package org.basex.gui.view.plot; import static org.basex.core.Text.*; import static org.basex.gui.GUIConstants.*; import static org.basex.util.Token.*; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.Transparency; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.ComponentEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.util.Arrays; import javax.swing.Box; import javax.swing.BoxLayout; import javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import; import; import org.basex.gui.GUIConstants.Fill; import org.basex.gui.GUIProp; import org.basex.gui.layout.BaseXBack; import org.basex.gui.layout.BaseXCheckBox; import org.basex.gui.layout.BaseXCombo; import org.basex.gui.layout.BaseXLabel; import org.basex.gui.layout.BaseXLayout; import org.basex.gui.layout.BaseXPopup; import org.basex.gui.layout.BaseXSlider; import org.basex.gui.view.View; import org.basex.gui.view.ViewNotifier; import org.basex.gui.view.ViewRect; import org.basex.index.StatsType; import org.basex.util.list.IntList; /** * A scatter plot visualization of the database. * * @author BaseX Team 2005-12, BSD License * @author Lukas Kircher */ public final class PlotView extends View { /** Whitespace between captions. */ static final int CAPTIONWHITESPACE = 10; /** Rotate factor. */ private static final double ROTATE = Math.sin(30); /** Plot margin: top, left, bottom, right margin. */ private static final int[] MARGIN = new int[4]; /** Maximum length of axis caption text. */ private static final int MAXL = 11; /** Position where over-length text is cut off. */ private static final int CUTOFF = 10; /** X axis selector. */ final BaseXCombo xCombo; /** Y axis selector. */ final BaseXCombo yCombo; /** Item selector combo. */ final BaseXCombo itemCombo; /** Dot size in plot view. */ final BaseXSlider dots; /** Data reference. */ PlotData plotData; /** Keeps track of changes in the plot. */ boolean plotChanged; /** Indicates if global marked nodes should be drawn. */ boolean drawSubNodes; /** Indicates if the buffered image for marked nodes has to be redrawn. */ boolean markingChanged; /** Logarithmic display. */ private final BaseXCheckBox xLog; /** Logarithmic display. */ private final BaseXCheckBox yLog; /** Bounding box which supports selection of multiple items. */ private final ViewRect selectionBox; /** Item image. */ private BufferedImage itemImg; /** Marked item image. */ private BufferedImage itemImgMarked; /** Focused item image. */ private BufferedImage itemImgFocused; /** Child node of marked node. */ private BufferedImage itemImgSub; /** Buffered plot image. */ private BufferedImage plotImg; /** Buffered image of marked items. */ private BufferedImage markedImg; /** X coordinate of mouse pointer. */ private int mouseX; /** Y coordinate of mouse pointer. */ private int mouseY; /** Current plot height. */ private int plotHeight; /** Current plot width. */ private int plotWidth; /** Flag for mouse dragging actions. */ private boolean dragging; /** Indicates if a filter operation is self implied or was triggered by * another view. */ private boolean rightClick; /** Context which is displayed in the plot after a context change which was * triggered by the plot itself. */ private Nodes nextContext; /** * Default constructor. * @param man view manager */ public PlotView(final ViewNotifier man) { super(PLOTVIEW, man); border(5).layout(new BorderLayout()); final BaseXBack panel = new BaseXBack(Fill.NONE).layout(new BorderLayout()); Box box = new Box(BoxLayout.X_AXIS); xLog = new BaseXCheckBox(PLOTLOG, false, gui); xLog.setSelected(; xLog.