package org.basex.api.xqj; import static org.basex.api.xqj.BXQText.*; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Properties; import; import javax.xml.transform.Result; import javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXResult; import; import javax.xml.xquery.XQConnection; import javax.xml.xquery.XQException; import javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType; import javax.xml.xquery.XQResultItem; import; import; import; import org.basex.query.QueryException; import org.basex.query.item.ANode; import org.basex.query.item.AtomType; import org.basex.query.item.Bln; import org.basex.query.item.Dbl; import org.basex.query.item.Flt; import org.basex.query.item.Item; import org.basex.query.item.NodeType; import org.basex.query.item.Type; import org.basex.query.iter.ItemCache; import org.basex.util.Token; import org.basex.util.Util; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.xml.sax.ContentHandler; /** * Java XQuery API - Item. * * @author BaseX Team 2005-12, BSD License * @author Christian Gruen */ final class BXQItem extends BXQAbstract implements XQResultItem { /** Connection. */ private final BXQConnection conn; /** Item. */ final Item it; /** * Constructor. * @param item item * @throws XQException exception */ BXQItem(final Item item) throws XQException { this(item, new BXQDataFactory(null, null), null); } /** * Constructor. * @param item item * @param c close reference * @param connection connection reference */ BXQItem(final Item item, final BXQAbstract c, final BXQConnection connection) { super(c); conn = connection; it = item; } @Override public String getAtomicValue() throws XQException { opened(); if(it.type.isNode()) throw new BXQException(ATOM); try { return Token.string(it.string(null)); } catch(final QueryException e) { // function item throw new BXQException(ATOM); } } @Override public boolean getBoolean() throws XQException { return ((Bln) check(AtomType.BLN)).bool(null); } @Override public byte getByte() throws XQException { return (byte) castItr(AtomType.BYT); } @Override public double getDouble() throws XQException { return ((Dbl) check(AtomType.DBL)).dbl(null); } @Override public float getFloat() throws XQException { return ((Flt) check(AtomType.FLT)).flt(null); } @Override public int getInt() throws XQException { return (int) castItr(AtomType.INT); } @Override public XMLStreamReader getItemAsStream() { return new IterStreamReader(new ItemCache(new Item[] { it }, 1)); } @Override public String getItemAsString(final Properties props) throws XQException { try { final Type ip = it.type; return ip.isNode() && ip != NodeType.TXT ? serialize() : Token.string(it.string(null)); } catch(final QueryException e) { throw new XQException(e.getMessage(), Token.string(e.qname().string())); } } @Override public XQItemType getItemType() throws XQException { opened(); return new BXQItemType(it.type); } @Override public long getLong() throws XQException { return castItr(AtomType.LNG); } @Override public Node getNode() throws XQException { opened(); final Type ip = it.type; if(!ip.isNode()) throw new BXQException(WRONG, NodeType.NOD, ip); return ((ANode) it).toJava(); } @Override public URI getNodeUri() throws XQException { opened(); final Type ip = it.type; if(!ip.isNode()) throw new BXQException(NODE); final ANode node = (ANode) it; try { return new URI(Token.string(node.baseURI())); } catch(final URISyntaxException ex) { throw new BXQException(ex); } } @Override public Object getObject() throws XQException { opened(); try { return it.toJava(); } catch(final QueryException ex) { throw new BXQException(ex); } } @Override public short getShort() throws XQException { return (short) castItr(AtomType.SHR); } @Override public boolean instanceOf(final XQItemType type) throws XQException { opened(); return it.type.instanceOf(((BXQItemType) type).getType()); } @Override public void writeItem(final OutputStream os, final Properties props) throws XQException { valid(os, OutputStream.class); serialize(os); } @Override public void writeItemToSAX(final ContentHandler sax) throws XQException { valid(sax, ContentHandler.class); writeItemToResult(new SAXResult(sax)); } @Override public XQConnection getConnection() throws XQException { opened(); return conn; } @Override public void writeItem(final Writer ow, final Properties props) throws XQException { valid(ow, Writer.class); try { ow.write(serialize()); } catch(final IOException ex) { throw new BXQException(ex); } } @Override public void writeItemToResult(final Result result) throws XQException { valid(result, Result.class); // evaluate different result types... if(result instanceof StreamResult) { // StreamResult.. directly write result as string writeItem(((StreamResult) result).getWriter(), null); } else if(result instanceof SAXResult) { try { // SAXResult.. serialize result to underlying parser final SAXSerializer ser = new SAXSerializer(null); ser.setContentHandler(((SAXResult) result).getHandler()); serialize(it, ser); ser.close(); } catch(final IOException ex) { throw new BXQException(ex); } } else { Util.notimplemented(); } } /** * Serializes the item to the specified output stream. * @param os output stream * @throws XQException exception */ private void serialize(final OutputStream os) throws XQException { try { final Serializer ser = Serializer.get(os); serialize(it, ser); ser.close(); } catch(final IOException ex) { throw new BXQException(ex); } } /** * Returns the serialized output. * @return cached output * @throws XQException exception */ private String serialize() throws XQException { opened(); final ArrayOutput ao = new ArrayOutput(); serialize(ao); return ao.toString(); } /** * Checks the specified data type; throws an error if the type is wrong. * @param type expected type * @return item * @throws XQException xquery exception */ private Item check(final Type type) throws XQException { opened(); final Type ip = it.type; if(ip != type) throw new BXQException(WRONG, ip, type); return it; } /** * Casts the current item. * @param type expected type * @return cast item * @throws XQException xquery exception */ private long castItr(final Type type) throws XQException { opened(); try { final double d = it.dbl(null); if(!it.type.isNumber() || d != (long) d) throw new BXQException(NUM, d); return type.cast(it, null, null).itr(null); } catch(final QueryException ex) { throw new BXQException(ex); } } }