package org.akaza.openclinica.dao.hibernate; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.akaza.openclinica.bean.submit.EventCRFBean; import org.akaza.openclinica.bean.submit.ItemDataBean; import org.akaza.openclinica.bean.submit.ItemFormMetadataBean; import org.akaza.openclinica.dao.core.CoreResources; import org.akaza.openclinica.domain.crfdata.DynamicsItemFormMetadataBean; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import org.hibernate.Query; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * * @author Doug Rodrigues ( * */ public class DynamicsItemFormMetadataDao extends AbstractDomainDao<DynamicsItemFormMetadataBean> { protected static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DynamicsItemFormMetadataDao.class); @Override public Class<DynamicsItemFormMetadataBean> domainClass() { return DynamicsItemFormMetadataBean.class; } public DynamicsItemFormMetadataBean findByMetadataBean(ItemFormMetadataBean metadataBean, EventCRFBean eventCrfBean, ItemDataBean itemDataBean) { String query = "from DynamicsItemFormMetadataBean metadata where " + "metadata.itemId = :item_id and metadata.eventCrfId = :event_crf_id and " + "metadata.itemDataId = :item_data_id order by desc "; Query q = getCurrentSession().createQuery(query); q.setInteger("item_id", new Integer(metadataBean.getItemId())); q.setInteger("event_crf_id", new Integer(eventCrfBean.getId())); q.setInteger("item_data_id", new Integer(itemDataBean.getId())); ArrayList <DynamicsItemFormMetadataBean> list = (ArrayList<DynamicsItemFormMetadataBean>) q.list(); return list.size() !=0 ? list.get(0) : null; } public ArrayList <DynamicsItemFormMetadataBean> findByItemAndEventCrfShown(EventCRFBean eventCrfBean, int itemId) { String query = "from DynamicsItemFormMetadataBean metadata where " + "metadata.itemId = :item_id and metadata.eventCrfId = :event_crf_id and " + "metadata.showItem = true order by desc "; Query q = getCurrentSession().createQuery(query); q.setInteger("item_id", itemId); q.setInteger("event_crf_id", new Integer(eventCrfBean.getId())); ArrayList <DynamicsItemFormMetadataBean> list = (ArrayList<DynamicsItemFormMetadataBean>) q.list(); return list; } public DynamicsItemFormMetadataBean findByItemDataBean(ItemDataBean itemDataBean) { String query = "from " + getDomainClassName() + " metadata where metadata.itemDataId = :item_data_id "; Query q = getCurrentSession().createQuery(query); q.setInteger("item_data_id", new Integer(itemDataBean.getId())); return (DynamicsItemFormMetadataBean) q.uniqueResult(); } public List<Integer> findItemIdsForAGroupInSection(int groupId, int sectionId, int crfVersionId, int eventCrfId) { String oracle = "select distinct ditem.item_id from dyn_item_form_metadata ditem" + " where ditem.item_data_id in (select idata.item_data_id from item_data idata" + " where idata.event_crf_id = :eventCrfId and idata.item_id in (" + " select distinct igm.item_id from item_group_metadata igm" + " where igm.item_group_id = :groupId and igm.crf_version_id = :crfVersionId and igm.item_id in (" + " select ifm.item_id from item_form_metadata ifm where ifm.show_item=0 and ifm.section_id = :sectionId" + " and ifm.crf_version_id = :crfVersionId))" + " and (idata.status_id != 5 and idata.status_id != 7) )"; String postgres = "select distinct ditem.item_id from dyn_item_form_metadata ditem" + " where ditem.item_data_id in (select idata.item_data_id from item_data idata" + " where idata.event_crf_id = :eventCrfId and idata.item_id in (" + " select distinct igm.item_id from item_group_metadata igm" + " where igm.item_group_id = :groupId and igm.crf_version_id = :crfVersionId and igm.item_id in (" + " select ifm.item_id from item_form_metadata ifm where ifm.show_item='false' and ifm.section_id = :sectionId" + " and ifm.crf_version_id = :crfVersionId))" + " and (idata.status_id != 5 and idata.status_id != 7) )"; return queryForIDs(oracle, postgres, groupId, sectionId, eventCrfId, crfVersionId); } public List<Integer> findShowItemIdsForAGroupInSection(int groupId, int sectionId, int crfVersionId, int eventCrfId) { String oracle = "select distinct