package org.basex.index.ft; import static*; import static org.basex.util.Token.*; import; import; import; import; import; import org.basex.util.list.IntArrayList; import org.basex.util.list.IntList; import org.basex.util.list.TokenList; /** * <p>This class builds an index for text contents in a compressed trie:</p> * * <ol> * <li> The tokens are indexed in a main memory tree structure.</li> * <li> If main memory is full, data is written as sorted list to disk.</li> * <li> The temporary index instances are merged and written to disk.</li> * </ol> * * <p>The file structure is specified in the {@link FTTrie} class.</p> * * @author BaseX Team 2005-12, BSD License * @author Sebastian Gath * @author Christian Gruen */ final class FTTrieBuilder extends FTBuilder { /** Trie index. */ private FTTrieArray index = new FTTrieArray(128); /** Hash structure for temporarily saving the tokens. */ private FTTrieHash hash = new FTTrieHash(); /** Offset for joining subtrees. */ private int offset; /** * Constructor. * @param d data reference * @throws IOException IOException */ FTTrieBuilder(final Data d) throws IOException { super(d); } @Override public FTIndex build() throws IOException { index(); return new FTTrie(data); } @Override void index(final byte[] tok) { hash.index(tok, pre, pos); } @Override int nrTokens() { return hash.size(); } @Override void calcFreq() { hash.init(); while(hash.more()) calcFreq(hash.pre[]); } @Override public void write() throws IOException { if(!merge) { writeAll(); return; } // merges temporary index files writeIndex(csize++); final DataOutput outB = new DataOutput(data.meta.dbfile(DATAFTX + 'b')); final DataOutput outT = new DataOutput(data.meta.dbfile(DATAFTX + 't')); final IntList ind = new IntList(); // open all temporary sorted lists final FTList[] v = new FTList[csize]; for(int b = 0; b < csize; ++b) v[b] = new FTTrieList(data, b); final IntList il = new IntList(); while(check(v)) { int min = 0; il.reset(); il.add(min); // find next token to write on disk for(int i = 0; i < csize; ++i) { if(min == i || v[i].tok.length == 0) continue; final int d = diff(v[min].tok, v[i].tok); if(d > 0 || v[min].tok.length == 0) { min = i; il.reset(); il.add(min); } else if(d == 0 && v[i].tok.length > 0) { il.add(i); } } // collect each child of the root node if(ind.size() == 0 || ind.get(ind.size() - 1) != v[min].tok[0]) { ind.add(v[min].tok[0]); } // write token to disk outT.writeToken(v[min].tok); // merge and write data size outT.write4(merge(outB, il, v)); // write pointer on full-text data outT.write5(outB.size()); } outT.writeToken(EMPTY); outT.close(); outB.close(); // write trie index structure to disk, split in subtrees writeSplitTrie(ind); } /** * Writes the trie structure to disk. * @throws IOException I/O exception */ private void writeAll() throws IOException { if(scm == 0) hash.init(); else hash.initIter(); final DataOutput outB = new DataOutput(data.meta.dbfile(DATAFTX + 'b')); while(hash.more()) { final int p =; final byte[] tok = hash.key(); final int ds = hash.sizes[p]; final long cpre = outB.size(); // write compressed pre and pos arrays writeFTData(outB, hash.pre[p], hash.pos[p]); index.insertSorted(tok, ds, cpre); } outB.close(); hash = null; final TokenList tokens = index.tokens; final IntArrayList next =; final DataOutput outA = new DataOutput(data.meta.dbfile(DATAFTX + 'a')); final DataOutput outC = new DataOutput(data.meta.dbfile(DATAFTX + 'c')); // write root node (token length and bytes) outA.write1(1); outA.write1(0); // write next pointer final int[] root = next.get(0); final int js = root.length - 2; for(int j = 1; j < js; ++j) { // pointer final int p = root[j]; outA.write4(p); // first char of next node outA.write1(tokens.get(next.get(p)[0])[0]); } // write root node outA.write4(root[root.length - 2]); // data size // root has no data outA.write5(0); // write offset to first node outC.write4(0); // all other nodes writeSubTree(null, outA, outC, 0, (root.length - 3) * 5 + 11); outC.write4(0); outA.close(); outC.close(); } /** * Writes