package org.basex.query.func; import static org.basex.query.util.Err.*; import static org.basex.util.Token.*; import; import; import java.math.BigInteger; import; import; import java.util.UUID; import; import org.basex.core.Prop; import; import; import org.basex.query.QueryContext; import org.basex.query.QueryException; import org.basex.query.expr.Expr; import org.basex.query.item.AtomType; import org.basex.query.item.Bln; import org.basex.query.item.Hex; import org.basex.query.item.Int; import org.basex.query.item.IntSeq; import org.basex.query.item.Item; import org.basex.query.item.Str; import org.basex.query.item.Value; import org.basex.query.iter.Iter; import org.basex.query.iter.ValueIter; import org.basex.query.util.Compare; import org.basex.query.util.Compare.Flag; import org.basex.util.Array; import org.basex.util.InputInfo; import org.basex.util.Performance; import org.basex.util.Util; import org.basex.util.list.ByteList; /** * Project specific functions. * * @author BaseX Team 2005-12, BSD License * @author Christian Gruen * @author Leo Woerteler */ public final class FNUtil extends StandardFunc { /** * Constructor. * @param ii input info * @param f function definition * @param e arguments */ public FNUtil(final InputInfo ii, final Function f, final Expr... e) { super(ii, f, e); } @Override public Iter iter(final QueryContext ctx) throws QueryException { switch(sig) { case _UTIL_EVAL: return eval(ctx).iter(); case _UTIL_RUN: return run(ctx).iter(); case _UTIL_MEM: return mem(ctx); case _UTIL_TIME: return time(ctx); case _UTIL_TO_BYTES: return toBytes(ctx); default: return super.iter(ctx); } } @Override public Value value(final QueryContext ctx) throws QueryException { switch(sig) { case _UTIL_EVAL: return eval(ctx); case _UTIL_RUN: return run(ctx); default: return super.value(ctx); } } @Override public Item item(final QueryContext ctx, final InputInfo ii) throws QueryException { switch(sig) { case _UTIL_FORMAT: return format(ctx); case _UTIL_INTEGER_FROM_BASE: return fromBase(ctx, ii); case _UTIL_INTEGER_TO_BASE: return toBase(ctx, ii); case _UTIL_MD5: return hash(ctx, "MD5"); case _UTIL_SHA1: return hash(ctx, "SHA"); case _UTIL_CRC32: return crc32(ctx); case _UTIL_UUID: return uuid(); case _UTIL_TO_STRING: return toString(ctx); case _UTIL_DEEP_EQUAL: return deep(ctx); case _UTIL_PATH: return filename(ctx); default: return super.item(ctx, ii); } } /** * Performs the eval function. * @param ctx query context * @return resulting value * @throws QueryException query exception */ private Value eval(final QueryContext ctx) throws QueryException { return eval(ctx, checkEStr(expr[0], ctx)); } /** * Evaluates the specified string. * @param ctx query context * @param qu query string * @return resulting value * @throws QueryException query exception */ private static Value eval(final QueryContext ctx, final byte[] qu) throws QueryException { final QueryContext qc = new QueryContext(ctx.context); qc.parse(string(qu)); qc.compile(); return qc.value(); } /** * Performs the run function. * @param ctx query context * @return resulting value * @throws QueryException query exception */ private Value run(final QueryContext ctx) throws QueryException { final IO io = checkIO(expr[0], ctx); try { return eval(ctx,; } catch(final IOException ex) { throw IOERR.thrw(input, ex); } } /** * Formats a string according to the specified format. * @param ctx query context * @return formatted string * @throws QueryException query exception */ private Str format(final QueryContext ctx) throws QueryException { final String form = string(checkStr(expr[0], ctx)); final Object[] args = new Object[expr.length - 1]; for(int e = 1; e < expr.length; e++) { args[e - 1] = expr[e].item(ctx, input).toJava(); } try { return Str.get(String.format(form, args)); } catch(final RuntimeException ex) { throw ERRFORM.thrw(input,, ex.getMessage()); } } /** * Measures the memory consumption for the specified expression in MB. * @param ctx query