package org.akaza.openclinica.web.job; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import javax.sql.DataSource; import org.akaza.openclinica.bean.admin.TriggerBean; import org.akaza.openclinica.bean.core.DataEntryStage; import org.akaza.openclinica.bean.core.DiscrepancyNoteType; import org.akaza.openclinica.bean.core.ResolutionStatus; import org.akaza.openclinica.bean.core.Status; import org.akaza.openclinica.bean.login.UserAccountBean; import org.akaza.openclinica.bean.managestudy.DiscrepancyNoteBean; import org.akaza.openclinica.bean.managestudy.StudyBean; import org.akaza.openclinica.bean.managestudy.StudySubjectBean; import org.akaza.openclinica.bean.rule.XmlSchemaValidationHelper; import org.akaza.openclinica.bean.submit.DisplayItemBean; import org.akaza.openclinica.bean.submit.DisplayItemBeanWrapper; import org.akaza.openclinica.bean.submit.EventCRFBean; import org.akaza.openclinica.bean.submit.ItemBean; import org.akaza.openclinica.bean.submit.ItemDataBean; import org.akaza.openclinica.bean.submit.crfdata.ODMContainer; import org.akaza.openclinica.bean.submit.crfdata.SubjectDataBean; import org.akaza.openclinica.bean.submit.crfdata.SummaryStatsBean; import org.akaza.openclinica.control.submit.ImportCRFInfoContainer; import org.akaza.openclinica.core.OpenClinicaMailSender; import org.akaza.openclinica.dao.admin.AuditEventDAO; import org.akaza.openclinica.dao.core.CoreResources; import org.akaza.openclinica.dao.login.UserAccountDAO; import org.akaza.openclinica.dao.managestudy.DiscrepancyNoteDAO; import org.akaza.openclinica.dao.managestudy.StudyDAO; import org.akaza.openclinica.dao.managestudy.StudySubjectDAO; import org.akaza.openclinica.dao.submit.EventCRFDAO; import org.akaza.openclinica.dao.submit.ItemDAO; import org.akaza.openclinica.dao.submit.ItemDataDAO; import org.akaza.openclinica.exception.OpenClinicaException; import org.akaza.openclinica.exception.OpenClinicaSystemException; import org.akaza.openclinica.i18n.util.ResourceBundleProvider; import org.akaza.openclinica.logic.rulerunner.ExecutionMode; import org.akaza.openclinica.logic.rulerunner.ImportDataRuleRunnerContainer; import org.akaza.openclinica.service.rule.RuleSetServiceInterface; import org.akaza.openclinica.web.SQLInitServlet; import org.akaza.openclinica.web.crfdata.ImportCRFDataService; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.exolab.castor.mapping.Mapping; import org.exolab.castor.xml.Unmarshaller; import org.quartz.JobDataMap; import org.quartz.JobExecutionContext; import org.quartz.JobExecutionException; import org.quartz.SchedulerException; import org.quartz.SimpleTrigger; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext; import org.springframework.mock.web.MockHttpServletRequest; import org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.QuartzJobBean; import org.springframework.transaction.TransactionStatus; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; import; import; /** * Import Spring Job, a job running asynchronously on the Tomcat server using Spring and Quartz. * * @author thickerson, 04/2009 * */ public class ImportSpringJob extends QuartzJobBean { protected final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass().getName()); XmlSchemaValidationHelper schemaValidator = new XmlSchemaValidationHelper(); public static final String DIR_PATH = "scheduled_data_import"; ResourceBundle respage; ResourceBundle resword; Locale locale; /* * variables to be pulled out of the JobDataMap. Note that these are stored in binary format in the database. */ public static final String DIRECTORY = "filePathDir"; public static final String EMAIL = "contactEmail"; public static final String USER_ID = "user_id"; public static final String STUDY_NAME = "study_name"; public static final String STUDY_OID = "study_oid"; public static final String DEST_DIR = "Event_CRF_Data"; // below is the directory where we copy the files to, our target private static final String IMPORT_DIR = SQLInitServlet.getField("filePath") + DIR_PATH + File.separator; // + public static final String IMPORT_DIR_2 = SQLInitServlet.getField("filePath") + DEST_DIR + File.separator; private DataSource dataSource; private OpenClinicaMailSender mailSender; private ImportCRFDataService dataService; private ItemDataDAO itemDataDao;// = new ItemDataDAO(sm.getDataSource()); private EventCRFDAO eventCrfDao;// = new EventCRFDAO(sm.getDataSource()); private AuditEventDAO auditEventDAO; private TriggerService triggerService; @Override