package; import i5.las2peer.api.Service; import i5.las2peer.restMapper.MediaType; import i5.las2peer.restMapper.RESTMapper; import i5.las2peer.restMapper.annotations.ContentParam; import i5.las2peer.restMapper.annotations.Version; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import io.swagger.annotations.Api; import io.swagger.annotations.ApiOperation; import io.swagger.annotations.ApiResponse; import io.swagger.annotations.ApiResponses; import io.swagger.annotations.Contact; import io.swagger.annotations.Info; import io.swagger.annotations.License; import io.swagger.annotations.SwaggerDefinition; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Level; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.persistence.EntityTransaction; import javax.persistence.TypedQuery; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.NotImplementedException; import org.la4j.matrix.sparse.CCSMatrix; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import b.b.b.b.b.n; /** * * LAS2peer Service Class * * Provides the RESTful interface of the overlapping community detection service. * * @author Sebastian * */ @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_XML) @Path("ocd") @Version("0.1") @Api @SwaggerDefinition( info = @Info( title = "OCD", version = "0.1", description = "A RESTful service for overlapping community detection.", termsOfService = "", contact = @Contact( name = "Sebastian Krott", email = "" ), license = @License( name = "Apache License 2", url = "" ) )) public class ServiceClass extends Service { /* * Service initialization. */ static { RequestHandler reqHandler = new RequestHandler(); reqHandler.log(Level.INFO, "Overlapping Community Detection Service started."); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////// ATTRIBUTES /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * The thread handler used for algorithm, benchmark and metric execution. */ private ThreadHandler threadHandler = new ThreadHandler(); /** * The request handler used for simple request-related tasks. */ private OcdRequestHandler requestHandler = new OcdRequestHandler(); /** * The factory used for creating benchmarks. */ private OcdBenchmarkFactory benchmarkFactory = new OcdBenchmarkFactory(); /** * The factory used for creating algorithms. */ private OcdAlgorithmFactory algorithmFactory = new OcdAlgorithmFactory(); /** * The factory used for creating metrics. */ private OcdMetricFactory metricFactory = new OcdMetricFactory(); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////// METHODS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////// GENERAL ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * This method is needed for every RESTful application in LAS2peer. * * @return the mapping */ public String getRESTMapping() { String result=""; try { result= RESTMapper.getMethodsAsXML(this.getClass()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result; } /** * Simple function to validate a user login. * Basically it only serves as a "calling point" and does not really validate a user * (since this is done previously by LAS2peer itself, the user does not reach this method * if he or she is not authenticated). * @return A confirmation XML. */ @GET @Path("validate") @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_XML) @ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "Success"), @ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Unauthorized") }) @ApiOperation(value = "User validation", notes = "Simple function to validate a user login.") public String validateLogin() { try { return requestHandler.writeConfirmationXml(); } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.SEVERE, "", e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.INTERNAL, "Internal system error."); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////// GRAPHS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Imports a graph. * @param nameStr The name for the graph. * @param creationTypeStr The creation type the graph was created by. * @param graphInputFormatStr The name of the graph input format. * @param doMakeUndirectedStr Optional query parameter. Defines whether directed edges shall be turned into undirected edges (TRUE) or not. * @param startDateStr Optional query parameter. For big graphs start date is the date from which the file will start parse. * @param endDateStr Optional query parameter. For big graphs end date is the date till which the file will parse. * @param indexPathStr Optional query parameter. Set index directory. * @param filePathStr Optional query parameter. For testing purpose, file location of local file can be given. * @param contentStr The graph input. * @return A graph id xml. * Or an error xml. */ @POST @Path("graphs") @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_XML) @Consumes(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN) @ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "Success"), @ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Unauthorized") }) @ApiOperation(value = "User validation", notes = "Imports a graph.") public String createGraph( @DefaultValue("unnamed") @QueryParam("name") String nameStr, @DefaultValue("UNDEFINED") @QueryParam("creationType") String creationTypeStr, @DefaultValue("GRAPH_ML") @QueryParam("inputFormat") String graphInputFormatStr, @DefaultValue("FALSE") @QueryParam("doMakeUndirected") String doMakeUndirectedStr, @DefaultValue("2004-01-01") @QueryParam("startDate") String startDateStr, @DefaultValue("2004-01-20") @QueryParam("endDate") String endDateStr, @DefaultValue("indexes") @QueryParam("indexPath") String indexPathStr, @DefaultValue("ocd/test/input/stackexAcademia.xml") @QueryParam("filePath") String filePathStr, @ContentParam String contentStr) { try { String username = ((UserAgent) getActiveAgent()).getLoginName(); GraphInputFormat format; CustomGraph graph; try { format = GraphInputFormat.valueOf(graphInputFormatStr); } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username, e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Specified input format does not exist."); } GraphCreationType benchmarkType; try { benchmarkType = GraphCreationType.valueOf(creationTypeStr); } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username, e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Specified input format does not exist."); } try { int subDirName = 0; File indexPathDir = new File(indexPathStr); if (indexPathDir.exists()) { for (String subDir : indexPathDir.list()) { if (Integer.parseInt(subDir) == subDirName) { subDirName++; } } } indexPathStr = indexPathStr + File.separator + String.valueOf(subDirName); } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username, e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.INTERNAL, "Index path exception."); } try { Map<String,String> param = new HashMap<String,String>(); if(format == GraphInputFormat.NODE_CONTENT_EDGE_LIST || format == GraphInputFormat.XML){ param.put("startDate", startDateStr); param.put("endDate", endDateStr); if(format == GraphInputFormat.XML){ param.put("indexPath", indexPathStr); param.put("filePath", filePathStr); }else{ param.put("path", indexPathStr); } } graph = requestHandler.parseGraph(contentStr, format, param); } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username, e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Input graph does not correspond to the specified format."); } boolean doMakeUndirected; try { doMakeUndirected = requestHandler.parseBoolean(doMakeUndirectedStr); } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username, e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Do make undirected ist not a boolean value."); } graph.setUserName(username); graph.setName(URLDecoder.decode(nameStr, "UTF-8")); GraphCreationLog log = new GraphCreationLog(benchmarkType, new HashMap<String, String>()); log.setStatus(ExecutionStatus.COMPLETED); graph.setCreationMethod(log); GraphProcessor processor = new GraphProcessor(); processor.determineGraphTypes(graph); if(doMakeUndirected) { Set<GraphType> graphTypes = graph.getTypes(); if(graphTypes.remove(GraphType.DIRECTED)) { processor.makeCompatible(graph, graphTypes); } } EntityManager em = requestHandler.getEntityManager(); EntityTransaction tx = em.getTransaction(); try { tx.begin(); em.persist(graph); tx.commit(); } catch( RuntimeException e ) { if( tx != null && tx.isActive() ) { tx.rollback(); } throw e; } em.close(); return requestHandler.writeId(graph); } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.SEVERE, "", e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.INTERNAL, "Internal system error."); } } /** * Stores big graphs step by step. * @param nameStr The name for the graph. * @param contentStr The graph input. * @return XML containing information about the stored file. */ @POST @Path("storegraph") @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_XML) @Consumes(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN) @ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "Success"), @ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Unauthorized") }) @ApiOperation(value = "User validation", notes = "Stores a graph step by step.") public String storeGraph( @DefaultValue("unnamed") @QueryParam("name") String nameStr, @ContentParam String contentStr) { String username = ((UserAgent) getActiveAgent()).getLoginName(); File graphDir = new File("tmp" + File.separator + username); if (!graphDir.exists()) { graphDir.mkdirs(); } File graphFile = new File(graphDir + File.separator + nameStr + ".txt"); try (FileWriter fileWriter = new FileWriter(graphFile, true); BufferedWriter bufferWritter = new BufferedWriter(fileWriter);) { if (!graphFile.exists()){ graphFile.createNewFile(); } bufferWritter.write(contentStr); bufferWritter.newLine(); } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username, e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.INTERNAL, "Internal system error."); } return "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-16\"?