context * @return memory consumption * @throws QueryException query exception */ private Iter mem(final QueryContext ctx) throws QueryException { // measure initial memory consumption Performance.gc(3); final long min = Performance.mem(); // check caching flag if(expr.length == 2 && checkBln(expr[1], ctx)) { final Value v = ctx.value(expr[0]).cache().value(); dump(min, ctx); return v.iter(); } return new Iter() { final Iter ir = expr[0].iter(ctx); @Override public Item next() throws QueryException { final Item i =; if(i == null) dump(min, ctx); return i; } }; } /** * Dumps the memory consumption. * @param min initial memory usage * @param ctx query context */ static void dump(final long min, final QueryContext ctx) { Performance.gc(2); final long max = Performance.mem(); final long mb = Math.max(0, max - min); FNInfo.dump(Performance.format(mb), ctx); } /** * Measures the execution time for the specified expression in milliseconds. * @param ctx query context * @return time in milliseconds * @throws QueryException query exception */ private Iter time(final QueryContext ctx) throws QueryException { // create timer final Performance p = new Performance(); // check caching flag if(expr.length == 2 && checkBln(expr[1], ctx)) { final Value v = ctx.value(expr[0]).cache().value(); FNInfo.dump(p.getTimer(), ctx); return v.iter(); } return new Iter() { final Iter ir = expr[0].iter(ctx); @Override public Item next() throws QueryException { final Item i =; if(i == null) FNInfo.dump(p.getTimer(), ctx); return i; } }; } /** Digits used in base conversion. */ private static final byte[] DIGITS = { '0' , '1' , '2' , '3' , '4' , '5' , '6' , '7' , '8' , '9' , 'a' , 'b' , 'c' , 'd' , 'e' , 'f' , 'g' , 'h' , 'i' , 'j' , 'k' , 'l' , 'm' , 'n' , 'o' , 'p' , 'q' , 'r' , 's' , 't' , 'u' , 'v' , 'w' , 'x' , 'y' , 'z' }; /** * Converts the given number to a string, using base * 2<sup>shift</sup>. * @param num number item * @param shift number of bits to use for one digit * @return string representation of the given number */ private static Str toBaseFast(final long num, final int shift) { final byte[] bytes = new byte[(64 + shift - 1) / shift]; final int mask = (1 << shift) - 1; long n = num; int pos = bytes.length; do { bytes[--pos] = DIGITS[(int) (n & mask)]; n >>>= shift; } while(n != 0); return Str.get(substring(bytes, pos)); } /** BigInteger representing 2 * ({@link Long#MAX_VALUE} + 1). */ private static final BigInteger MAX_ULONG = BigInteger.ONE.shiftLeft(64); /** * Converts the given number to a string, using the given base. * @param ctx query context * @param ii input info * @return string representation of the given number * @throws QueryException query exception */ private Str toBase(final QueryContext ctx, final InputInfo ii) throws QueryException { final long num = checkItr(expr[0], ctx), base = checkItr(expr[1], ctx); if(base < 2 || base > 36) INVBASE.thrw(ii, base); // use fast variant for powers of two for(int i = 1, p = 2; i < 6; i++, p <<= 1) if(base == p) return toBaseFast(num, i); final ByteList tb = new ByteList(); long n = num; if(n < 0) { // unsigned value doesn't fit in any native type... final BigInteger[] dr = BigInteger.valueOf(n).add( MAX_ULONG).divideAndRemainder(BigInteger.valueOf(base)); n = dr[0].longValue(); tb.add(DIGITS[dr[1].intValue()]); } else { tb.add(DIGITS[(int) (n % base)]); n /= base; } while (n != 0) { tb.add(DIGITS[(int) (n % base)]); n /= base; } final byte[] res = tb.toArray(); Array.reverse(res); return Str.get(res); } /** * Converts the given string to a number, interpreting it as an xs:integer * encoded in the given base. * @param ctx query context * @param ii input info * @return read integer * @throws QueryException exception */ private Int fromBase(final QueryContext ctx, final InputInfo ii) throws QueryException { final byte[] str = checkStr(expr[0], ctx); final long base = checkItr(expr[1], ctx); if(base < 2 || base > 36) INVBASE.thrw(ii, base); long res = 0; for(final byte b : str) { final int num = b <= '9' ? b - 0x30 : (b & 0xDF) - 0x37; if(!