protected void executeInternal(final JobExecutionContext context) throws JobExecutionException { ApplicationContext appContext; try { appContext = (ApplicationContext) context.getScheduler().getContext().get("applicationContext"); TransactionTemplate transactionTemplate = (TransactionTemplate) appContext.getBean("sharedTransactionTemplate"); transactionTemplate.execute(new TransactionCallbackWithoutResult() { @Override protected void doInTransactionWithoutResult(TransactionStatus status) { executeInternalInTransaction(context); } }); } catch (SchedulerException e) { throw new JobExecutionException(e); } } protected void executeInternalInTransaction(JobExecutionContext context) { locale = new Locale("en-US"); ResourceBundleProvider.updateLocale(locale); respage = ResourceBundleProvider.getPageMessagesBundle(); resword = ResourceBundleProvider.getWordsBundle(); triggerService = new TriggerService(); JobDataMap dataMap = context.getMergedJobDataMap(); SimpleTrigger trigger = (SimpleTrigger) context.getTrigger(); TriggerBean triggerBean = new TriggerBean(); triggerBean.setFullName(trigger.getKey().getName()); String contactEmail = dataMap.getString(EMAIL); logger.debug("=== starting to run trigger " + trigger.getKey().getName() + " ==="); try { ApplicationContext appContext = (ApplicationContext) context.getScheduler().getContext().get("applicationContext"); dataSource = (DataSource) appContext.getBean("dataSource"); mailSender = (OpenClinicaMailSender) appContext.getBean("openClinicaMailSender"); RuleSetServiceInterface ruleSetService = (RuleSetServiceInterface) appContext.getBean("ruleSetService"); itemDataDao = new ItemDataDAO(dataSource); eventCrfDao = new EventCRFDAO(dataSource); auditEventDAO = new AuditEventDAO(dataSource); int userId = dataMap.getInt(USER_ID); UserAccountDAO userAccountDAO = new UserAccountDAO(dataSource); UserAccountBean ub = (UserAccountBean) userAccountDAO.findByPK(userId); triggerBean.setUserAccount(ub); String directory = dataMap.getString(DIRECTORY); String studyName = dataMap.getString(STUDY_NAME); String studyOid = dataMap.getString(STUDY_OID); String localeStr = dataMap.getString(ExampleSpringJob.LOCALE); if (localeStr != null) { locale = new Locale(localeStr); ResourceBundleProvider.updateLocale(locale); respage = ResourceBundleProvider.getPageMessagesBundle(); resword = ResourceBundleProvider.getWordsBundle(); } StudyDAO studyDAO = new StudyDAO(dataSource); StudyBean studyBean; if (studyOid != null) { studyBean = studyDAO.findByOid(studyOid); } else { studyBean = (StudyBean) studyDAO.findByName(studyName); } // might also need study id here for the data service? File fileDirectory = new File(SQLInitServlet.getField("filePath") + DIR_PATH + File.separator); // File fileDirectory = new File(IMPORT_DIR); if ("".equals(directory)) { // avoid NPEs // do nothing here? } else { // there is a separator at the end of IMPORT_DIR already... // fileDirectory = new File(IMPORT_DIR + directory + // File.separator); fileDirectory = new File(SQLInitServlet.getField("filePath") + DIR_PATH + File.separator + directory + File.separator); } if (!fileDirectory.isDirectory()) { fileDirectory.mkdirs(); } // this is necessary the first time this is run, tbh // File destDirectory = new File(IMPORT_DIR_2); File destDirectory = new File(SQLInitServlet.getField("filePath") + DEST_DIR + File.separator); if (!destDirectory.isDirectory()) { destDirectory.mkdirs(); } // look at directory, if there are new files, move them over and // read them // File fileDirectory = new File(directory); String[] files = fileDirectory.list(); logger.debug("found " + files.length + " files under directory " + SQLInitServlet.getField("filePath") + DIR_PATH + File.separator + directory); File[] target = new File[files.length]; File[] destination = new File[files.length]; for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { // hmm if (!new File(fileDirectory + File.separator + files[i]).isDirectory()) { File f = new File(fileDirectory + File.separator + files[i]); if (f == null || f.getName() == null) { logger.debug("found a null file"); } else if (f.getName().indexOf(".xml") < 0 && f.getName().indexOf(".XML") < 0) { logger.debug("does not seem to be an xml file"); // we need a place holder to avoid 'gaps' in the file // list } else { logger.debug("adding: " + f.getName()); target[i] = f;// new File(IMPORT_DIR + // directory + // File.separator + files[i]); // destination[i] = new File(IMPORT_DIR_2 + files[i]); destination[i] = new