>" + "<File>" + "<Name>"+ graphFile.getName() +"</Name>" + "<Size>"+ graphFile.length() +"</Size>" + "<Message>"+ "File appned" +"</Message>" + "</File>"; } /** * Process the stored graph which was stored by storeGraph api. * @param nameStr The name for the stored graph. * @param creationTypeStr The creation type the graph was created by. * @param graphInputFormatStr The name of the graph input format. * @param doMakeUndirectedStr Optional query parameter. Defines whether directed edges shall be turned into undirected edges (TRUE) or not. * @param startDateStr Optional query parameter. For big graphs start date is the date from which the file will start parse. * @param endDateStr Optional query parameter. For big graphs end date is the date till which the file will parse. * @param indexPathStr Optional query parameter. Set index directory. * @param filePathStr Optional query parameter. For testing purpose, file location of local file can be given. * @return A graph id xml. * Or an error xml. */ @POST @Path("processgraph") @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_XML) @Consumes(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN) @ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "Success"), @ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Unauthorized") }) @ApiOperation(value = "User validation", notes = "Process the stored graph.") public String processStoredGraph( @DefaultValue("unnamed") @QueryParam("name") String nameStr, @DefaultValue("UNDEFINED") @QueryParam("creationType") String creationTypeStr, @DefaultValue("GRAPH_ML") @QueryParam("inputFormat") String graphInputFormatStr, @DefaultValue("FALSE") @QueryParam("doMakeUndirected") String doMakeUndirectedStr, @DefaultValue("2004-01-01") @QueryParam("startDate") String startDateStr, @DefaultValue("2004-01-20") @QueryParam("endDate") String endDateStr, @DefaultValue("indexes") @QueryParam("indexPath") String indexPathStr, @DefaultValue("ocd/test/input/stackexAcademia.xml") @QueryParam("filePath") String filePathStr) { String username = ((UserAgent) getActiveAgent()).getLoginName(); File graphDir = new File("tmp" + File.separator + username); File graphFile = new File(graphDir + File.separator + nameStr + ".txt"); StringBuffer contentStr = new StringBuffer(); if (!graphFile.exists()){ return requestHandler.writeError(Error.INTERNAL, "Graph Does not exists."); } try (FileReader fileWriter = new FileReader(graphFile); BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(fileWriter);) { String line; while ((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) { contentStr.append(line); contentStr.append("\n"); } } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username, e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.INTERNAL, "Internal system error."); } graphFile.delete(); return createGraph(nameStr, creationTypeStr, graphInputFormatStr, doMakeUndirectedStr, startDateStr, endDateStr, indexPathStr, filePathStr, contentStr.toString()); } /** * Returns the ids (or meta information) of multiple graphs. * @param firstIndexStr Optional query parameter. The result list index of the first id to return. Defaults to 0. * @param lengthStr Optional query parameter. The number of ids to return. Defaults to Long.MAX_VALUE. * @param includeMetaStr Optional query parameter. If TRUE, instead of the ids the META XML of each graph is returned. Defaults to FALSE. * @param executionStatusesStr Optional query parameter. If set only those graphs are returned whose creation method has one of the given ExecutionStatus names. * Multiple status names are separated using the "-" delimiter. * @return The graphs. * Or an error xml. */ @GET @Path("graphs") @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_XML) @ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "Success"), @ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Unauthorized") }) @ApiOperation(value = "Manage graphs", notes = "Returns the ids or meta information of multiple graphs.") public String getGraphs( @DefaultValue("0") @QueryParam("firstIndex") String firstIndexStr, @DefaultValue("") @QueryParam("length") String lengthStr, @DefaultValue("FALSE") @QueryParam("includeMeta") String includeMetaStr, @DefaultValue("") @QueryParam("executionStatuses") String executionStatusesStr) { try { String username = ((UserAgent) getActiveAgent()).getLoginName(); List<CustomGraph> queryResults; List<Integer> executionStatusIds = new ArrayList<Integer>(); if(!executionStatusesStr.equals("")) { try { List<String> executionStatusesStrList = requestHandler.parseQueryMultiParam(executionStatusesStr); for(String executionStatusStr : executionStatusesStrList) { ExecutionStatus executionStatus = ExecutionStatus.valueOf(executionStatusStr); executionStatusIds.add(executionStatus.getId()); } } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username, e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Specified execution status does not exist."); } } else { for(ExecutionStatus executionStatus : ExecutionStatus.values()) { executionStatusIds.add(executionStatus.getId()); } } EntityManager em = requestHandler.getEntityManager(); String queryStr = "SELECT g FROM CustomGraph g" + " JOIN g." + CustomGraph.CREATION_METHOD_FIELD_NAME + " b" + " WHERE g." + CustomGraph.USER_NAME_FIELD_NAME + " = :username" + " AND b." + GraphCreationLog.STATUS_ID_FIELD_NAME + " IN :execStatusIds"; TypedQuery<CustomGraph> query = em.createQuery(queryStr, CustomGraph.class); try { int firstIndex = Integer.parseInt(firstIndexStr); query.setFirstResult(firstIndex); } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username, e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "First index is not valid."); } try { if(!lengthStr.equals("")) { int length = Integer.parseInt(lengthStr); query.setMaxResults(length); } } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username, e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Length is not valid."); } boolean includeMeta; try { includeMeta = requestHandler.parseBoolean(includeMetaStr); } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "", e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Include meta is not a boolean value."); } query.setParameter("username", username); query.setParameter("execStatusIds", executionStatusIds); queryResults = query.getResultList(); em.close(); String responseStr; if(includeMeta) { responseStr = requestHandler.writeGraphMetas(queryResults); } else { responseStr = requestHandler.writeGraphIds(queryResults); } return responseStr; } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.SEVERE, "", e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.INTERNAL, "Internal system error."); } } /** * Returns a graph in a specified output format. * @param graphIdStr The graph id. * @param graphOutputFormatStr The name of the graph output format. * @return The graph output. * Or an error xml. */ @GET @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN) @ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "Success"), @ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Unauthorized") }) @Path("graphs/{graphId}") @ApiOperation(value = "", notes = "Returns a graph in a specified output format.") public String getGraph( @DefaultValue("GRAPH_ML") @QueryParam("outputFormat") String graphOutputFormatStr, @PathParam("graphId") String graphIdStr) { try { long graphId; String username = ((UserAgent) getActiveAgent()).getLoginName(); GraphOutputFormat format; try { graphId = Long.parseLong(graphIdStr); } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username, e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Graph id is not valid."); } try { format = GraphOutputFormat.valueOf(graphOutputFormatStr); } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username, e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Specified graph output format does not exist."); } EntityManager em = requestHandler.getEntityManager(); CustomGraphId id = new CustomGraphId(graphId, username); EntityTransaction tx = em.getTransaction(); CustomGraph graph; try { tx.begin(); graph = em.find(CustomGraph.class, id); if(graph == null) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username + ", " + "Graph does not exist: graph id " + graphId); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Graph does not exist: graph id " + graphId); } tx.commit(); } catch( RuntimeException e ) { if( tx != null && tx.isActive() ) { tx.rollback(); } throw e; } em.close(); return requestHandler.writeGraph(graph, format); } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.SEVERE, "", e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.INTERNAL, "Internal system error."); } } /** * Deletes a graph. * All covers based on the graph are removed as well. * If a benchmark is currently calculating the graph the execution is terminated. * If an algorithm is currently calculating a cover based on the graph it is terminated. * If a metric is currently running on a cover based on the grap it is terminated. * @param graphIdStr The graph id. * @return A confirmation xml. * Or an error xml. */ @DELETE @Path("graphs/{graphId}") @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_XML) @ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "Success"), @ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Unauthorized") }) @ApiOperation(value = "", notes = "Deletes a graph.") public String deleteGraph( @PathParam("graphId") String graphIdStr) { try { long graphId; String username = ((UserAgent) getActiveAgent()).getLoginName(); try { graphId = Long.parseLong(graphIdStr); } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username, e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Graph id is not valid."); } EntityManager em = requestHandler.getEntityManager(); CustomGraphId id = new CustomGraphId(graphId, username); CustomGraph graph; synchronized(threadHandler) { EntityTransaction tx = em.getTransaction(); try { tx.begin(); graph = em.find(CustomGraph.class, id); if(graph == null) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username + ", " + "Graph does not exist: graph id " + graphId); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Graph does not exist: graph id " + graphId); } tx.commit(); } catch( RuntimeException e ) { if( tx != null && tx.isActive() ) { tx.rollback(); } throw e; } threadHandler.interruptBenchmark(id); List<Cover> queryResults; String queryStr = "SELECT c from Cover c" + " JOIN c." + Cover.GRAPH_FIELD_NAME + " g" + " WHERE g." + CustomGraph.USER_NAME_FIELD_NAME + " = :username" + " AND g." + CustomGraph.ID_FIELD_NAME + " = " + graphId; TypedQuery<Cover> query = em.createQuery(queryStr, Cover.class); query.setParameter("username", username); queryResults = query.getResultList(); for(Cover cover : queryResults) { threadHandler.interruptAll(cover); tx = em.getTransaction(); try { tx.begin(); em.remove(cover); tx.commit(); } catch( RuntimeException e ) { if( tx != null && tx.isActive() ) { tx.rollback(); } throw e; } } try { tx = em.getTransaction(); tx.begin(); em.remove(graph); tx.commit(); } catch( RuntimeException e ) { if( tx != null && tx.isActive() ) { tx.rollback(); } throw e; } } return requestHandler.writeConfirmationXml(); } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.SEVERE, "", e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.INTERNAL, "Internal system error."); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////// COVERS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Imports a cover for an existing graph. * @param graphIdStr The id of the graph that the cover is based on. * @param nameStr A name for the cover. * @param creationTypeStr The creation type the cover was created by. * @param coverInputFormatStr The name of the input format. * @param contentStr The cover input. * @return A cover id xml. * Or an error xml. */ @POST @Path("covers/graphs/{graphId}") @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_XML) @Consumes(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN) @ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "Success"), @ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Unauthorized") }) @ApiOperation(value = "", notes = "Imports a cover for an existing graph.") public String createCover( @PathParam("graphId") String graphIdStr, @DefaultValue("unnamed") @QueryParam("name") String nameStr, @DefaultValue("UNDEFINED") @QueryParam("creationType") String creationTypeStr, @DefaultValue("LABELED_MEMBERSHIP_MATRIX") @QueryParam("inputFormat") String coverInputFormatStr, @ContentParam String contentStr) { try { String username = ((UserAgent) getActiveAgent()).getLoginName(); long graphId; try { graphId = Long.parseLong(graphIdStr); } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username, e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Graph id is not valid."); } CoverInputFormat format; try { format = CoverInputFormat.valueOf(coverInputFormatStr); } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username, e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Specified cover input format does not exist."); } CoverCreationType algorithmType; try { algorithmType = CoverCreationType.valueOf(creationTypeStr); } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username, e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Specified algorithm does not exist."); } Set<GraphType> graphTypes; if(algorithmFactory.isInstantiatable(algorithmType)) { OcdAlgorithm algorithm; algorithm = algorithmFactory.getInstance(algorithmType, new HashMap<String, String>()); graphTypes = algorithm.compatibleGraphTypes(); } else { graphTypes = new HashSet<GraphType>(); } CoverCreationLog log = new CoverCreationLog(algorithmType, new HashMap<String, String>(), graphTypes); log.setStatus(ExecutionStatus.COMPLETED); EntityManager em = requestHandler.getEntityManager(); EntityTransaction tx = em.getTransaction(); CustomGraphId id = new CustomGraphId(graphId, username); Cover cover; try { tx.begin(); CustomGraph graph = em.find(CustomGraph.class, id); if(graph == null) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username + ", " + "Graph does not exist: graph id " + graphId); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Graph does not exist: graph id " + graphId); } try { cover = requestHandler.parseCover(contentStr, graph, format); } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username, e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Input cover does not correspond to the specified format."); } cover.setCreationMethod(log); cover.setName(URLDecoder.decode(nameStr, "UTF-8")); em.persist(cover); tx.commit(); } catch( RuntimeException e ) { if( tx != null && tx.isActive() ) { tx.rollback(); } throw e; } em.close(); return requestHandler.writeId(cover); } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.SEVERE, "", e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.INTERNAL, "Internal system error."); } } /** * Returns the ids (or meta information) of multiple covers. * @param firstIndexStr Optional query parameter. The result list index of the first id to return. Defaults to 0. * @param lengthStr Optional query parameter. The number of ids to return. Defaults to Long.MAX_VALUE. * @param includeMetaStr Optional query parameter. If TRUE, instead of the ids the META XML of each graph is returned. Defaults to FALSE. * @param executionStatusesStr Optional query parameter. If set only those covers are returned whose creation method status corresponds to one of the given ExecutionStatus names. * Multiple status names are separated using the "-" delimiter. * @param metricExecutionStatusesStr Optional query parameter. * If set only those covers are returned that have a corresponding metric log * with a status corresponding to one of the given ExecutionStatus names. * Multiple status names are separated using the "-" delimiter. * @param graphIdStr Optional query parameter. If set only those covers are returned that are based on the corresponding graph. * @return The covers. * Or an error xml. */ @GET @Path("covers") @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_XML) @ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "Success"), @ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Unauthorized") }) @ApiOperation(value = "Manage covers", notes = "Returns the ids (or meta information) of multiple covers.") public String getCovers( @DefaultValue("0") @QueryParam("firstIndex") String firstIndexStr, @DefaultValue("") @QueryParam("length") String lengthStr, @DefaultValue("FALSE") @QueryParam("includeMeta") String includeMetaStr, @DefaultValue("") @QueryParam("executionStatuses") String executionStatusesStr, @DefaultValue("") @QueryParam("metricExecutionStatuses") String metricExecutionStatusesStr, @DefaultValue("") @QueryParam("graphId") String graphIdStr) { try { String username = ((UserAgent) getActiveAgent()).getLoginName(); long graphId = 0; if(!graphIdStr.equals("")) { try { graphId = Long.parseLong(graphIdStr); } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username, e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Graph id is not valid."); } } List<Integer> executionStatusIds = new