package org.basex.query.path; import static org.basex.query.QueryText.*; import static org.basex.query.path.Axis.*; import; import; import org.basex.index.path.*; import; import org.basex.query.QueryContext; import org.basex.query.QueryException; import org.basex.query.expr.CAttr; import org.basex.query.expr.CDoc; import org.basex.query.expr.Context; import org.basex.query.expr.Expr; import org.basex.query.expr.ParseExpr; import org.basex.query.expr.Root; import org.basex.query.item.Empty; import org.basex.query.item.NodeType; import org.basex.query.item.QNm; import org.basex.query.item.SeqType; import org.basex.query.item.Value; import org.basex.query.path.Test.Name; import org.basex.query.util.Var; import org.basex.util.InputInfo; import org.basex.util.list.ObjList; /** * Path expression. * * @author BaseX Team 2005-12, BSD License * @author Christian Gruen */ public abstract class Path extends ParseExpr { /** Root expression. */ public Expr root; /** Path steps. */ public Expr[] steps; /** * Constructor. * @param ii input info * @param r root expression; can be a {@code null} reference * @param s axis steps */ Path(final InputInfo ii, final Expr r, final Expr[] s) { super(ii); root = r; steps = s; } /** * Returns a new path instance. * @param ii input info * @param r root expression; can be a {@code null} reference * @param path path steps * @return class instance */ public static Path get(final InputInfo ii, final Expr r, final Expr... path) { // check if all steps are axis steps boolean axes = true; for(final Expr p : path) axes &= p instanceof AxisStep; return axes ? new AxisPath(ii, r, path).finish(null) : new MixedPath(ii, r, path); } @Override public final Expr comp(final QueryContext ctx) throws QueryException { if(root != null) { root = checkUp(root, ctx).comp(ctx); if(root instanceof Context) root = null; } final Value v = ctx.value; try { ctx.value = root(ctx); return compPath(ctx); } finally { ctx.value = v; } } /** * Compiles the location path. * @param ctx query context * @return optimized expression * @throws QueryException query exception */ protected abstract Expr compPath(final QueryContext ctx) throws QueryException; /** * Returns the root of the current context or {@code null}. * @param ctx query context * @return root */ final Value root(final QueryContext ctx) { final Value v = ctx != null ? ctx.value : null; // no root specified: return context, if it does not reference a document // as e.g. happens in //a(b|c) if(root == null) return v == null || v.type != NodeType.DOC ? v : null; // root is value: return root if(root.isValue()) return (Value) root; // no root reference, no context: return null if(!(root instanceof Root) || v == null) return null; // return context sequence or root of current context return v.size() != 1 ? v : Root.root(v); } @Override public final boolean uses(final Use use) { // first step or root expression will be used as context if(use == Use.CTX) return root == null || root.uses(use); for(final Expr s : steps) if(s.uses(use)) return true; return root != null && root.uses(use); } /** * Optimizes descendant-or-self steps and static types. * @param ctx query context */ void optSteps(final QueryContext ctx) { boolean opt = false; Expr[] st = steps; for(int l = 1; l < st.length; ++l) { if(!