package org.akaza.openclinica.service.extract; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.sql.DataSource; import org.akaza.openclinica.bean.extract.ArchivedDatasetFileBean; import org.akaza.openclinica.bean.extract.DatasetBean; import org.akaza.openclinica.bean.extract.DisplayItemHeaderBean; import org.akaza.openclinica.bean.extract.ExportFormatBean; import org.akaza.openclinica.bean.extract.ExtractBean; import org.akaza.openclinica.bean.extract.SPSSReportBean; import org.akaza.openclinica.bean.extract.SPSSVariableNameValidator; import org.akaza.openclinica.bean.extract.TabReportBean; import org.akaza.openclinica.bean.login.UserAccountBean; import org.akaza.openclinica.bean.managestudy.StudyBean; import org.akaza.openclinica.bean.submit.ItemBean; import org.akaza.openclinica.dao.core.CoreResources; import org.akaza.openclinica.dao.extract.ArchivedDatasetFileDAO; import org.akaza.openclinica.dao.extract.DatasetDAO; import org.akaza.openclinica.dao.hibernate.RuleSetRuleDao; import org.akaza.openclinica.dao.submit.ItemDAO; import org.akaza.openclinica.dao.submit.ItemFormMetadataDAO; import org.akaza.openclinica.i18n.util.ResourceBundleProvider; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class GenerateExtractFileService { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GenerateExtractFileService.class); private final DataSource ds; private HttpServletRequest request; public static ResourceBundle resword; private final CoreResources coreResources; private static File files[]=null; private static List<File> oldFiles = new LinkedList<File>(); private final RuleSetRuleDao ruleSetRuleDao; public GenerateExtractFileService(DataSource ds, HttpServletRequest request, CoreResources coreResources, RuleSetRuleDao ruleSetRuleDao) { this.ds = ds; this.request = request; this.coreResources = coreResources; this.ruleSetRuleDao = ruleSetRuleDao; } public GenerateExtractFileService(DataSource ds, CoreResources coreResources,RuleSetRuleDao ruleSetRuleDao) { this.ds = ds; this.coreResources = coreResources; this.ruleSetRuleDao = ruleSetRuleDao; } public void setUpResourceBundles() { Locale locale; try { locale = request.getLocale(); } catch (NullPointerException ne) { locale = new Locale("en-US"); } ResourceBundleProvider.updateLocale(locale); resword = ResourceBundleProvider.getWordsBundle(locale); } /** * createTabFile, added by tbh, 01/2009 */ public HashMap<String, Integer> createTabFile(ExtractBean eb, long sysTimeBegin, String generalFileDir, DatasetBean datasetBean, int activeStudyId, int parentStudyId, String generalFileDirCopy, UserAccountBean userBean) { TabReportBean answer = new TabReportBean(); DatasetDAO dsdao = new DatasetDAO(ds); // create the extract bean here, tbh eb = dsdao.getDatasetData(eb, activeStudyId, parentStudyId); eb.getMetadata(); eb.computeReport(answer); long sysTimeEnd = System.currentTimeMillis() - sysTimeBegin; String TXTFileName = datasetBean.getName() + "_tab.xls"; int fId = this.createFile(TXTFileName, generalFileDir, answer.toString(), datasetBean, sysTimeEnd, ExportFormatBean.TXTFILE, true, userBean); if (!"".equals(generalFileDirCopy)) { int fId2 = this.createFile(TXTFileName, generalFileDirCopy, answer.toString(), datasetBean, sysTimeEnd, ExportFormatBean.TXTFILE, false, userBean); }"created txt file"); // return TXTFileName; HashMap answerMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); answerMap.put(TXTFileName, new Integer(fId)); return answerMap; } private Integer getStudySubjectNumber(String studySubjectNumber){ try{ Integer value = Integer.valueOf(studySubjectNumber); return value > 0 ? value : 99; }catch (NumberFormatException e) { return 99; } } /** * createODMFile, added by tbh, 09/2010 - note that this is created to be backwards-compatible with previous versions of OpenClinica-web. * i.e. we remove the boolean zipped variable. */ public HashMap<String, Integer> createODMFile(String odmVersion, long