ArrayList<Integer>(); if(!executionStatusesStr.equals("")) { try { List<String> executionStatusesStrList = requestHandler.parseQueryMultiParam(executionStatusesStr); for(String executionStatusStr : executionStatusesStrList) { ExecutionStatus executionStatus = ExecutionStatus.valueOf(executionStatusStr); executionStatusIds.add(executionStatus.getId()); } } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username, e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Specified execution status does not exist."); } } else { for(ExecutionStatus executionStatus : ExecutionStatus.values()) { executionStatusIds.add(executionStatus.getId()); } } List<Integer> metricExecutionStatusIds = new ArrayList<Integer>(); if(!metricExecutionStatusesStr.equals("")) { try { List<String> metricExecutionStatusesStrList = requestHandler.parseQueryMultiParam(metricExecutionStatusesStr); for(String executionStatusStr : metricExecutionStatusesStrList) { ExecutionStatus executionStatus = ExecutionStatus.valueOf(executionStatusStr); metricExecutionStatusIds.add(executionStatus.getId()); } } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username, e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Specified metric execution status does not exist."); } } List<Cover> queryResults; EntityManager em = requestHandler.getEntityManager(); /* * Query */ String queryStr = "SELECT c from Cover c" + " JOIN c." + Cover.GRAPH_FIELD_NAME + " g" + " JOIN c." + Cover.CREATION_METHOD_FIELD_NAME + " a"; if(!metricExecutionStatusesStr.equals("")) { queryStr += " JOIN c." + Cover.METRICS_FIELD_NAME + " m"; } queryStr += " WHERE g." + CustomGraph.USER_NAME_FIELD_NAME + " = :username" + " AND a." + CoverCreationLog.STATUS_ID_FIELD_NAME + " IN :execStatusIds"; if(!metricExecutionStatusesStr.equals("")) { queryStr += " AND m." + OcdMetricLog.STATUS_ID_FIELD_NAME + " IN :metricExecStatusIds"; } if(!graphIdStr.equals("")) { queryStr += " AND g." + CustomGraph.ID_FIELD_NAME + " = " + graphId; } /* * Gets each cover only once. */ queryStr += " GROUP BY c"; TypedQuery<Cover> query = em.createQuery(queryStr, Cover.class); try { int firstIndex = Integer.parseInt(firstIndexStr); query.setFirstResult(firstIndex); } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username, e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "First index is not valid."); } try { if(!lengthStr.equals("")) { int length = Integer.parseInt(lengthStr); query.setMaxResults(length); } } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username, e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Length is not valid."); } boolean includeMeta; try { includeMeta = requestHandler.parseBoolean(includeMetaStr); } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "", e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Include meta is not a boolean value."); } query.setParameter("username", username); query.setParameter("execStatusIds", executionStatusIds); if(!metricExecutionStatusesStr.equals("")) { query.setParameter("metricExecStatusIds", metricExecutionStatusIds); } queryResults = query.getResultList(); em.close(); String responseStr; if(includeMeta) { responseStr = requestHandler.writeCoverMetas(queryResults); } else { responseStr = requestHandler.writeCoverIds(queryResults); } return responseStr; } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.SEVERE, "", e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.INTERNAL, "Internal system error."); } } /** * Returns a cover in a specified format. * @param graphIdStr The id of the graph that the cover is based on. * @param coverIdStr The cover id. * @param coverOutputFormatStr The cover output format. * @return The cover output. * Or an error xml. */ @GET @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN) @ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "Success"), @ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Unauthorized") }) @Path("covers/{coverId}/graphs/{graphId}") @ApiOperation(value = "", notes = "Returns a cover in a specified format.") public String getCover( @PathParam("graphId") String graphIdStr, @PathParam("coverId") String coverIdStr, @DefaultValue("LABELED_MEMBERSHIP_MATRIX") @QueryParam("outputFormat") String coverOutputFormatStr) { try { String username = ((UserAgent) getActiveAgent()).getLoginName(); long graphId; try { graphId = Long.parseLong(graphIdStr); } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username, e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Graph id is not valid."); } long coverId; try { coverId = Long.parseLong(coverIdStr); } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username, e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Cover id is not valid."); } CoverOutputFormat format; try { format = CoverOutputFormat.valueOf(coverOutputFormatStr); } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username, e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Specified cover output format does not exist."); } EntityManager em = requestHandler.getEntityManager(); CustomGraphId gId = new CustomGraphId(graphId, username); CoverId cId = new CoverId(coverId, gId); /* * Finds cover */ EntityTransaction tx = em.getTransaction(); Cover cover; try { tx.begin(); cover = em.find(Cover.class, cId); tx.commit(); } catch( RuntimeException e ) { if( tx != null && tx.isActive() ) { tx.rollback(); } throw e; } if(cover == null) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username + ", " + "Cover does not exist: cover id " + coverId + ", graph id " + graphId); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Cover does not exist: cover id " + coverId + ", graph id " + graphId); } return requestHandler.writeCover(cover, format); } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.SEVERE, "", e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.INTERNAL, "Internal system error."); } } /** * Deletes a cover. * If the cover is still being created by an algorithm, the algorithm is terminated. * If the cover is still being created by a ground truth benchmark, * the benchmark is terminated and the corresponding graph is deleted as well. * If metrics are running on the cover, they are terminated. * @param coverIdStr The cover id. * @param graphIdStr The graph id of the graph corresponding the cover. * @return A confirmation xml. * Or an error xml. */ @DELETE @Path("covers/{coverId}/graphs/{graphId}") @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_XML) @ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "Success"), @ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Unauthorized") }) @ApiOperation(value = "", notes = "Deletes a cover.") public String deleteCover( @PathParam("coverId") String coverIdStr, @PathParam("graphId") String graphIdStr) { try { String username = ((UserAgent) getActiveAgent()).getLoginName(); long graphId; try { graphId = Long.parseLong(graphIdStr); } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username, e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Graph id is not valid."); } long coverId; try { coverId = Long.parseLong(coverIdStr); } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username, e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Cover id is not valid."); } EntityManager em = requestHandler.getEntityManager(); CustomGraphId gId = new CustomGraphId(graphId, username); CoverId cId = new CoverId(coverId, gId); /* * Checks whether cover is being calculated by a ground truth benchmark and if so deletes the graph instead. */ EntityTransaction tx = em.getTransaction(); Cover cover; try { tx.begin(); cover = em.find(Cover.class, cId); tx.commit(); } catch( RuntimeException e ) { if( tx != null && tx.isActive() ) { tx.rollback(); } throw e; } if(cover == null) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username + ", " + "Cover does not exist: cover id " + coverId + ", graph id " + graphId); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Cover does not exist: cover id " + coverId + ", graph id " + graphId); } if(cover.getCreationMethod().getType().correspondsGroundTruthBenchmark() && cover.getCreationMethod().getStatus() != ExecutionStatus.COMPLETED) { return this.deleteGraph(graphIdStr); } /* * Deletes the cover. */ synchronized(threadHandler) { tx = em.getTransaction(); try { tx.begin(); cover = em.find(Cover.class, cId); tx.commit(); } catch( RuntimeException e ) { if( tx != null && tx.isActive() ) { tx.rollback(); } throw e; } if(cover == null) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username + ", " + "Cover does not exist: cover id " + coverId + ", graph id " + graphId); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Cover does not exist: cover id " + coverId + ", graph id " + graphId); } /* * Interrupts algorithms and metrics. */ threadHandler.interruptAll(cover); /* * Removes cover */ tx = em.getTransaction(); try { tx.begin(); em.remove(cover); tx.commit(); } catch( RuntimeException e ) { if( tx != null && tx.isActive() ) { tx.rollback(); } throw e; } em.close(); return