package; import static*; import static org.basex.util.Token.*; import; import; import org.basex.core.BaseXException; import org.basex.core.Context; import org.basex.core.Prop; import org.basex.core.Text; import org.basex.core.cmd.Open; import org.basex.index.IdPreMap; import org.basex.index.Index; import org.basex.index.IndexToken.IndexType; import org.basex.index.ft.FTIndex; import org.basex.index.path.PathSummary; import org.basex.index.value.DiskValues; import org.basex.index.value.UpdatableDiskValues; import org.basex.index.Names; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.basex.util.Compress; import org.basex.util.Num; import org.basex.util.hash.TokenObjMap; import org.basex.util.list.IntList; import org.basex.util.Util; /** * This class stores and organizes the database table and the index structures * for textual content in a compressed disk structure. * The table mapping is documented in {@link Data}. * * @author BaseX Team 2005-12, BSD License * @author Christian Gruen * @author Tim Petrowsky */ public final class DiskData extends Data { /** Text compressor. */ private final Compress comp = new Compress(); /** Texts access file. */ private DataAccess texts; /** Values access file. */ private DataAccess values; /** Texts buffered for subsequent index updates. */ private TokenObjMap<IntList> txts; /** Attribute values buffered for subsequent index updates. */ private TokenObjMap<IntList> atvs; /** * Default constructor, called from {@link Open#open}. * @param db name of database * @param ctx database context * @throws IOException I/O Exception */ public DiskData(final String db, final Context ctx) throws IOException { meta = new MetaData(db, ctx); // don't allow to open locked databases if(updateFile().exists()) throw new BaseXException(Text.DB_UPDATED_X,; final DataInput in = new DataInput(meta.dbfile(DATAINF)); try { // read meta data and indexes; while(true) { final String k = string(in.readToken()); if(k.isEmpty()) break; if(k.equals(DBTAGS)) tagindex = new Names(in, meta); else if(k.equals(DBATTS)) atnindex = new Names(in, meta); else if(k.equals(DBPATH)) paths = new PathSummary(this, in); else if(k.equals(DBNS)) nspaces = new Namespaces(in); else if(k.equals(DBDOCS)); } // open data and indexes init(); if(meta.updindex) { idmap = new IdPreMap(meta.dbfile(DATAIDP)); if(meta.textindex) txtindex = new UpdatableDiskValues(this, true); if(meta.attrindex) atvindex = new UpdatableDiskValues(this, false); } else { if(meta.textindex) txtindex = new DiskValues(this, true); if(meta.attrindex) atvindex = new DiskValues(this, false); } if(meta.ftxtindex) ftxindex = FTIndex.get(this, meta.wildcards); } finally { in.close(); } } /** * Internal database constructor, called from {@link DiskBuilder#build}. * @param md meta data * @param nm tags * @param at attributes * @param ps path summary * @param n namespaces * @throws IOException I/O Exception */ public DiskData(final MetaData md, final Names nm, final Names at, final PathSummary ps, final Namespaces n) throws IOException { meta = md; tagindex = nm; atnindex = at; paths = ps; paths.finish(this); nspaces = n; if(meta.updindex) idmap = new IdPreMap(meta.lastid); init(); flush(); } @Override public void init() throws IOException { table = new TableDiskAccess(meta, DATATBL); texts = new DataAccess(meta.dbfile(DATATXT)); values = new DataAccess(meta.dbfile(DATAATV)); super.init(); } /** * Writes all meta data to disk. * @throws IOException I/O exception */ private void write() throws IOException { final DataOutput out = new DataOutput(meta.dbfile(DATAINF)); meta.write(out); out.writeToken(token(DBTAGS)); tagindex.write(out); out.writeToken(token(DBATTS)); atnindex.write(out); out.writeToken(token(DBPATH)); paths.write(out); out.writeToken(token(DBNS)); nspaces.write(out); out.writeToken(token(DBDOCS)); resources.write(out); out.write(0); out.close(); if(idmap != null) idmap.write(meta.dbfile(DATAIDP)); } @Override