package; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.la4j.matrix.Matrix; import org.la4j.matrix.sparse.CCSMatrix; import org.la4j.vector.Vector; import org.la4j.vector.Vectors; import org.la4j.vector.dense.BasicVector; import org.la4j.vector.functor.VectorAccumulator; import org.la4j.vector.sparse.CompressedVector; import y.base.Edge; import y.base.EdgeCursor; import y.base.Node; import y.base.NodeCursor; public class SskAlgorithm implements OcdAlgorithm { /** * The iteration bound for the leadership calculation phase. * The default value is 1000. Must be greater than 0. */ private int leadershipIterationBound = 1000; /** * The precision factor for the leadership calculation phase. * The phase ends when the infinity norm of the difference between the updated vector * and the previous one is smaller than this factor. * The default value is 0.001. Must be greater than 0 and smaller than infinity. * Recommended are values close to 0. */ private double leadershipPrecisionFactor = 0.001; /** * The iteration bound for the membership assignation phase. * The default value is 1000. Must be greater than 0. */ private int membershipsIterationBound = 1000; /** * The precision factor for the membership assignation phase. * The phase ends when the infinity norm of the difference between the updated membership * matrix and the previous one is smaller than this factor. * The default value is 0.001. Must be greater than 0 and smaller than infinity. * Recommended are values close to 0. */ private double membershipsPrecisionFactor = 0.001; /* * PARAMETER NAMES */ protected static final String LEADERSHIP_PRECISION_FACTOR_NAME = "leadershipPrecisionFactor"; protected static final String LEADERSHIP_ITERATION_BOUND_NAME = "leadershipIterationBound"; protected static final String MEMBERSHIPS_PRECISION_FACTOR_NAME = "membershipsPrecisionFactor"; protected static final String MEMBERSHIPS_ITERATION_BOUND_NAME = "membershipsIterationBound"; /** * Creates a standard instance of the algorithm. * All attributes are assigned their default values. */ public SskAlgorithm() { } @Override public CoverCreationType getAlgorithmType() { return CoverCreationType.SSK_ALGORITHM; } @Override public Map<String, String> getParameters() { Map<String, String> parameters = new HashMap<String, String>(); parameters.put(LEADERSHIP_ITERATION_BOUND_NAME, Integer.toString(leadershipIterationBound)); parameters.put(LEADERSHIP_PRECISION_FACTOR_NAME, Double.toString(leadershipPrecisionFactor)); parameters.put(MEMBERSHIPS_ITERATION_BOUND_NAME, Integer.toString(membershipsIterationBound)); parameters.put(MEMBERSHIPS_PRECISION_FACTOR_NAME, Double.toString(membershipsPrecisionFactor)); return parameters; } @Override public void setParameters(Map<String, String> parameters) throws IllegalArgumentException { if(parameters.containsKey(LEADERSHIP_ITERATION_BOUND_NAME)) { leadershipIterationBound = Integer.parseInt(parameters.get(LEADERSHIP_ITERATION_BOUND_NAME)); if(leadershipIterationBound <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } parameters.remove(LEADERSHIP_ITERATION_BOUND_NAME); } if(parameters.containsKey(LEADERSHIP_PRECISION_FACTOR_NAME)) { leadershipPrecisionFactor = Double.parseDouble(parameters.get(LEADERSHIP_PRECISION_FACTOR_NAME)); if(leadershipPrecisionFactor <= 0 || leadershipPrecisionFactor == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } parameters.remove(LEADERSHIP_PRECISION_FACTOR_NAME); } if(parameters.containsKey(MEMBERSHIPS_ITERATION_BOUND_NAME)) { membershipsIterationBound = Integer.parseInt(parameters.get(MEMBERSHIPS_ITERATION_BOUND_NAME)); if(membershipsIterationBound <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } parameters.remove(MEMBERSHIPS_ITERATION_BOUND_NAME); } if(parameters.containsKey(MEMBERSHIPS_PRECISION_FACTOR_NAME)) { membershipsPrecisionFactor = Double.parseDouble(parameters.get(MEMBERSHIPS_PRECISION_FACTOR_NAME)); if(membershipsPrecisionFactor <= 0 || membershipsPrecisionFactor == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } parameters.remove(MEMBERSHIPS_PRECISION_FACTOR_NAME); } if(parameters.size() > 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } @Override public Set<GraphType> compatibleGraphTypes() { Set<GraphType> types = new HashSet<GraphType>(); types.add(GraphType.DIRECTED); types.add(GraphType.WEIGHTED); return types; } @Override public Cover detectOverlappingCommunities(CustomGraph graph) throws InterruptedException { Matrix transitionMatrix = calculateTransitionMatrix(graph); Vector totalInfluences = executeRandomWalk(transitionMatrix); Map<Node, Integer> leaders = determineGlobalLeaders(graph, transitionMatrix, totalInfluences); Matrix memberships = calculateMemberships(graph, leaders); return new Cover(graph, memberships); } /* * Determines the membership matrix through a random walk process. * @param graph The graph being analyzed. * @param leaders A mapping from the community leader nodes to the indices of their communities. * @return The membership matrix. */ protected Matrix calculateMemberships(CustomGraph graph, Map<Node, Integer> leaders) throws