package org.basex.index.ft; import static org.basex.core.Text.*; import static*; import static org.basex.util.Token.*; import static org.basex.util.ft.FTFlag.*; import; import java.util.Arrays; import org.basex.core.Prop; import; import; import org.basex.index.IndexIterator; import org.basex.index.IndexStats; import org.basex.index.IndexToken; import; import org.basex.util.Num; import org.basex.util.Performance; import org.basex.util.TokenBuilder; import org.basex.util.Util; import org.basex.util.ft.FTLexer; import org.basex.util.hash.TokenIntMap; import org.basex.util.list.IntList; /** * <p>This class performs full-text index requests on a compressed trie on disk. * The three database index files start with the prefix {@link DataText#DATAFTX} * and have the following format:</p> * * <ol> * <li>File <b>a</b> contains the trie nodes:<br/> * {@code [l, t1, ..., tl, n1, v1, ..., nu, vu, s, p]}<br/> * {@code l}: length of the token [byte]<br/> * {@code t1, ..., tl}: token bytes [byte]<br/> * {@code u}: number of child nodes<br/> * {@code n1, ..., nu}: child nodes<br/> * {@code v1}: the first bytes of each token {@code n1} points, ... [byte]<br/> * {@code s}: number of stored pre values [int]<br/> * {@code p}: pointer to pre values [long]<br/> * {@code [byte, byte[l], byte, int, byte, ..., int, long]}</li> * * <li>File <b>b</b> contains the {@code pre/pos} references. * The values are ordered, but not distinct:<br/> * {@code pre1/pos1, pre2/pos2, pre3/pos3, ...} [{@link Num}]</li> * * <li>File <b>c</b> contains the offsets to all trie nodes in * file <b>a</b>:<br/> {@code off0, off1, off2, ..., offN} [int]</li> * </ol> * * @author BaseX Team 2005-12, BSD License * @author Christian Gruen * @author Sebastian Gath */ final class FTTrie extends FTIndex { /** Trie nodes. */ private final DataAccess inA; /** Full-text data. */ private final DataAccess inB; /** Trie node references. */ private final DataAccess inC; /** ID of current node. */ private long currID; /** * Constructor, initializing the index structure. * @param d data reference * @throws IOException I/O Exception */ FTTrie(final Data d) throws IOException { super(d); inA = new DataAccess(d.meta.dbfile(DATAFTX + 'a')); inB = new DataAccess(d.meta.dbfile(DATAFTX + 'b')); inC = new DataAccess(d.meta.dbfile(DATAFTX + 'c')); } @Override public synchronized int count(final IndexToken ind) { if(ind.get().length > data.meta.maxlen) return Integer.MAX_VALUE; // estimate costs for queries which stretch over multiple index entries final FTLexer lex = (FTLexer) ind; if(lex.ftOpt().is(FZ) || lex.ftOpt().is(WC)) return Math.max(1, data.meta.size / 10); final byte[] token = lex.get(); final int id =; if(id > 0) return cache.size(id); int size = 0; long poi = 0; final int[] node = node(token, 0); if(node != null && node[node.length - 1] > 0) { size = node[node.length - 1]; poi = currID; } cache.add(token, size, poi); return size; } @Override public synchronized IndexIterator iter(final IndexToken ind) { final byte[] token = ind.get(); // support fuzzy search final FTLexer lex = (FTLexer) ind; if(lex.ftOpt().is(FZ)) { int k = data.meta.prop.num(Prop.LSERROR); if(k == 0) k = token.length >> 2; return fuzzy(0, null, -1, token, 0, 0, 0, k, false); } // support wildcards if(lex.ftOpt().is(WC)) { final int pw = indexOf(token, '.'); if(pw != -1) return wc(token, pw, false); } // return cached or new result final int id =; return id == 0 ? iter(0, token, false) : iter(cache.pointer(id), cache.size(id), inB, false); } @Override public synchronized void close() throws IOException { inB.close(); inC.close(); inA.close(); } /** * Traverses the trie and returns