(st[l - 1] instanceof AxisStep && st[l] instanceof AxisStep)) continue; final AxisStep prev = (AxisStep) st[l - 1]; final AxisStep curr = (AxisStep) st[l]; if(!prev.simple(DESCORSELF, false)) continue; if(curr.axis == CHILD && !curr.uses(Use.POS)) { // descendant-or-self::node()/child::X -> descendant::X final int sl = st.length; final Expr[] tmp = new Expr[sl - 1]; System.arraycopy(st, 0, tmp, 0, l - 1); System.arraycopy(st, l, tmp, l - 1, sl - l); st = tmp; curr.axis = DESC; opt = true; } else if(curr.axis == ATTR && !curr.uses(Use.POS)) { // descendant-or-self::node()/@X -> descendant-or-self::*/@X prev.test = new NameTest(false); opt = true; } } if(opt) ctx.compInfo(OPTDESC); // set atomic type for single attribute steps to speedup predicate tests if(root == null && st.length == 1 && st[0] instanceof AxisStep) { final AxisStep curr = (AxisStep) st[0]; if(curr.axis == ATTR && curr.test.test == Name.STD) curr.type = SeqType.NOD_ZO; } steps = st; } /** * Computes the number of results. * @param ctx query context * @return number of results */ long size(final QueryContext ctx) { final Value rt = root(ctx); final Data data = rt != null && rt.type == NodeType.DOC ? : null; if(data == null || !data.meta.pathindex || !data.meta.uptodate) return -1; ObjList<PathNode> nodes = data.paths.root(); long m = 1; for(int s = 0; s < steps.length; s++) { final AxisStep curr = axisStep(s); if(curr != null) { nodes = curr.nodes(nodes, data); if(nodes == null) return -1; } else if(s + 1 == steps.length) { m = steps[s].size(); } else { // stop if a non-axis step is not placed last return -1; } } long sz = 0; for(final PathNode pn : nodes) sz += pn.stats.count; return sz * m; } /** * Checks if the location path contains steps that will never yield results. * @param stps step array * @return empty step, or {@code null} */ AxisStep voidStep(final Expr[] stps) { for(int l = 0; l < stps.length; ++l) { final AxisStep s = axisStep(l); if(s == null) continue; final Axis sa = s.axis; if(l == 0) { if(root instanceof CAttr) { if(sa == CHILD || sa == DESC) return s; } else if(root instanceof Root || root instanceof Value && ((Value) root).type == NodeType.DOC || root instanceof CDoc) { if(sa != CHILD && sa != DESC && sa != DESCORSELF && (sa != SELF && sa != ANCORSELF || s.test != Test.NOD && s.test != Test.DOC)) return s; } } else { final AxisStep ls = axisStep(l - 1); if(ls == null) continue; final Axis lsa = ls.axis; if(sa == SELF || sa == DESCORSELF) { // .../self:: / .../descendant-or-self:: if(s.test == Test.NOD) continue; // @.../... if(lsa == ATTR && s.test.type != NodeType.ATT) return s; // text()/... if(ls.test == Test.TXT && s.test != Test.TXT) return s; if(sa == DESCORSELF) continue; // .../self:: final QNm n1 =; final QNm n0 =; if(n0 == null || n1 == null) continue; // ...X/...Y if(!n1.eq(n0)) return s; } else if(sa == FOLLSIBL || sa == PRECSIBL) { // .../following-sibling:: / .../preceding-sibling:: if(lsa == ATTR) return s; } else if(sa == DESC || sa == CHILD || sa == ATTR) { // .../descendant:: / .../child:: / .../attribute:: if(lsa == ATTR || ls.test == Test.TXT || ls.test == Test.COM || ls.test == Test.PI) return s; } else if(sa == PARENT || sa == ANC) { // .../parent:: / .../ancestor:: if(ls.test == Test.DOC) return s; } } } return null; } /** * Converts descendant to child steps. * @param ctx query context * @param data data reference * @return path */ Expr children(final QueryContext ctx, final Data data) { // skip path check if no path index exists, or if it is out-of-dated if(!data.meta.pathindex || !data.meta.uptodate || data.nspaces.globalNS() == null) return this; Path path = this; for(int s = 0; s < steps.length; ++s) { // don't allow predicates in preceding location steps final AxisStep prev = s > 0 ? axisStep(s - 1) : null; if(prev != null && prev.preds.length != 0) break; // ignore axes other than descendant, or numeric predicates final AxisStep curr = axisStep(s); if(curr == null || curr.axis != DESC || curr.uses(Use.POS)) continue; // check if child steps can be retrieved for current step ObjList<PathNode> pn = pathNodes(data, s); if(pn == null) continue; // cache child steps