File(SQLInitServlet.getField("filePath") + DEST_DIR + File.separator + files[i]); } } } if (target.length > 0 && destination.length > 0) { cutAndPaste(target, destination); // @pgawade 28-June-2012: Fix for issue #13964 - Remove the null // elements from destination array of files // which might be created because of presense of sub-directories // or non-xml files under scheduled_data_import directory // which are non-usable files for import. destination = removeNullElements(destination); // do everything else here with 'destination' ArrayList<String> auditMessages = processData(destination, dataSource, respage, resword, ub, studyBean, destDirectory, triggerBean, ruleSetService); auditEventDAO.createRowForExtractDataJobSuccess(triggerBean, auditMessages.get(1)); try { if (contactEmail != null && !"".equals(contactEmail)) { mailSender.sendEmail(contactEmail, respage.getString("job_ran_for") + " " + triggerBean.getFullName(), generateMsg(auditMessages.get(0), contactEmail), true); logger.debug("email body: " + auditMessages.get(1)); } } catch (OpenClinicaSystemException e) { // Do nothing logger.error("=== throw an ocse === " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } } else { logger.debug("no real files found"); auditEventDAO.createRowForExtractDataJobSuccess(triggerBean, respage.getString("job_ran_but_no_files")); // no email here, tbh } // use the business logic to go through each one and import that // data // check to see if they were imported before? // using the four methods: // importCRFDataServce.validateStudyMetadata, // service.lookupValidationErrors, service.fetchEventCRFBeans(?), // and // service.generateSummaryStatsBean(for the email we send out later) } catch (Exception e) { // more detailed reporting here logger.error("found a fail exception: " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); auditEventDAO.createRowForExtractDataJobFailure(triggerBean, e.getMessage()); try { mailSender.sendEmail(contactEmail, respage.getString("job_failure_for") + " " + triggerBean.getFullName(), e.getMessage(), true); } catch (OpenClinicaSystemException ose) { // Do nothing logger.error("=== throw an ocse: " + ose.getMessage()); } } } private ImportCRFDataService getImportCRFDataService(DataSource dataSource) { // TODO dynamic locale? // Locale locale = new Locale("en-US"); dataService = this.dataService != null ? dataService : new ImportCRFDataService(dataSource, locale); return dataService; } private String generateMsg(String msg, String contactEmail) { // @pgawade 07-Sept-2012: fix for String returnMe = respage.getString("html_email_header_1") + " " + contactEmail + respage.getString("your_job_ran_success_html") + " " + respage.getString("please_review_the_data_html") + msg; return returnMe; } /* * processData, a method which should take in all XML files, check to see if they were imported previously, ? insert * them into the database if not, and return a message which will go to audit and to the end user. */ private ArrayList<String> processData(File[] dest, DataSource dataSource, ResourceBundle respage, ResourceBundle resword, UserAccountBean ub, StudyBean studyBean, File destDirectory, TriggerBean triggerBean, RuleSetServiceInterface ruleSetService) throws Exception { StringBuffer msg = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer auditMsg = new StringBuffer(); Mapping myMap = new Mapping(); String propertiesPath = CoreResources.PROPERTIES_DIR; new File(propertiesPath + File.separator + "ODM1-3-0.xsd"); File xsdFile2 = new File(propertiesPath + File.separator + "ODM1-2-1.xsd"); // @pgawade 18-April-2011 Fix for issue 8394 String ODM_MAPPING_DIR_path = CoreResources.ODM_MAPPING_DIR; myMap.loadMapping(ODM_MAPPING_DIR_path + File.separator + "cd_odm_mapping.xml"); Unmarshaller um1 = new Unmarshaller(myMap); ODMContainer odmContainer = new ODMContainer(); // BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(new // File("log.txt"))); for (File f : dest) { // >> tbh boolean fail = false; String regex = "\\s+"; // all whitespace, one or more times String replacement = "_"; // replace with underscores String pattern = "yyyy" + File.separator + "MM" + File.separator + "dd" + File.separator + "HHmmssSSS" + File.separator; SimpleDateFormat sdfDir = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern); String generalFileDir = sdfDir.format(new java.util.Date()); File logDestDirectory = new File(destDirectory + File.separator + generalFileDir + f.getName().replaceAll(regex, replacement) + ".log.txt"); if (!logDestDirectory.isDirectory()) { logger.debug("creating new dir: " + logDestDirectory.getAbsolutePath()); logDestDirectory.mkdirs(); } File newFile = new File(logDestDirectory, "log.txt"); // FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(new // File(logDestDirectory, "log.txt")); // BufferedWriter out = null; // wrap the below in a try-catch? BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(newFile)); // TODO add more info here, like a timestamp // << tbh 06/2010 if (f != null) { String firstLine = "<P>" + f.getName() + ": "; msg.append(firstLine); out.write(firstLine); auditMsg.append(firstLine); } else { msg.append("<P>" + respage.getString("unreadable_file") + ": "); out.write("<P>" + respage.getString("unreadable_file") + ": "); auditMsg.append("<P>" + respage.getString("unreadable_file") + ": "); } try { // schemaValidator.validateAgainstSchema(f, xsdFile); odmContainer = (ODMContainer) um1.unmarshal(new FileReader(f)); logger.debug("Found crf data container for study oid: " + odmContainer.getCrfDataPostImportContainer().getStudyOID()); logger.debug("found length of subject list: " + odmContainer.getCrfDataPostImportContainer().getSubjectData().size()); } catch (Exception me1) { // fail against one, try another try { schemaValidator.validateAgainstSchema(f, xsdFile2); // for backwards compatibility, we also try to validate vs // 1.2.1 ODM 06/2008 odmContainer = (ODMContainer) um1.unmarshal(new FileReader(f)); } catch (Exception me2) { // not sure if we want to report me2 MessageFormat mf = new MessageFormat(""); mf.applyPattern(respage.getString("your_xml_is_not_well_formed")); Object[] arguments = { me1.getMessage() }; msg.append(mf.format(arguments) + "<br/>"); auditMsg.append(mf.format(arguments) + "<br/>"); // break here with an exception logger.error("found an error with XML: " + msg.toString()); // throw new Exception(msg.toString()); // instead of breaking the entire operation, we should // continue looping continue; } } // next: check, then import List<String> errors = getImportCRFDataService(dataSource).validateStudyMetadata(odmContainer, studyBean.getId()); // this needs to be replaced with the study name from the job, since // the user could be in any study ... if (errors != null) { // add to session // forward to another page if (errors.size() > 0) { out.write("<P>Errors:<br/>"); for (String error : errors) { out.write(error + "<br/>"); } out.write("</P>"); // fail = true; // forwardPage(Page.IMPORT_CRF_DATA); // break here with an exception // throw new Exception("Your XML in the file " + f.getName() // + " was well formed, but generated metadata errors: " + // errors.toString()); // msg.append("Your XML in the file " + f.getName() + // " was well formed, but generated metadata errors: " + // errors.toString()); MessageFormat mf = new MessageFormat(""); mf.applyPattern(respage.getString("your_xml_in_the_file")); Object[] arguments = { f.getName(), errors.size() }; auditMsg.append(mf.format(arguments) + "<br/>"); msg.append(mf.format(arguments) + "<br/>"); auditMsg.append("You can see the log file <a href='" + SQLInitServlet.getField("sysURL.base") + "ViewLogMessage?n=" + generalFileDir + f.getName() + "&tn=" + triggerBean.getName() + "&gn=1'>here</a>.<br/>"); msg.append("You can see the log file <a href='" + SQLInitServlet.getField("sysURL.base") + "ViewLogMessage?n=" + generalFileDir + f.getName() + "&tn=" + triggerBean.getName() + "&gn=1'>here</a>.<br/>"); // auditMsg.append("Your XML in the file " + f.getName() + // " was well formed, but generated " + errors.size() + // " metadata errors." + "<br/>"); out.close(); continue; } else { msg.append(respage.getString("passed_study_check") + "<br/>"); msg.append(respage.getString("passed_oid_metadata_check") + "<br/>"); auditMsg.append(respage.getString("passed_study_check") + "<br/>"); auditMsg.append(respage.getString("passed_oid_metadata_check") + "<br/>"); } } ImportCRFInfoContainer importCrfInfo = new ImportCRFInfoContainer(odmContainer, dataSource); // validation errors, the same as in the ImportCRFDataServlet. DRY? List<EventCRFBean> eventCRFBeans = getImportCRFDataService(dataSource).fetchEventCRFBeans(odmContainer, ub); ArrayList<Integer> permittedEventCRFIds = new ArrayList<Integer>(); Boolean eventCRFStatusesValid = getImportCRFDataService(dataSource).eventCRFStatusesValid(odmContainer, ub); List<DisplayItemBeanWrapper> displayItemBeanWrappers = new