a result iterator. * @param id on node array (in -memory) * @param token search token * @param fast fast evaluation * @return pre-values and corresponding positions * for each pre-value */ private FTIndexIterator iter(final int id, final byte[] token, final boolean fast) { if(token == null || token.length == 0) return FTIndexIterator.FTEMPTY; final int[] node = node(token, id); return node == null ? FTIndexIterator.FTEMPTY : iter(currID, node[node.length - 1], inB, fast); } @Override public TokenIntMap entries(final byte[] prefix) { throw Util.notexpected(this); } /** * Traverses the trie and returns a node entry for the specified token * or a {@code null} reference. * @param token search token * @param id on node array (in main memory) * @return int ids */ private int[] node(final byte[] token, final int id) { byte[] tok = token; // read node data from disk final int[] node = entry(id); if(id != 0) { int t = 0; final int tl = tok.length; while(t < tl && t < node[0] && node[t + 1] == tok[t]) ++t; // sub token did not match: stop search if(t != node[0]) return null; // all characters checked, correct leaf node found: return result if(t == tl) return node; // strip token prefix final byte[] tmp = new byte[tl - t]; System.arraycopy(tok, t, tmp, 0, tmp.length); tok = tmp; } // scan succeeding node final int pos = pos(node, tok[0]); return pos < 0 ? null : node(tok, node[pos]); } @Override public synchronized byte[] info() { final TokenBuilder tb = new TokenBuilder(); tb.add(LI_STRUCTURE + TRIE + NL); tb.addExt("- %: %" + NL, STEMMING, Util.flag(data.meta.stemming)); tb.addExt("- %: %" + NL, CASE_SENSITIVITY, Util.flag(data.meta.casesens)); tb.addExt("- %: %" + NL, DIACRITICS, Util.flag(data.meta.diacritics)); if(data.meta.language != null) tb.addExt("- %: %" + NL, LANGUAGE, data.meta.language); final long l = inA.length() + inB.length() + inC.length(); tb.add(LI_SIZE + Performance.format(l, true) + NL); final IndexStats stats = new IndexStats(data); addOccs(EMPTY, 0, stats); stats.print(tb); return tb.finish(); } /** * Called by {@link #info}. Collects all tokens and their sizes found * in the index structure. * @param token current token * @param id on node array (in main memory) * @param st statistics reference */ private void addOccs(final byte[] token, final int id, final IndexStats st) { final int[] ne = entry(id); byte[] nt = token; if(id > 0) { nt = Arrays.copyOf(token, token.length + ne[0]); for(int i = 0; i < ne[0]; ++i) nt[token.length + i] = (byte) ne[i + 1]; final int size = ne[ne.length - 1]; if(size > 0 && st.adding(size)) st.add(nt); } for(int i = ne[0] + 1; i < ne.length - 1; i += 2) addOccs(nt, ne[i], st); } /** * Reads a node entry from disk. * @param id on node array (in main memory) * @return node entry from disk */ private int[] entry(final long id) { // read start and end position int sp = inC.read4(id << 2); final int ep = inC.read4(); final IntList il = new IntList(); inA.cursor(sp++); final int l = inA.read1(); il.add(l); for(int j = 0; j < l; ++j) il.add(inA.read1()); sp += l; // inner node while(sp + 9 < ep) { il.add(inA.read4()); il.add(inA.read1()); sp += 5; } il.add(inA.read4()); currID = inA.read5(); return il.toArray(); } /** * Checks whether a node is an inner node or a leaf node. * @param node current node entry * @return boolean leaf node or inner node */ private static boolean more(final int[] node) { return node[0] + 1 < node.length - 1; } /** * Uses linear search for finding inserting position. * returns: * -1 if no inserting position was found * 0 if any successor exists, or 0 is inserting position * n here to insert * n and found = true, if nth