the trie structure to disk, split in subtrees to save memory. * @param roots root nodes * @throws IOException I/O exception */ private void writeSplitTrie(final IntList roots) throws IOException { final MetaData md = data.meta; final DataOutput outA = new DataOutput(md.dbfile(DATAFTX + 'a')); final DataOutput outC = new DataOutput(md.dbfile(DATAFTX + 'c')); final DataAccess outT = new DataAccess(md.dbfile(DATAFTX + 't')); final int[] root = new int[roots.size()]; int rp = 0; // write root node (token length and bytes) outA.write1(1); outA.write1(0); // write next pointers for(int j = 0; j < roots.size(); ++j) { // dummy pointer outA.write4(0); // first char of next node outA.write1(roots.get(j)); } // data size outA.write4(0); // pointer on data - root has no data outA.write5(0); // write offset to first node outC.write4(0); int siz = (int) (2L + roots.size() * 5L + 9L); while(true) { final byte[] tok = outT.readToken(); if(tok.length == 0) break; final int s = outT.read4(); final long off = outT.read5(); if(rp < roots.size() && tok[0] != roots.get(rp)) { // write subtree to disk siz = writeSubTree(root, outA, outC, rp, siz); ++rp; index = new FTTrieArray(128); } index.insertSorted(tok, s, off); } // write subtree to disk writeSubTree(root, outA, outC, rp, siz); outT.close(); outA.close(); outC.write4(0); outC.close(); final DataAccess tmp = new DataAccess(md.dbfile(DATAFTX + 'a')); long c = 2; for(final int r : root) { tmp.write4(c, r); c += 5; } tmp.close(); md.drop(DATAFTX + 't'); } /** * Writes subtree to disk. * @param root Array with root offsets * @param outA trie structure * @param outC node sizes * @param rp pointer on root offsets * @param siz size * @return new size * @throws IOException I/O exception */ private int writeSubTree(final int[] root, final DataOutput outA, final DataOutput outC, final int rp, final int siz) throws IOException { // indexed full-text tokens final TokenList tokens = index.tokens; // trie index structure final IntArrayList next =; if(root != null) root[rp] = next.get(0)[1] + offset; int s = siz; final int il = next.size(); // loop over all trie nodes for(int i = 1; i < il; ++i) { final int[] nxt = next.get(i); // check if pointer on data needs 1 or 2 integers final int lp = nxt[nxt.length - 1] >= 0 ? 0 : -1; // write token outA.write1(tokens.get(nxt[0]).length); outA.writeBytes(tokens.get(nxt[0])); // write next pointer final int jl = nxt.length - 2 + lp; for(int j = 1; j < jl; ++j) { // pointer outA.write4(nxt[j] + offset); // first char of next node outA.write1(tokens.get(next.get(nxt[j])[0])[0]); } // data size outA.write4(nxt[jl]); if(lp == 0 || nxt[jl] == 0 && nxt[jl + 1] == 0) { // node has no data outA.write5(nxt[jl + 1]); } else { // write pointer on data final int n = nxt.length - 2; outA.write5((long) nxt[n] << 16 + (-nxt[n + 1] & 0xFFFF)); } // write node offset outC.write4(s); s += tokens.get(nxt[0]).length + (nxt.length - 3 + lp) * 5 + 10; } offset += next.size() - 1; return s; } /** * Writes the data as sorted list to disk. * The data is stored in two files: * <ul> * <li>File <b>a</b>: {@code length|byte|,token|byte[length]|, * size|int|, offset|long|, ...}</li> * <li>File <b>b</b>: written via {@link #writeFTData}</li> * </ul> * @param cs current file * @throws IOException I/O exception */ @Override protected void writeIndex(final int cs) throws IOException { final String f = DATAFTX + (merge ? cs : ""); final DataOutput outA = new DataOutput(data.meta.dbfile(f + 'a')); final DataOutput outB = new DataOutput(data.meta.dbfile(f + 'b')); if(scm == 0) hash.init(); else hash.initIter(); while(hash.more()) { final int p =; final byte[] t = hash.key(); final int s = hash.sizes[p]; // write compressed pre and pos arrays writeFTData(outB, hash.pre[p], hash.pos[p]); // write token length outA.write1(t.length); // write token outA.writeBytes(t); // write number of full-text data size outA.write4(s); // write pointer on full-text data outA.write5(outB.size()); } outA.write1(0); outA.close(); outB.close(); hash = new FTTrieHash(); } }