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { gui.gprop.invert(GUIProp.PLOTXLOG); refreshUpdate(); } }); dots = new BaseXSlider(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { gui.gprop.set(GUIProp.PLOTDOTS, dots.value()); refreshLayout(); } }, -6, 6, gui.gprop.num(GUIProp.PLOTDOTS), gui); BaseXLayout.setWidth(dots, 40); yLog = new BaseXCheckBox(PLOTLOG, false, gui); yLog.setSelected(; yLog.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { gui.gprop.invert(GUIProp.PLOTYLOG); refreshUpdate(); } }); box.add(yLog); box.add(Box.createHorizontalGlue()); box.add(dots); box.add(Box.createHorizontalGlue()); box.add(xLog); panel.add(box, BorderLayout.NORTH); box = new Box(BoxLayout.X_AXIS); xCombo = new BaseXCombo(gui); xCombo.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { setAxis(plotData.xAxis, xCombo); } }); yCombo = new BaseXCombo(gui); yCombo.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { setAxis(plotData.yAxis, yCombo); } }); itemCombo = new BaseXCombo(gui); itemCombo.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { final String item = (String) itemCombo.getSelectedItem(); plotData.xAxis.log =; plotData.yAxis.log =; if(plotData.setItem(item)) { plotChanged = true; markingChanged = true; final String[] keys = plotData.getCategories(token(item)).toStringArray(); xCombo.setModel(new DefaultComboBoxModel(keys)); yCombo.setModel(new DefaultComboBoxModel(keys)); if(keys.length > 0) { // choose name category as default for horizontal axis xCombo.setSelectedIndex(Math.min(1, keys.length)); yCombo.setSelectedIndex(0); } } drawSubNodes = true; markingChanged = true; repaint(); } }); box.add(yCombo); box.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(3)); box.add(new BaseXLabel("Y")); box.add(Box.createHorizontalGlue()); box.add(itemCombo); box.add(Box.createHorizontalGlue()); box.add(new BaseXLabel("X")); box.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(3)); box.add(xCombo); panel.add(box, BorderLayout.SOUTH); add(panel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); new BaseXPopup(this, POPUP); selectionBox = new ViewRect(); refreshLayout(); } /** * Changes the axis assignment. * @param ax plot axis * @param cb combo box */ void setAxis(final PlotAxis ax, final BaseXCombo cb) { final String cs = (String) cb.getSelectedItem(); if(!ax.setAxis(cs)) return; plotChanged = true; markingChanged = true; repaint(); // prevent both combo boxes to show the same category final BaseXCombo ocb = cb == xCombo ? yCombo : xCombo; if(cs.equals(ocb.getSelectedItem())) { final int i = ocb.getSelectedIndex(); ocb.setSelectedIndex(i > 0 ? i - 1 : i + 1); } } /** * Creates a buffered image for items. * @param focus create image of focused item if true * @param marked create image of marked item * @param markedSub child node of marked node * @return item image */ private BufferedImage itemImage(final boolean focus, final boolean marked, final boolean markedSub) { final int size = Math.max(1, gui.gprop.num(GUIProp.FONTSIZE) + gui.gprop.num(GUIProp.PLOTDOTS) - (focus ? 2 : marked || markedSub ? 4 : 6)); final BufferedImage img = new BufferedImage(size, size, Transparency.TRANSLUCENT); final Graphics g = img.getGraphics(); smooth(g); Color c = color1A; if(marked) c = colormark1A; if(markedSub) c = colormark2A; if(focus) c = color4; g.setColor(c); g.fillOval(0, 0, size, size); return img; } /** * Precalculates the plot and returns the result as buffered image. */ private void createPlotImage() { plotImg = new BufferedImage(getWidth(), getHeight(), Transparency.BITMASK); final Graphics g = plotImg.getGraphics(); smooth(g); // draw axis and grid drawAxis(g, true); drawAxis(g, false); // draw items g.setColor(color4); for(int i = 0; i < plotData.pres.length; ++i) { drawItem(g,[i],[i], false, false, false); } } @Override public void paintComponent(final Graphics g) { super.paintComponent(g); if(plotData == null) { refreshInit(); return; } final int w = getWidth(); final