax coloring which uses a mutable string. final CaseInsensitiveString imutableString = new CaseInsensitiveString(tableName.toString()); _tablesLoadingColsInBackground.put(imutableString, imutableString); _session.getApplication().getThreadPool().addTask(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { accessDbToLoadColumns(imutableString); } catch (Throwable th) { s_log.error("failed to load columns", th); } finally { _tablesLoadingColsInBackground.remove(imutableString); } } }); } else { accessDbToLoadColumns(tableName); } } catch (Throwable th) { s_log.error("failed to load table names", th); } return true; } private void accessDbToLoadColumns(CaseInsensitiveString tableName) throws SQLException { if (null == _dmd) { s_log.warn(s_stringMgr.getString("SchemaInfo.UnableToLoadColumns", tableName)); return; } String name = getCaseSensitiveTableName(tableName.toString()); TableInfo ti = new TableInfo(null, null, name, "TABLE", null, _dmd); try { TableColumnInfo[] infos = _dmd.getColumnInfo(ti); _schemaInfoCache.writeColumsToCache(infos, tableName); } catch (Throwable th) { _schemaInfoCache.writeColumsNotAccessible(th, tableName); } } public ExtendedColumnInfo[] getExtendedColumnInfos(String tableName) { return getExtendedColumnInfos(null, null, tableName); } public ExtendedColumnInfo[] getExtendedColumnInfos(String catalog, String schema, String tableName) { CaseInsensitiveString cissTableName = new CaseInsensitiveString(tableName); loadColumns(cissTableName); List<ExtendedColumnInfo> extColInfo = _schemaInfoCache.getExtendedColumnInfosForReadOnly(cissTableName); if (null == extColInfo) { return new ExtendedColumnInfo[0]; } if (null == catalog && null == schema) { return extColInfo.toArray(new ExtendedColumnInfo[extColInfo.size()]); } else { ArrayList<ExtendedColumnInfo> ret = new ArrayList<ExtendedColumnInfo>(); for (int i = 0; i < extColInfo.size(); i++) { ExtendedColumnInfo extendedColumnInfo = extColInfo.get(i); boolean toAdd = true; if (null != catalog && null != extendedColumnInfo.getCatalog() && false == catalog.equalsIgnoreCase(extendedColumnInfo.getCatalog())) { toAdd = false; } if (null != schema && null != extendedColumnInfo.getSchema() && false == schema.equalsIgnoreCase(extendedColumnInfo.getSchema())) { toAdd = false; } if (toAdd) { ret.add(extendedColumnInfo); } } return ret.toArray(new ExtendedColumnInfo[ret.size()]); } } public void dispose() { // The SessionManager is global to SQuirreL. // If we don't remove the listeners the // Session won't get Garbeage Collected. _session.getApplication().getSessionManager().removeSessionListener(_sessionListener); } public boolean isProcedure(CaseInsensitiveString data) { return _schemaInfoCache.getProcedureNamesForReadOnly().containsKey(data); } public void reload(IDatabaseObjectInfo doi) { reload(doi, true); } /** * @param fireSchemaInfoUpdate Should only be false when the caller makes sure fireSchemaInfoUpdate() is called later. */ void reload(IDatabaseObjectInfo doi, boolean fireSchemaInfoUpdate) { boolean doReloadAll = false; try { synchronized (this) { if(_loading) { return; } _loading = true; _schemasAndCatalogsLoaded = false; _tablesLoaded = false; _storedProceduresLoaded = false; } if (doi instanceof ITableInfo) { ITableInfo ti = (ITableInfo) doi; DatabaseObjectType dot = ti.getDatabaseObjectType(); String[] types = null; if (DatabaseObjectType.TABLE == dot) { types = new String[]{"TABLE"}; } else if (DatabaseObjectType.VIEW == dot) { types = new String[]{"VIEW"}; } _schemaInfoCache.clearTables(ti.getCatalogName(), ti.getSchemaName(), ti.getSimpleName(), types); loadTables(ti.getCatalogName(), ti.getSchemaName(), ti.getSimpleName(), types, 1); } else if(doi instanceof IProcedureInfo) { IProcedureInfo pi = (IProcedureInfo) doi; _schemaInfoCache.clearStoredProcedures(pi.getCatalogName(), pi.getSchemaName(), pi.getSimpleName()); loadStoredProcedures(pi.getCatalogName(), pi.getSchemaName(), pi.getSimpleName(), 1); } else if(DatabaseObjectType.TABLE_TYPE_DBO == doi.getDatabaseObjectType()) { // load all table types with catalog = doi.getCatalog() and schema = doi.getSchema() _schemaInfoCache.clearTables(doi.getCatalogName(), doi.getSchemaName(), null, null); loadTables(doi.getCatalogName(), doi.getSchemaName(), null, null, 0); } else if(DatabaseObjectType.TABLE == doi.getDatabaseObjectType()) { // load tables with catalog = doi.getCatalog() and schema = doi.getSchema() _schemaInfoCache.clearTables(doi.getCatalogName(), doi.getSchemaName(), null, new String[]{"TABLE"}); loadTables(doi.getCatalogName(), doi.getSchemaName(), null, new String[]{"TABLE"}, 1); } else if(DatabaseObjectType.VIEW == doi.getDatabaseObjectType()) { // load views with catalog = doi.getCatalog() and schema = doi.getSchema() _schemaInfoCache.clearTables(doi.getCatalogName(), doi.getSchemaName(), null, new String[]{"VIEW"}); loadTables(doi.getCatalogName(), doi.getSchemaName(), null, new String[]{"VIEW"}, 1); } else if(DatabaseObjectType.PROCEDURE == doi.getDatabaseObjectType() || DatabaseObjectType.PROC_TYPE_DBO == doi.getDatabaseObjectType()) { _schemaInfoCache.clearStoredProcedures(doi.getCatalogName(), doi.getSchemaName(), null); loadStoredProcedures(doi.getCatalogName(), doi.getSchemaName(), null, 1); } else if(DatabaseObjectType.SCHEMA == doi.getDatabaseObjectType()) { //int progress = loadSchemas(1); // load tables with catalog = null _schemaInfoCache.clearTables(null, doi.getSchemaName(), null, null); int progress = loadTables(null, doi.getSchemaName(), null, null, 1); // load procedures with catalog = null _schemaInfoCache.clearStoredProcedures(null, doi.getSchemaName(), null); loadStoredProcedures(null, doi.getSchemaName(), null, progress); } else if(DatabaseObjectType.CATALOG == doi.getDatabaseObjectType()) { //int progress = loadCatalogs(1); // load tables with schema = null _schemaInfoCache.clearTables(doi.getCatalogName(), null, null, null); int progress = loadTables(doi.getCatalogName(), null, null, null, 1); // load procedures with schema = null _schemaInfoCache.clearStoredProcedures(doi.getCatalogName(), null, null); loadStoredProcedures(doi.getCatalogName(), null, null, progress); } else if(DatabaseObjectType.SESSION == doi.getDatabaseObjectType()) { doReloadAll = true; } // If called here it is called far to often and restoring selection in the // Object tree doesn't work. //fireSchemaInfoUpdate(); } finally { _session.getSessionSheet().setStatusBarProgressFinished(); _loading = false; _schemasAndCatalogsLoaded = true; _tablesLoaded = true; _storedProceduresLoaded = true; notifySchemasAndCatalogsLoad(); notifyTablesLoaded(); notifyStoredProceduresLoaded(); if(doReloadAll) { reloadAll(fireSchemaInfoUpdate); } else { if(fireSchemaInfoUpdate) { fireSchemaInfoUpdate(); } } } } public void fireSchemaInfoUpdate() { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { SchemaInfoUpdateListener[] listeners = _listeners.toArray(new SchemaInfoUpdateListener[0]); for (int i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) { listeners[i].schemaInfoUpdated(); } } }); } public void addSchemaInfoUpdateListener(SchemaInfoUpdateListener l) { _listeners.remove(l); _listeners.add(l); } public void removeSchemaInfoUpdateListener(SchemaInfoUpdateListener l) { _listeners.remove(l); } public void refershCacheForSimpleTableName(String simpleTableName) { refershCacheForSimpleTableName(simpleTableName, true); } /** * @param fireSchemaInfoUpdate Should only be false when the caller makes sure fireSchemaInfoUpdate() is called later. */ void refershCacheForSimpleTableName(String simpleTableName, boolean fireSchemaInfoUpdate) { HashMap<String, String> caseSensitiveTableNames = new HashMap<String, String>(); CaseInsensitiveString caseInsensitiveTableName = new CaseInsensitiveString(simpleTableName); String caseSensitiveTableName = _schemaInfoCache.getTableNamesForReadOnly().get(caseInsensitiveTableName); caseSensitiveTableNames.put(caseSensitiveTableName, caseSensitiveTableName); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Reload all matching table types for(Iterator<String> i=caseSensitiveTableNames.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { String buf =; TableInfo ti = new TableInfo(null, null, buf, null, null, _dmd); reload(ti, fireSchemaInfoUpdate); } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // is done in reload // if(fireSchemaInfoUpdate) // { // fireSchemaInfoUpdate(); // } } public void refreshCacheForSimpleProcedureName(String simpleProcName) { refreshCacheForSimpleProcedureName(simpleProcName, true); } /** * @param fireSchemaInfoUpdate Should only be false when the caller makes sure fireSchemaInfoUpdate() is called later. */ void refreshCacheForSimpleProcedureName(String simpleProcName, boolean fireSchemaInfoUpdate) { HashMap<String, String> caseSensitiveProcNames = new HashMap<String, String>(); CaseInsensitiveString caseInsensitiveProcName = new CaseInsensitiveString(simpleProcName); String caseSensitiveProcName = _schemaInfoCache.getProcedureNamesForReadOnly().remove(caseInsensitiveProcName); caseSensitiveProcNames.put(caseSensitiveProcName, caseSensitiveProcName); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Reload all matching procedure types for(Iterator<String> i=caseSensitiveProcNames.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { String buf =; ProcedureInfo pi = new ProcedureInfo(null, null, buf, null, DatabaseMetaData.procedureResultUnknown, _dmd); reload(pi, fireSchemaInfoUpdate); } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // is done in reload // if(fireSchemaInfoUpdate) // { // fireSchemaInfoUpdate(); // } } public void waitTillSchemasAndCatalogsLoaded() { try { synchronized (this) { while (false == _schemasAndCatalogsLoaded) { this.wait(); } } } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public void waitTillTablesLoaded() { try { synchronized (this) { while (false == _tablesLoaded) { this.wait(); } } } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public void waitTillStoredProceduresLoaded() { try { synchronized (this) { while (false == _storedProceduresLoaded) { this.wait(); } } } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public SQLDatabaseMetaData getSQLDatabaseMetaData() { return _dmd; } }