public synchronized void flush() { if(! return; try { if(meta.dirty) write(); table.flush(); texts.flush(); values.flush(); if(txtindex != null) ((DiskValues) txtindex).flush(); if(atvindex != null) ((DiskValues) atvindex).flush(); meta.dirty = false; } catch(final IOException ex) { Util.stack(ex); } } @Override public synchronized void close() throws IOException { if(meta.dirty) write(); table.close(); texts.close(); values.close(); closeIndex(IndexType.TEXT); closeIndex(IndexType.ATTRIBUTE); closeIndex(IndexType.FULLTEXT); } @Override public synchronized void closeIndex(final IndexType type) throws IOException { final Index index = index(type); if(index == null) return; index.close(); switch(type) { case TEXT: txtindex = null; break; case ATTRIBUTE: atvindex = null; break; case FULLTEXT: ftxindex = null; break; case PATH: paths.close(); break; default: break; } } @Override public void setIndex(final IndexType type, final Index index) { meta.dirty = true; switch(type) { case TEXT: txtindex = index; break; case ATTRIBUTE: atvindex = index; break; case FULLTEXT: ftxindex = index; break; case PATH: paths = (PathSummary) index; break; default: break; } } @Override public boolean updating(final boolean updating) { final IOFile upd = updateFile(); return updating ? upd.touch() : upd.delete(); } /** * Returns a file that indicates ongoing updates. * @return updating file */ public IOFile updateFile() { return meta.dbfile(DATAUPD); } @Override public byte[] text(final int pre, final boolean text) { final long o = textOff(pre); return num(o) ? token((int) o) : txt(o, text); } @Override public long textItr(final int pre, final boolean text) { final long o = textOff(pre); return num(o) ? o & IO.OFFNUM - 1 : toLong(txt(o, text)); } @Override public double textDbl(final int pre, final boolean text) { final long o = textOff(pre); return num(o) ? o & IO.OFFNUM - 1 : toDouble(txt(o, text)); } @Override public int textLen(final int pre, final boolean text) { final long o = textOff(pre); if(num(o)) return numDigits((int) o); final DataAccess da = text ? texts : values; final int l = da.readNum(o & IO.OFFCOMP - 1); // compressed: next number contains number of compressed bytes return cpr(o) ? da.readNum() : l; } /** * Returns a text (text, comment, pi) or attribute value. * @param o text offset * @param text text or attribute flag * @return text */ private byte[] txt(final long o, final boolean text) { final byte[] txt = (text ? texts : values).readToken(o & IO.OFFCOMP - 1); return cpr(o) ? comp.unpack(txt) : txt; } /** * Returns true if the specified value contains a number. * @param o offset * @return result of check */ private static boolean num(final long o) { return (o & IO.OFFNUM) != 0; } /** * Returns true if the specified value references a compressed token. * @param o offset * @return result of check */ private static boolean cpr(final long o) { return (o & IO.OFFCOMP) != 0; } // UPDATE OPERATIONS ======================================================== @Override protected void delete(final int pre, final boolean text) { // old entry (offset or value) final long old = textOff(pre); // fill unused space with zero-bytes if(!num(old)) (text ? texts : values).free(old & IO.OFFCOMP - 1, 0); } @Override protected void updateText(final int pre, final byte[] value, final int kind) { final boolean text = kind != ATTR; if(meta.updindex) { // update indexes final int id = id(pre); final byte[] oldval = text(pre, text); final DiskValues index = (DiskValues) (text ? txtindex : atvindex); // don't index document names if(index != null && kind != DOC) index.replace(oldval, value, id); } // reference to text store final DataAccess store = text ? texts : values; // file length final long len = store.length(); // new entry (offset or value) final long v = toSimpleInt(value); // flag for inlining numeric value final boolean vn = v != Integer.MIN_VALUE; // text to be stored (null if value will be inlined) final byte[] vl = vn ? null : comp.pack(value); // old entry (offset or value) final long old = textOff(pre); // find text store offset final long off; if(num(old)) { // numeric entry: append new entry at the end off = len; } else { // text size (0 if value will be inlined) final int l = vn ? 