final ObjList<QNm> qnm = new ObjList<QNm>(); while(pn.get(0).par != null) { QNm nm = new QNm(data.tagindex.key(pn.get(0).name)); // skip children with prefixes if(nm.hasPrefix()) return this; for(int j = 0; j < pn.size(); ++j) { if(pn.get(0).name != pn.get(j).name) nm = null; } qnm.add(nm); pn = PathSummary.parent(pn); } ctx.compInfo(OPTCHILD, steps[s]); // build new steps int ts = qnm.size(); final Expr[] stps = new Expr[ts + steps.length - s - 1]; for(int t = 0; t < ts; ++t) { final Expr[] preds = t == ts - 1 ? ((AxisStep) steps[s]).preds : new Expr[0]; final QNm nm = qnm.get(ts - t - 1); final NameTest nt = nm == null ? new NameTest(false) : new NameTest(nm, Name.NAME, false); stps[t] = AxisStep.get(input, CHILD, nt, preds); } while(++s < steps.length) stps[ts++] = steps[s]; path = get(input, root, stps); break; } // check if the all children in the path exist; don't test with namespaces if(data.nspaces.size() == 0) { LOOP: for(int s = 0; s < path.steps.length; ++s) { // only verify child steps; ignore namespaces final AxisStep st = path.axisStep(s); if(st == null || st.axis != CHILD) break; if(st.test.test == Name.ALL || st.test.test == null) continue; if(st.test.test != Name.NAME) break; // check if one of the addressed nodes is on the correct level final int name =; for(final PathNode pn : data.paths.desc(name, Data.ELEM)) { if(pn.level() == s + 1) continue LOOP; } ctx.compInfo(OPTPATH, path); return Empty.SEQ; } } return path; } /** * Casts the specified step into an axis step, or returns a {@code null} * reference. * @param i index * @return step */ AxisStep axisStep(final int i) { return steps[i] instanceof AxisStep ? (AxisStep) steps[i] : null; } /** * Returns all summary path nodes for the specified location step or * {@code null} if nodes cannot be retrieved or are found on different levels. * @param data data reference * @param l last step to be checked * @return path nodes */ ObjList<PathNode> pathNodes(final Data data, final int l) { // skip request if no path index exists or might be out-of-date if(!data.meta.pathindex || !data.meta.uptodate) return null; ObjList<PathNode> in = data.paths.root(); for(int s = 0; s <= l; ++s) { final AxisStep curr = axisStep(s); if(curr == null) return null; final boolean desc = curr.axis == DESC; if(!desc && curr.axis != CHILD || curr.test.test != Name.NAME) return null; final int name =; final ObjList<PathNode> al = new ObjList<PathNode>(); for(final PathNode pn : PathSummary.desc(in, desc)) { if(pn.kind == Data.ELEM && name == { // skip test if a tag is found on different levels if(al.size() != 0 && al.get(0).level() != pn.level()) return null; al.add(pn); } } if(al.size() == 0) return null; in = al; } return in; } /** * Adds a predicate to the last step. * @param pred predicate to be added * @return resulting path instance */ public final Path addPreds(final Expr... pred) { steps[steps.length - 1] = axisStep(steps.length - 1).addPreds(pred); return get(input, root, steps); } @Override public int count(final Var v) { return root != null ? root.count(v) : 0; } @Override public boolean removable(final Var v) { return root == null || root.removable(v); } @Override public Expr remove(final Var v) { if(root != null) root = root.remove(v); if(root instanceof Context) root = null; return this; } @Override public final void plan(final Serializer ser) throws IOException { ser.openElement(this); if(root != null) root.plan(ser); for(final Expr s : steps) s.plan(ser); ser.closeElement(); } @Override public final String toString() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if(root != null) sb.append(root); for(final Expr s : steps) sb.append(sb.length() != 0 ? "/" : "").append(s); return sb.toString(); } }