sysTimeBegin, String generalFileDir, DatasetBean datasetBean, StudyBean currentStudy, String generalFileDirCopy,ExtractBean eb, Integer currentStudyId, Integer parentStudyId, String studySubjectNumber, UserAccountBean userBean) { // default zipped - true return createODMFile(odmVersion, sysTimeBegin, generalFileDir, datasetBean, currentStudy, generalFileDirCopy, eb, currentStudyId, parentStudyId, studySubjectNumber, true, true, true, null, userBean); } /** * createODMfile, added by tbh, 01/2009 * @param deleteOld TODO * @param odmType TODO * @deprecated Use {@link OdmFileCreation#createODMFile} instead */ @Deprecated public HashMap<String, Integer> createODMFile(String odmVersion, long sysTimeBegin, String generalFileDir, DatasetBean datasetBean, StudyBean currentStudy, String generalFileDirCopy,ExtractBean eb, Integer currentStudyId, Integer parentStudyId, String studySubjectNumber, boolean zipped, boolean saveToDB, boolean deleteOld, String odmType, UserAccountBean userBean){ return new OdmFileCreation().createODMFile(odmVersion, sysTimeBegin, generalFileDir, datasetBean, currentStudy, generalFileDirCopy, eb, currentStudyId, parentStudyId, studySubjectNumber, zipped, saveToDB, deleteOld, odmType, userBean); } public List<File> getOldFiles(){ return oldFiles; } /** * createSPSSFile, added by tbh, 01/2009 * * @param db * @param eb * @param currentstudyid * @param parentstudy * @return */ public HashMap<String, Integer> createSPSSFile(DatasetBean db, ExtractBean eb2, StudyBean currentStudy, StudyBean parentStudy, long sysTimeBegin, String generalFileDir, SPSSReportBean answer, String generalFileDirCopy, UserAccountBean userBean) { setUpResourceBundles(); String SPSSFileName = db.getName() + "_data_spss.dat"; String DDLFileName = db.getName() + "_ddl_spss.sps"; String ZIPFileName = db.getName() + "_spss"; SPSSVariableNameValidator svnv = new SPSSVariableNameValidator(); answer.setDatFileName(SPSSFileName); // DatasetDAO dsdao = new DatasetDAO(ds); // create the extract bean here, tbh // ExtractBean eb = this.generateExtractBean(db, currentStudy, // parentStudy); // eb = dsdao.getDatasetData(eb, currentStudy.getId(), // parentStudy.getId()); // eb.getMetadata(); // eb.computeReport(answer); answer.setItems(eb2.getItemNames());// set up items here to get // itemMetadata // set up response sets for each item here ItemDAO itemdao = new ItemDAO(ds); ItemFormMetadataDAO imfdao = new ItemFormMetadataDAO(ds); ArrayList items = answer.getItems(); for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) { DisplayItemHeaderBean dih = (DisplayItemHeaderBean) items.get(i); ItemBean item = dih.getItem(); ArrayList metas = imfdao.findAllByItemId(item.getId()); // for (int h = 0; h < metas.size(); h++) { // ItemFormMetadataBean ifmb = (ItemFormMetadataBean) // metas.get(h); //"group name found: // "+ifmb.getGroupLabel()); // } //"crf versionname" + // meta.getCrfVersionName()); item.setItemMetas(metas); } HashMap eventDescs = new HashMap<String, String>(); eventDescs = eb2.getEventDescriptions(); eventDescs.put("SubjID", resword.getString("study_subject_ID")); eventDescs.put("ProtocolID", resword.getString("protocol_ID_site_ID")); eventDescs.put("DOB", resword.getString("date_of_birth")); eventDescs.put("YOB", resword.getString("year_of_birth")); eventDescs.put("Gender", resword.getString("gender")); answer.setDescriptions(eventDescs); ArrayList generatedReports = new ArrayList<String>(); try { // YW << generatedReports.add(answer.getMetadataFile(svnv, eb2).toString()); generatedReports.add(answer.getDataFile().toString()); // YW >> } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException i) { generatedReports.add(answer.getMetadataFile(svnv, eb2).toString()); logger.debug("throw the error here"); } long sysTimeEnd = System.currentTimeMillis() - sysTimeBegin; ArrayList titles = new ArrayList(); // YW << titles.add(DDLFileName); titles.add(SPSSFileName); // YW >> // create