0 : vl.length + Num.length(vl.length); off = & IO.OFFCOMP - 1, l); } // store new entry if(vn) { // inline integer value textOff(pre, v | IO.OFFNUM); } else { store.writeToken(off, vl); textOff(pre, vl == value ? off : off | IO.OFFCOMP); } } @Override protected void indexBegin() { txts = new TokenObjMap<IntList>(); atvs = new TokenObjMap<IntList>(); } @Override protected void indexEnd() { // update all indexes in parallel // [DP] Full-text index updates: update the existing indexes final Thread txtupdater = txts.size() > 0 ? runIndexInsert((DiskValues) txtindex, txts) : null; final Thread atvupdater = atvs.size() > 0 ? runIndexInsert((DiskValues) atvindex, atvs) : null; // wait for all tasks to finish try { if(txtupdater != null) txtupdater.join(); if(atvupdater != null) atvupdater.join(); } catch(final InterruptedException ex) { Util.stack(ex); } } @Override protected long index(final int pre, final int id, final byte[] value, final int kind) { final DataAccess store; final TokenObjMap<IntList> m; if(kind == ATTR) { store = values; m = meta.attrindex ? atvs : null; } else { store = texts; // don't index document names m = meta.textindex && kind != DOC ? txts : null; } // add text to map to index later if(meta.updindex && m != null && value.length <= meta.maxlen) { final IntList ids; final int hash =; if(hash == 0) { ids = new IntList(); m.add(value, ids); } else { ids = m.value(hash); } ids.add(id); } // add text to text file // inline integer value... final long v = toSimpleInt(value); if(v != Integer.MIN_VALUE) return v | IO.OFFNUM; // store text final long off = store.length(); final byte[] val = comp.pack(value); store.writeToken(off, val); return val == value ? off : off | IO.OFFCOMP; } @Override protected void indexDelete(final int pre, final int size) { if(!(meta.textindex || meta.attrindex)) return; // collect all keys and ids txts = new TokenObjMap<IntList>(); atvs = new TokenObjMap<IntList>(); final int l = pre + size; for(int p = pre; p < l; ++p) { final int k = kind(p); final boolean isAttr = k == ATTR; // consider nodes which are attribute, text, comment, or proc. instruction if(meta.attrindex && isAttr || meta.textindex && (k == TEXT || k == COMM || k == PI)) { final byte[] key = text(p, !isAttr); if(key.length <= meta.maxlen) { final IntList ids; final TokenObjMap<IntList> m = isAttr ? atvs : txts; final int hash =; if(hash == 0) { ids = new IntList(); m.add(key, ids); } else { ids = m.value(hash); } ids.add(id(p)); } } } // update all indexes in parallel // [DP] Full-text index updates: update the existing indexes final Thread txtupdater = txts.size() > 0 ? runIndexDelete((DiskValues) txtindex, txts) : null; final Thread atvupdater = atvs.size() > 0 ? runIndexDelete((DiskValues) atvindex, atvs) : null; // wait for all tasks to finish try { if(txtupdater != null) txtupdater.join(); if(atvupdater != null) atvupdater.join(); } catch(final InterruptedException ex) { Util.errln(ex); } } /** * Starts a new thread which inserts records into an index. * @param dv index * @param m records to be inserted * @return the new thread */ private static Thread runIndexInsert(final DiskValues dv, final TokenObjMap<IntList> m) { final Thread t = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { dv.index(m); } }; t.start(); return t; } /** * Starts a new thread which deletes records from an index. * @param dv index * @param m records to be deleted * @return the new thread */ private static Thread runIndexDelete(final DiskValues dv, final TokenObjMap<IntList> m) { final Thread t = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { dv.delete(m); } }; t.start(); return t; } }