package; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import org.la4j.matrix.Matrix; import org.la4j.matrix.sparse.CCSMatrix; import org.la4j.vector.Vector; import org.la4j.vector.Vectors; import org.la4j.vector.sparse.CompressedVector; import y.base.Edge; import y.base.EdgeCursor; import y.base.Node; import y.base.NodeCursor; /** * The original weighted version of the Link Communities Algorithm. * Handles weighted graphs. */ public class WeightedLinkCommunitiesAlgorithm implements OcdAlgorithm { /** * Creates an instance of the algorithm. */ public WeightedLinkCommunitiesAlgorithm() { } @Override public CoverCreationType getAlgorithmType() { return CoverCreationType.WEIGHTED_LINK_COMMUNITIES_ALGORITHM; } @Override public Map<String, String> getParameters() { return new HashMap<String, String>(); } @Override public void setParameters(Map<String, String> parameters) throws IllegalArgumentException { if(parameters.size() > 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } @Override public Set<GraphType> compatibleGraphTypes() { Set<GraphType> compatibilities = new HashSet<GraphType>(); compatibilities.add(GraphType.WEIGHTED); return compatibilities; } @Override public Cover detectOverlappingCommunities(CustomGraph graph) throws InterruptedException { /* * Initializes the variables. */ List<Set<Edge>> communityEdges = new ArrayList<Set<Edge>>(); List<Set<Node>> communityNodes = new ArrayList<Set<Node>>(); List<Double> communityLinkDensities = new ArrayList<Double>(); List<Pair<Integer, Integer>> mostSimilarPairs; Pair<Integer, Integer> mostSimilarPair; Set<Edge> firstCommunityEdges; Set<Edge> secondCommunityEdges; double currentPartitionDensity = 0; double maxPartitionDensity = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; double firstLinkDensity; double secondLinkDensity; double newLinkDensity; int firstCommunity; int secondCommunity; List<Set<Edge>> densestPartition = new ArrayList<Set<Edge>>(); /* * Initializes the dendrogram construction */ List<Vector> linkageDegrees = calculateLinkageDegrees(graph); Matrix similarities = calculateEdgeSimilarities(graph, linkageDegrees); initDendrogramCreation(graph, communityEdges, communityNodes, communityLinkDensities); /* * Constructs the dendrogram and determines the edge partition * with the highest partition density. */ while(similarities.columns() > 1) { mostSimilarPairs = determineMostSimilarCommunityPairs(similarities); for(int i=0; i<mostSimilarPairs.size(); i++) { if(Thread.interrupted()) { throw new InterruptedException(); } mostSimilarPair = mostSimilarPairs.get(i); firstCommunity = mostSimilarPair.getFirst(); secondCommunity = mostSimilarPair.getSecond(); similarities = updateSimilarities(similarities, mostSimilarPair); firstCommunityEdges = communityEdges.get(firstCommunity); secondCommunityEdges = communityEdges.get(secondCommunity); firstCommunityEdges.addAll(secondCommunityEdges); Set<Node> firstCommunityNodes = communityNodes.get(firstCommunity); Set<Node> secondCommunityNodes = communityNodes.get(secondCommunity); firstCommunityNodes.addAll(secondCommunityNodes); firstLinkDensity = communityLinkDensities.get(firstCommunity); secondLinkDensity = communityLinkDensities.get(secondCommunity); newLinkDensity = calculateLinkDensity(firstCommunityEdges.size(), firstCommunityNodes.size()); communityLinkDensities.set(firstCommunity, newLinkDensity); currentPartitionDensity += newLinkDensity - firstLinkDensity - secondLinkDensity; } for(int i=0; i<mostSimilarPairs.size(); i++) { if(Thread.interrupted()) { throw new InterruptedException(); } secondCommunity = mostSimilarPairs.get(i).getSecond(); communityEdges.remove(secondCommunity); communityNodes.remove(secondCommunity); communityLinkDensities.remove(secondCommunity); } if(currentPartitionDensity >= maxPartitionDensity) { maxPartitionDensity = currentPartitionDensity; densestPartition = new ArrayList<Set<Edge>>(communityEdges); } } return calculatePartitionCover(graph, densestPartition); } /* * Calculates the edge similarity matrix. * This is a lower triangle matrix containing a similarity value for each edge pair. * @param linkageDegrees The linkage degree vectors calculated for each node. * @return A similarity matrix S containing the edge similarity for two edges e_i, e_j with indices i and j and i>j in * the entry S_ij. */ private Matrix calculateEdgeSimilarities(CustomGraph graph, List<Vector> linkageDegrees) throws InterruptedException { Matrix similarities = new CCSMatrix(graph.edgeCount(), graph.edgeCount()); List<Double> squaredNorms = new ArrayList<Double>(); double norm; Vector vec; for(int i=0; i<linkageDegrees.size(); i++) { vec = linkageDegrees.get(i); norm = vec.fold(Vectors.mkEuclideanNormAccumulator()); squaredNorms.add(Math.pow(norm, 2)); } EdgeCursor rowEdges = graph.edges(); Edge rowEdge; Node source; Node