new createFile method that accepts array lists to // put into zip files int fId = this.createFile(ZIPFileName, titles, generalFileDir, generatedReports, db, sysTimeEnd, ExportFormatBean.TXTFILE, true, userBean); if (!"".equals(generalFileDirCopy)) { int fId2 = this.createFile(ZIPFileName, titles, generalFileDirCopy, generatedReports, db, sysTimeEnd, ExportFormatBean.TXTFILE, false, userBean); } // return DDLFileName; HashMap answerMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); answerMap.put(DDLFileName, new Integer(fId)); return answerMap; } public int createFile(String zipName, ArrayList names, String dir, ArrayList contents, DatasetBean datasetBean, long time, ExportFormatBean efb, boolean saveToDB, UserAccountBean userBean) { ArchivedDatasetFileBean fbFinal = new ArchivedDatasetFileBean(); // >> tbh #4915 zipName = zipName.replaceAll(" ", "_"); fbFinal.setId(0); BufferedWriter w = null; try { File complete = new File(dir); if (!complete.isDirectory()) { complete.mkdirs(); } int totalSize = 0; ZipOutputStream z = new ZipOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(new File(complete, zipName + ".zip"))); FileInputStream is = null; for (int i = 0; i < names.size(); i++) { String name = (String) names.get(i); // >> tbh #4915 name = name.replaceAll(" ", "_"); String content = (String) contents.get(i); File newFile = new File(complete, name); // totalSize = totalSize + (int)newFile.length(); newFile.setLastModified(System.currentTimeMillis()); w = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(newFile)); w.write(content); w.close();"finished writing the text file..."); // now, we write the file to the zip file is = new FileInputStream(newFile);"created zip output stream..."); z.putNextEntry(new; int bytesRead; byte[] buff = new byte[512]; while ((bytesRead = != -1) { z.write(buff, 0, bytesRead); totalSize += 512; } z.closeEntry(); //A. Hamid. 4910 is.close(); if(CoreResources.getField("dataset_file_delete").equalsIgnoreCase("true") || CoreResources.getField("dataset_file_delete").equals("")){ newFile.delete(); } }"writing buffer..."); // } z.flush(); z.finish(); z.close(); if (is != null) { try { is.close(); } catch ( ie) { ie.printStackTrace(); } }"finished zipping up file..."); // set up the zip to go into the database if (saveToDB) { ArchivedDatasetFileBean fb = new ArchivedDatasetFileBean(); fb.setName(zipName + ".zip"); fb.setFileReference(dir + zipName + ".zip"); // current location of the file on the system fb.setFileSize(totalSize); // set the above to compressed size? fb.setRunTime((int) time); // need to set this in milliseconds, get it passed from above // methods? fb.setDatasetId(datasetBean.getId()); fb.setExportFormatBean(efb); fb.setExportFormatId(efb.getId()); fb.setOwner(userBean); fb.setOwnerId(userBean.getId()); fb.setDateCreated(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis())); boolean write = true; ArchivedDatasetFileDAO asdfDAO = new ArchivedDatasetFileDAO(ds); if (write) { fbFinal = (ArchivedDatasetFileBean) asdfDAO.create(fb);"Created ADSFile!: " + fbFinal.getId() + " for " + zipName + ".zip"); } else {"duplicate found: " + fb.getName()); } } // created in database! } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } finally{ if(w!=null) try { w.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } return fbFinal.getId(); } public int createFileK(String name, String dir, String content, DatasetBean datasetBean, long time, ExportFormatBean efb, boolean saveToDB, boolean zipped, boolean deleteOld, UserAccountBean userBean) { ArchivedDatasetFileBean fbFinal = new ArchivedDatasetFileBean(); // >> tbh 04/2010 #4915 replace all names' spaces with underscores name = name.replaceAll(" ", "_"); fbFinal.setId(0); BufferedWriter w =null; try { File complete = new File(dir); if (!complete.isDirectory()) { complete.mkdirs(); } // else if(deleteOld)// so directory exists check if the files are there // { // deleteDirectory(complete); // } //File newFile = new File(complete, name); //newFile.setLastModified(System.currentTimeMillis()); File oldFile = new File(complete, name); File newFile = null; if (oldFile.exists()) { newFile = oldFile; if(oldFiles!