item is occupied and here to insert * @param cne current node entry * @param ins byte looking for * @return inserting position */ private static int pos(final int[] cne, final byte ins) { int i = cne[0] + 1; final int s = cne.length - 1; while(i < s && diff((byte) cne[i + 1], ins) < 0) i += 2; return i < s && cne[i + 1] == ins ? i : -1; } /** Saves astericsWildCardTraversing result has to be re-init each time (before calling method). */ private FTIndexIterator idata; /** * Looks up a node with value, which matches the ending. * The parameter lastFound shows whether chars were found in last recursive * call, which correspond to the ending; consequently, those chars are * considered which occur successive in the ending. * pointerNode shows the position comparison between value[nodeId] and * ending starts * pointerEnding shows the position comparison between ending and * value[nodeId] starts * @param id on node array (in main memory) * @param ending ending of value * @param lst boolean if value was found in last run * @param nod pointer on current node * @param end pointer on value ending * @param fast fast evaluation */ private void wc(final int id, final byte[] ending, final boolean lst, final int nod, final int end, final boolean fast) { int j = end; int i = nod; boolean last = lst; final int[] node = entry(id); final long tdid = currID; // wildcard at the end if(ending == null || ending.length == 0) { // save data current node if(node[node.length - 1] > 0) { idata = FTIndexIterator.union( iter(tdid, node[node.length - 1], inB, fast), idata); } // preorder traversal through trie for(int t = node[0] + 1; t < node.length - 1; t += 2) { wc(node[t], null, last, 0, 0, fast); } return; } // compare chars current node and ending // skip all unlike chars, if any suitable was found while(!last && i < node[0] + 1 && node[i] != ending[j]) ++i; // skip all chars, equal to first char while(i + ending.length < node[0] + 1 && node[i + 1] == ending[0]) ++i; while(i < node[0] + 1 && j < ending.length && node[i] == ending[j]) { ++i; ++j; last = true; } // not processed all chars from node, but all chars from // ending were processed or root if(id == 0 || j == ending.length && i < node[0] + 1) { if(!more(node)) return; //final int[] nextNodes = getNextNodes(ne); // preorder search in trie for(int t = node[0] + 1; t < node.length - 1; t += 2) { wc(node[t], ending, false, 1, 0, fast); } return; } if(j == ending.length && i == node[0] + 1) { // all chars form node and all chars from ending done idata = FTIndexIterator.union( iter(tdid, node[node.length - 1], inB, fast), idata); // node has successors and is leaf node: preorder search in trie // preorder search in trie for(int t = node[0] + 1; t < node.length - 1; t += 2) { if(j == 1) wc(node[t], ending, false, 0, 0, fast); wc(node[t], ending, last, 0, j, fast); } return; } if(j < ending.length && i < node[0] + 1) { // still chars from node and still chars from ending left, pointer = 0 and // restart searching if(!more(node)) return; // restart searching at node, but value-position i wc(id, ending, false, i + 1, 0, fast); return; } // all chars from node processed, but not all chars from processed if(j < ending.length && i == node[0] + 1) { // move pointer and go on if(!more(node)) return; // preorder search in trie for(int t = node[0] + 1; t < node.length - 1; t += 2) { // compare only first char from ending if(j == 1) wc(node[t], ending, last, 1, 0, fast); wc(node[t], ending, last, 1, j, fast); } } } /** * Saves the number of compared chars at wildcard search. * counter[0] = total number compared chars * counter[1] = number current method call (gets initialized before each call) */ private int[] counter; /** * Method for wildcards search in trie. * @param token search token * @param pos position * @param f fast evaluation * @return result iterator */ private FTIndexIterator wc(final byte[] token, final int pos, final boolean f) { // init counter counter = new int[2]; return wc(0, token, pos, false, f); } /** * Supports different wildcard operators: ., .