package; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.la4j.matrix.Matrix; import org.la4j.matrix.dense.Basic2DMatrix; import org.la4j.matrix.sparse.CCSMatrix; import org.la4j.vector.Vector; import org.la4j.vector.Vectors; import org.la4j.vector.dense.BasicVector; import y.base.Edge; import y.base.EdgeCursor; import y.base.Node; import y.base.NodeCursor; /** * Implements a custom extended version of the Random Walk Label Propagation Algorithm. * Handles directed and weighted graphs. * For unweighted, undirected graphs, it behaves the same as the original. */ public class RandomWalkLabelPropagationAlgorithm implements OcdAlgorithm { /** * The iteration bound for the random walk phase. The default * value is 1000. Must be greater than 0. */ private int randomWalkIterationBound = 1000; /** * The precision factor for the random walk phase. The phase ends * when the infinity norm of the difference between the updated vector and * the previous one is smaller than this factor. * The default value is 0.001. Must be greater than 0 and smaller than infinity. * Recommended are values close to 0. */ private double randomWalkPrecisionFactor = 0.001; /** * The profitability step size for the label propagation phase. The default * value is 0.1. Must be in (0, 1). */ private double profitabilityDelta = 0.1; /* * PARAMETER NAMES */ protected static final String PROFITABILITY_DELTA_NAME = "profitabilityDelta"; protected static final String LEADERSHIP_PRECISION_FACTOR_NAME = "leadershipPrecisionFactor"; protected static final String LEADERSHIP_ITERATION_BOUND_NAME = "leadershipIterationBound"; /** * Creates a standard instance of the algorithm. All attributes are assigned * there default values. */ public RandomWalkLabelPropagationAlgorithm() { } @Override public CoverCreationType getAlgorithmType() { return CoverCreationType.RANDOM_WALK_LABEL_PROPAGATION_ALGORITHM; } @Override public Map<String, String> getParameters() { Map<String, String> parameters = new HashMap<String, String>(); parameters.put(PROFITABILITY_DELTA_NAME, Double.toString(profitabilityDelta)); parameters.put(LEADERSHIP_ITERATION_BOUND_NAME, Integer.toString(randomWalkIterationBound)); parameters.put(LEADERSHIP_PRECISION_FACTOR_NAME, Double.toString(randomWalkPrecisionFactor)); return parameters; } @Override public void setParameters(Map<String, String> parameters) throws IllegalArgumentException { if(parameters.containsKey(PROFITABILITY_DELTA_NAME)) { profitabilityDelta = Double.parseDouble(parameters.get(PROFITABILITY_DELTA_NAME)); if(profitabilityDelta <= 0 || profitabilityDelta >= 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } parameters.remove(PROFITABILITY_DELTA_NAME); } if(parameters.containsKey(LEADERSHIP_ITERATION_BOUND_NAME)) { randomWalkIterationBound = Integer.parseInt(parameters.get(LEADERSHIP_ITERATION_BOUND_NAME)); if(randomWalkIterationBound <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } parameters.remove(LEADERSHIP_ITERATION_BOUND_NAME); } if(parameters.containsKey(LEADERSHIP_PRECISION_FACTOR_NAME)) { randomWalkPrecisionFactor = Double.parseDouble(parameters.get(LEADERSHIP_PRECISION_FACTOR_NAME)); parameters.remove(LEADERSHIP_PRECISION_FACTOR_NAME); if(randomWalkPrecisionFactor <= 0 || randomWalkPrecisionFactor == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } if(parameters.size() > 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } @Override public Set<GraphType> compatibleGraphTypes() { Set<GraphType> compatibilities = new HashSet<GraphType>(); compatibilities.add(GraphType.WEIGHTED); compatibilities.add(GraphType.DIRECTED); return compatibilities; } @Override public Cover detectOverlappingCommunities(CustomGraph graph) throws OcdAlgorithmException, InterruptedException { List<Node> leaders = randomWalkPhase(graph); return labelPropagationPhase(graph, leaders); } /* * Executes the random walk phase of the algorithm and returns global * leaders. * * @param graph The graph whose leaders will be detected. * * @return A list containing all nodes which are global leaders. */ protected List<Node> randomWalkPhase(CustomGraph graph) throws OcdAlgorithmException, InterruptedException { Matrix disassortativityMatrix = getTransposedDisassortativityMatrix(graph); Vector disassortativityVector = executeRandomWalk(disassortativityMatrix); Vector leadershipVector = getLeadershipValues(graph, disassortativityVector); Map<Node, Double> followerMap = getFollowerDegrees(graph, leadershipVector); return getGlobalLeaders(followerMap); } /* * Returns the transposed normalized disassortativity matrix for the random * walk phase. * * @param graph The graph whose disassortativity matrix will be derived. * * @return The transposed normalized disassortativity matrix. */ protected Matrix getTransposedDisassortativityMatrix(CustomGraph graph) throws InterruptedException { /* * Calculates transposed disassortativity matrix in a special sparse * matrix format. */ Matrix disassortativities = new CCSMatrix(graph.nodeCount(), graph.nodeCount()); EdgeCursor edges = graph.edges(); double disassortativity; Edge edge; while (edges.ok()) { if(Thread.interrupted()) { throw new InterruptedException(); } edge = edges.edge(); disassortativity = Math .abs(graph.getWeightedInDegree( - graph.getWeightedInDegree(edge.source())); disassortativities.set(, edge.source().index(), disassortativity);; } /* * Column normalizes transposed disassortativity matrix. */ double norm; Vector column; for (int i = 0; i < disassortativities.columns(); i++) { if(Thread.interrupted()) { throw new InterruptedException(); } column = disassortativities.getColumn(i); norm = column.fold(Vectors.mkManhattanNormAccumulator()); if (norm > 0) { disassortativities.setColumn(i, column.divide(norm)); } } return disassortativities; } /* * Executes the random walk for the random walk phase. The vector is * initialized with a uniform distribution. * * @param disassortativityMatrix The disassortativity matrix on which the * random walk will be performed. * * @return The resulting disassortativity vector. */ protected Vector executeRandomWalk(Matrix disassortativityMatrix) throws OcdAlgorithmException, InterruptedException { Vector vec1 = new BasicVector(disassortativityMatrix.columns()); for (int i = 0; i < vec1.length(); i++) { vec1.set(i, 1.0 / vec1.length()); } Vector vec2 = new BasicVector(vec1.length()); int iteration; for (iteration = 0; vec1.subtract(vec2).fold( Vectors.mkInfinityNormAccumulator()) > randomWalkPrecisionFactor && iteration < randomWalkIterationBound; iteration++) { if(Thread.interrupted()) { throw new InterruptedException(); } vec2 = new BasicVector(vec1); vec1 = disassortativityMatrix.multiply(vec1); } if (iteration >= randomWalkIterationBound) { throw new OcdAlgorithmException( "Random walk iteration bound exceeded: iteration " + iteration); } return vec1; } /* * Calculates the leadership values of all nodes for the random walk phase. * * @param graph The graph containing the nodes. * * @param disassortativityVector The disassortativity vector calculated * earlier in the random walk phase. * * @return A vector containing the leadership value of each node in the * entry given by the node index. */ protected Vector getLeadershipValues(CustomGraph graph, Vector disassortativityVector) throws InterruptedException { Vector leadershipVector = new BasicVector(graph.nodeCount()); NodeCursor nodes = graph.nodes(); Node node; double leadershipValue; while (nodes.ok()) { if(Thread.interrupted()) { throw new InterruptedException(); } node = nodes.node(); /* * Note: degree normalization is left out since it * does not influence the outcome. */ leadershipValue = graph.getWeightedInDegree(node) * disassortativityVector.get(node.index()); leadershipVector.set(node.index(), leadershipValue);; } return leadershipVector; } /* * Returns the follower degree of each node for the random walk phase. * * @param graph The graph containing the nodes. * * @param leadershipVector The leadership vector previous calculated during * the random walk phase. * * @return A mapping from the nodes to the corresponding follower degrees. */ protected Map<Node, Double> getFollowerDegrees(CustomGraph graph, Vector leadershipVector) throws InterruptedException { Map<Node, Double> followerMap = new HashMap<Node, Double>(); NodeCursor nodes = graph.nodes(); /* * Iterates over all nodes to detect their local leader */ Node node; NodeCursor successors; double maxInfluence; List<Node> leaders = new ArrayList<Node>(); Node successor; Edge successorEdge; double