ArrayList<DisplayItemBeanWrapper>(); HashMap<String, String> totalValidationErrors = new HashMap<String, String>(); HashMap<String, String> hardValidationErrors = new HashMap<String, String>(); // The following map is used for setting the EventCRF status post import. HashMap<Integer, String> importedCRFStatuses = getImportCRFDataService(dataSource).fetchEventCRFStatuses(odmContainer); // -- does the event already exist? if not, fail if (eventCRFBeans == null) { fail = true; msg.append(respage.getString("no_event_status_matching")); out.write(respage.getString("no_event_status_matching")); out.close(); continue; } else if (!eventCRFBeans.isEmpty()) { logger.debug("found a list of eventCRFBeans: " + eventCRFBeans.toString()); for (EventCRFBean eventCRFBean : eventCRFBeans) { DataEntryStage dataEntryStage = eventCRFBean.getStage(); Status eventCRFStatus = eventCRFBean.getStatus(); logger.debug("Event CRF Bean: id " + eventCRFBean.getId() + ", data entry stage " + dataEntryStage.getName() + ", status " + eventCRFStatus.getName()); if (eventCRFStatus.equals(Status.AVAILABLE) || dataEntryStage.equals(DataEntryStage.INITIAL_DATA_ENTRY) || dataEntryStage.equals(DataEntryStage.INITIAL_DATA_ENTRY_COMPLETE) || dataEntryStage.equals(DataEntryStage.DOUBLE_DATA_ENTRY_COMPLETE) || dataEntryStage.equals(DataEntryStage.DOUBLE_DATA_ENTRY)) { permittedEventCRFIds.add(new Integer(eventCRFBean.getId())); } else { // break out here with an exception // throw new // Exception("Your listed Event CRF in the file " + // f.getName() + // " does not exist, or has already been locked for import." // ); MessageFormat mf = new MessageFormat(""); mf.applyPattern(respage.getString("your_listed_crf_in_the_file")); Object[] arguments = { f.getName() }; msg.append(mf.format(arguments) + "<br/>"); auditMsg.append(mf.format(arguments) + "<br/>"); out.write(mf.format(arguments) + "<br/>"); out.close(); continue; } } if (eventCRFBeans.size() >= permittedEventCRFIds.size()) { msg.append(respage.getString("passed_event_crf_status_check") + "<br/>"); auditMsg.append(respage.getString("passed_event_crf_status_check") + "<br/>"); } else { fail = true; msg.append(respage.getString("the_event_crf_not_correct_status") + "<br/>"); auditMsg.append(respage.getString("the_event_crf_not_correct_status") + "<br/>"); } // create a 'fake' request to generate the validation errors // here, tbh 05/2009 MockHttpServletRequest request = new MockHttpServletRequest(); // Locale locale = new Locale("en-US"); request.addPreferredLocale(locale); try { List<DisplayItemBeanWrapper> tempDisplayItemBeanWrappers = new ArrayList<DisplayItemBeanWrapper>(); tempDisplayItemBeanWrappers = getImportCRFDataService(dataSource).lookupValidationErrors(request, odmContainer, ub, totalValidationErrors, hardValidationErrors, permittedEventCRFIds); logger.debug("size of total validation errors: " + totalValidationErrors.size()); displayItemBeanWrappers.addAll(tempDisplayItemBeanWrappers); } catch (NullPointerException npe1) { // what if you have 2 event crfs but the third is a fake? npe1.printStackTrace(); fail = true; logger.debug("threw a NPE after calling lookup validation errors"); msg.append(respage.getString("an_error_was_thrown_while_validation_errors") + "<br/>"); auditMsg.append(respage.getString("an_error_was_thrown_while_validation_errors") + "<br/>"); out.write(respage.getString("an_error_was_thrown_while_validation_errors") + "<br/>"); logger.debug("=== threw the null pointer, import ==="); } catch (OpenClinicaException oce1) { fail = true; logger.error("threw an OCE after calling lookup validation errors " + oce1.getOpenClinicaMessage()); msg.append(oce1.getOpenClinicaMessage() + "<br/>"); // auditMsg.append(oce1.getOpenClinicaMessage() + "<br/>"); out.write(oce1.getOpenClinicaMessage() + "<br/>"); } } else if (!eventCRFStatusesValid) { fail = true; msg.append(respage.getString("the_event_crf_not_correct_status")); out.write(respage.getString("the_event_crf_not_correct_status")); out.close(); continue; } else { // fail = true; // break here with an exception msg.append(respage.getString("no_event_crfs_matching_the_xml_metadata") + "<br/>"); // auditMsg.append(respage.getString("no_event_crfs_matching_the_xml_metadata") // + "<br/>"); out.write(respage.getString("no_event_crfs_matching_the_xml_metadata") + "<br/>"); // throw new Exception(msg.toString()); out.close(); continue; } ArrayList<SubjectDataBean> subjectData = odmContainer.getCrfDataPostImportContainer().getSubjectData(); if (!hardValidationErrors.isEmpty()) { String