int h = getHeight(); plotWidth = w - (MARGIN[1] + MARGIN[3]); plotHeight = h - (MARGIN[0] + MARGIN[2]); final int sz = sizeFactor(); g.setFont(font); g.setColor(; final Data data =; final boolean nd = data == null || !data.meta.pathindex; if(nd || plotWidth - sz < 0 || plotHeight - sz < 0) { BaseXLayout.drawCenter(g, nd ? NO_DATA : NO_SPACE, w, h / 2 - MARGIN[0]); return; } // draw buffered plot image if(plotImg == null || plotChanged) createPlotImage(); g.drawImage(plotImg, 0, 0, this); // draw buffered image of marked items if(markingChanged || markedImg == null) createMarkedNodes(); g.drawImage(markedImg, 0, 0, this); if(plotData.pres.length < 1) return; gui.painting = true; /* * Possibly, the focused node is not shown in this view (if it was focused * in another view). In this case, the ancestor with the smallest distance * to the focused node is selected. */ int focused = gui.context.focused; if(focused != -1) { final int itmID =; int k = data.kind(focused); int name =; while(focused > 0 && itmID != name) { focused = data.parent(focused, k); if(focused > -1) { k = data.kind(focused); name =; } } } // draw focused item final int f = plotData.findPre(focused); if(f > -1) { // determine number of overlapping nodes (plotting second) final int ol = overlappingNodes(f).length; if(!dragging) { final double x1 =[f]; final double y1 =[f]; drawItem(g, x1, y1, true, false, false); // draw focused x and y value g.setFont(font); final int textH = g.getFontMetrics().getHeight(); final String x = formatString(true, focused); final String y = formatString(false, focused); String label = x.length() > 16 ? x.substring(0, 14) + ".." : x; if(!x.isEmpty() && !y.isEmpty()) label += " | "; label += y.length() > 16 ? y.substring(0, 14) + ".." : y; final int xa = calcCoordinate(true, x1) + 15; int ya = calcCoordinate(false, y1) + gui.gprop.num(GUIProp.PLOTDOTS); final int ww = getWidth(); final byte[] nm = data.attValue(data.nameID, focused); String name = nm != null ? string(nm) : ""; if(!name.isEmpty() && plotData.xAxis.attrID != data.nameID && plotData.yAxis.attrID != data.nameID) { if(ol > 1) name = ol + "x: " + name + ", ..."; final int lw = BaseXLayout.width(g, label); if(ya < MARGIN[0] + textH && xa < w - lw) { ya += 2 * textH - gui.gprop.num(GUIProp.PLOTDOTS); } if(xa > w - lw) BaseXLayout.drawTooltip(g, name + COLS + label, xa, ya, ww, 10); else { BaseXLayout.drawTooltip(g, name, xa, ya - textH, ww, 10); BaseXLayout.drawTooltip(g, label, xa, ya, ww, 10); } } else { if(ol > 1) label = label.isEmpty() ? ol + "x" : ol + "x: " + label + ", ..."; BaseXLayout.drawTooltip(g, label, xa, ya, ww, 10); } } } // draw selection box if(dragging) { g.setColor(color2A); final int selW = selectionBox.w; final int selH = selectionBox.h; final int x1 = selectionBox.x; final int y1 = selectionBox.y; g.fillRect(selW > 0 ? x1 : x1 + selW, selH > 0 ? y1 : y1 + selH, Math.abs(selW), Math.abs(selH)); g.setColor(color3A); g.drawRect(selW > 0 ? x1 : x1 + selW, selH > 0 ? y1 : y1 + selH, Math.abs(selW), Math.abs(selH)); } markingChanged = false; plotChanged = false; gui.painting = false; } /** * Draws marked nodes. */ private void createMarkedNodes() { final Data data =; markedImg = new BufferedImage(getWidth(), getHeight(), Transparency.BITMASK); final Graphics gi = markedImg.getGraphics(); smooth(gi); final Nodes marked = gui.context.marked; if(marked.size() == 0) return; final int[] m = Arrays.copyOf(marked.list, marked.list.length); int i = 0; // no child nodes of the marked context nodes are marked if(!drawSubNodes) { while(i < m.length) { final int pi = plotData.findPre(m[i]); if(pi > -1) drawItem(gi,[pi],[pi], false, true, false); ++i; } return; } // if nodes are marked in another view, the given nodes as well as their // descendants are checked for intersection with the nodes displayed in // the plot Arrays.sort(m); final int[] p = plotData.pres; int k = plotData.findPre(m[0]); if(k > -1) { drawItem(gi,[k],[k], false, true, false); ++k; } else { k = -k; --k; } // context change (triggered by another view). // descendants of marked node set are also checked for intersection // with currently plotted nodes while(i < m.length && k < p.length) { final int a = m[i]; final int b = p[k]; final int ns = data.size(a, data.kind(a)) - 1; if(a == b) { drawItem(gi,[k],[k], false, true, false); ++k; } else if(a + ns >= b) { if(a < b) drawItem(gi,[k],[k], false, false, true); ++k; } else { ++i; } } } /** * Draws a plot item at the given position. If the item to be drawn is * focused the focused item buffered image is used. * @param g graphics reference * @param x x coordinate * @param y y coordinate * @param focus a focused item is drawn * @param marked item is marked * @param sub item is a child of a marked node */ private void drawItem(final Graphics g, final double x, final double y, final boolean focus, final boolean marked, final boolean sub) { final int x1 = calcCoordinate(true, x); final int y1 = calcCoordinate(false, y); final BufferedImage img = focus ? itemImgFocused : marked ? itemImgMarked : sub ? itemImgSub : itemImg; final int size = img.getWidth() / 2; g.drawImage(img, x1 - size, y1 - size, this); } /** * Draws the x axis of the plot. * @param g graphics reference * @param drawX drawn axis is x axis */ private void drawAxis(final Graphics g, final boolean drawX) { g.setColor(color2A); final int sz = sizeFactor(); // the painting space provided for items which lack no value final int pWidth = plotWidth - sz; final int pHeight = plotHeight - sz; final PlotAxis axis = drawX ? plotData.xAxis : plotData.yAxis; // drawing horizontal axis line if(drawX) { if(plotChanged) { if(plotData.pres.length > 0) axis.calcCaption(pWidth); final StatsType type = plotData.xAxis.type; xLog.setEnabled((type == StatsType.DOUBLE || type == StatsType.INTEGER) && Math.abs(axis.min - axis.max) >= 1); } } else { // drawing vertical axis line if(plotChanged) { if(plotData.pres.length > 0) axis.calcCaption(pHeight); final StatsType type = plotData.yAxis.type; yLog.setEnabled((type == StatsType.DOUBLE || type == StatsType.INTEGER) && Math.abs(axis.min - axis.max) >= 1); } } if(plotData.pres.length < 1) { drawCaptionAndGrid(g, drawX, "", 0); drawCaptionAndGrid(g, drawX, "", 1); return; } // getting some axis specific data final StatsType type = axis.type; final int nrCaptions = axis.nrCaptions; final double step = axis.actlCaptionStep; final double capRange = 1.0d / (nrCaptions - 1); g.setFont(font); // draw axis and assignment for TEXT data if(type == StatsType.TEXT) { final int nrCats = axis.nrCats; final double[] coSorted = Arrays.copyOf(,; // draw min / max caption drawCaptionAndGrid(g, drawX, nrCats > 1 ? string(axis.firstCat) : "", 0); drawCaptionAndGrid(g, drawX, nrCats > 1 ? string(axis.lastCat) : "", 1); // return if insufficient plot space if(nrCaptions == 0) return; // get sorted axis item coordinates Arrays.sort(coSorted); // optimum caption position double op = capRange; final int cl = coSorted.length; int i = 0; // find first non .0d coordinate value while(i < cl && coSorted[i] == 0) ++i; // find nearest position for next axis caption while(i < cl && op < 1.0d - 0.4d * capRange) { if(coSorted[i] > op) { final double distL = Math.abs(coSorted[i - 1] - op); final double distG = Math.abs(coSorted[i] - op); op = distL < distG ? coSorted[i - 1] : coSorted[i]; int j = 0; // find value for given plot position while(j < &&[j] != op) ++j; drawCaptionAndGrid(g, drawX, string(axis.getValue(plotData.pres[j])), op); // increase to next optimum