package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.exec.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.exec.DefaultExecuteResultHandler; import org.apache.commons.exec.DefaultExecutor; import org.apache.commons.lang3.SystemUtils; public class DetectingOverlappingCommunitiesAlgorithm implements OcdAlgorithm { /* * Path of the directory reserved for the doca application. */ private static final String docaDirectoryPath = "ocd/doca/"; /* * Used for synchronization purposes. Executes the algorithm. */ private static DefaultExecutor executor = new DefaultExecutor(); /* Path of the file holding an application that executes the DOCA algorithm. For Windows. */ private static String windowsAlgorithmPath = docaDirectoryPath + "DocaWindows.exe"; /* Path of the file holding an application that executes the DOCA algorithm. For Linux. */ private static String linuxAlgorithmPath = "./DocaLinux"; /* * Filename parameter passed to the Doca Application. */ private static final String docaGraphPath = "network.txt"; /* * Path of the file containing the input graph. */ private static final String graphPath = docaDirectoryPath + docaGraphPath; /* * Path of the file containing the output cover. */ private static final String coverPath = docaDirectoryPath + "cover.txt"; /** * The overlapping threshold. * The default value is 0.75. Must be higher than 0 and lower than 2. */ private double overlappingThreshold = 0.75; /* * PARAMETER NAMES */ private static String OVERLAPPING_THRESHOLD_NAME = "overlappingThreshold"; @Override public void setParameters(Map<String, String> parameters) { if(parameters.containsKey(OVERLAPPING_THRESHOLD_NAME)) { overlappingThreshold = Double.parseDouble(parameters.get(OVERLAPPING_THRESHOLD_NAME)); if(overlappingThreshold <= 0 || overlappingThreshold >= 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } parameters.remove(OVERLAPPING_THRESHOLD_NAME); } if(parameters.size() > 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } @Override public Map<String, String> getParameters() { Map<String, String> parameters = new HashMap<String, String>(); parameters.put(OVERLAPPING_THRESHOLD_NAME, Double.toString(overlappingThreshold)); return parameters; } @Override public CoverCreationType getAlgorithmType() { /* * TODO reinsert for use on Windows / when implemented for Linux */ // return CoverCreationType.DETECTING_OVERLAPPING_COMMUNITIES_ALGORITHM; return null; } @Override public Set<GraphType> compatibleGraphTypes() { Set<GraphType> compatibilities = new HashSet<GraphType>(); return compatibilities; } @Override public Cover detectOverlappingCommunities(CustomGraph graph) throws OcdAlgorithmException, InterruptedException { synchronized (executor) { try { CustomGraph graphCpy = new CustomGraph(graph); GraphOutputAdapter graphAdapter = new DocaGraphOutputAdapter(); graphAdapter.setWriter(new FileWriter(graphPath)); graphAdapter.writeGraph(graphCpy); String executorFilename; if(SystemUtils.IS_OS_WINDOWS) { executorFilename = windowsAlgorithmPath; } // TODO generate for linux /* else if(SystemUtils.IS_OS_LINUX) { executorFilename = linuxAlgorithmPath; }*/ /* * Algorithm not implemented for this operating system. */ else { throw new OcdBenchmarkException(); } CommandLine cmdLine = new CommandLine(executorFilename); cmdLine.addArgument(docaGraphPath); cmdLine.addArgument(Double.toString(overlappingThreshold)); File workingDirectory = new File(docaDirectoryPath); executor.setWorkingDirectory(workingDirectory); DefaultExecuteResultHandler resultHandler = new DefaultExecuteResultHandler(); executor.execute(cmdLine, resultHandler); resultHandler.waitFor(); // DOCA defines 1 as OK if(resultHandler.getExitValue() != 1) { System.out.println(resultHandler.getException()); throw new OcdAlgorithmException("Doca Process exit value: " + resultHandler.getExitValue()); } CoverInputAdapterFactory factory = new CoverInputAdapterFactory(); CommunityMemberListsCoverInputAdapter coverAdapter = (CommunityMemberListsCoverInputAdapter)factory.getInstance(CoverInputFormat.COMMUNITY_MEMBERS_LISTS); coverAdapter.setCommunityNamesDefined(false); coverAdapter.setReader(new FileReader(coverPath)); Cover coverCpy = coverAdapter.readCover(graphCpy); Cover cover = new Cover(graph, coverCpy.getMemberships()); return cover; } catch(InterruptedException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); if(Thread.interrupted()) { throw new InterruptedException(); } throw new OcdAlgorithmException(e); } } } }