+, .* and .?. * PosWildCard points on bytes[], at position, where . is situated * recCall flags recursive calls * @param id current node * @param tok search token * @param posw wildcards position * @param first flag for first call * @param fast fast evaluation * @return result iterator */ private FTIndexIterator wc(final int id, final byte[] tok, final int posw, final boolean first, final boolean fast) { byte[] aw = null; byte[] bw = null; final int currentLength = 0; final int resultNode; FTIndexIterator d = FTIndexIterator.FTEMPTY; // wildcard not at beginning if(posw > 0) { // copy part before wildcard bw = new byte[posw]; System.arraycopy(tok, 0, bw, 0, posw); resultNode = wc(id, bw); if(resultNode == -1) return FTIndexIterator.FTEMPTY; } else { resultNode = 0; } final byte wc = posw + 1 >= tok.length ? (byte) '.' : tok[posw + 1]; if(wc == '?') { // append 0 or 1 symbols // look in trie without wildcard byte[] sc = new byte[tok.length - 2 - currentLength]; // copy unprocessed part before wildcard if(bw != null) { System.arraycopy(bw, 0, sc, 0, bw.length); } // copy part after wildcard if(bw == null) { System.arraycopy(tok, posw + 2, sc, 0, sc.length); } else { System.arraycopy(tok, posw + 2, sc, bw.length, sc.length - bw.length); } d = iter(0, sc, fast); // lookup in trie with . as wildcard sc = new byte[tok.length - 1]; if(bw != null) { // copy unprocessed part before wildcard System.arraycopy(bw, 0, sc, 0, bw.length); sc[bw.length] = '.'; // copy part after wildcard System.arraycopy(tok, posw + 2, sc, bw.length + 1, sc.length - bw.length - 1); } else { // copy unprocessed part before wildcard sc[0] = '.'; // copy part after wildcard System.arraycopy(tok, posw + 2, sc, 1, sc.length - 1); } // attach both result d = FTIndexIterator.union(wc(0, sc, posw, false, fast), d); return d; } if(wc == '*') { // append 0 or n symbols // valueSearchNode == .* if(!(posw == 0 && tok.length == 2)) { // lookup in trie without wildcard final byte[] searchChar = new byte[tok.length - 2 - currentLength]; // copy unprocessed part before wildcard if(bw != null) { System.arraycopy(bw, 0, searchChar, 0, bw.length); } // copy part after wildcard if(bw == null) { aw = new byte[searchChar.length]; System.arraycopy(tok, posw + 2, searchChar, 0, searchChar.length); System.arraycopy(tok, posw + 2, aw, 0, searchChar.length); } else { aw = new byte[searchChar.length - bw.length]; System.arraycopy(tok, posw + 2, searchChar, bw.length, searchChar.length - bw.length); System.arraycopy(tok, posw + 2, aw, 0, searchChar.length - bw.length); } d = iter(0, searchChar, fast); // all chars from valueSearchNode are contained in trie if(bw != null && counter[1] != bw.length) return d; } // delete data idata = FTIndexIterator.FTEMPTY; wc(resultNode, aw, false, counter[0], 0, fast); return FTIndexIterator.union(d, idata); } if(wc == '+') { // append 1 or more symbols final int[] rne = entry(resultNode); final byte[] nvsn = new byte[tok.length + 1]; int l = 0; if(bw != null) { System.arraycopy(bw, 0, nvsn, 0, bw.length); l = bw.length; } if(0 < tok.length - posw - 2) { System.arraycopy(tok, posw + 2, nvsn, posw + 3, tok.length - posw - 2); } nvsn[l + 1] = '.'; nvsn[l + 2] = '*'; FTIndexIterator tmpres = FTIndexIterator.FTEMPTY; // append 