package org.basex.gui.view; import static org.basex.core.Text.*; import static org.basex.gui.GUIConstants.*; import java.awt.AlphaComposite; import java.awt.BasicStroke; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.Image; import java.awt.Insets; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import org.basex.core.*; import org.basex.gui.AGUI; import org.basex.gui.GUIConstants; import org.basex.gui.GUIConstants.Fill; import org.basex.gui.GUIProp; import org.basex.gui.layout.BaseXBack; import org.basex.gui.layout.BaseXLayout; import org.basex.util.Performance; import org.basex.util.Token; import org.basex.util.Util; /** * This class manages all visible and invisible views and allows drag and * drop operations inside the panel. * * @author BaseX Team 2005-12, BSD License * @author Christian Gruen */ public final class ViewContainer extends BaseXBack implements Runnable { /** Dragging stroke. */ private static final BasicStroke STROKE = new BasicStroke(2); /** Thread counter. */ private static final int[] STEPS = { 255, 225, 202, 180, 185, 165, 147, 130, 115, 100, 87, 75, 65, 55, 47, 40, 35, 30, 25, 20, 17, 15, 12, 10, 7, 5, 5, 2, 2, 2, 0, 0 }; /** Thread counter. */ private int count; /** Orientation enumerator. */ private enum Target { /** North orientation. */ NORTH, /** West orientation. */ WEST, /** East orientation. */ EAST, /** South orientation. */ SOUTH } /** Reference to main window. */ private final AGUI gui; /** States if component was moved out of the window. */ private boolean out; /** View Layout. */ private ViewAlignment layout; /** View panels. */ private final ViewPanel[] views; /** Source View. */ private ViewPanel source; /** Target View. */ private ViewPanel target; /** Logo reference. */ private final Image logo; /** Target orientation. */ private Target orient; /** Temporary mouse position. */ private Point sp; /** Temporary rectangle position. */ private final int[] pos = new int[4]; /** * Constructor. * @param main reference to the main window * @param v view panels */ public ViewContainer(final AGUI main, final View... v) { layout(new BorderLayout()).mode(Fill.PLAIN); logo = BaseXLayout.image("logo"); setBackground(Color.white); views = new ViewPanel[v.length]; for(int i = 0; i < v.length; ++i) views[i] = new ViewPanel(v[i]); gui = main; // build layout or use default if something goes wrong if(!buildLayout(gui.gprop.get(GUIProp.VIEWS)) && !buildLayout(VIEWS)) { Util.errln( + ": could not build layout \"%\"", VIEWS); } } /** * Updates and validates the views. */ public void updateViews() { removeAll(); layout.setVisibility( != null); layout.createView(this); validate(); repaint(); gui.gprop.set(GUIProp.VIEWS, layout.layoutString()); } @Override public void run() { Performance.sleep(1000); while(++count < STEPS.length - 1) { Performance.sleep(50); if(getComponentCount() == 0) repaint(); } } @Override public void paintComponent(final Graphics g) { super.paintComponent(g); if(getComponentCount() != 0) return; final int w = getWidth(); final int h = getHeight(); final int hh = Math.max(220, Math.min(700, h)); final Insets i = getInsets(); if( { BaseXLayout.fill(g, WHITE, color1, i.left,, w - i.right, h - i.bottom); } if(w < 150 || h < 160) return; final int lh = logo.getHeight(this); final int y = (hh - lh - 60) / 2; g.drawImage(logo, (w - logo.getWidth(this)) / 2, y, this); if(w < 200 || h < 200) return; g.setColor(new Color(0, 0, 0, 255 - STEPS[count])); g.setFont(getFont().deriveFont(22f)); BaseXLayout.drawCenter(g, VERSINFO + ' ' + Prop.VERSION, w, y + 30 + lh); } /** * Drags the current view. * @param panel panel to be dragged * @param p absolute mouse position */ void dragPanel(final ViewPanel panel, final Point p) { source = panel; sp = p; calc(); repaint(); } /** * Drops a view and reorganizes the layout. */ void dropPanel() { if(source == null) return; if(out) { source.delete(); } else if(orient != null) { if(layout.delete(source) && !(layout.comp[0] instanceof ViewPanel)) layout = (ViewAlignment) layout.comp[0]; if(target == null) layout = addView(layout); else add(layout); updateViews(); } source = null; repaint(); } /** * Adds the dragged view after if it has been removed. * @param lay layout instance * @return true if component was successfully added */ private boolean add(final ViewAlignment lay) { for(int o = 0; o < lay.comp.length; ++o) { final ViewLayout comp = lay.comp[o]; if(comp instanceof ViewAlignment) { if(add((ViewAlignment) comp)) return true; } else if(comp == target) { final boolean west = orient == Target.WEST; final boolean east = orient == Target.EAST; if(orient == Target.NORTH || west) { if(lay.horiz == west) { lay.add(source, o); } else { final ViewAlignment l = new ViewAlignment(west); l.add(source); l.add(target); lay.comp[o] = l; } } else if(orient == Target.SOUTH || east) { if(lay.horiz == east) { lay.add(source, o + 1); } else { final ViewAlignment l = new ViewAlignment(east); l.add(target); l.add(source); lay.comp[o] = l; } } return true; } } return false; } /** * Adds the