package; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.la4j.matrix.Matrix; import org.la4j.matrix.sparse.CCSMatrix; import org.la4j.vector.Vector; import org.la4j.vector.dense.BasicVector; import y.base.Node; import y.base.NodeCursor; /** * Implements SignedDMID algorithm. Handles directed and signed graphs. * * @author YLi */ public class SignedDMIDAlgorithm implements OcdAlgorithm { /** * The number of iterations of network coordination game. Default value is * 4. Must be in (1,POSITIVE_INFINITY) */ private double iterationStep = 4; /** * The weight between disassortativity and effective degree value is 0.5. * Must be in (0, 1). */ private double disassortativityEffectiveDegreeWeight = 0.5; /* * PARAMETER NAMES */ protected static final String ITERATION_STEP_NAME = "iterationStep"; protected static final String DISASSORTATIVITY_EFFECTIVE_DEGREE_WEIGHT_NAME = "disassortativityEffectiveDegreeWeight"; /** * Creates a standard instance of the algorithm. All attributes are assigned * their default values. */ public SignedDMIDAlgorithm() { } @Override public CoverCreationType getAlgorithmType() { return CoverCreationType.SIGNED_DMID_ALGORITHM; } @Override public Map<String, String> getParameters() { Map<String, String> parameters = new HashMap<String, String>(); parameters.put(ITERATION_STEP_NAME, Double.toString(iterationStep)); parameters.put(DISASSORTATIVITY_EFFECTIVE_DEGREE_WEIGHT_NAME, Double.toString(disassortativityEffectiveDegreeWeight)); return parameters; } @Override public void setParameters(Map<String, String> parameters) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (parameters.containsKey(ITERATION_STEP_NAME)) { iterationStep = Double.parseDouble(parameters.get(ITERATION_STEP_NAME)); if (iterationStep < 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } parameters.remove(ITERATION_STEP_NAME); } if (parameters.containsKey(DISASSORTATIVITY_EFFECTIVE_DEGREE_WEIGHT_NAME)) { disassortativityEffectiveDegreeWeight = Double .parseDouble(parameters.get(DISASSORTATIVITY_EFFECTIVE_DEGREE_WEIGHT_NAME)); parameters.remove(DISASSORTATIVITY_EFFECTIVE_DEGREE_WEIGHT_NAME); if (disassortativityEffectiveDegreeWeight < 0 || disassortativityEffectiveDegreeWeight > 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } if (parameters.size() > 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } @Override public Set<GraphType> compatibleGraphTypes() { Set<GraphType> compatibilities = new HashSet<GraphType>(); compatibilities.add(GraphType.NEGATIVE_WEIGHTS); compatibilities.add(GraphType.DIRECTED); return compatibilities; } @Override public Cover detectOverlappingCommunities(CustomGraph graph) throws OcdAlgorithmException, InterruptedException { Vector leadershipVector = getLeadershipVector(graph); List<Node> leaders = leaderFindingPhase(graph, leadershipVector); return labelPropagationPhase(graph, leaders, leadershipVector); } /* * Returns the list of global leaders. * * @param graph The graph whose leaders will be detected. * * @return A list containing all nodes which are global leaders. */ protected List<Node> leaderFindingPhase(CustomGraph graph, Vector leadershipVector) throws OcdAlgorithmException, InterruptedException { Map<Node, Integer> localLeader = getLocalLeader(graph, leadershipVector); return getGlobalLeader(localLeader); } /* * Returns a list of global leaders. * * @param localLeader The mapping from nodes to their follower degrees. * * @return A list containing all nodes which are considered to be global * leaders. */ protected List<Node> getGlobalLeader(Map<Node, Integer> localLeader) throws InterruptedException { double averageFollowerDegree = 0; for (int followerDegree : localLeader.values()) { if (Thread.interrupted()) { throw new InterruptedException(); } averageFollowerDegree += followerDegree; } averageFollowerDegree /= localLeader.size(); List<Node> globalLeaders = new ArrayList<Node>(); for (Map.Entry<Node, Integer> entry : localLeader.entrySet()) { if (Thread.interrupted()) { throw new InterruptedException(); } //If only two local leaders are found, they become both global leaders if (localLeader.size() < 3) { globalLeaders.add(entry.getKey()); } else { if (entry.getValue() >= averageFollowerDegree) { globalLeaders.add(entry.getKey()); } } } return globalLeaders; } /* * Returns the mapping from the local leaders to the corresponding follower degrees. * * @param graph The graph whose local leaders will be detected. * * @param leadershipVector The leadership vector. * * @return A mapping from the local leaders to the corresponding follower degrees. * */ protected Map<Node, Integer> getLocalLeader(CustomGraph graph, Vector