caption position op += capRange; } ++i; } if(nrCats == 1) { op = .5d; int j = 0; // find value for given plot position while(j < &&[j] != op) ++j; drawCaptionAndGrid(g, drawX, string(axis.getValue(plotData.pres[j])), op); } // axis is drawn for numerical data, type INT/DBL } else { final boolean noRange = axis.max - axis.min == 0; // draw min and max grid line drawIntermediateGridLine(g, drawX, 0, null); drawIntermediateGridLine(g, drawX, 1, null); // return if insufficient plot space if(nrCaptions == 0) return; // if min equal max, draw min in plot middle if(noRange) { drawCaptionAndGrid(g, drawX, BaseXLayout.value(axis.min), .5d); return; } int c = 0; // draw LOGARITHMIC SCALE if(axis.log) { int l; double a; double b; // draw labels for negative values if(axis.min < 0) { l = 0; a = -1; while(a >= axis.min) { if(a <= axis.max && adequateDistance(drawX, a, 0)) { drawCaptionAndGrid(g, drawX, BaseXLayout.value(a), axis.calcPosition(a)); } final int lim = (int) (-1 * Math.pow(10, l + 1)); double last = a; b = 2 * a; while(b > lim && b >= axis.min) { if(adequateDistance(drawX, last, b) && adequateDistance(drawX, lim, b) && b < axis.max) { drawIntermediateGridLine(g, drawX, axis.calcPosition(b), BaseXLayout.value(b)); last = b; } b += a; } ++l; a = -1 * Math.pow(10, l); } } // draw 0 label if necessary if(0 >= axis.min && 0 <= axis.max) drawCaptionAndGrid(g, drawX, BaseXLayout.value(0), axis.calcPosition(0)); // draw labels > 0 if(axis.max > 0) { l = 0; a = 1; while(a <= axis.max) { if(a >= axis.min && adequateDistance(drawX, a, 0)) { drawCaptionAndGrid(g, drawX, BaseXLayout.value(a), axis.calcPosition(a)); } final int lim = (int) Math.pow(10, l + 1); double last = a; b = 2 * a; while(b < lim && b <= axis.max) { if(adequateDistance(drawX, last, b) && adequateDistance(drawX, lim, b) && b > axis.min) { drawIntermediateGridLine(g, drawX, axis.calcPosition(b), BaseXLayout.value(b)); last = b; } b += a; } ++l; a = Math.pow(10, l); } } // draw LINEAR SCALE } else { // draw captions between min and max double d = axis.calcPosition(axis.startvalue); double f = axis.startvalue; while(d < 1.0d - .25d / nrCaptions) { ++c; drawCaptionAndGrid(g, drawX, BaseXLayout.value(f), d); f += step; d = axis.calcPosition(f); } // draw min/max labels if little space available if(c < 2) { drawCaptionAndGrid(g, drawX, BaseXLayout.value(axis.min), 0.0); drawCaptionAndGrid(g, drawX, BaseXLayout.value(axis.max), 1.0); } } } } /** * Determines if two points on the axis have an adequate distance. * @param drawX drawX * @param a first point * @param b second point * @return a and b have adequate distance */ private boolean adequateDistance(final boolean drawX, final double a, final double b) { final double t = drawX ? 1.8d : 1.3d; final PlotAxis axis = drawX ? plotData.xAxis : plotData.yAxis; return Math.abs(calcCoordinate(drawX, axis.calcPosition(a)) - calcCoordinate(drawX, axis.calcPosition(b))) >= sizeFactor() / t; } /** * Draws an axis caption to the specified position. * @param g graphics reference * @param drawX draw caption on x axis * @param caption given caption string * @param d relative position in plot view depending on axis */ private void drawCaptionAndGrid(final Graphics g, final boolean drawX, final String caption, final double d) { String cap = caption; // if label is too long, it is is chopped to the first characters if(cap.length() > MAXL) cap = cap.substring(0, CUTOFF) + ".."; final int pos = calcCoordinate(drawX, d); final int h = getHeight(); final int w = getWidth(); final int textH = g.getFontMetrics().getHeight(); final int fs = gui.gprop.num(GUIProp.FONTSIZE); final int imgW = BaseXLayout.width(g, cap) + fs; final BufferedImage img = createCaptionImage(g, cap, false, imgW); // ... after that // the image and the