(b >= '0' && b <= '9' || b >= 'a' && b <= 'z' || b >= 'A' && b <= 'Z') || num >= base) INVDIG.thrw(ii, base, (char) (b & 0xff)); res = res * base + num; } return Int.get(res); } /** * Creates the hash of the given xs:string, using the algorithm {@code algo}. * @param ctx query context * @param algo hashing algorithm * @return xs:hexBinary instance containing the hash * @throws QueryException exception */ private Hex hash(final QueryContext ctx, final String algo) throws QueryException { final byte[] str = checkStr(expr[0], ctx); try { return new Hex(MessageDigest.getInstance(algo).digest(str)); } catch(final NoSuchAlgorithmException ex) { throw Util.notexpected(ex); } } /** * Creates the CRC32 hash of the given xs:string. * @param ctx query context * @return xs:hexBinary instance containing the hash * @throws QueryException exception */ private Hex crc32(final QueryContext ctx) throws QueryException { final CRC32 crc = new CRC32(); crc.update(checkStr(expr[0], ctx)); final byte[] res = new byte[4]; for(int i = res.length, c = (int) crc.getValue(); i-- > 0; c >>>= 8) res[i] = (byte) (c & 0xFF); return new Hex(res); } /** * Extracts the bytes from a given item. * @param ctx query context * @return resulting value * @throws QueryException query exception */ private Iter toBytes(final QueryContext ctx) throws QueryException { final Item it = checkItem(expr[0], ctx); final ByteList bl = new ByteList(); final InputStream is = it.input(input); try { try { for(int ch; (ch = != -1;) bl.add(ch); } finally { is.close(); } } catch(final IOException ex) { CONVERT.thrw(input, ex); } return new ValueIter() { final int bs = bl.size(); int pos; @Override public Value value() { final long[] tmp = new long[bs - pos]; for(int i = 0; i < tmp.length; i++) tmp[i] = bl.get(pos + i); return IntSeq.get(tmp, AtomType.BYT); } @Override public Item get(final long i) { return Int.get(bl.get((int) i), AtomType.BYT); } @Override public Item next() { return pos < size() ? get(pos++) : null; } @Override public boolean reset() { pos = 0; return true; } @Override public long size() { return bs; } }; } /** * Converts the specified data to a string. * @param ctx query context * @return resulting value * @throws QueryException query exception */ private Str toString(final QueryContext ctx) throws QueryException { final Item it = checkItem(expr[0], ctx); final String enc = expr.length == 2 ? string(checkStr(expr[1], ctx)) : UTF8; try { final InputStream is = it.input(input); try { return Str.get(new NewlineInput(is, enc).content()); } finally { is.close(); } } catch(final IOException ex) { throw CONVERT.thrw(input, ex); } } /** * Creates a random UUID. * @return random UUID */ private static Str uuid() { return Str.get(UUID.randomUUID()); } /** * Checks items for deep equality. * @param ctx query context * @return result of check * @throws QueryException query exception */ private Item deep(final QueryContext ctx) throws QueryException { final Compare cmp = new Compare(input); final Flag[] flags = Flag.values(); if(expr.length == 3) { final Iter ir = expr[2].iter(ctx); for(Item it; (it = != null;) { final byte[] key = uc(checkEStr(it)); boolean found = false; for(final Flag f : flags) { found = eq(key, token(; if(found) { cmp.set(f); break; } } if(!found) INVFLAG.thrw(input, key); } } return Bln.get(cmp.deep(ctx.iter(expr[0]), ctx.iter(expr[1]))); } /** * Returns the name of the query file, or {@code null} if none is given. * @param ctx query context * @return filename */ private static Str filename(final QueryContext ctx) { final String fn = ctx.context.prop.get(Prop.QUERYPATH); return fn.isEmpty() ? null : Str.get(fn); } @Override public boolean uses(final Use u) { return u == Use.NDT && (sig == Function._UTIL_EVAL || sig == Function._UTIL_RUN || sig == Function._UTIL_MEM || sig == Function._UTIL_TIME || sig == Function._UTIL_UUID) || super.uses(u); } }