dragged view into the specified layout instance. * @param lay layout instance * @return resulting layout */ private ViewAlignment addView(final ViewAlignment lay) { final boolean west = orient == Target.WEST; final boolean east = orient == Target.EAST; ViewAlignment l = lay; if(orient == Target.NORTH || west) { if(l.horiz == west) { l.add(source, 0); } else { final ViewAlignment ll = new ViewAlignment(west); ll.add(source); ll.add(l); l = ll; } } else if(orient == Target.SOUTH || east) { if(l.horiz == east) { l.add(source); } else { final ViewAlignment ll = new ViewAlignment(east); ll.add(l); ll.add(source); l = ll; } } return l; } /** * Finds the view under the mouse position and returns it as possible * target for dropping the dragged view. * @return view container */ private ViewPanel getTarget() { for(final ViewPanel v : views) { if(v.isVisible() && new Rectangle(absLoc(v), v.getSize()).contains(sp)) return v; } return null; } /** * Calculates the absolute location for the specified point and component. * @param comp component * @return absolute location */ private Point absLoc(final Component comp) { Component c = comp; final Point p = c.getLocation(); do { c = c.getParent(); p.x += c.getX(); p.y += c.getY(); } while(c.getParent() != this); return p; } @Override public void paint(final Graphics g) { super.paint(g); if(source == null) return; out = sp.x < 0 || sp.y < 0 || sp.x > getWidth() || sp.y > getHeight(); final Point p = absLoc(source); ((Graphics2D) g).setStroke(STROKE); if(!out) { g.setColor(color(10)); g.drawRect(p.x, p.y, source.getWidth() - 1, source.getHeight() - 1); } final int ac = AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER; if(out) { g.setColor(colormark3); ((Graphics2D) g).setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(ac, 0.3f)); g.fillRect(p.x, p.y, source.getWidth(), source.getHeight()); } else if(orient != null) { g.setColor(color(16)); g.drawRect(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2] - 1, pos[3] - 1); ((Graphics2D) g).setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(ac, 0.3f)); g.setColor(color(8)); g.fillRect(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], pos[3]); } } /** * Calculates the target position. */ private void calc() { final int hh = getHeight(); final int ww = getWidth(); pos[0] = 1; pos[1] = 1; pos[2] = ww - 2; pos[3] = hh - 2; orient = null; target = getTarget(); // paint panel which is currently moved somewhere else if(target != null && target != source) { final Rectangle tr = new Rectangle(absLoc(target), target.getSize()); final int minx = tr.width >> 1; final int miny = tr.height >> 1; if(Math.abs(tr.x + tr.width / 2 - sp.x) < tr.width / 3) { if(sp.y > tr.y && sp.y < tr.y + miny) { pos[0] = tr.x; pos[1] = tr.y; pos[2] = tr.width; pos[3] = miny; orient = Target.NORTH; } else if(sp.y > tr.y + tr.height - miny && sp.y < tr.y + tr.height) { pos[0] = tr.x; pos[1] = tr.y + tr.height - miny; pos[2] = tr.width; pos[3] = miny; orient = Target.SOUTH; } } else if(Math.abs(tr.y + tr.height / 2 - sp.y) < tr.height / 3) { if(sp.x > tr.x && sp.x < tr.x + minx) { pos[0] = tr.x; pos[1] = tr.y; pos[2] = minx; pos[3] = tr.height; orient = Target.WEST; } else if(sp.x > tr.x + tr.width - minx && sp.x < tr.x + tr.width) { pos[0] = tr.x + tr.width - minx; pos[1] = tr.y; pos[2] = minx; pos[3] = tr.height; orient = Target.EAST; } } } if(orient == null) { final int minx = ww >> 2; final int miny = hh >> 2; target = null; if(sp.y < miny) { pos[3] = miny; orient = Target.NORTH; } else if(sp.y > hh - miny) { pos[3] = miny; pos[1] = hh - miny; orient = Target.SOUTH; } else if(sp.x < minx) { pos[2] = minx; orient = Target.WEST; } else if(sp.x > ww - minx) { pos[2] = minx; pos[0] = ww - minx; orient = Target.EAST; } } } /** * Builds the view layout by parsing the layout string. * @param cnstr layout string * @return true if everything went alright */ private boolean buildLayout(final String cnstr) { try { int nv = 0; layout = null; int lvl = -1; final ViewAlignment[] l = new ViewAlignment[16]; final StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(cnstr); while(st.hasMoreTokens()) { final String t = st.nextToken(); if(Token.eq(t, "H", "V")) { l[lvl + 1] = new ViewAlignment(t.equals("H")); if(layout == null) { layout = l[0]; } else { l[lvl].add(l[lvl + 1]); } ++lvl; } else if(t.equals("-")) { --lvl; } else { final ViewPanel view = getView(t); if(view == null) return false; l[lvl].add(view); ++nv; } } if(nv == views.length) return true; Util.errln( + ": initializing views: " + cnstr); } catch(final Exception ex) { Util.debug(ex); Util.errln( + ": could not build layout: " + cnstr); } return false; } /** * Returns the view specified by its internal name. The view names * are specified in the {@link GUIConstants} class. * @param name name of the view * @return found view container */ private ViewPanel getView(final String name) { for(final ViewPanel view : views) { if(view.toString().equals(name)) return view; } Util.debug( + ": Unknown view \"%\"", name); return null; } }