leadershipVector) throws InterruptedException { Map<Node, Integer> followerMap = new HashMap<Node, Integer>(); NodeCursor nodes = graph.nodes(); Node node; /* * Iterates over all nodes to detect their local leader */ while (nodes.ok()) { if (Thread.interrupted()) { throw new InterruptedException(); } node = nodes.node(); double leadershipValue = leadershipVector.get(node.index()); boolean beingLeader = true; int followerDegree = 0; Set<Node> neighbours = graph.getNeighbours(node); for (Node neighbour : neighbours) { if (leadershipValue < leadershipVector.get(neighbour.index())) { beingLeader = false; break; } /* * If leadershipvalue bigger than all of its * neighbours->calculate follower degree As the node can * positively point to its neighbour and be positively pointed * to by its neighbour, the neighour should not be counted twice */ boolean ignoreReverse = false; if (node.getEdgeFrom(neighbour) != null) { if (graph.getEdgeWeight(node.getEdgeFrom(neighbour)) > 0) { followerDegree++; ignoreReverse = true; } } if (ignoreReverse == false) { if (node.getEdgeTo(neighbour) != null) { if (graph.getEdgeWeight(node.getEdgeTo(neighbour)) > 0) { followerDegree++; ignoreReverse = true; } } } } if (beingLeader == true) { followerMap.put(node, followerDegree); }; } return followerMap; } /* * Returns the leadership value vector. * * @param graph The graph under observation. * * @return The leadership value vector. */ protected Vector getLeadershipVector(CustomGraph graph) throws InterruptedException { int nodeCount = graph.nodeCount(); Matrix nodeEDandDASS = new CCSMatrix(nodeCount, 3); Vector leadershipVector = new BasicVector(nodeCount); NodeCursor nodes = graph.nodes(); Node node; double effectiveDegreeValue; while (nodes.ok()) { if (Thread.interrupted()) { throw new InterruptedException(); } node = nodes.node(); if (graph.getPositiveInDegree(node) + Math.abs(graph.getNegativeInDegree(node)) != 0) { if (graph.getPositiveInDegree(node) - Math.abs(graph.getNegativeInDegree(node)) < 0) { effectiveDegreeValue = 0; } else { effectiveDegreeValue = (double) (graph.getPositiveInDegree(node) - Math.abs(graph.getNegativeInDegree(node))) / (double) (graph.getPositiveInDegree(node) + Math.abs(graph.getNegativeInDegree(node))); } } else { effectiveDegreeValue = 0; } nodeEDandDASS.set(node.index(), 0, effectiveDegreeValue); // Disassortativity, put denominator and nominator in different matrix columns. Set<Node> neighbours = graph.getNeighbours(node); double nodeDegree = graph.getAbsoluteNodeDegree(node); double neighbourDegree = 0; for (Node neighbour : neighbours) { neighbourDegree = graph.getAbsoluteNodeDegree(neighbour); nodeEDandDASS.set(node.index(), 1, nodeEDandDASS.get(node.index(), 1) + nodeDegree + neighbourDegree); nodeEDandDASS.set(node.index(), 2, nodeEDandDASS.get(node.index(), 2) + nodeDegree - neighbourDegree); }; } for (int i = 0; i < nodeCount; i++) { leadershipVector.set(i, (1 - disassortativityEffectiveDegreeWeight) * nodeEDandDASS.get(i, 0) + disassortativityEffectiveDegreeWeight * (double) nodeEDandDASS.get(i, 2) / (double) nodeEDandDASS.get(i, 1)); } return leadershipVector; } /* * Executes the label propagation phase. * * @param graph The graph which is being analyzed. * * @param leaders The list of detected global leader nodes. * * @param threshold for adopting a new behavior,which equals to LLD in this * algorithm. * * @return A cover containing the detected communities. * */ protected Cover labelPropagationPhase(CustomGraph graph, List<Node> leaders, Vector ProfitabilityThreshold) throws InterruptedException { /* * Executes the label propagation until all nodes are assigned to at * least one community */ Map<Node, Map<Node, Integer>> communities = new HashMap<Node, Map<Node, Integer>>(); Map<Node, Integer> communityMemberships; for (Node leader : leaders) { communityMemberships = executeLabelPropagation(graph, leader, ProfitabilityThreshold); communityMemberships.remove(leader); communities.put(leader, communityMemberships); } return getMembershipDegrees(graph, communities); } /* * Executes the label propagation for a single leader to identify its * community members. * * @param graph The graph which is being analyzed. * * @param leader The leader node whose community members will be identified. * * @param profitabilityThreshold The threshold value that determines whether * it is profitable for a node to join the community of the leader / assume * its behavior. In this algorithm, it is equal to the LLD value. * * @return A mapping containing the iteration count for each node that is a * community member. The iteration count indicates, in which iteration the * corresponding node has joined the community. */ protected Map<Node, Integer> executeLabelPropagation(CustomGraph graph, Node leader, Vector profitabilityThreshold) throws InterruptedException { Map<Node, Integer> memberships = new HashMap<Node, Integer>(); Map<Node, Integer> membershipsToAdd = new HashMap<Node, Integer>(); Set<Node> NodesAssumingNewLabel = new HashSet<Node>(); Set<Node> NodesNewLabel = new HashSet<Node>(); NodesNewLabel.add(leader); int iterationCount = 1; memberships.put(leader, iterationCount); while (NodesNewLabel.size() != 0 & iterationCount < iterationStep) { NodesAssumingNewLabel.clear(); iterationCount++; Set<Node> nodesAlreadyStudied = new HashSet<Node>(); for (Node NodeNewLabel : NodesNewLabel) { if (Thread.interrupted()) { throw new InterruptedException(); } Set<Node> neighbours = graph.getNeighbours(NodeNewLabel); for (Node neighbour : neighbours) { if (Thread.interrupted()) { throw new InterruptedException(); } if (nodesAlreadyStudied.contains(neighbour) | memberships.keySet().contains(neighbour)) { continue; } nodesAlreadyStudied.add(neighbour); int posNodesWithNewLabel = getPosNodesWithNewLabel(graph, neighbour, memberships.keySet()); int negNodesWithNewLabel = getNegNodesWithNewLabel(graph, neighbour, memberships.keySet()); double profitability; if ((posNodesWithNewLabel + negNodesWithNewLabel) != 0 & posNodesWithNewLabel - negNodesWithNewLabel > 0) { profitability = (double) (posNodesWithNewLabel - negNodesWithNewLabel) / (double) (posNodesWithNewLabel + negNodesWithNewLabel); } else { profitability = 0; } if (profitability >= profitabilityThreshold.get(neighbour.index())) { NodesAssumingNewLabel.add(neighbour); membershipsToAdd.put(neighbour, iterationCount); } } } memberships.putAll(membershipsToAdd); NodesNewLabel.clear(); NodesNewLabel.addAll(NodesAssumingNewLabel); } return memberships; } /* * Returns the number of positive neighbours with the new label of a given * node. * * @param graph The graph where the node resides. * * @param node The node under observation. * * @param nodesNewLabel Set of nodes in the graph which have already assumed the * new label. * * @return The set of positive neighbours with the new label of a give node. * */ protected int getPosNodesWithNewLabel(CustomGraph graph, Node node, Set<Node> nodesNewLabel) throws InterruptedException { Set<Node> positiveNeighboursWithNewLabel = new HashSet<Node>(); Set<Node> positiveNeighbours = graph.getPositiveNeighbours(node); for (Node positiveNeighbour : positiveNeighbours) { if (Thread.interrupted()) { throw new InterruptedException(); } if (nodesNewLabel.contains(positiveNeighbour)) { positiveNeighboursWithNewLabel.add(positiveNeighbour); } } return positiveNeighboursWithNewLabel.size(); } /* * Returns the number of negative neighbours with the new label of a given * node. * * @param graph The graph where the node resides. * * @param node The node under observation. * * @param nodesNewLabel Set of nodes in the graph which have already assumed the * new label. * * @return The set of negative neighbours with the new label of a give node. * */ protected int getNegNodesWithNewLabel(CustomGraph graph, Node node, Set<Node> nodesNewLabel) throws InterruptedException { Set<Node> negativeNeighboursWithNewLabel = new HashSet<Node>(); Set<Node> negativeNeighbours = graph.getNegativeNeighbours(node); for (Node negativeNeighbour : negativeNeighbours) { if (Thread.interrupted()) { throw new InterruptedException(); } if (nodesNewLabel.contains(negativeNeighbour)) { negativeNeighboursWithNewLabel.add(negativeNeighbour); } } return negativeNeighboursWithNewLabel.size(); } /* * Returns a cover containing the membership degrees of all nodes. * * @param graph The graph which is being analyzed. * * @param communities A mapping from the leader nodes to the iteration count * mapping of their community members. * * @return A cover containing each node's membership degree */ protected Cover getMembershipDegrees(CustomGraph graph, Map<Node, Map<Node, Integer>> communities) throws InterruptedException { Matrix membershipMatrix = new CCSMatrix(graph.nodeCount(), communities.size()); int communityIndex = 0; double membershipDegree; for (Node leader : communities.keySet()) { membershipMatrix.set(leader.index(), communityIndex, 1.0); for (Map.Entry<Node, Integer> entry : communities.get(leader).entrySet()) { if (Thread.interrupted()) { throw new InterruptedException(); } membershipDegree = 1.0 / Math.pow(entry.getValue(), 2); membershipMatrix.set(entry.getKey().index(), communityIndex, membershipDegree); } communityIndex++; } Cover cover = new Cover(graph, membershipMatrix); return cover; } }