1 symbol // not completely processed (value current node) if(rne[0] > counter[0] && resultNode > 0) { // replace wildcard with value from currentCompressedTrieNode nvsn[l] = (byte) rne[counter[0] + 1]; tmpres = wc(nvsn, l + 1, fast); } else if(rne[0] == counter[0] || resultNode == 0) { // all chars from nodes[resultNode] are computed // any next values existing if(!more(rne)) return FTIndexIterator.FTEMPTY; for(int t = rne[0] + 1; t < rne.length - 1; t += 2) { nvsn[l] = (byte) rne[t + 1]; tmpres = FTIndexIterator.union(wc(nvsn, l + 1, fast), tmpres); } } return tmpres; } final int[] rne = entry(resultNode); // append 1 symbol // not completely processed (value current node) /* Saves node values from .-wildcard search according to records in id-array. */ final byte[] valuesFound; if(rne[0] > counter[0] && resultNode > 0) { // replace wildcard with value from currentCompressedTrieNode tok[posw] = (byte) rne[counter[0] + 1]; // . wildcards left return iter(0, tok, fast); } if(rne[0] == counter[0] || resultNode == 0) { // all chars from nodes[resultNode] are computed // any next values existing if(!more(rne)) return FTIndexIterator.FTEMPTY; FTIndexIterator tmpNode = FTIndexIterator.FTEMPTY; aw = new byte[tok.length - posw]; System.arraycopy(tok, posw + 1, aw, 1, aw.length - 1); // simple method call if(!first) { for(int t = rne[0] + 1; t < rne.length - 1; t += 2) { aw[0] = (byte) rne[t + 1]; tmpNode = FTIndexIterator.union(iter(rne[t], aw, fast), tmpNode); } return tmpNode; } // method call for .+ wildcard valuesFound = new byte[rne.length - 1 - rne[0] - 1]; for(int t = rne[0] + 1; t < rne.length - 1; t += 2) { // replace first letter aw[0] = (byte) rne[t + 1]; valuesFound[t - rne[0] - 1] = (byte) rne[t + 1]; tmpNode = FTIndexIterator.union(iter(rne[t], aw, fast), tmpNode); } } return FTIndexIterator.FTEMPTY; } /** * Traverses the trie and returns a found node for searchValue; * returns the last touched node. * @param id node id * @param token search token * @return id int last touched node */ private int wc(final int id, final byte[] token) { byte[] vsn = token; final int[] cne = entry(id); if(id != 0) { counter[1] += cne[0]; int i = 0; while(i < vsn.length && i < cne[0] && cne[i + 1] == vsn[i]) ++i; if(cne[0] == i) { if(vsn.length == i) { // leaf node found with appropriate value counter[0] = i; return id; } // cut valueSearchNode for value current node final byte[] tmp = new byte[vsn.length - i]; System.arraycopy(vsn, i, tmp, 0, tmp.length); vsn = tmp; // scan successors currentNode final int pos = pos(cne, vsn[0]); if(pos >= 0) return wc(cne[pos], vsn); } // node not contained counter[0] = i; counter[1] = counter[1] - cne[0] + i; return id; } // scan successors current node final int pos = pos(cne, vsn[0]); if(pos >= 0) return wc(cne[pos], vsn); // node not contained counter[0] = -1; counter[1] = -1; return -1; } /** * Traverses the trie and returns the found node for searchValue; * returns data from node or {@code null}. * @param id on node array (in main memory) * @param crne current node entry * @param crdid current pointer on data * @param token search token * @param d int counter for deletions * @param p int counter for pastes * @param r int counter for replacements * @param c int counter sum of errors * @param f fast evaluation * @return result iterator */ private FTIndexIterator fuzzy(final int id, final int[] crne, final long crdid, final byte[] token, final int d, final int p, final int r, final int c, final boolean f) { byte[] vsn = token; int[] cne = crne; long cdid = crdid; if(cne == null) { cne = entry(id); cdid = currID; } if(id != 0) { // not root