package; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import javax.persistence.Column; import javax.persistence.ElementCollection; import javax.persistence.Entity; import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue; import javax.persistence.GenerationType; import javax.persistence.Id; import javax.persistence.IdClass; import javax.persistence.JoinColumn; import javax.persistence.JoinColumns; import javax.persistence.ManyToOne; /** * A log representation for an OcdMetric execution. * @author Sebastian * */ @Entity @IdClass(OcdMetricLogId.class) public class OcdMetricLog { /* * Database column name definitions. */ private static final String idColumnName = "ID"; private static final String typeColumnName = "TYPE"; private static final String valueColumnName = "VALUE"; public static final String coverIdColumnName = "COVER_ID"; public static final String graphIdColumnName = "GRAPH_ID"; public static final String graphUserColumnName = "USER_NAME"; private static final String statusIdColumnName = "STATUS"; /* * Field names */ public static final String STATUS_ID_FIELD_NAME = "statusId"; /** * System generated persistence id. */ @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.IDENTITY) @Column(name = idColumnName) private long id; /** * The cover the metric was run on. */ @Id @ManyToOne @JoinColumns({ @JoinColumn(name=graphIdColumnName, referencedColumnName=Cover.graphIdColumnName), @JoinColumn(name=graphUserColumnName, referencedColumnName=Cover.graphUserColumnName), @JoinColumn(name=coverIdColumnName, referencedColumnName=Cover.idColumnName) }) private Cover cover; /** * Parameters used by the metric. */ @ElementCollection private Map<String, String> parameters; /** * The calculated metric value. */ @Column(name = valueColumnName) private double value; /** * Id of the metrics corresponding ocd metric type. */ @Column(name = typeColumnName) private int typeId; /** * The status of the corresponding execution. */ @Column(name = statusIdColumnName) private int statusId = ExecutionStatus.WAITING.getId(); /** * Creates a new instance. * Only provided for persistence. */ protected OcdMetricLog() { } /** * Creates a new instance. * @param type The type of the corresponding metric. * @param value The value calculated by the metric. * @param parameters The parameters used by the metric. * @param cover The cover the metric was run on. */ public OcdMetricLog(OcdMetricType type, double value, Map<String, String> parameters, Cover cover) { if(type != null) { this.typeId = type.getId(); } else { this.typeId = OcdMetricType.UNDEFINED.getId(); } if(parameters != null) { this.parameters = parameters; } else { this.parameters = new HashMap<String, String>(); } this.value = value; this.cover = cover; } /** * Returns the log id. * @return The id. */ public long getId() { return id; } /** * Returns the type of the corresponding metric. * @return The type. */ public OcdMetricType getType() { return OcdMetricType.lookupType(this.typeId); } /** * Returns the parameters used by the corresponding metric. * @return A mapping from each parameter name to the corresponding value in String format. */ public Map<String, String> getParameters() { return parameters; } /** * Returns the value calculated by the corresponding metric. * @return The value. */ public double getValue() { return value; } /** * Sets the corresponding metric value. * @param value The value. */ public void setValue(double value) { this.value = value; } /** * Returns the execution status of the corresponding metric. * @return The status. */ public ExecutionStatus getStatus() { return ExecutionStatus.lookupStatus(statusId); } /** * Sets the execution status of the corresponding metric. * @param status The status. */ public void setStatus(ExecutionStatus status) { this.statusId = status.getId(); } /** * Returns the cover the corresponding metric was run on. * @return The cover. */ public Cover getCover() { return cover; } }