package org.basex.query.func; import static org.basex.query.util.Err.*; import static org.basex.query.item.AtomType.*; import org.basex.query.QueryContext; import org.basex.query.QueryException; import org.basex.query.expr.Calc; import org.basex.query.expr.CmpV.Op; import org.basex.query.expr.Expr; import org.basex.query.item.Dbl; import org.basex.query.item.Item; import org.basex.query.item.Int; import org.basex.query.item.Type; import org.basex.query.iter.Iter; import org.basex.util.InputInfo; /** * Aggregating functions. * * @author BaseX Team 2005-12, BSD License * @author Christian Gruen */ public final class FNAggr extends StandardFunc { /** * Constructor. * @param ii input info * @param f function definition * @param e arguments */ public FNAggr(final InputInfo ii, final Function f, final Expr... e) { super(ii, f, e); } @Override public Item item(final QueryContext ctx, final InputInfo ii) throws QueryException { final Iter iter = ctx.iter(expr[0]); switch(sig) { case COUNT: long c = iter.size(); if(c == -1) do ++c; while( != null); return Int.get(c); case MIN: return minmax(iter, Op.GT, ctx); case MAX: return minmax(iter, Op.LT, ctx); case SUM: Item it =; return it != null ? sum(iter, it, false) : expr.length == 2 ? expr[1].item(ctx, input) : Int.get(0); case AVG: it =; return it == null ? null : sum(iter, it, true); default: return super.item(ctx, ii); } } @Override public Expr cmp(final QueryContext ctx) throws QueryException { final Expr e = expr[0]; final long c = e.size(); if(c < 0 || e.uses(Use.NDT) || e.uses(Use.CNS)) return this; switch(sig) { case COUNT: return Int.get(c); case SUM: return c == 0 ? expr.length == 2 ? expr[1] : Int.get(0) : this; default: return this; } } /** * Sums up the specified item(s). * @param iter iterator * @param it first item * @param avg calculate average * @return summed up item * @throws QueryException query exception */ private Item sum(final Iter iter, final Item it, final boolean avg) throws QueryException { Item res = it.type.isUntyped() ? Dbl.get(it.string(input), input) : it; Type t = res.type; if(!t.isNumber() && (!t.isDuration() || t == DUR)) SUMTYPE.thrw(input, this, t); final boolean n = t.isNumber(); int c = 1; for(Item i; (i = != null;) { t = i.type; final boolean un = t.isUntyped() || t.isNumber(); if(n && !un) FUNNUM.thrw(input, this, t); if(!n && un) FUNDUR.thrw(input, this, t); res = Calc.PLUS.ev(input, res, i); ++c; } return avg ? Calc.DIV.ev(input, res, Int.get(c)) : res; } /** * Returns a minimum or maximum item. * @param iter values to be compared * @param cmp comparator * @param ctx query context * @return resulting item * @throws QueryException query exception */ private Item minmax(final Iter iter, final Op cmp, final QueryContext ctx) throws QueryException { if(expr.length == 2) checkColl(expr[1], ctx); Item res =; if(res == null) return null; // check if first item is comparable cmp.eval(input, res, res); // strings or dates if(!res.type.isUntyped() && res.type.isString() || res.type.isDate()) { for(Item it; (it = != null;) { if(it.type != res.type) { FUNCMP.thrw(input, description(), res.type, it.type); } if(cmp.eval(input, res, it)) res = it; } return res; } // durations or numbers Type t = res.type.isUntyped() ? DBL : res.type; if(res.type != t) res = t.cast(res, ctx, input); for(Item it; (it = != null;) { t = type(res, it); if(!it.type.isDuration() && Double.isNaN(it.dbl(input)) || cmp.eval(input, res, it)) res = it; if(res.type != t) res = t.cast(res, ctx, input); } return res; } /** * Returns the type with the highest precedence. * @param a input item * @param b result item * @return result * @throws QueryException query exception */ private Type type(final Item a, final Item b) throws QueryException { final Type ta = a.type, tb = b.type; if(tb.isUntyped()) { if(!ta.isNumber()) FUNCMP.thrw(input, this, ta, tb); return DBL; } if(ta.isNumber() && !tb.isUntyped() && tb.isString()) FUNCMP.thrw(input, this, ta, tb); if(ta == tb) return ta; if(ta == DBL || tb == DBL) return DBL; if(ta == FLT || tb == FLT) return FLT; if(ta == DEC || tb == DEC) return DEC; if(ta == BLN || ta.isNumber() && !tb.isNumber() || tb.isNumber() && !ta.isNumber()) FUNCMP.thrw(input, this, ta, tb); return ta.isNumber() || tb.isNumber() ? ITR : ta; } }