package; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import org.junit.Test; import; import; public class SignedModularityMetricTest { @Test public void testOnSignedLfrWithTwelveNodes() throws Exception { SignedModularityMetric metric = new SignedModularityMetric(); Cover cover = OcdTestCoverFactory.getSignedLfrCover(); double value = metric.measure(cover); System.out.println("Modularity-Network with 12 nodes: " + value); assertEquals(0.26221, value, 0.001); } @Test public void testOnSignedLfrWithSixNodes() throws Exception { SignedModularityMetric metric = new SignedModularityMetric(); Cover cover = OcdTestCoverFactory.getSignedLfrSixNodesCover(); double value = metric.measure(cover); System.out.println("Modularity-Network with 6 nodes: " + value); assertEquals(0.1375, value, 0.001); } }