grid line are drawn beside x / y axis g.setColor(color2A); if(drawX) { final int y = h - MARGIN[2]; g.drawImage(img, pos - imgW + textH - fs + 3, y, this); g.drawLine(pos, MARGIN[0], pos, y + fs / 2); g.drawLine(pos - 1, MARGIN[0], pos - 1, y + fs / 2); } else { g.drawImage(img, MARGIN[1] - imgW - fs / 2, pos - fs, this); g.drawLine(MARGIN[1] - fs / 2, pos, w - MARGIN[3], pos); g.drawLine(MARGIN[1] - fs / 2, pos + 1, w - MARGIN[3], pos + 1); } } /** * Creates a buffered image for a given string which serves as axis caption. * @param g Graphics reference * @param caption caption string * @param im intermediate caption (lighter color) * @param imgW image width * @return buffered image */ private BufferedImage createCaptionImage(final Graphics g, final String caption, final boolean im, final int imgW) { final int textH = g.getFontMetrics().getHeight(); final int fs = gui.gprop.num(GUIProp.FONTSIZE); // caption labels are rotated, for both x and y axis. first a buffered // image is created which displays the rotated label ... final int imgH = 160; final BufferedImage img = new BufferedImage(imgW, imgH, Transparency.BITMASK); final Graphics2D g2d = img.createGraphics(); smooth(g2d); g2d.rotate(ROTATE, imgW, textH); g2d.setFont(font); g2d.setColor(im ? color3 :; g2d.drawString(caption, fs, fs); return img; } /** * Draws intermediate grid lines without caption. * @param g Graphics reference * @param drawX draw line for x axis * @param d relative position of grid line * @param caption caption to draw. if cap = null, no caption is drawn */ private void drawIntermediateGridLine(final Graphics g, final boolean drawX, final double d, final String caption) { String cap = caption; final int pos = calcCoordinate(drawX, d); final int h = getHeight(); final int w = getWidth(); final int fs = gui.gprop.num(GUIProp.FONTSIZE); final int sf = sizeFactor(); g.setColor(color2A); if(cap != null) { if(cap.length() > MAXL) cap = cap.substring(0, CUTOFF) + ".."; final int textH = g.getFontMetrics().getHeight(); final int imgW = BaseXLayout.width(g, cap) + fs; final BufferedImage img = createCaptionImage(g, cap, true, imgW); final int y = h - MARGIN[2]; if(drawX) { g.drawImage(img, pos - imgW + textH - fs + 3, y - textH / 3, this); g.drawLine(pos, MARGIN[0], pos, h - MARGIN[2]); } else { g.drawImage(img, MARGIN[1] - imgW - fs / 2, pos - fs, this); g.drawLine(MARGIN[1], pos, w - MARGIN[3], pos); } } else { if(drawX) { g.drawLine(pos, MARGIN[0], pos, h - MARGIN[2] - sf); } else { g.drawLine(MARGIN[1] + sf, pos, w - MARGIN[3], pos); } } } /** * Returns a coordinate for a specific double value of an item. * @param d relative coordinate of specific item * @param drawX calculated value is x value * @return absolute coordinate */ private int calcCoordinate(final boolean drawX, final double d) { final int sz = sizeFactor(); if(drawX) { // items with value -1 lack a value for the specific attribute if(d == -1) return (int) (MARGIN[1] + sz * .35d); final int width = getWidth(); final int xSpace = width - (MARGIN[1] + MARGIN[3]) - sz; return (int) (d * xSpace) + MARGIN[1] + sz; } final int height = getHeight(); if(d == -1) return height - MARGIN[2] - sz / 4; final int ySpace = height - (MARGIN[0] + MARGIN[2]) - sz; return ySpace - (int) (d * ySpace) + MARGIN[0]; } @Override public void refreshContext(final boolean more, final boolean quick) { // all plot data is recalculated, assignments stay the same plotData.refreshItems(nextContext != null && more && rightClick ? nextContext : gui.context.current(), !more || !rightClick); plotData.xAxis.log =; plotData.xAxis.refreshAxis(); plotData.yAxis.log =; plotData.yAxis.refreshAxis(); nextContext = null; drawSubNodes = !rightClick; rightClick = false; plotChanged = true; markingChanged = true; repaint(); } @Override public void refreshFocus() { repaint(); } @Override public void refreshInit() { plotData = null; final Data data =; if(data == null || !visible()) return; plotData = new PlotData(gui.context); final String[] items = plotData.getItems().toStringArray(); itemCombo.setModel(new DefaultComboBoxModel(items)); // set first item and trigger assignment of axis assignments if(items.length > 0) itemCombo.setSelectedIndex(0); drawSubNodes = true; markingChanged = true; plotChanged = true; repaint(); } @Override public void refreshLayout() { itemImg = itemImage(false, false, false); itemImgMarked = itemImage(false, true, false); itemImgFocused = itemImage(true, false, false); itemImgSub = itemImage(false, false, true); final int sz = sizeFactor() / 2; MARGIN[0] = sz + 7; MARGIN[1] = sz * 6; MARGIN[2] = 55 + sz * 7; MARGIN[3] = sz + 3; plotChanged = true; markingChanged = true; if(plotData == null) return; repaint(); } @Override public void refreshMark() { drawSubNodes = true; markingChanged = true; repaint(); } @Override public void refreshUpdate() { refreshContext(false, true); } @Override public boolean visible() { return; } @Override public void visible(final boolean v) { gui.gprop.set(GUIProp.SHOWPLOT, v); } @Override protected boolean db() { return true; } /** * Locates the nearest item to the mouse pointer. * @return item focused */ private boolean focus() { final int size = itemImg.getWidth() / 2; int focusedPre = gui.context.focused; // if mouse pointer is outside of the plot the focused item is set to -1, // focus may be refreshed, if necessary if(mouseX < MARGIN[1] || mouseX > getWidth() - MARGIN[3] + size || mouseY < MARGIN[0] - size || mouseY > getHeight() - MARGIN[2]) { // focused item already -1, no refresh needed if(focusedPre == -1) { return false; } gui.notify.focus(-1, this); return true; } // find focused item. focusedPre = -1; int dist = Integer.MAX_VALUE; // all displayed items are tested for focus for(int i = 0; i < plotData.pres.length && dist != 0; ++i) { // coordinates and distances for current tested item are calculated final int x = calcCoordinate(true,[i]); final int y = calcCoordinate(false,[i]); final int distX = Math.abs(mouseX - x); final int distY = Math.abs(mouseY - y); final int sz = sizeFactor() / 4; // if x and y distances are smaller than offset value and the // x and y distances combined is smaller than the actual minimal // distance of any item tested so far, the current item is considered // as a focus candidate if(distX < sz && distY < sz) { final int currDist = distX * distY; if(currDist < dist) { dist = currDist; focusedPre = plotData.pres[i]; } } } // if the focus changed, views are refreshed if(focusedPre != gui.context.focused) { gui.notify.focus(focusedPre, this); return true; } return false; } /** * Determines all nodes lying under the mouse cursor (or the currently * focused node). * @param pre position of pre value in the sorted array of plotted nodes * @return nodes */ private int[] overlappingNodes(final int pre) { final IntList il = new IntList(); // get coordinates for focused item final int mx = calcCoordinate(true,[pre]); final int my = calcCoordinate(false,[pre]); for(int i = 0; i < plotData.pres.length; ++i) { // get coordinates for current item final int x = calcCoordinate(true,[i]); final int y = calcCoordinate(false,[i]); if(mx == x && my == y) { il.add(plotData.pres[i]); } } return il.toArray(); } /** * Returns a standardized size factor for painting the plot. * @return size value */ private int sizeFactor() { return Math.max(2, gui.gprop.num(GUIProp.FONTSIZE) << 1); } /** * Formats an axis caption. * @param drawX x/y axis flag * @param focused pre value of the focused node * @return formatted string */ private String