requestHandler.writeConfirmationXml(); } } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.SEVERE, "", e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.INTERNAL, "Internal system error."); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////// ALGORITHMS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Creates a new cover by running an algorithm on an existing graph. * @param graphIdStr The id of the graph to run the algorithm on, must have the creation method status completed. * @param nameStr The name for the cover. * @param creationTypeStr The name of a cover creation type corresponding to an ocd algorithm. * Defines the algorithm to execute. * @param content A parameter xml defining any non-default parameters passed to the algorithm. * @param componentNodeCountFilterStr Option query parameter. The component node count filter applied by the OcdAlgorithmExecutor. * @param contentWeighting The boolean value to enable content-based weighting * @return The id of the cover being calculated which is reserved for the algorithm result. * Or an error xml. */ @POST @Path("covers/graphs/{graphId}/algorithms") @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_XML) @Consumes(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN) @ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "Success"), @ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Unauthorized") }) @ApiOperation(value = "", notes = "Creates a new cover by running an algorithm on an existing graph.") public String runAlgorithm( @PathParam("graphId") String graphIdStr, @DefaultValue("unnamed") @QueryParam("name") String nameStr, @DefaultValue("SPEAKER_LISTENER_LABEL_PROPAGATION_ALGORITHM") @QueryParam("algorithm") String creationTypeStr, @ContentParam String content, @DefaultValue("false") @QueryParam("contentWeighting") String contentWeighting, @DefaultValue("0") @QueryParam("componentNodeCountFilter") String componentNodeCountFilterStr) { try { int componentNodeCountFilter; long graphId; String username = ((UserAgent) getActiveAgent()).getLoginName(); CoverCreationType algorithmType; try { graphId = Long.parseLong(graphIdStr); } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username, e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Graph id is not valid."); } try { componentNodeCountFilter = Integer.parseInt(componentNodeCountFilterStr); } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username, e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Component node count filter is not valid."); } try { algorithmType = CoverCreationType.valueOf(creationTypeStr); if(algorithmType == CoverCreationType.UNDEFINED || algorithmType == CoverCreationType.GROUND_TRUTH) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username + ", " + "Specified algorithm type is not valid for this request: " +; return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Specified algorithm type is not valid for this request: " +; } } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username, e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Specified algorithm does not exist."); } OcdAlgorithm algorithm; Map<String, String> parameters; try { parameters = requestHandler.parseParameters(content); algorithm = algorithmFactory.getInstance(algorithmType, parameters); } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username, e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Parameters are not valid."); } Cover cover; EntityManager em = requestHandler.getEntityManager(); CustomGraphId id = new CustomGraphId(graphId, username); CoverCreationLog log; synchronized(threadHandler) { EntityTransaction tx = em.getTransaction(); CustomGraph graph; try { tx.begin(); graph = em.find(CustomGraph.class, id); if(graph == null) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username + ", " + "Graph does not exist: graph id " + graphId); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Graph does not exist: graph id " + graphId); } if(graph.getCreationMethod().getStatus() != ExecutionStatus.COMPLETED) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username + ", " + "Invalid graph creation method status for metric execution: " + graph.getCreationMethod().getStatus().name()); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Invalid graph creation method status for metric execution: " + graph.getCreationMethod().getStatus().name()); } boolean weight = Boolean.parseBoolean(contentWeighting); if(weight && (algorithm.getAlgorithmType() == CoverCreationType.COST_FUNC_OPT_CLUSTERING_ALGORITHM || algorithm.getAlgorithmType() == CoverCreationType.WORD_CLUSTERING_REF_ALGORITHM)){ requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username + ", " + "Invalid algorihtm in combination of weighting requested: " + algorithm.getAlgorithmType().toString()); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Invalid algorihtm in combination of weighting requested:" + algorithm.getAlgorithmType().toString()); } if(weight){ ContentBasedWeightingAlgorithm weightAlgo = new ContentBasedWeightingAlgorithm(); graph = weightAlgo.detectOverlappingCommunities(graph, new ExecutionTime()); } cover = new Cover(graph, new CCSMatrix(graph.nodeCount(), 0)); log = new CoverCreationLog(algorithmType, parameters, algorithm.compatibleGraphTypes()); cover.setCreationMethod(log); cover.setName(URLDecoder.decode(nameStr, "UTF-8")); em.persist(cover); tx.commit(); } catch( RuntimeException e ) { if( tx != null && tx.isActive() ) { tx.rollback(); } throw e; } em.close(); /* * Registers and starts algorithm */ threadHandler.runAlgorithm(cover, algorithm, componentNodeCountFilter); } return requestHandler.writeId(cover); } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.SEVERE, "", e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.INTERNAL, "Internal system error."); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////// BENCHMARKS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Creates a ground truth benchmark cover. * @param coverNameStr The name for the cover. * @param graphNameStr The name for the underlying benchmark graph. * @param creationTypeStr The name of a graph creation type corresponding a ground truth benchmark. * @param contentStr A parameter xml defining any non-default parameters passed to the benchmark. * @return The id of the cover being calculated which is reserved for the benchmark result * (contains also the id of the graph being calculated which is reserved for the benchmark result as well). * Or an error xml. */ @POST @Path("graphs/benchmarks") @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_XML) @Consumes(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN) @ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "Success"), @ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Unauthorized") }) @ApiOperation(value = "", notes = "Creates a ground truth benchmark cover.") public String runGroundTruthBenchmark( @DefaultValue("unnamed") @QueryParam("coverName") String coverNameStr, @DefaultValue("unnamed") @QueryParam("graphName") String graphNameStr, @DefaultValue("LFR") @QueryParam("benchmark") String creationTypeStr, @ContentParam String contentStr) { try { String username = ((UserAgent) getActiveAgent()).getLoginName(); GraphCreationType benchmarkType; CoverCreationType coverCreationType; try { benchmarkType = GraphCreationType.valueOf(creationTypeStr); coverCreationType = CoverCreationType.valueOf(creationTypeStr); } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username, e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Specified benchmark does not exist."); } Map<String, String> parameters; GroundTruthBenchmark benchmark; if(!benchmarkFactory.isInstantiatable(benchmarkType)) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username + ", " + "Specified benchmark is not instantiatable: " +; return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Specified benchmark is not instantiatable: "+; } else if(!benchmarkType.correspondsGroundTruthBenchmark()) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username + ", " + "Specified benchmark is not a ground truth benchmark: " +; return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Specified benchmark is not a ground truth benchmark: "+; } else { try { parameters = requestHandler.parseParameters(contentStr); benchmark = (GroundTruthBenchmark)benchmarkFactory.getInstance(benchmarkType, parameters); } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username, e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Parameters are not valid."); } } EntityManager em = requestHandler.getEntityManager(); CustomGraph graph = new CustomGraph(); graph.setName(URLDecoder.decode(graphNameStr, "UTF-8")); graph.setUserName(username); GraphCreationLog log = new GraphCreationLog(benchmarkType, parameters); log.setStatus(ExecutionStatus.WAITING); graph.setCreationMethod(log); Cover cover = new Cover(graph, new CCSMatrix(graph.nodeCount(), 0)); cover.setName(URLDecoder.decode(coverNameStr, "UTF-8")); CoverCreationLog coverLog = new CoverCreationLog(coverCreationType, parameters, new