ditem.item_id from dyn_item_form_metadata ditem" + " where ditem.item_data_id in (select idata.item_data_id from item_data idata" + " where idata.event_crf_id = :eventCrfId and idata.item_id in (" + " select distinct igm.item_id from item_group_metadata igm" + " where igm.item_group_id = :groupId and igm.crf_version_id = :crfVersionId and igm.item_id in (" + " select ifm.item_id from item_form_metadata ifm where ifm.show_item=0 and ifm.section_id = :sectionId" + " and ifm.crf_version_id = :crfVersionId))" + " and (idata.status_id != 5 and idata.status_id != 7) )" + " and ditem.show_item=1"; String postgres = "select distinct ditem.item_id from dyn_item_form_metadata ditem" + " where ditem.item_data_id in (select idata.item_data_id from item_data idata" + " where idata.event_crf_id = :eventCrfId and idata.item_id in (" + " select distinct igm.item_id from item_group_metadata igm" + " where igm.item_group_id = :groupId and igm.crf_version_id = :crfVersionId and igm.item_id in (" + " select ifm.item_id from item_form_metadata ifm where ifm.show_item='false' and ifm.section_id = :sectionId" + " and ifm.crf_version_id = :crfVersionId))" + " and (idata.status_id != 5 and idata.status_id != 7) )" + " and ditem.show_item='true'"; return queryForIDs(oracle, postgres, groupId, sectionId, eventCrfId, crfVersionId); } public List<Integer> findShowItemDataIdsForAGroupInSection(int groupId, int sectionId, int crfVersionId, int eventCrfId) { String oracle = "select ditem.item_data_id from dyn_item_form_metadata ditem" + " where ditem.item_data_id in (select idata.item_data_id from item_data idata" + " where idata.event_crf_id = :eventCrfId and idata.item_id in (" + " select distinct igm.item_id from item_group_metadata igm" + " where igm.item_group_id = :groupId and igm.crf_version_id = :crfVersionId and igm.item_id in (" + " select ifm.item_id from item_form_metadata ifm where ifm.show_item=0 and ifm.section_id = :sectionId" + " and ifm.crf_version_id = :crfVersionId))" + " and (idata.status_id != 5 and idata.status_id != 7) )" + " and ditem.show_item=1"; String postgres = "select ditem.item_data_id from dyn_item_form_metadata ditem" + " where ditem.item_data_id in (select idata.item_data_id from item_data idata" + " where idata.event_crf_id = :eventCrfId and idata.item_id in (" + " select distinct igm.item_id from item_group_metadata igm" + " where igm.item_group_id = :groupId and igm.crf_version_id = :crfVersionId and igm.item_id in (" + " select ifm.item_id from item_form_metadata ifm where ifm.show_item='false' and ifm.section_id = :sectionId" + " and ifm.crf_version_id = :crfVersionId))" + " and (idata.status_id != 5 and idata.status_id != 7) )" + " and ditem.show_item='true'"; return queryForIDs(oracle, postgres, groupId, sectionId, eventCrfId, crfVersionId); } public List<Integer> findHideItemDataIdsForAGroupInSection(int groupId, int sectionId, int crfVersionId, int eventCrfId) { String oracle = "select ditem.item_data_id from dyn_item_form_metadata ditem" + " where ditem.item_data_id in (select idata.item_data_id from item_data idata" + " where idata.event_crf_id = :eventCrfId and idata.item_id in (" + " select distinct igm.item_id from item_group_metadata igm" + " where igm.item_group_id = :groupId and igm.crf_version_id = :crfVersionId and igm.item_id in (" + " select ifm.item_id from item_form_metadata ifm where ifm.show_item=0 and ifm.section_id = :sectionId" + " and ifm.crf_version_id = :crfVersionId))" + " and (idata.status_id != 5 and idata.status_id != 7) )" + " and ditem.show_item=0"; String postgres = "select ditem.item_data_id from dyn_item_form_metadata ditem" + " where ditem.item_data_id in (select idata.item_data_id from item_data idata" + " where idata.event_crf_id = :eventCrfId and idata.item_id in (" + " select distinct igm.item_id from item_group_metadata igm" + " where igm.item_group_id = :groupId and igm.crf_version_id = :crfVersionId and igm.item_id in (" + " select ifm.item_id from item_form_metadata ifm where ifm.show_item='false' and ifm.section_id = :sectionId" + " and ifm.crf_version_id = :crfVersionId))" + " and (idata.status_id != 5 and idata.status_id != 7) )" + " and ditem.show_item='false'"; return queryForIDs(oracle, postgres, groupId, sectionId, eventCrfId, crfVersionId); } public List<Integer> findShowItemDataIdsInSection(int sectionId, int crfVersionId, int eventCrfId) { String oracle = "select ditem.item_data_id from dyn_item_form_metadata ditem" + " where ditem.item_data_id in ( select idata.item_data_id from item_data idata" + " where idata.event_crf_id = :eventCrfId and idata.item_id in (" + " select ifm.item_id from item_form_metadata ifm where ifm.show_item=0 and ifm.section_id = :sectionId" + " and ifm.crf_version_id = :crfVersionId)" + " and (idata.status_id != 5 and idata.status_id != 7) )" + " and ditem.show_item=1"; String postgres = "select ditem.item_data_id from dyn_item_form_metadata ditem" + " where ditem.item_data_id in ( select idata.item_data_id from item_data idata" + " where idata.event_crf_id = :eventCrfId and idata.item_id in (" + " select ifm.item_id from item_form_metadata ifm where ifm.show_item='false' and ifm.section_id = :sectionId" + " and ifm.crf_version_id = :crfVersionId)" + " and (idata.status_id != 5 and idata.status_id != 7) )" + " and ditem.show_item='true'"; return queryForIDs(oracle, postgres, null, sectionId, eventCrfId, crfVersionId); } public Boolean hasShowingInSection(int sectionId, int crfVersionId, int eventCrfId) { String oracle = "select di.item_id from dyn_item_form_metadata di where di.item_data_id in (" + " select ida.item_data_id from item_data ida where ida.event_crf_id = :eventCrfId and ida.item_id in" + " (select ifm.item_id from item_form_metadata ifm where ifm.section_id = :sectionId and ifm.crf_version_id = :crfVersionId" + " and ifm.item_id not in (select distinct igm.item_id from item_group_metadata igm where igm.crf_version_id = :crfVersionId" + " and igm.show_group = 0" + " and igm.item_id in (select im.item_id from item_form_metadata im where im.section_id = :sectionId and im.crf_version_id = :crfVersionId))" + " )and (ida.status_id != 5 and ida.status_id != 7) ) and di.show_item = 1 and rownum = 1" ; String postgres = "select di.item_id from dyn_item_form_metadata di where di.item_data_id in (" + " select ida.item_data_id from item_data ida where ida.event_crf_id = :eventCrfId and ida.item_id in" + " (select ifm.item_id from item_form_metadata ifm where ifm.section_id = :sectionId and ifm.crf_version_id = :crfVersionId" + " and ifm.item_id not in (select distinct igm.item_id from item_group_metadata igm where igm.crf_version_id = :crfVersionId" + " and igm.show_group = 'false'" + " and igm.item_id in (select im.item_id from item_form_metadata im where im.section_id = :sectionId and im.crf_version_id = :crfVersionId))" + " )and (ida.status_id != 5 and ida.status_id != 7) ) and di.show_item = 'true' limit 1" ; return CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(queryForIDs(oracle, postgres, null, sectionId, eventCrfId, crfVersionId)); } /** * Executes a SQL query to retrieve a list of IDs * * @param oracleQuery The Oracle version of the query * @param postgresQuery The Postgres version of the query * @param groupId * @param sectionId * @param eventCrfId * @param crfVersionId * @return */ protected List<Integer> queryForIDs(String oracleQuery, String postgresQuery, Integer groupId, Integer sectionId, Integer eventCrfId, Integer crfVersionId) { String query = "oracle".equalsIgnoreCase(CoreResources.getDBName()) ? oracleQuery : postgresQuery; Query q = getCurrentSession().createSQLQuery(query); if (groupId != null) { q.setInteger("groupId", groupId); } if (sectionId != null) { q.setInteger("sectionId", sectionId); } if (eventCrfId != null) { q.setInteger("eventCrfId", eventCrfId); } if (crfVersionId != null) { q.setInteger("crfVersionId", crfVersionId); } return HibernateUtil.queryIDsList(q); } public void delete(int eventCrfId){ String query = " delete from " + getDomainClassName() + " where eventCrfId =:eventCrfId "; org.hibernate.Query q = getCurrentSession().createQuery(query); q.setInteger("eventCrfId", eventCrfId); q.executeUpdate(); } }