package org.basex.query.func; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Comparator; import org.basex.query.QueryContext; import org.basex.query.QueryError; import org.basex.query.QueryException; import org.basex.query.expr.Expr; import org.basex.query.item.AtomType; import org.basex.query.item.FItem; import org.basex.query.item.FuncType; import org.basex.query.item.Item; import org.basex.query.item.Value; import org.basex.query.iter.ItemCache; import org.basex.query.iter.Iter; import org.basex.query.util.Err; import org.basex.util.InputInfo; /** * Implementation-specific functions on functions. * * @author BaseX Team 2005-12, BSD License * @author Leo Woerteler */ public final class FNHof extends StandardFunc { /** * Constructor. * @param ii input info * @param f function definition * @param e arguments */ public FNHof(final InputInfo ii, final Function f, final Expr... e) { super(ii, f, e); } @Override public Iter iter(final QueryContext ctx) throws QueryException { switch(sig) { case _HOF_SORT_WITH: return sortWith(ctx); case _HOF_ID: case _HOF_CONST: return ctx.iter(expr[0]); case _HOF_FOLD_LEFT1: return foldLeft1(ctx).iter(); case _HOF_UNTIL: return until(ctx).iter(); case _HOF_ITERATE: return iterate(ctx); default: return super.iter(ctx); } } @Override public Value value(final QueryContext ctx) throws QueryException { switch(sig) { case _HOF_FOLD_LEFT1: return foldLeft1(ctx); case _HOF_UNTIL: return until(ctx); case _HOF_ID: case _HOF_CONST: return ctx.value(expr[0]); default: return super.value(ctx); } } @Override public Item item(final QueryContext ctx, final InputInfo ii) throws QueryException { switch(sig) { case _HOF_ID: case _HOF_CONST: return expr[0].item(ctx, ii); default: return super.item(ctx, ii); } } /** * Folds a sequence into a return value, starting from the left and using the * leftmost item as start value. * @param ctx query context * @return resulting sequence * @throws QueryException query exception */ private Value foldLeft1(final QueryContext ctx) throws QueryException { final FItem f = withArity(0, 2, ctx); final Iter xs = expr[1].iter(ctx); Value sum = checkNoEmpty(; for(Item x; (x = != null;) sum = f.invValue(ctx, input, sum, x); return sum; } /** * Sorts the input sequence according to the given relation. * @param ctx query context * @return sorted sequence * @throws QueryException query exception */ private ItemCache sortWith(final QueryContext ctx) throws QueryException { final FItem lt = withArity(0, 2, ctx); final ItemCache ic = expr[1].value(ctx).cache(); try { Arrays.sort(ic.item, 0, (int) ic.size(), new Comparator<Item>(){ @Override public int compare(final Item it1, final Item it2) { try { return checkType(lt.invItem(ctx, input, it1, it2), AtomType.BLN).bool(input) ? -1 : 1; } catch(final QueryException qe) { throw new QueryError(qe); } } }); } catch(final QueryError err) { throw err.wrapped(); } return ic; } /** * Applies a function to a start value until the given predicate holds. * @param ctx query context * @return accepted value * @throws QueryException exception */ private Value until(final QueryContext ctx) throws QueryException { final FItem pred = withArity(0, 1, ctx); final FItem fun = withArity(1, 1, ctx); Value v = ctx.value(expr[2]); while(!checkBln(checkNoEmpty(pred.invItem(ctx, input, v)), ctx)) { v = fun.invValue(ctx, input, v); } return v; } /** * Repeatedly applies a function to an argument, lazily returning all results. * @param ctx query context * @return result iterator * @throws QueryException query context */ private Iter iterate(final QueryContext ctx) throws QueryException { final FItem f = withArity(0, 1, ctx); return new Iter() { // current value Value v = ctx.value(expr[1]); long i, len = v.size(); @Override public Item next() throws QueryException { while(i >= len) { v = f.invValue(ctx, input, v); i = 0; len = v.size(); } return v.itemAt(i++); } }; } /** * Casts and checks the function item for its arity. * @param p position of the function * @param a arity * @param ctx query context * @return function item * @throws QueryException query exception */ private FItem withArity(final int p, final int a, final QueryContext ctx) throws QueryException { final Item f = checkItem(expr[p], ctx); if(!f.type.isFunction() || ((FItem) f).arity() != a) Err.type(this, FuncType.arity(a), f); return (FItem) f; } @Override public boolean uses(final Use u) { return sig == Function.PARTIAL_APPLY && u == Use.CTX || u == Use.X30 || super.uses(u); } }