successorInfluence; Edge nodeEdge; double followerDegree; while (nodes.ok()) { if(Thread.interrupted()) { throw new InterruptedException(); } node = nodes.node(); successors = node.successors(); maxInfluence = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; leaders.clear(); /* * Checks all successors for possible leader */ while (successors.ok()) { successor = successors.node(); successorEdge = node.getEdgeTo(successor); successorInfluence = leadershipVector.get(successor.index()) * graph.getEdgeWeight(successorEdge); if (successorInfluence >= maxInfluence) { nodeEdge = node.getEdgeFrom(successor); /* * Ensures the node itself is not a leader of the successor */ if (nodeEdge == null || successorInfluence > leadershipVector.get(node .index()) * graph.getEdgeWeight(nodeEdge)) { if (successorInfluence > maxInfluence) { /* * Other nodes have lower influence */ leaders.clear(); } leaders.add(successor); maxInfluence = successorInfluence; } }; } if (!leaders.isEmpty()) { for (Node leader : leaders) { followerDegree = 0; if (followerMap.containsKey(leader)) { followerDegree = followerMap.get(leader); } followerMap.put(leader, followerDegree += 1d / leaders.size()); } }; } return followerMap; } /* * Returns a list of global leaders for the random walk phase. * * @param followerMap The mapping from nodes to their follower degrees * previously calculated in the random walk phase. * * @return A list containing all nodes which are considered to be global * leaders. */ protected List<Node> getGlobalLeaders(Map<Node, Double> followerMap) throws InterruptedException { double averageFollowerDegree = 0; for (Double followerDegree : followerMap.values()) { if(Thread.interrupted()) { throw new InterruptedException(); } averageFollowerDegree += followerDegree; } averageFollowerDegree /= followerMap.size(); List<Node> globalLeaders = new ArrayList<Node>(); for (Map.Entry<Node, Double> entry : followerMap.entrySet()) { if(Thread.interrupted()) { throw new InterruptedException(); } if (entry.getValue() >= averageFollowerDegree) { globalLeaders.add(entry.getKey()); } } return globalLeaders; } /* * Executes the label propagation phase. * * @param graph The graph which is being analyzed. * * @param leaders The list of global leader nodes detected during the random * walk phase. * * @return A cover containing the detected communities. */ protected Cover labelPropagationPhase(CustomGraph graph, List<Node> leaders) throws InterruptedException { /* * Executes the label propagation until all nodes are assigned to at * least one community */ int iterationCount = 0; Map<Node, Map<Node, Integer>> communities = new HashMap<Node, Map<Node, Integer>>(); Map<Node, Integer> communityMemberships; do { communities.clear(); iterationCount++; for (Node leader : leaders) { communityMemberships = executeLabelPropagation(graph, leader, 1 - iterationCount * profitabilityDelta); communities.put(leader, communityMemberships); } } while (1 - iterationCount * profitabilityDelta > 0 && !areAllNodesAssigned(graph, communities)); return getMembershipDegrees(graph, communities); } /* * Executes the label propagation for a single leader to identify its * community members. * * @param graph The graph which is being analyzed. * * @param leader The leader node whose community members will be identified. * * @param profitabilityThreshold The threshold value that determines whether * it is profitable for a node to join the community of the leader / assume * its behavior. * * @return A mapping containing the iteration count for each node that is a * community member. The iteration count indicates, in which iteration the * corresponding node has joint the community. */ protected Map<Node, Integer> executeLabelPropagation(CustomGraph graph, Node leader, double profitabilityThreshold) throws InterruptedException { Map<Node, Integer> memberships = new HashMap<Node, Integer>(); int previousMemberCount; int iterationCount = 0; /* * Iterates as long as new members assume the behavior. */ Set<Node> predecessors; Iterator<Node> nodeIt; Node node; double profitability; NodeCursor nodeSuccessors; Node nodeSuccessor; do { iterationCount++; previousMemberCount = memberships.size(); predecessors = getBehaviorPredecessors(graph, memberships, leader); nodeIt = predecessors.iterator(); /* * Checks for each predecessor of the leader behavior nodes whether * it assumes the new behavior. */ while (nodeIt.hasNext()) { if(Thread.interrupted()) { throw new InterruptedException(); } node =; profitability = 0; nodeSuccessors = node.successors(); while (nodeSuccessors.ok()) { nodeSuccessor = nodeSuccessors.node(); Integer joinIteration = memberships.get(nodeSuccessor); if (nodeSuccessor.equals(leader) || ( joinIteration != null && joinIteration < iterationCount)) { profitability++; }; } if (profitability / (double) nodeSuccessors.size() > profitabilityThreshold) { memberships.put(node, iterationCount); } } } while (memberships.size() > previousMemberCount); return memberships; } /* * Returns all predecessors of the nodes which adopted the leader's behavior * (and the leader itself) for the label propagation of each leader. * * @param graph The graph which is being analyzed. * * @param memberships The nodes which have adopted leader behavior. Note * that the membership degrees are not examined, any key value is considered * a node with leader behavior. * * @param leader The node which is leader of the community currently under * examination. * * @return A set containing all nodes that have not yet assumed leader * behavior, but are predecessors of a node with leader behavior. */ protected Set<Node> getBehaviorPredecessors(CustomGraph graph, Map<Node, Integer> memberships, Node leader) throws InterruptedException { Set<Node> neighbors = new HashSet<Node>(); NodeCursor leaderPredecessors = leader.predecessors(); Node leaderPredecessor; while (leaderPredecessors.ok()) { leaderPredecessor = leaderPredecessors.node(); if (!memberships.containsKey(leaderPredecessor)) { neighbors.add(leaderPredecessor); }; } NodeCursor memberPredecessors; Node memberPredecessor; for (Node member : memberships.keySet()) { if(Thread.interrupted()) { throw new InterruptedException(); } memberPredecessors = member.predecessors(); while (memberPredecessors.ok()) { memberPredecessor = memberPredecessors.node(); if (!memberPredecessor.equals(leader) && !memberships.containsKey(memberPredecessor)) { neighbors.add(memberPredecessor); }; } } return neighbors; } /* * Indicates for the label propagation phase whether all nodes have been * assigned to at least one community. * * @param graph The graph which is being analyzed. * * @param communities A mapping from the leader nodes to the membership * degrees of that leaders community. * * @return TRUE when each node has been assigned to at least one community, * and FALSE otherwise. */ protected boolean areAllNodesAssigned(CustomGraph graph, Map<Node, Map<Node, Integer>> communities) throws InterruptedException { boolean allNodesAreAssigned = true; NodeCursor nodes = graph.nodes(); boolean nodeIsAssigned; Node node; while (nodes.ok()) { if(Thread.interrupted()) { throw new InterruptedException(); } nodeIsAssigned = false; node = nodes.node(); for (Map.Entry<Node, Map<Node, Integer>> entry : communities .entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue().containsKey(node)) { nodeIsAssigned = true; break; } } if (!nodeIsAssigned) { allNodesAreAssigned = false; break; }; } return allNodesAreAssigned; } /* * Returns a cover containing the membership degrees of all nodes., * calculated from * * @param graph The graph which is being analyzed. * * @param communities A mapping from the leader nodes to the iteration count * mapping of their community members. * * @return A cover containing each nodes membership degree */ protected Cover getMembershipDegrees(CustomGraph graph, Map<Node, Map<Node, Integer>> communities) throws InterruptedException { Matrix membershipMatrix = new Basic2DMatrix(graph.nodeCount(), communities.size()); int communityIndex = 0; double membershipDegree; for (Node leader : communities.keySet()) { membershipMatrix.set(leader.index(), communityIndex, 1.0); for (Map.Entry<Node, Integer> entry : communities.get(leader) .entrySet()) { if(Thread.interrupted()) { throw new InterruptedException(); } membershipDegree = 1.0 / Math.pow(entry.getValue(), 2); membershipMatrix.set(entry.getKey().index(), communityIndex, membershipDegree); } communityIndex++; } Cover cover = new Cover(graph, membershipMatrix); return cover; } }