package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.la4j.vector.functor.VectorProcedure; /** * Vector procedure for determining the indices of vector entries below a threshold value. * @author Sebastian * */ public class BelowThresholdEntriesVectorProcedure implements VectorProcedure { private double threshold; private List<Integer> belowThresholdEntries = new ArrayList<Integer>(); /** * Creates a new instance for a specific threshold. * @param threshold The threshold. */ protected BelowThresholdEntriesVectorProcedure(double threshold) { this.threshold = threshold; } /** * Returns the entries. Note that the procedure must be run on a vector first. * @return The indices of the vector entries below the threshold. */ protected List<Integer> getBelowThresholdEntries() { return belowThresholdEntries; } @Override public void apply(int i, double value) { if (value < threshold) { belowThresholdEntries.add(i); } } }