messageHardVals = triggerService.generateHardValidationErrorMessage(subjectData, hardValidationErrors, false); // byte[] messageHardValsBytes = messageHardVals.getBytes(); out.write(messageHardVals); msg.append(respage.getString("file_generated_hard_validation_error")); // here we create a file and append the data, tbh 06/2010 fail = true; } else { if (!totalValidationErrors.isEmpty()) { String totalValErrors = triggerService.generateHardValidationErrorMessage(subjectData, totalValidationErrors, false); out.write(totalValErrors); // here we also append data to the file, tbh 06/2010 } String validMsgs = triggerService.generateValidMessage(subjectData, totalValidationErrors); out.write(validMsgs); // third place to append data to the file? tbh 06/2010 } // << tbh 05/2010, bug #5110, leave off the detailed reports out.close(); if (fail) { // forwardPage(Page.IMPORT_CRF_DATA); // break here with an exception // throw new Exception("Problems encountered with file " + // f.getName() + ": " + msg.toString()); MessageFormat mf = new MessageFormat(""); mf.applyPattern(respage.getString("problems_encountered_with_file")); Object[] arguments = { f.getName(), msg.toString() }; msg = new StringBuffer(mf.format(arguments) + "<br/>"); out.close(); auditMsg.append("You can see the log file <a href='" + SQLInitServlet.getField("sysURL.base") + "ViewLogMessage?n=" + generalFileDir + f.getName() + "&tn=" + triggerBean.getName() + "&gn=1'>here</a>.<br/>"); msg.append("You can see the log file <a href='" + SQLInitServlet.getField("sysURL.base") + "ViewLogMessage?n=" + generalFileDir + f.getName() + "&tn=" + triggerBean.getName() + "&gn=1'>here</a>.<br/>"); // msg.append("Problems encountered with file " + f.getName() + // ": " + msg.toString() + "<br/>"); continue; } else { msg.append(respage.getString("passing_crf_edit_checks") + "<br/>"); auditMsg.append(respage.getString("passing_crf_edit_checks") + "<br/>"); // session.setAttribute("importedData", // displayItemBeanWrappers); // session.setAttribute("validationErrors", // totalValidationErrors); // session.setAttribute("hardValidationErrors", // hardValidationErrors); // above are to be sent to the user, but what kind of message // can we make of them here? // if hard validation errors are present, we only generate one // table // otherwise, we generate the other two: validation errors and // valid data logger.debug("found total validation errors: " + totalValidationErrors.size()); SummaryStatsBean ssBean = getImportCRFDataService(dataSource).generateSummaryStatsBean(odmContainer, displayItemBeanWrappers, importCrfInfo); // msg.append("===+"); // the above is a special key that we will use to split the // message into two parts // a shorter version for the audit and // a longer version for the email msg.append(triggerService.generateSummaryStatsMessage(ssBean, respage) + "<br/>"); // session.setAttribute("summaryStats", ssBean); // will have to set hard edit checks here as well // session.setAttribute("subjectData", // ArrayList<SubjectDataBean> subjectData = // odmContainer.getCrfDataPostImportContainer().getSubjectData(); // forwardPage(Page.VERIFY_IMPORT_SERVLET); // instead of forwarding, go ahead and save it all, sending a // message at the end msg.append(triggerService.generateSkippedCRFMessage(importCrfInfo, resword) + "<br/>"); // setup ruleSets to run if applicable List<ImportDataRuleRunnerContainer> containers = this.ruleRunSetup(dataSource, studyBean, ub, ruleSetService, odmContainer); CrfBusinessLogicHelper crfBusinessLogicHelper = new CrfBusinessLogicHelper(dataSource); for (DisplayItemBeanWrapper wrapper : displayItemBeanWrappers) { boolean resetSDV = false; int eventCrfBeanId = -1; EventCRFBean eventCrfBean = new EventCRFBean(); logger.debug("right before we check to make sure it is savable: " + wrapper.isSavable()); if (wrapper.isSavable()) { ArrayList<Integer> eventCrfInts = new ArrayList<Integer>(); logger.debug("wrapper problems found : " + wrapper.getValidationErrors().toString()); itemDataDao.setFormatDates(false); for (DisplayItemBean displayItemBean : wrapper.getDisplayItemBeans()) { eventCrfBeanId = displayItemBean.getData().getEventCRFId(); eventCrfBean = (EventCRFBean) eventCrfDao.findByPK(eventCrfBeanId); logger.debug("found value here: " + displayItemBean.getData().getValue()); logger.debug("found status here: " + eventCrfBean.getStatus().getName()); ItemDataBean itemDataBean = new ItemDataBean(); itemDataBean = itemDataDao.findByItemIdAndEventCRFIdAndOrdinal(displayItemBean.getItem().getId(), eventCrfBean.getId(), displayItemBean.getData().getOrdinal()); if (wrapper.isOverwrite() && itemDataBean.getStatus() != null) { logger.debug("just tried to find item data bean on item name " + displayItemBean.getItem().getName()); if (!itemDataBean.getValue().equals(displayItemBean.getData().getValue())) resetSDV = true; itemDataBean.setUpdatedDate(new Date()); itemDataBean.setUpdater(ub); itemDataBean.setValue(displayItemBean.getData().getValue()); // set status? itemDataDao.update(itemDataBean); logger.debug("updated: " + itemDataBean.getItemId()); // need to set pk here in order to create dn displayItemBean.getData().setId(itemDataBean.getId()); } else { resetSDV = true; itemDataDao.create(displayItemBean.getData()); logger.debug("created: " + displayItemBean.getData().getItemId()); ItemDataBean itemDataBean2 = itemDataDao.findByItemIdAndEventCRFIdAndOrdinal(displayItemBean.getItem().getId(), eventCrfBean.getId(), displayItemBean.getData().getOrdinal()); logger.debug("found: id " + itemDataBean2.getId() + " name " + itemDataBean2.getName()); displayItemBean.getData().setId(itemDataBean2.getId()); } ItemDAO idao = new ItemDAO(dataSource); ItemBean ibean = (ItemBean) idao.findByPK(displayItemBean.getData().getItemId()); logger.debug("*** checking for validation errors: " + ibean.getName()); String itemOid = displayItemBean.getItem().getOid() + "_" + wrapper.getStudyEventRepeatKey() + "_" + displayItemBean.getData().getOrdinal() + "_" + wrapper.getStudySubjectOid(); if (wrapper.getValidationErrors().containsKey(itemOid)) { ArrayList messageList = (ArrayList) wrapper.getValidationErrors().get(itemOid); for (int iter = 0; iter < messageList.size(); iter++) { String message = (String) messageList.get(iter); DiscrepancyNoteBean parentDn = createDiscrepancyNote(ibean, message, eventCrfBean, displayItemBean, null, ub, dataSource, studyBean); createDiscrepancyNote(ibean, message, eventCrfBean, displayItemBean, parentDn.getId(), ub, dataSource, studyBean); logger.debug("*** created disc note with message: " + message); // displayItemBean); } } // Update CRF status if (!eventCrfInts.contains(new Integer(eventCrfBean.getId()))) { String eventCRFStatus = importedCRFStatuses.get(new Integer(eventCrfBean.getId())); if (eventCRFStatus != null && eventCRFStatus.equals(DataEntryStage.INITIAL_DATA_ENTRY.getName()) && eventCrfBean.getStatus().isAvailable()) { crfBusinessLogicHelper.markCRFStarted(eventCrfBean, ub); } else { crfBusinessLogicHelper.markCRFComplete(eventCrfBean, ub); } logger.debug("*** just updated event crf bean: " + eventCrfBean.getId()); eventCrfInts.add(new Integer(eventCrfBean.getId())); } } itemDataDao.setFormatDates(true); // Reset the SDV status if item data has been changed or added if (eventCrfBean != null && resetSDV) eventCrfDao.setSDVStatus(false, ub.getId(), eventCrfBean.getId()); } } // msg.append("===+"); msg.append(respage.getString("data_has_been_successfully_import") + "<br/>"); auditMsg.append(respage.getString("data_has_been_successfully_import") + "<br/>"); // MessageFormat mf = new MessageFormat(""); String linkMessage = respage.getString("you_can_review_the_data") + SQLInitServlet.getField("sysURL.base") + respage.getString("you_can_review_the_data_2") + SQLInitServlet.getField("sysURL.base") + respage.getString("you_can_review_the_data_3") + generalFileDir + f.getName() + "&tn=" + triggerBean.getFullName() + "&gn=1" + respage.getString("you_can_review_the_data_4") + "<br/>"; // mf.applyPattern(respage.getString("you_can_review_the_data")); // Object[] arguments = { // SQLInitServlet.getField("sysURL.base"), // SQLInitServlet.getField("sysURL.base"), f.getName() }; msg.append(linkMessage); auditMsg.append(linkMessage); // was here but is now moved up, tbh // String finalLine = // "<p>You can review the entered data <a href='" + // SQLInitServlet.getField("sysURL.base") + // "ListStudySubjects'>here</a>."; // >> tbh additional message // "you can review the validation messages here" <-- where // 'here' is a link to view an external file // i.e. /ViewExternal?n=file_name.txt // << tbh 06/2010 // msg.append(finalLine); // auditMsg.append(finalLine); auditMsg.append(this.runRules(studyBean, ub, containers, ruleSetService, ExecutionMode.SAVE)); } }// end for loop // is the writer still not closed? try to close it ArrayList<String> retList = new ArrayList<String>(); retList.add(msg.toString()); retList.add(auditMsg.toString()); return