=null || !oldFiles.isEmpty() ) oldFiles.remove(oldFile); } else { newFile = new File(complete, name); } //File newFile.setLastModified(System.currentTimeMillis()); w = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(newFile, true)); w.write(content); w.close();"finished writing the text file..."); // set up the zip to go into the database if (saveToDB) { ArchivedDatasetFileBean fb = new ArchivedDatasetFileBean(); if (zipped) { fb.setName(name + ".zip"); fb.setFileReference(dir + name + ".zip"); } else { fb.setName(name); fb.setFileReference(dir + name); } //"ODM filename: " + name + ".zip"); //"ODM fileReference: " + dir + name + ".zip"); // current location of the file on the system fb.setFileSize((int) newFile.length()); //"ODM setFileSize: " + (int)newFile.length() ); // set the above to compressed size? fb.setRunTime((int) time); //"ODM setRunTime: " + (int)time ); // need to set this in milliseconds, get it passed from above // methods? fb.setDatasetId(datasetBean.getId()); //"ODM setDatasetid: " + ds.getId() ); fb.setExportFormatBean(efb); //"ODM setExportFormatBean: success" ); fb.setExportFormatId(efb.getId()); //"ODM setExportFormatId: " + efb.getId()); fb.setOwner(userBean); //"ODM setOwner: " + sm.getUserBean()); fb.setOwnerId(userBean.getId()); //"ODM setOwnerId: " + sm.getUserBean().getId() ); fb.setDateCreated(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis())); boolean write = true; ArchivedDatasetFileDAO asdfDAO = new ArchivedDatasetFileDAO(ds); // eliminating all checks so that we create multiple files, tbh 6-7 if (write) { fbFinal = (ArchivedDatasetFileBean) asdfDAO.create(fb); } else {"duplicate found: " + fb.getName()); } } // created in database! } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } finally{ if(w!=null) try { w.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } return fbFinal.getId(); } private void deleteOldFiles(List oldFiles2) { //File[] files = complete.listFiles(); Iterator<File> fileIt = oldFiles2.iterator(); while(fileIt.hasNext()) {; } } public int createFile(String name, String dir, String content, DatasetBean datasetBean, long time, ExportFormatBean efb, boolean saveToDB, UserAccountBean userBean) { ArchivedDatasetFileBean fbFinal = new ArchivedDatasetFileBean(); // >> tbh 04/2010 #4915 replace all names' spaces with underscores name = name.replaceAll(" ", "_"); fbFinal.setId(0); try { File complete = new File(dir); if (!complete.isDirectory()) { complete.mkdirs(); } File newFile = new File(complete, name); newFile.setLastModified(System.currentTimeMillis()); BufferedWriter w = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(newFile)); w.write(content); w.close();"finished writing the text file..."); // now, we write the file to the zip file FileInputStream is = new FileInputStream(newFile); ZipOutputStream z = new ZipOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(new File(complete, name + ".zip")));"created zip output stream..."); // we write over the content no matter what // we then check to make sure there are no duplicates // TODO need to change the above -- save all content! // z.write(content); z.putNextEntry(new; // int length = (int) newFile.length(); int bytesRead; byte[] buff = new byte[512]; // read from buffered input stream and put into zip file // while (-1 != (bytesRead =, 0, buff.length))) { while ((bytesRead = != -1) { z.write(buff, 0, bytesRead); }"writing buffer..."); // } z.closeEntry(); z.finish(); // newFile = new File(complete, name+".zip"); // newFile.setLastModified(System.currentTimeMillis()); // // BufferedWriter w2 = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(newFile)); // w2.write(newOut.toString()); // w2.close(); if (is != null) { try { is.close(); } catch ( ie) { ie.printStackTrace(); } }"finished zipping up file..."); // set up the zip to go into the database if (saveToDB) { ArchivedDatasetFileBean fb = new ArchivedDatasetFileBean(); fb.setName(name + ".zip"); //"ODM filename: " + name + ".zip"); fb.setFileReference(dir + name + ".zip"); //"ODM fileReference: " + dir + name + ".zip"); // current location of the file on the system fb.setFileSize((int) newFile.length()); //"ODM setFileSize: " + (int)newFile.length() ); // set the above to compressed size? fb.setRunTime((int) time); //"ODM setRunTime: " + (int)time ); // need to set this in milliseconds, get it passed from above // methods? fb.setDatasetId(datasetBean.getId()); //"ODM setDatasetid: " + ds.getId() ); fb.setExportFormatBean(efb); //"ODM setExportFormatBean: success" ); fb.setExportFormatId(efb.getId()); //"ODM setExportFormatId: " + efb.getId()); fb.setOwner(userBean); //"ODM setOwner: " + sm.getUserBean()); fb.setOwnerId(userBean.getId()); //"ODM setOwnerId: " + sm.getUserBean().getId() ); fb.setDateCreated(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis())); boolean write = true; ArchivedDatasetFileDAO asdfDAO = new ArchivedDatasetFileDAO(ds); // eliminating all checks so that we create multiple files, tbh 6-7 if (write) { fbFinal = (ArchivedDatasetFileBean) asdfDAO.create(fb); } else {"duplicate found: " + fb.getName()); } } // created in database! } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("-- exception thrown at createFile: " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } return fbFinal.getId(); } public ExtractBean generateExtractBean(DatasetBean dsetBean, StudyBean currentStudy, StudyBean parentStudy) { ExtractBean eb = new ExtractBean(ds); eb.setDataset(dsetBean); eb.setShowUniqueId(CoreResources.getField("show_unique_id")); eb.setStudy(currentStudy); eb.setParentStudy(parentStudy); eb.setDateCreated(new java.util.Date()); return eb; } /** * To zip the xml files and delete the intermediate files. * @param name * @param dir * @throws IOException */ public void zipFile(String name, String dir) throws IOException { //if (zipped) { String zipFileName = null; File complete = new File(dir); if (!complete.isDirectory()) { complete.mkdirs(); } File[] interXMLS = complete.listFiles(); List<File> temp = new LinkedList<File>(Arrays.asList(interXMLS)); File oldFile = new File(complete, name); File newFile = null; if (oldFile.exists()) { newFile = oldFile; } else { newFile = new File(complete, name); } // now, we write the file to the zip file FileInputStream is = new FileInputStream(newFile); ZipOutputStream z = new ZipOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(new File(complete, name + ".zip"))); if(oldFiles!=null || !oldFiles.isEmpty()) { if(oldFiles.contains(new File(complete, name + ".zip"))) { oldFiles.remove(new File(complete, name + ".zip"));//Dont delete the files which u r just creating } }"created zip output stream..."); // we write over the content no matter what // we then check to make sure there are no duplicates // TODO need to change the above -- save all content! // z.write(content); z.putNextEntry(new; // int length = (int) newFile.length(); int bytesRead; byte[] buff = new byte[512]; // read from buffered input stream and put into zip file // while (-1 != (bytesRead =, 0, buff.length))) { while ((bytesRead = != -1) { z.write(buff, 0, bytesRead); }"writing buffer..."); // } z.closeEntry(); z.finish(); if(z!=null)z.close(); // newFile = new File(complete, name+".zip"); // newFile.setLastModified(System.currentTimeMillis()); // // BufferedWriter w2 = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(newFile)); // w2.write(newOut.toString()); // w2.close(); if (is != null) { try { is.close(); } catch ( ie) { ie.printStackTrace(); } } //Adding the logic to delete the intermediate xmls oldFiles = temp;"finished zipping up file..."); // } } }