HashSet<GraphType>()); coverLog.setStatus(ExecutionStatus.WAITING); cover.setCreationMethod(coverLog); synchronized(threadHandler) { EntityTransaction tx = em.getTransaction(); try { tx.begin(); em.persist(graph); em.persist(cover); tx.commit(); } catch( RuntimeException e ) { if( tx != null && tx.isActive() ) { tx.rollback(); } throw e; } em.close(); /* * Registers and starts benchmark creation. */ threadHandler.runGroundTruthBenchmark(cover, benchmark); } return requestHandler.writeId(cover); } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.SEVERE, "", e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.INTERNAL, "Internal system error."); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////METRICS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Runs a statistical measure on a cover and creates the corresponding log. * @param coverIdStr The id of the cover, must have the creation method status completed. * @param graphIdStr The id of the graph corresponding to the cover. * @param metricTypeStr A metric type corresponding to a statistical measure. * @param contentStr A parameter xml defining any non-default parameters passed to the metric. * @return The id of the metric log being calculated which is reserved for the metric result * (contains also the corresponding cover and graph id). * Or an error xml. */ @POST @Path("covers/{coverId}/graphs/{graphId}/metrics/statistical") @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_XML) @Consumes(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN) @ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "Success"), @ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Unauthorized") }) @ApiOperation(value = "", notes = "Runs a statistical measure on a cover and creates the corresponding log.") public String runStatisticalMeasure( @PathParam("coverId") String coverIdStr, @PathParam("graphId") String graphIdStr, @DefaultValue("EXTENDED_MODULARITY") @QueryParam("metricType") String metricTypeStr, @ContentParam String contentStr) { try { String username = ((UserAgent) getActiveAgent()).getLoginName(); long graphId; try { graphId = Long.parseLong(graphIdStr); } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username, e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Graph id is not valid."); } long coverId; try { coverId = Long.parseLong(coverIdStr); } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username, e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Cover id is not valid."); } OcdMetricType metricType; try { metricType = OcdMetricType.valueOf(metricTypeStr); } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username, e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Specified metric does not exist."); } Map<String, String> parameters; StatisticalMeasure metric; if(!metricFactory.isInstantiatable(metricType)) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username + ", " + "Specified metric is not instantiatable: " +; return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Specified metric is not instantiatable: "+; } else if(!metricType.correspondsStatisticalMeasure()) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username + ", " + "Specified metric is not a statistical measure: " +; return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Specified metric is not a statistical measure: "+; } else { try { parameters = requestHandler.parseParameters(contentStr); metric = (StatisticalMeasure)metricFactory.getInstance(metricType, parameters); } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username, e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Parameters are not valid."); } } EntityManager em = requestHandler.getEntityManager(); CustomGraphId gId = new CustomGraphId(graphId, username); CoverId cId = new CoverId(coverId, gId); /* * Finds cover */ OcdMetricLog log; synchronized(threadHandler) { EntityTransaction tx = em.getTransaction(); Cover cover; try { tx.begin(); cover = em.find(Cover.class, cId); if(cover == null) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username + ", " + "Cover does not exist: cover id " + coverId + ", graph id " + graphId); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Cover does not exist."); } if(cover.getCreationMethod().getStatus() != ExecutionStatus.COMPLETED) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username + ", " + "Invalid cover creation method status for metric execution: " + cover.getCreationMethod().getStatus().name()); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Invalid cover creation method status for metric execution: " + cover.getCreationMethod().getStatus().name()); } log = new OcdMetricLog(metricType, 0, parameters, cover); log.setStatus(ExecutionStatus.WAITING); cover.addMetric(log); tx.commit(); } catch( RuntimeException e ) { if( tx != null && tx.isActive() ) { tx.rollback(); } throw e; } threadHandler.runStatisticalMeasure(log, metric, cover); } return requestHandler.writeId(log); } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.SEVERE, "", e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.INTERNAL, "Internal system error."); } } /** * Runs a knowledge-driven measure on a cover and creates the corresponding log. * @param coverIdStr The id of the cover, must have the creation method status completed. * @param graphIdStr The id of the graph corresponding to the cover. * @param metricTypeStr A metric type corresponding to a knowledge-driven measure. * @param groundTruthCoverIdStr The id of the ground truth cover used by the metric, must have the creation method status completed. * The ground truth cover's corresponding graph must be the same as the one corresponding * to the first cover. * @param contentStr A parameter xml defining any non-default parameters passed to the algorithm. * @return The id of the metric log being calculated which is reserved for the metric result * (contains also the corresponding cover and graph id). * Or an error xml. */ @POST @Path("covers/{coverId}/graphs/{graphId}/metrics/knowledgedriven/groundtruth/{groundTruthCoverId}") @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_XML) @Consumes(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN) @ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "Success"), @ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Unauthorized") }) @ApiOperation(value = "", notes = "Runs a knowledge-driven measure on a cover and creates the corresponding log.") public String runKnowledgeDrivenMeasure( @PathParam("coverId") String coverIdStr, @PathParam("graphId") String graphIdStr, @DefaultValue("EXTENDED_NORMALIZED_MUTUAL_INFORMATION") @QueryParam("metricType") String metricTypeStr, @PathParam("groundTruthCoverId") String groundTruthCoverIdStr, @ContentParam String contentStr) { try { String username = ((UserAgent) getActiveAgent()).getLoginName(); long graphId; try { graphId = Long.parseLong(graphIdStr); } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username, e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Graph id is not valid."); } long coverId; try { coverId = Long.parseLong(coverIdStr); } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username, e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Cover id is not valid."); } long groundTruthCoverId; try { groundTruthCoverId = Long.parseLong(groundTruthCoverIdStr); } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username, e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Ground truth cover id is not valid."); } OcdMetricType metricType; try { metricType = OcdMetricType.valueOf(metricTypeStr); } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username, e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Specified metric does not exist."); } Map<String, String> parameters; KnowledgeDrivenMeasure metric; if(!metricFactory.isInstantiatable(metricType)) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username + ", " + "Specified metric is not instantiatable: " +; return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Specified metric is not instantiatable: "+; } else if(!metricType.correspondsKnowledgeDrivenMeasure()) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username + ", " + "Specified metric is not a knowledge-driven measure: " +; return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Specified metric is not a knowledge-driven measure: "+; } else { try { parameters = requestHandler.parseParameters(contentStr); metric = (KnowledgeDrivenMeasure)metricFactory.getInstance(metricType, parameters); } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username, e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Parameters are not valid."); } } EntityManager em = requestHandler.getEntityManager(); CustomGraphId gId = new CustomGraphId(graphId, username); CoverId cId = new CoverId(coverId, gId); CoverId gtId = new CoverId(groundTruthCoverId, gId); /* * Finds cover */ OcdMetricLog log; synchronized(threadHandler) { EntityTransaction tx = em.getTransaction(); Cover cover; Cover groundTruth; try { tx.begin(); cover = em.find(Cover.class, cId); if(cover == null) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username + ", " + "Cover does not exist: cover id " + coverId + ", graph id " + graphId); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Cover does not exist: cover id " + coverId + ", graph id " + graphId); } if(cover.getCreationMethod().getStatus() != ExecutionStatus.COMPLETED) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username + ", " + "Invalid cover creation method status for metric execution: " + cover.getCreationMethod().getStatus().name()); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Invalid cover creation method status for metric execution: " + cover.getCreationMethod().getStatus().name()); } if(groundTruthCoverId != coverId) { groundTruth = em.find(Cover.class, gtId); if(groundTruth == null) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username + ", " + "Ground truth cover does not exist: cover id " + groundTruthCoverId + ", graph id " + graphId); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Ground truth cover does not exist: cover id " + groundTruthCoverId + ", graph id " + graphId); } } else { groundTruth = cover; } if(groundTruth.getCreationMethod().getStatus() != ExecutionStatus.COMPLETED) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username + ", " + "Invalid ground truth cover creation method status for metric execution: " + groundTruth.getCreationMethod().getStatus().name()); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Invalid ground truth cover creation method status for metric execution: " + groundTruth.getCreationMethod().getStatus().name()); } log = new OcdMetricLog(metricType, 0, parameters, cover); log.setStatus(ExecutionStatus.WAITING); cover.addMetric(log); tx.commit(); } catch( RuntimeException e ) { if( tx != null && tx.isActive() ) { tx.rollback(); } throw e; } threadHandler.runKnowledgeDrivenMeasure(log, metric, cover, groundTruth); } return requestHandler.writeId(log); } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.SEVERE, "", e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.INTERNAL, "Internal system error."); } } /** * Deletes a metric. * If the metric is still in calculation, the execution is terminated. * @param coverIdStr The id of the cover that the metric belongs to. * @param graphIdStr The id of the graph corresponding to the cover. * @param metricIdStr The metric id. * @return A confirmation xml. * Or an error xml. */ @DELETE @Path("covers/{coverId}/graphs/{graphId}/metrics/{metricId}") @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_XML) @ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "Success"), @ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Unauthorized") }) @ApiOperation(value = "", notes = "Deletes a metric.") public String deleteMetric( @PathParam("coverId") String coverIdStr, @PathParam("graphId") String graphIdStr, @PathParam("metricId") String metricIdStr) { try { String username = ((UserAgent) getActiveAgent()).getLoginName(); long graphId; try { graphId = Long.parseLong(graphIdStr); } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username, e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Graph id is not valid."); } long coverId; try { coverId = Long.parseLong(coverIdStr); } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username, e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Cover id is not valid."); } long metricId; try { metricId = Long.parseLong(metricIdStr); } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username, e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Metric id is not valid."); } EntityManager em = requestHandler.getEntityManager(); CustomGraphId gId = new CustomGraphId(graphId, username); CoverId cId = new CoverId(coverId, gId); OcdMetricLogId mId = new OcdMetricLogId(metricId, cId); EntityTransaction tx = em.getTransaction(); OcdMetricLog log; /* * Deletes the metric. */ synchronized(threadHandler) { tx = em.getTransaction(); try { tx.begin(); log = em.find(OcdMetricLog.class, mId); tx.commit(); } catch( RuntimeException e ) { if( tx != null && tx.isActive() ) { tx.rollback(); } throw e; } if(log == null) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username + ", " + "Metric does not exist: cover id " + coverId + ", graph id " + graphId + ", metric id " + metricId); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Metric does not exist: cover id " + coverId + ", graph id " + graphId + ", metric id " + metricId); } /* * Interrupts metric. */ threadHandler.interruptMetric(mId); /* * Removes metric */ tx = em.getTransaction(); try { tx.begin(); log.getCover().removeMetric(log); em.remove(log); tx.commit(); } catch( RuntimeException e ) { if( tx != null && tx.isActive() ) { tx.rollback(); } throw e; } em.close(); return requestHandler.writeConfirmationXml(); } } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.SEVERE, "", e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.INTERNAL, "Internal system error."); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////// DEFAULT PARAMETERS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Returns the default parameters of an algorithm. * @param coverCreationTypeStr A cover creation type corresponding to an ocd algorithm. * @return A parameter xml. * Or an error xml. */ @GET @Path("algorithms/{CoverCreationType}/parameters/default") @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_XML) @ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "Success"), @ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Unauthorized") }) @ApiOperation(value = "", notes = "Returns the default parameters of an algorithm.") public String getAlgorithmDefaultParams( @PathParam("CoverCreationType") String coverCreationTypeStr) { try { String username = ((UserAgent) getActiveAgent()).getLoginName(); CoverCreationType creationType; try { creationType = CoverCreationType.valueOf(coverCreationTypeStr); } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username, e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Specified cover creation type does not exist."); } if(!algorithmFactory.isInstantiatable(creationType)) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username + ", " + "Specified cover creation type is not instantiatable: " +; return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Specified cover creation type is not instantiatable: " +; } else { OcdAlgorithm defaultInstance = algorithmFactory.getInstance(creationType, new HashMap<String, String>()); return requestHandler.writeParameters(defaultInstance.getParameters()); } } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.SEVERE, "", e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.INTERNAL, "Internal system error."); } } /** * Returns the default parameters of a benchmark. * @param graphCreationTypeStr A graph creation type corresponding to an ocd benchmark. * @return A parameter xml. * Or an error xml. */ @GET @Path("benchmarks/{GraphCreationType}/parameters/default") @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_XML) @ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "Success"), @ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Unauthorized") }) @ApiOperation(value = "", notes = "Returns the default parameters of a benchmark.") public String getBenchmarkDefaultParams( @PathParam("GraphCreationType") String graphCreationTypeStr) { try { String username = ((UserAgent) getActiveAgent()).getLoginName(); GraphCreationType creationType; try { creationType = GraphCreationType.valueOf(graphCreationTypeStr); } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username, e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Specified graph creation type does not exist."); } if(!benchmarkFactory.isInstantiatable(creationType)) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username + ", " + "Specified graph creation type is not instantiatable: " +; return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Specified graph creation type is not instantiatable: " +; } if(creationType.correspondsGroundTruthBenchmark()) { GroundTruthBenchmark defaultInstance = (GroundTruthBenchmark)benchmarkFactory.getInstance(creationType, new HashMap<String, String>()); return requestHandler.writeParameters(defaultInstance.getParameters()); } else { throw new NotImplementedException("Specified graph creation type is not a benchmark."); } } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.SEVERE, "", e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.INTERNAL, "Internal system error."); } } /** * Returns the default parameters of a metric. * @param ocdMetricTypeStr The name of an ocd metric type. * @return A parameter xml. * Or an error xml. */ @GET @Path("metrics/{OcdMetricType}/parameters/default") @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_XML) @ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "Success"), @ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Unauthorized") }) @ApiOperation(value = "", notes = "Returns the default parameters of a metric.") public String getMetricDefaultParameters( @PathParam("OcdMetricType") String ocdMetricTypeStr) { try { String username = ((UserAgent) getActiveAgent()).getLoginName(); OcdMetricType metricType; try { metricType = OcdMetricType.valueOf(ocdMetricTypeStr); } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username, e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Specified metric does not exist."); } if(!metricFactory.isInstantiatable(metricType)) { requestHandler.log(Level.WARNING, "user: " + username + ", " + "Specified metric type is not instantiatable: " +; return requestHandler.writeError(Error.