formatString(final boolean drawX, final int focused) { final PlotAxis axis = drawX ? plotData.xAxis : plotData.yAxis; final byte[] val = axis.getValue(focused); if(val.length == 0) return ""; return axis.type == StatsType.TEXT || axis.type == StatsType.CATEGORY ? string(val) : BaseXLayout.value(toDouble(val)); } @Override public void mouseMoved(final MouseEvent e) { if(gui.updating || gui.painting) return; mouseX = e.getX(); mouseY = e.getY(); if(focus()) repaint(); } @Override public void mouseDragged(final MouseEvent e) { if(gui.updating || e.isShiftDown()) return; if(dragging) { // to avoid significant offset between coordinates of mouse click and the // start coordinates of the bounding box, mouseX and mouseY are determined // by mousePressed() mouseX = e.getX(); mouseY = e.getY(); } final int h = getHeight(); final int w = getWidth(); final int th = 14; final int lb = MARGIN[1] - th; final int rb = w - MARGIN[3] + th; final int tb = MARGIN[0] - th; final int bb = h - MARGIN[2] + th; // flag which indicates if mouse pointer is located on the plot inside final boolean inBox = mouseY > tb && mouseY < bb && mouseX > lb && mouseX < rb; if(!dragging && !inBox) return; // first time method is called when mouse dragged if(!dragging) { dragging = true; selectionBox.x = mouseX; selectionBox.y = mouseY; } // keeps selection box on the plot inside. if mouse pointer is outside box // the corners of the selection box are set to the predefined values s.a. int x = mouseX; int y = mouseY; if(!inBox) { if(mouseX < lb) { if(mouseY > bb) { x = lb; y = bb; } else if(mouseY < tb) { x = lb; y = tb; } else { x = lb; } } else if(mouseX > rb) { if(mouseY > bb) { x = rb; y = bb; } else if(mouseY < tb) { x = rb; y = tb; } else { x = rb; } } else if(mouseY < tb) { y = tb; } else { y = bb; } } selectionBox.w = x - selectionBox.x; selectionBox.h = y - selectionBox.y; // searches for items located in the selection box final IntList il = new IntList(); for(int i = 0; i < plotData.pres.length; ++i) { x = calcCoordinate(true,[i]); y = calcCoordinate(false,[i]); if(selectionBox.contains(x, y)) il.add(plotData.pres[i]); } gui.notify.mark(new Nodes(il.toArray(),, this); nextContext = gui.context.marked; drawSubNodes = false; markingChanged = true; repaint(); } @Override public void mouseReleased(final MouseEvent e) { if(gui.updating || gui.painting) return; dragging = false; repaint(); } @Override public void mousePressed(final MouseEvent e) { if(gui.updating || gui.painting) return; markingChanged = true; mouseX = e.getX(); mouseY = e.getY(); focus(); // determine if a following context filter operation is possibly triggered // by popup menu final boolean r = !SwingUtilities.isLeftMouseButton(e); if(r) { rightClick = true; return; } // no item is focused. no nodes marked after mouse click if(gui.context.focused == -1) { gui.notify.mark(new Nodes(, this); return; } // node marking if item focused. if more than one icon is in focus range // all of these are marked. focus range means exact same x AND y coordinate. final int pre = plotData.findPre(gui.context.focused); final int[] il = overlappingNodes(pre); // right mouse or shift down if(e.isShiftDown()) { final Nodes marked = gui.context.marked; marked.union(il); gui.notify.mark(marked, this); // double click } else if(e.getClickCount() == 2) { // context change also self implied, thus right click set to true rightClick = true; final Nodes marked = new Nodes(; marked.union(il); gui.notify.context(marked, false, null); // simple mouse click } else { final Nodes marked = new Nodes(il,; gui.notify.mark(marked, this); } nextContext = gui.context.marked; } @Override public void componentResized(final ComponentEvent e) { markingChanged = true; plotChanged = true; if(!gui.updating) repaint(); } }