retList;// msg.toString(); } public static DiscrepancyNoteBean createDiscrepancyNote(ItemBean itemBean, String message, EventCRFBean eventCrfBean, DisplayItemBean displayItemBean, Integer parentId, UserAccountBean uab, DataSource ds, StudyBean study) { // DisplayItemBean displayItemBean) { DiscrepancyNoteBean note = new DiscrepancyNoteBean(); StudySubjectDAO ssdao = new StudySubjectDAO(ds); note.setDescription(message); note.setDetailedNotes("Failed Validation Check"); note.setOwner(uab); note.setCreatedDate(new Date()); note.setResolutionStatusId(ResolutionStatus.OPEN.getId()); note.setDiscrepancyNoteTypeId(DiscrepancyNoteType.FAILEDVAL.getId()); if (parentId != null) { note.setParentDnId(parentId); } note.setField(itemBean.getName()); note.setStudyId(study.getId()); note.setEntityName(itemBean.getName()); note.setEntityType(DiscrepancyNoteBean.ITEM_DATA); note.setEntityValue(displayItemBean.getData().getValue()); note.setEventName(eventCrfBean.getName()); note.setEventStart(eventCrfBean.getCreatedDate()); note.setCrfName(displayItemBean.getEventDefinitionCRF().getCrfName()); StudySubjectBean ss = (StudySubjectBean) ssdao.findByPK(eventCrfBean.getStudySubjectId()); note.setSubjectName(ss.getName()); note.setEntityId(displayItemBean.getData().getId()); note.setColumn("value"); DiscrepancyNoteDAO dndao = new DiscrepancyNoteDAO(ds); note = (DiscrepancyNoteBean) dndao.create(note); // so that the below method works, need to set the entity above // System.out.println("trying to create mapping with " + note.getId() + // " " + note.getEntityId() + " " + note.getColumn() + " " + // note.getEntityType()); dndao.createMapping(note); return note; } private void cutAndPaste(File[] tar, File[] dest) throws IOException { InputStream in = null; OutputStream out = null; // @pgawade 07-Sept-2012: fix for // int fle_count = 0; int fle_count = -1; for (File cur_file : tar) { if (cur_file == null) { fle_count++; continue; } try { in = new FileInputStream(cur_file); fle_count++; out = new FileOutputStream(dest[fle_count]); byte[] buf = new byte[1024]; int len = 0; while ((len = > 0) { out.write(buf, 0, len); } in.close(); out.close(); cur_file.delete(); } catch (NullPointerException npe) { logger.debug("found Npe: " + npe.getMessage()); // maybe no need to catch, but leaving as is not to change too // much in code } finally { if (in != null) { in.close(); } if (out != null) { out.close(); } } } } @Transactional private List<ImportDataRuleRunnerContainer> ruleRunSetup(DataSource dataSource, StudyBean studyBean, UserAccountBean userBean, RuleSetServiceInterface ruleSetService, ODMContainer odmContainer) { List<ImportDataRuleRunnerContainer> containers = new ArrayList<ImportDataRuleRunnerContainer>(); if (odmContainer != null) { ArrayList<SubjectDataBean> subjectDataBeans = odmContainer.getCrfDataPostImportContainer().getSubjectData(); if (ruleSetService.getCountByStudy(studyBean) > 0) { ImportDataRuleRunnerContainer container; for (SubjectDataBean subjectDataBean : subjectDataBeans) { container = new ImportDataRuleRunnerContainer(); container.initRuleSetsAndTargets(dataSource, studyBean, subjectDataBean, ruleSetService); if (container.getShouldRunRules()) containers.add(container); } if (containers != null && !containers.isEmpty()) ruleSetService.runRulesInImportData(containers, studyBean, userBean, ExecutionMode.DRY_RUN); } } return containers; } @Transactional private StringBuffer runRules(StudyBean studyBean, UserAccountBean userBean, List<ImportDataRuleRunnerContainer> containers, RuleSetServiceInterface ruleSetService, ExecutionMode executionMode) { StringBuffer messages = new StringBuffer(); if (containers != null && !containers.isEmpty()) { HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> summary = ruleSetService.runRulesInImportData(containers, studyBean, userBean, executionMode); messages = extractRuleActionWarnings(summary); } return messages; } private StringBuffer extractRuleActionWarnings(HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> summaryMap) { StringBuffer messages = new StringBuffer(); if (summaryMap != null && !summaryMap.isEmpty()) { for (String key : summaryMap.keySet()) { messages.append(key); messages.append(" : "); messages.append(StringUtils.join(summaryMap.get(key), ", ")); } } return messages; } private File[] removeNullElements(File[] source) { ArrayList<File> list = new ArrayList<File>(); for (File f : source) { if (f != null) { list.add(f); } } return list.toArray(new File[list.size()]); } }