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Specified metric type is not instantiatable: " +; } if(metricType.correspondsKnowledgeDrivenMeasure()) { KnowledgeDrivenMeasure defaultInstance = (KnowledgeDrivenMeasure)metricFactory.getInstance(metricType, new HashMap<String, String>()); return requestHandler.writeParameters(defaultInstance.getParameters()); } if(metricType.correspondsStatisticalMeasure()) { StatisticalMeasure defaultInstance = (StatisticalMeasure)metricFactory.getInstance(metricType, new HashMap<String, String>()); return requestHandler.writeParameters(defaultInstance.getParameters()); } else { throw new NotImplementedException("Metric type is not properly registered."); } } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.SEVERE, "", e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.INTERNAL, "Internal system error."); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////// ENUM LISTINGS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Returns all cover creation type names. * @return The types in a names xml. * Or an error xml. */ @GET @Path("covers/creationtypes") @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_XML) @ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "Success"), @ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Unauthorized") }) @ApiOperation(value = "", notes = "Returns all cover creation type names.") public String getCoverCreationMethodNames() { try { return requestHandler.writeEnumNames(CoverCreationType.class); } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.SEVERE, "", e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.INTERNAL, "Internal system error."); } } /** * Returns all algorithm type names. * @return The types in a names xml. * Or an error xml. */ @GET @Path("algorithms") @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_XML) @ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "Success"), @ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Unauthorized") }) @ApiOperation(value = "Algorithms information", notes = "Returns all algorithm type names.") public String getAlgorithmNames() { try { return requestHandler.writeAlgorithmNames(); } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.SEVERE, "", e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.INTERNAL, "Internal system error."); } } /** * Returns all ground truth benchmark type names. * @return The types in a names xml. * Or an error xml. */ @GET @Path("benchmarks") @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_XML) @ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "Success"), @ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Unauthorized") }) @ApiOperation(value = "Algorithms information", notes = "Returns all ground truth benchmark type names.") public String getGroundTruthBenchmarkNames() { try { return requestHandler.writeGroundTruthBenchmarkNames(); } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.SEVERE, "", e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.INTERNAL, "Internal system error."); } } /** * Returns all graph creation type names. * @return The types in a names xml. * Or an error xml. */ @GET @Path("graphs/creationtypes") @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_XML) @ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "Success"), @ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Unauthorized") }) @ApiOperation(value = "", notes = "Returns all graph creation type names.") public String getGraphCreationMethodNames() { try { return requestHandler.writeEnumNames(GraphCreationType.class); } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.SEVERE, "", e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.INTERNAL, "Internal system error."); } } /** * Returns all graph input format names. * @return The formats in a names xml. * Or an error xml. */ @GET @Path("graphs/formats/input") @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_XML) @ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "Success"), @ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Unauthorized") }) @ApiOperation(value = "", notes = "Returns all graph input format names.") public String getGraphInputFormatNames() { try { return requestHandler.writeEnumNames(GraphInputFormat.class); } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.SEVERE, "", e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.INTERNAL, "Internal system error."); } } /** * Returns all graph output format names. * @return The formats in a names xml. * Or an error xml. */ @GET @Path("graphs/formats/output") @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_XML) @ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "Success"), @ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Unauthorized") }) @ApiOperation(value = "", notes = "Returns all graph output format names.") public String getGraphOutputFormatNames() { try { return requestHandler.writeEnumNames(GraphOutputFormat.class); } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.SEVERE, "", e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.INTERNAL, "Internal system error."); } } /** * Returns all cover output format names. * @return The formats in a names xml. * Or an error xml. */ @GET @Path("covers/formats/output") @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_XML) @ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "Success"), @ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Unauthorized") }) @ApiOperation(value = "", notes = "Returns all cover creation type names.") public String getCoverOutputFormatNames() { try { return requestHandler.writeEnumNames(CoverOutputFormat.class); } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.SEVERE, "", e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.INTERNAL, "Internal system error."); } } /** * Returns all cover input format names. * @return The formats in a names xml. * Or an error xml. */ @GET @Path("covers/formats/input") @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_XML) @ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "Success"), @ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Unauthorized") }) @ApiOperation(value = "", notes = "Returns all cover creation type names.") public String getCoverInputFormatNames() { try { return requestHandler.writeEnumNames(CoverInputFormat.class); } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.SEVERE, "", e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.INTERNAL, "Internal system error."); } } /** * Returns all statistical measure type names. * @return The types in a names xml. * Or an error xml. */ @GET @Path("metrics/statistical") @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_XML) @ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "Success"), @ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Unauthorized") }) @ApiOperation(value = "", notes = "Returns all statistical measure type names.") public String getStatisticalMeasureNames() { try { return requestHandler.writeStatisticalMeasureNames(); } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.SEVERE, "", e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.INTERNAL, "Internal system error."); } } /** * Returns all knowledge-driven measure type names. * @return The types in a names xml. * Or an error xml. */ @GET @Path("metrics/knowledgedriven") @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_XML) @ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "Success"), @ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Unauthorized") }) @ApiOperation(value = "", notes = "Returns all knowledge-driven measure type names.") public String getKnowledgeDrivenMeasureNames() { try { return requestHandler.writeKnowledgeDrivenMeasureNames(); } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.SEVERE, "", e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.INTERNAL, "Internal system error."); } } /** * Returns all metric type names. * @return The types in a names xml. * Or an error xml. */ @GET @Path("metrics") @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_XML) @ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "Success"), @ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Unauthorized") }) @ApiOperation(value = "Metrics information", notes = "Returns all metric type names.") public String getMetricNames() { try { return requestHandler.writeEnumNames(OcdMetricType.class); } catch (Exception e) { requestHandler.log(Level.SEVERE, "", e); return requestHandler.writeError(Error.INTERNAL, "Internal system error."); } } }