target; Vector rowEdgeVec; EdgeCursor columnEdges; Edge columnEdge; Edge reverseRowEdge; Edge reverseColumnEdge; List<Integer> edgeIndices = new ArrayList<Integer>(); Vector columnEdgeVec; double innerProduct; double similarity; int columnEdgeNodeIndex; while(rowEdges.ok()) { if(Thread.interrupted()) { throw new InterruptedException(); } rowEdge = rowEdges.edge(); source = rowEdge.source(); target =; rowEdgeVec = linkageDegrees.get(source.index()); reverseRowEdge = target.getEdgeTo(source); /* * Sets similarities only if they have not been set already for the reverse Edge. */ if(reverseRowEdge == null || rowEdge.index() < reverseRowEdge.index()) { /* * Sets similarities for in and out edges of the row edge target node. */ edgeIndices.add(rowEdge.index()); columnEdges = target.edges(); while(columnEdges.ok()) { columnEdge = columnEdges.edge(); if(columnEdge.index() < rowEdge.index()) { reverseColumnEdge =; if(reverseColumnEdge == null || columnEdge.index() < reverseColumnEdge.index()) { columnEdgeNodeIndex = columnEdge.opposite(target).index(); columnEdgeVec = linkageDegrees.get(columnEdgeNodeIndex); innerProduct = rowEdgeVec.innerProduct(columnEdgeVec); similarity = innerProduct / (squaredNorms.get(source.index()) + squaredNorms.get(columnEdgeNodeIndex) - innerProduct); similarities.set(rowEdge.index(), columnEdge.index(), similarity); } }; } /* * Sets similarities for in edges of the row edge source node. * If a reverse edge of the row edge exists, it is set for the out edges also. */ columnEdges = source.edges(); while(columnEdges.ok()) { columnEdge = columnEdges.edge(); if(columnEdge.index() < rowEdge.index() && columnEdge.source() != target) { reverseColumnEdge =; if(reverseColumnEdge == null || columnEdge.index() < reverseColumnEdge.index()) { columnEdgeNodeIndex = columnEdge.opposite(source).index(); columnEdgeVec = linkageDegrees.get(columnEdgeNodeIndex); innerProduct = rowEdgeVec.innerProduct(columnEdgeVec); similarity = innerProduct / (squaredNorms.get(target.index()) + squaredNorms.get(columnEdgeNodeIndex) - innerProduct); similarities.set(rowEdge.index(), columnEdge.index(), similarity); } }; } }; } int[] indices = new int[edgeIndices.size()]; for(int i=0; i<edgeIndices.size(); i++) { indices[i] = edgeIndices.get(i); } if(indices.length > 0) { return, indices); } else { return new CCSMatrix(0, 0); } } /* * Calculates the linkage degree vectors for all nodes. * The linkage degrees are required for the calculation of edge similarity * and originally referred to as the a vectors. * @param graph The graph being analyzed. * @return The linkage degree vector of each node, accessible via the list index that * corresponds to the node index. */ private List<Vector> calculateLinkageDegrees(CustomGraph graph) throws InterruptedException { List<Vector> linkageDegrees = new ArrayList<Vector>(); NodeCursor nodes = graph.nodes(); Vector degreeVector; Node node; Node neighbor; EdgeCursor edges; Edge edge; double linkageDegree; double neutral; double averageWeight; while(nodes.ok()) { degreeVector = new CompressedVector(graph.nodeCount()); node = nodes.node(); edges = node.edges(); while(edges.ok()) { if(Thread.interrupted()) { throw new InterruptedException(); } edge = edges.edge(); neighbor = edges.edge().opposite(node); linkageDegree = degreeVector.get(neighbor.index()); linkageDegree += graph.getEdgeWeight(edge) / (double); degreeVector.set(neighbor.index(), linkageDegree);; } /* * Calculates the entry corresponding the node index as the average weight * of all incident edges. */ neutral = 0; averageWeight = degreeVector.fold(Vectors.asSumAccumulator(neutral)); degreeVector.set(node.index(), averageWeight); linkageDegrees.add(degreeVector);; } return linkageDegrees; } /* * Identifies the edge community pairs with maximum similarity. * @param similarities The similarity matrix. * @return A list of pairs with the indices of the identified edge communities. If several pairs are * joined to a bigger community simultaneously, the first index of each pair will * be the lowest index of the corresponding old communities. I.e. all old communities will be projected * on the same new one with the lowest community index. */ private List<Pair<Integer, Integer>> determineMostSimilarCommunityPairs(Matrix similarities) throws InterruptedException { double maxSimilarity = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; double currentSimilarity; TreeMap<Integer, Integer> mergedCommunities = new TreeMap<Integer, Integer>(); Set<Integer> updatedCommunities = new HashSet<Integer>(); int oldCommunity; int newCommunity; for(int j=0; j<similarities.columns() - 1; j++) { for(int i=j+1; i<similarities.rows(); i++) { if(Thread.interrupted()) { throw new InterruptedException(); } currentSimilarity = similarities.get(i, j); if(currentSimilarity >= maxSimilarity) { if(currentSimilarity > maxSimilarity) { mergedCommunities.clear(); maxSimilarity = currentSimilarity; } newCommunity = j; if(mergedCommunities.containsKey(j)) { oldCommunity = mergedCommunities.get(j); if(oldCommunity <= newCommunity) { newCommunity = oldCommunity; } else { updatedCommunities.add(oldCommunity); } } if(mergedCommunities.containsKey(i)) { oldCommunity = mergedCommunities.get(i); if(oldCommunity <= newCommunity) { newCommunity = oldCommunity; } else { updatedCommunities.add(oldCommunity); } } if(updatedCommunities.size() > 0) { for(Entry<Integer, Integer> entry : mergedCommunities.entrySet()) { if(updatedCommunities.contains(entry.getValue())) { entry.setValue(newCommunity); } } } mergedCommunities.put(j, newCommunity); mergedCommunities.put(i, newCommunity); } } } List<Pair<Integer, Integer>> mostSimilarPairs = new ArrayList<Pair<Integer, Integer>>(); Entry<Integer, Integer> lastPair; while(mergedCommunities.size() > 0) { if(Thread.interrupted()) { throw new InterruptedException(); } lastPair = mergedCommunities.lastEntry(); if(lastPair.getKey() != lastPair.getValue()) { mostSimilarPairs.add(new Pair<Integer, Integer>(lastPair.getValue(), lastPair.getKey())); } mergedCommunities.remove(lastPair.getKey()); } return mostSimilarPairs; } /* * Updates the similarity matrix when the two edge communities given by mostSimilarPair are merged. * @param similarities The similarity matrix. * @param mostSimilarPair A pair containing the indices of the communities that are merged. * @return The updated similarity matrix. */ private Matrix updateSimilarities(Matrix similarities, Pair<Integer, Integer> mostSimilarPair) throws InterruptedException { int first = mostSimilarPair.getFirst(); int second = mostSimilarPair.getSecond(); int[] newIndices = new int[similarities.rows() - 1]; double maxSimilarity; for(int i=0; i<similarities.columns(); i++) { if(Thread.interrupted()) { throw new InterruptedException(); } if(i != second) { if(i <= first) { if(i < first) { maxSimilarity = Math.max(similarities.get(first, i), similarities.get(second, i)); similarities.set(first, i, maxSimilarity); } newIndices[i] = i; } else { if(i < second) { maxSimilarity = Math.max(similarities.get(i, first), similarities.get(second, i)); newIndices[i] = i; } else { maxSimilarity = Math.max(similarities.get(i, first), similarities.get(i, second)); newIndices[i-1] = i; } similarities.set(i, first, maxSimilarity); } } } return, newIndices); } /* * Initializes variables for the dendrogram creation. * @param graph The graph being analyzed. * @param communityEdges An edge partition indicating the edge communities. * @param communityNodes A node cover derived from the edge partition. * @param communityLinkDensities The link densities of all edge communities. */ private void initDendrogramCreation(CustomGraph graph, List<Set<Edge>> communityEdges, List<Set<Node>> communityNodes, List<Double> communityLinkDensities) throws InterruptedException { EdgeCursor edges = graph.edges(); Set<Edge> initEdgeSet; Set<Node> initNodeSet; Edge edge; Edge reverseEdge; while(edges.ok()) { if(Thread.interrupted()) { throw new InterruptedException(); } edge = edges.edge(); reverseEdge =; if(reverseEdge == null || edge.index() < reverseEdge.index()) { initEdgeSet = new HashSet<Edge>(); initEdgeSet.add(edge); if(reverseEdge != null) { initEdgeSet.add(reverseEdge); } communityEdges.add(initEdgeSet); initNodeSet = new HashSet<Node>(); initNodeSet.add(edge.source()); initNodeSet.add(; communityNodes.add(initNodeSet); communityLinkDensities.add(0d); }; } } /* * Calculates the weighted link density of a community. * @param edgeCount The number of community edges. * @param nodeCount The number of community nodes. * @return The weighted link density. */ private double calculateLinkDensity(int edgeCount, int nodeCount) { int denominator = (nodeCount - 2) * (nodeCount - 1); return (double)(edgeCount * (edgeCount - (nodeCount - 1))) / (double)denominator; } /* * Derives a cover from an edge partition. * @param graph The graph being analyzed. * @param partition The edge partition from which the cover will be derived. * @return A normalized cover of the graph. */ private Cover calculatePartitionCover(CustomGraph graph, List<Set<Edge>> partition) throws InterruptedException { Matrix memberships = new CCSMatrix(graph.nodeCount(), partition.size()); double belongingFactor; double edgeWeight; for(int i=0; i<partition.size(); i++) { for(Edge edge : partition.get(i)) { if(Thread.interrupted()) { throw new InterruptedException(); } edgeWeight = graph.getEdgeWeight(edge); belongingFactor = memberships.get(, i) + edgeWeight; memberships.set(, i, belongingFactor); belongingFactor = memberships.get(edge.source().index(), i) + edgeWeight; memberships.set(edge.source().index(), i, belongingFactor); } } return new Cover(graph, memberships); } }