package; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.la4j.matrix.Matrix; import org.la4j.vector.Vector; public class ExtendedNormalizedMutualInformationMetric implements KnowledgeDrivenMeasure { @Override public void setParameters(Map<String, String> parameters) { } @Override public Map<String, String> getParameters() { return new HashMap<String, String>(); } @Override public double measure(Cover cover, Cover groundTruth) throws InterruptedException { double metricValue = 1; Map<Integer, Integer> coverCommunitySizes = determineCommunitySizes(cover); Map<Integer, Integer> groundTruthCommunitySizes = determineCommunitySizes(groundTruth); metricValue -= 0.5 * calculateArbitraryConditionalEntropy(cover, groundTruth, coverCommunitySizes, groundTruthCommunitySizes); metricValue -= 0.5 * calculateArbitraryConditionalEntropy(groundTruth, cover, groundTruthCommunitySizes, coverCommunitySizes); return metricValue; } /* * Determines the uncertainty about the membership of a node in an arbitrary community of cover 1, * when the community memberships of the node are known for cover 2. * @param cover1 The cover 1. * @param cover2 The cover 2. * @return The uncertainty calculated as the normalized conditional entropy. */ private double calculateArbitraryConditionalEntropy(Cover cover1, Cover cover2, Map<Integer, Integer> cover1CommunitySizes, Map<Integer, Integer> cover2CommunitySizes) throws InterruptedException { Matrix cover1Memberships = cover1.getMemberships(); Matrix cover2Memberships = cover2.getMemberships(); double minParticularConditionalEntropy; double currentParticularConditionalEntropy; double arbitraryConditionalEntropy = 0; double communityEntropy; double probability_x0; double probability_x1; int nodeCount = cover1.getGraph().nodeCount(); for(int i=0; i<cover1.communityCount(); i++) { minParticularConditionalEntropy = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; for(int j=0; j<cover2.communityCount(); j++) { if(Thread.interrupted()) { throw new InterruptedException(); } currentParticularConditionalEntropy = calculateParticularConditionalEntropy(cover1Memberships, cover2Memberships, i, j, cover1CommunitySizes.get(i), cover2CommunitySizes.get(j)); if(currentParticularConditionalEntropy < minParticularConditionalEntropy) { minParticularConditionalEntropy = currentParticularConditionalEntropy; } } if(minParticularConditionalEntropy != Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) { probability_x0 = (double)(nodeCount - cover1CommunitySizes.get(i)) / (double)nodeCount; probability_x1 = (double)cover1CommunitySizes.get(i) / (double)nodeCount; communityEntropy = 0; if(probability_x0 > 0) { communityEntropy -= probability_x0 * Math.log(probability_x0) / Math.log(2); } if(probability_x1 > 0) { communityEntropy -= probability_x1 * Math.log(probability_x1) / Math.log(2); } if(communityEntropy > 0) { minParticularConditionalEntropy /= communityEntropy; } else { minParticularConditionalEntropy = 1; } } else { minParticularConditionalEntropy = 1; } arbitraryConditionalEntropy += minParticularConditionalEntropy; } return arbitraryConditionalEntropy / (double)cover1.communityCount(); } /* * Determines the uncertainty about the membership of a node in a particular community of cover 1, when it is known * that the node is a member of a particular community in cover 2. * @param cover1Memberships The community memberships of cover 1. * @param cover2Memberships The community memberships of cover 2. * @param cover1CommunityIndex The index of the particular community of cover 1. * @param cover2CommunityIndex The index of the particular community of cover 2. * @param cover1CommunitySize The size of the particular community of cover 1. * @param cover2CommunitySize The size of the particular community of cover 2. * @return The uncertainty calculated as the conditional entropy, if eligible according to the * constraints of the definition of the NMI. Else positive infinity is returned. */ private double calculateParticularConditionalEntropy(Matrix cover1Memberships, Matrix cover2Memberships, int cover1CommunityIndex, int cover2CommunityIndex, int cover1CommunitySize, int cover2CommunitySize) { Vector cover1CommunityMemberships = cover1Memberships.getColumn(cover1CommunityIndex); Vector cover2CommunityMemberships = cover2Memberships.getColumn(cover2CommunityIndex); NonZeroEntriesVectorProcedure procedure = new NonZeroEntriesVectorProcedure(); /* * An entry is different than 0 iff the corresponding entries of both communities are different than 0. */ Vector sharedMemberships = cover1CommunityMemberships.hadamardProduct(cover2CommunityMemberships); sharedMemberships.eachNonZero(procedure); int sharedMembersCount = procedure.getNonZeroEntryCount(); procedure = new NonZeroEntriesVectorProcedure(); /* * An entry is different than 0 iff the corresponding entries of both communities are different than 0. * Positive memberships are assumed. */ Vector joinedMemberships = cover1CommunityMemberships.add(cover2CommunityMemberships); joinedMemberships.eachNonZero(procedure); int joinedMembersCount = procedure.getNonZeroEntryCount(); int nodeCount = cover1Memberships.rows(); /* * Probabilities of y */ double probability_y0 = (double)(nodeCount - cover2CommunitySize) / (double)nodeCount; double probability_y1 = (double)cover2CommunitySize / (double)nodeCount; /* * Conditional probabilities of x given y */ double probability_x0_y0 = (double)( nodeCount - joinedMembersCount ) / (double)nodeCount / probability_y0; double probability_x1_y0 = (double)( cover1CommunitySize - sharedMembersCount ) / (double)nodeCount / probability_y0; double probability_x0_y1 = (double)( cover2CommunitySize - sharedMembersCount ) / (double)nodeCount / probability_y1; double probability_x1_y1 = (double) sharedMembersCount / (double) nodeCount / probability_y1; double h_x0_y0 = 0; if(probability_x0_y0 > 0) { h_x0_y0 = - probability_x0_y0 * Math.log(probability_x0_y0) / Math.log(2d); } double h_x1_y0 = 0; if(probability_x1_y0 > 0) { h_x1_y0 = - probability_x1_y0 * Math.log(probability_x1_y0) / Math.log(2d); } double h_x0_y1 = 0; if(probability_x0_y1 > 0) { h_x0_y1 = - probability_x0_y1 * Math.log(probability_x0_y1) / Math.log(2d); } double h_x1_y1 = 0; if(probability_x1_y1 > 0) { h_x1_y1 = - probability_x1_y1 * Math.log(probability_x1_y1) / Math.log(2d); } double conditionalEntropy = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; if(h_x0_y0 + h_x1_y1 >= h_x1_y0 + h_x0_y1) { conditionalEntropy = (h_x0_y0 + h_x1_y0) * probability_y0; conditionalEntropy += (h_x0_y1 + h_x1_y1) * probability_y1; } return conditionalEntropy; } /* * Determines the community sizes of all communities of a cover. * @param cover The cover. * @return A mapping from the community indices to the community sizes. */ private Map<Integer, Integer> determineCommunitySizes(Cover cover) throws InterruptedException { Map<Integer, Integer> communitySizes = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); for(int i=0; i<cover.communityCount(); i++) { if(Thread.interrupted()) { throw new InterruptedException(); } communitySizes.put(i, cover.getCommunitySize(i)); } return communitySizes; } }