node int i = 0; while(i < vsn.length && i < cne[0] && cne[i + 1] == vsn[i]) ++i; if(cne[0] == i) { // node entry processed complete if(vsn.length == i) { // leaf node found with appropriate value if(c < d + p + r) return FTIndexIterator.FTEMPTY; FTIndexIterator ld; ld = iter(cdid, cne[cne.length - 1], inB, f); for(int t = cne[0] + 1; t < cne.length - 1; t += 2) { ld = FTIndexIterator.union(fuzzy(cne[t], null, -1, new byte[] { (byte) cne[t + 1] }, d, p + 1, r, c, f), ld); } return ld; } FTIndexIterator ld = FTIndexIterator.FTEMPTY; byte[] b; if(c > d + p + r) { // delete char b = new byte[vsn.length - 1]; System.arraycopy(vsn, 0, b, 0, i); ld = FTIndexIterator.union( fuzzy(id, cne, cdid, b, d + 1, p, r, c, f), ld); } // cut valueSearchNode for value current node final byte[] tmp = new byte[vsn.length - i]; System.arraycopy(vsn, i, tmp, 0, tmp.length); vsn = tmp; // scan successors currentNode int[] ne = null; long tdid = -1; for(int k = cne[0] + 1; k < cne.length - 1; k += 2) { if(cne[k + 1] == vsn[0]) { ne = entry(cne[k]); tdid = currID; b = new byte[vsn.length]; System.arraycopy(vsn, 0, b, 0, vsn.length); ld = FTIndexIterator.union( fuzzy(cne[k], ne, tdid, b, d, p, r, c, f), ld); } if(c > d + p + r) { if(ne == null) { ne = entry(cne[k]); tdid = currID; } // paste char b = new byte[vsn.length + 1]; b[0] = (byte) cne[k + 1]; System.arraycopy(vsn, 0, b, 1, vsn.length); ld = FTIndexIterator.union(fuzzy(cne[k], ne, tdid, b, d, p + 1, r, c, f), ld); if(vsn.length > 0) { // delete char b = new byte[vsn.length - 1]; System.arraycopy(vsn, 1, b, 0, b.length); ld = FTIndexIterator.union(fuzzy(cne[k], ne, tdid, b, d + 1, p, r, c, f), ld); // replace char b = new byte[vsn.length]; System.arraycopy(vsn, 1, b, 1, vsn.length - 1); b[0] = (byte) ne[1]; ld = FTIndexIterator.union(fuzzy(cne[k], ne, tdid, b, d, p, r + 1, c, f), ld); } } } return ld; } FTIndexIterator ld = FTIndexIterator.FTEMPTY; if(c > d + p + r) { // paste char byte[] b = new byte[vsn.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(vsn, 0, b, 0, i); b[i] = (byte) cne[i + 1]; System.arraycopy(vsn, i, b, i + 1, vsn.length - i); ld = fuzzy(id, cne, cdid, b, d, p + 1, r, c, f); if(vsn.length > 0 && i < vsn.length) { // replace b = new byte[vsn.length]; System.arraycopy(vsn, 0, b, 0, vsn.length); b[i] = (byte) cne[i + 1]; ld = FTIndexIterator.union(fuzzy(id, cne, cdid, b, d, p, r + 1, c, f), ld); if(vsn.length > 1) { // delete char b = new byte[vsn.length - 1]; System.arraycopy(vsn, 0, b, 0, i); System.arraycopy(vsn, i + 1, b, i, vsn.length - i - 1); ld = FTIndexIterator.union(fuzzy(id, cne, cdid, b, d + 1, p, r, c, f), ld); } } } return ld; } int[] ne = null; long tdid = -1; FTIndexIterator ld = FTIndexIterator.FTEMPTY; byte[] b; for(int k = cne[0] + 1; k < cne.length - 1; k += 2) { if(cne[k + 1] == vsn[0]) { ne = entry(cne[k]); tdid = currID; b = new byte[vsn.length]; System.arraycopy(vsn, 0, b, 0, vsn.length); ld = FTIndexIterator.union( fuzzy(cne[k], ne, tdid, b, d, p, r, c, f), ld); } if(c > d + p + r) { if(ne == null) { ne = entry(cne[k]); tdid = currID; } // paste char b = new byte[vsn.length + 1]; b[0] = (byte) ne[1]; System.arraycopy(vsn, 0, b, 1, vsn.length); ld = FTIndexIterator.union(fuzzy(cne[k], ne, tdid, b, d, p + 1, r, c, f), ld); if(vsn.length > 0) { // delete char b = new byte[vsn.length - 1]; System.arraycopy(vsn, 1, b, 0, b.length); ld = FTIndexIterator.union(fuzzy(cne[k], ne, tdid, b, d + 1, p, r, c, f), ld); // replace b = new byte[vsn.length]; System.arraycopy(vsn, 1, b, 1, vsn.length - 1); b[0] = (byte) ne[1]; ld = FTIndexIterator.union(fuzzy(cne[k], ne, tdid, b, d, p, r + 1, c, f), ld); } } } return ld; } }