InterruptedException { Matrix coefficients = initMembershipCoefficientMatrix(graph, leaders); Matrix memberships; Matrix updatedMemberships = initMembershipMatrix(graph, leaders); Vector membershipContributionVector; Vector updatedMembershipVector; NodeCursor nodes = graph.nodes(); Node node; NodeCursor successors; Node successor; double coefficient; int iteration = 0; do { memberships = updatedMemberships; updatedMemberships = new CCSMatrix(memberships.rows(), memberships.columns()); while(nodes.ok()) { if(Thread.interrupted()) { throw new InterruptedException(); } node = nodes.node(); if(!leaders.keySet().contains(node)) { successors = node.successors(); updatedMembershipVector = new CompressedVector(memberships.columns()); while(successors.ok()) { successor = successors.node(); coefficient = coefficients.get(successor.index(), node.index()); membershipContributionVector = memberships.getRow(successor.index()).multiply(coefficient); updatedMembershipVector = updatedMembershipVector.add(membershipContributionVector);; } updatedMemberships.setRow(node.index(), updatedMembershipVector); } else { updatedMemberships.set(node.index(), leaders.get(node), 1); }; } nodes.toFirst(); iteration++; } while (getMaxDifference(updatedMemberships, memberships) > membershipsPrecisionFactor && iteration < membershipsIterationBound); return memberships; } /* * Returns the maximum difference between two matrices. * It is calculated entry-wise as the greatest absolute value * of any entry in the difference among the two matrices. * @param matA The first matrix. * @param matB The second matrix. * @return The maximum difference. */ protected double getMaxDifference(Matrix matA, Matrix matB) throws InterruptedException { Matrix diffMatrix = matA.subtract(matB); double maxDifference = 0; double curDifference; VectorAccumulator accumulator = Vectors.mkInfinityNormAccumulator(); for(int i=0; i<diffMatrix.columns(); i++) { if(Thread.interrupted()) { throw new InterruptedException(); } curDifference = diffMatrix.getColumn(i).fold(accumulator); if(curDifference > maxDifference) { maxDifference = curDifference; } } return maxDifference; } /* * Initializes the membership matrix for the memberships assignation phase. * Leader nodes are set to belong entirely to their own community. All other nodes * have equal memberships for all communities. * @param graph The graph being analyzed. * @param leaders A mapping from the leader nodes to their community indices. * @return The initial membership matrix. */ protected Matrix initMembershipMatrix(CustomGraph graph, Map<Node, Integer> leaders) throws InterruptedException { int communityCount = Collections.max(leaders.values()) + 1; Matrix memberships = new CCSMatrix(graph.nodeCount(), communityCount); NodeCursor nodes = graph.nodes(); Node node; while(nodes.ok()) { if(Thread.interrupted()) { throw new InterruptedException(); } node = nodes.node(); if(leaders.keySet().contains(node)) { memberships.set(node.index(), leaders.get(node), 1); } else { for(int i=0; i<memberships.columns(); i++) { memberships.set(node.index(), i, 1d / (double)communityCount); } }; } return memberships; } /* * Initializes the membership coefficient matrix C for the memberships assignation phase. * The coefficient of the membership vector of node i for the calculation of the updated * memberships of node j is stored in entry C_ij, where i and j are the node indices. * @param graph The graph being analyzed. * @param leaders A mapping from the leader nodes to their community indices. * @return The membership coefficient matrix. */ protected Matrix initMembershipCoefficientMatrix(CustomGraph graph, Map<Node, Integer> leaders) throws InterruptedException { Matrix coefficients = new CCSMatrix(graph.nodeCount(), graph.nodeCount()); EdgeCursor edges = graph.edges(); Edge edge; while(edges.ok()) { if(Thread.interrupted()) { throw new InterruptedException(); } edge = edges.edge(); coefficients.set(, edge.source().index(), graph.getEdgeWeight(edge));; } Vector column; double norm; for(int i=0; i<coefficients.columns(); i++) { if(Thread.interrupted()) { throw new InterruptedException(); } column = coefficients.getColumn(i); norm = column.fold(Vectors.mkManhattanNormAccumulator()); if(norm > 0) { coefficients.setColumn(i, column.divide(norm)); } } return coefficients; } /* * Returns the global leaders of the graph. * @param graph The graph being analyzed. * @param transitionMatrix The transition matrix used for the random walk. * @param totalInfluences The total influences determined via the random walk * @return The global leaders of the graph. The community index of each leader node is * derivable from the mapping. Note that several leaders may belong to the same * community. */ protected Map<Node, Integer> determineGlobalLeaders(CustomGraph graph, Matrix transitionMatrix, Vector totalInfluences) throws InterruptedException{ NodeCursor nodes = graph.nodes(); Node node; NodeCursor successors; Node successor; double relativeInfluence; double maxRelativeInfluence; List<Node> maxRelativeInfluenceNeighbors; Map<Node, Integer> communityLeaders = new HashMap<Node, Integer>(); List<Node> currentCommunityLeaders; double nodeInfluenceOnNeighbor; double neighborInfluenceOnNode; int communityCount = 0; while(nodes.ok()) { if(Thread.interrupted()) { throw new InterruptedException(); } node = nodes.node(); successors = node.successors(); maxRelativeInfluence = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; maxRelativeInfluenceNeighbors = new ArrayList<Node>(); while(successors.ok()) { successor = successors.node(); relativeInfluence = transitionMatrix.get(successor.index(), node.index()); if(relativeInfluence >= maxRelativeInfluence) { if(relativeInfluence > maxRelativeInfluence) { maxRelativeInfluenceNeighbors.clear(); maxRelativeInfluence = relativeInfluence; } maxRelativeInfluenceNeighbors.add(successor); }; } currentCommunityLeaders = new ArrayList<Node>(); currentCommunityLeaders.add(node); for(int i=0; i<maxRelativeInfluenceNeighbors.size(); i++) { Node maxRelativeInfluenceNeighbor = maxRelativeInfluenceNeighbors.get(i); nodeInfluenceOnNeighbor = totalInfluences.get(node.index()) * transitionMatrix.get(node.index(), maxRelativeInfluenceNeighbor.index()); neighborInfluenceOnNode = totalInfluences.get(maxRelativeInfluenceNeighbor.index()) * maxRelativeInfluence; if(neighborInfluenceOnNode > nodeInfluenceOnNeighbor) { /* * Not a leader */ currentCommunityLeaders.clear(); break; } else if (neighborInfluenceOnNode == nodeInfluenceOnNeighbor) { /* * There are potentially several community leaders. */ if(maxRelativeInfluenceNeighbor.index() < node.index()) { /* * Will detected community leaders only once in the iteration over the * node with the lowest index. */ currentCommunityLeaders.clear(); break; } else { /* * Node has the lowest index of the potential leaders for the current * community. The additional potential leader is added. */ currentCommunityLeaders.add(maxRelativeInfluenceNeighbor); } } } for(int i=0; i<currentCommunityLeaders.size(); i++) { communityLeaders.put(currentCommunityLeaders.get(i), communityCount); } if(currentCommunityLeaders.size() > 0) { communityCount++; }; } return communityLeaders; } /* * Executes a random walk on the transition matrix and returns the total node influences. * @param transitionMatrix The transition matrix. * @return A vector containing the total influence of each node under the corresponding node index. */ protected Vector executeRandomWalk(Matrix transitionMatrix) throws InterruptedException { Vector vec1 = new BasicVector(transitionMatrix.columns()); for(int i=0; i<vec1.length(); i++) { vec1.set(i, 1.0 / vec1.length()); } Vector vec2 = new BasicVector(vec1.length()); for(int i=0; vec1.subtract(vec2).fold(Vectors.mkInfinityNormAccumulator()) > leadershipPrecisionFactor && i < leadershipIterationBound; i++) { if(Thread.interrupted()) { throw new InterruptedException(); } vec2 = new BasicVector(vec1); vec1 = transitionMatrix.multiply(vec1); } return vec1; } /* * Calculates the transition matrix for the random walk phase. * @param graph The graph being analyzed. * @return The normalized transition matrix. */ protected Matrix calculateTransitionMatrix(CustomGraph graph) throws InterruptedException { Matrix transitionMatrix = new CCSMatrix(graph.nodeCount(), graph.nodeCount()); NodeCursor nodes = graph.nodes(); Node node; NodeCursor predecessors; Node predecessor; while(nodes.ok()) { if(Thread.interrupted()) { throw new InterruptedException(); } node = nodes.node(); predecessors = node.predecessors(); while(predecessors.ok()) { predecessor = predecessors.node(); transitionMatrix.set(node.index(), predecessor.index(), calculateTransitiveLinkWeight(graph, node, predecessor));; }; } Vector column; double norm; for(int i=0; i<transitionMatrix.columns(); i++) { if(Thread.interrupted()) { throw new InterruptedException(); } column = transitionMatrix.getColumn(i); norm = column.fold(Vectors.mkManhattanNormAccumulator()); if(norm > 0) { transitionMatrix.setColumn(i, column.divide(norm)); } } return transitionMatrix; } /* * Calculates the transitive link weight from source to target. * Note that target must be a successor of source. * @param graph The graph being analyzed. * @param target The link target. * @param source The link source. * @return The transitive link weight from source to target. */ protected double calculateTransitiveLinkWeight(CustomGraph graph, Node target, Node source) { NodeCursor successors = source.successors(); Node successor; double transitiveLinkWeight = 0; double linkWeight; Edge targetEdge; while(successors.ok()) { successor = successors.node(); if(successor != target) { targetEdge = successor.getEdgeTo(target); if(targetEdge != null) { /* * Contribution to the transitive link weight is chosen as the minimum weight * of the two triangle edges. */ linkWeight = graph.getEdgeWeight(source.getEdgeTo(successor)); linkWeight = Math.min(linkWeight, graph.getEdgeWeight(targetEdge)); transitiveLinkWeight += linkWeight; } } else { transitiveLinkWeight += graph.getEdgeWeight(source.getEdgeTo(target)); }; } return transitiveLinkWeight; } }