package org.akaza.openclinica.dao.core; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.akaza.openclinica.bean.extract.ExtractPropertyBean; import org.akaza.openclinica.bean.service.PdfProcessingFunction; import org.akaza.openclinica.bean.service.SasProcessingFunction; import org.akaza.openclinica.bean.service.SqlProcessingFunction; import org.akaza.openclinica.dao.core.CoreResources; import org.akaza.openclinica.exception.OpenClinicaSystemException; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.context.ResourceLoaderAware; import; import; import; import; import; public class CoreResources implements ResourceLoaderAware { private ResourceLoader resourceLoader; public static String PROPERTIES_DIR; private static String DB_NAME; private static Properties DATAINFO; private static Properties EXTRACTINFO; private Properties dataInfo; private Properties dataInfoProp; private Properties extractInfo; private Properties extractProp; public static final Integer PDF_ID = 10; public static final Integer TAB_ID = 8; public static final Integer CDISC_ODM_1_2_ID = 5; public static final Integer CDISC_ODM_1_2_EXTENSION_ID = 4; public static final Integer CDISC_ODM_1_3_ID = 3; public static final Integer CDISC_ODM_1_3_EXTENSION_ID = 2; public static final Integer SPSS_ID = 9; private static String webapp; protected final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("org.akaza.openclinica.dao.core.CoreResources"); // private MessageSource messageSource; private static ArrayList<ExtractPropertyBean> extractProperties; public static String ODM_MAPPING_DIR; // TODO:Clean up all system outs // default no arg constructor public CoreResources() { } /** * TODO: Delete me! * * @param dataInfoProps * @throws IOException */ public CoreResources(Properties dataInfoProps) throws IOException { this.dataInfo = dataInfoProps; if (resourceLoader == null) resourceLoader = new DefaultResourceLoader(); webapp = getWebAppName(resourceLoader.getResource("/").getURI().getPath()); } public void reportUrl() { String contHome = System.getProperty("catalina.home"); Properties pros = System.getProperties(); Enumeration proEnum = pros.propertyNames(); for (; proEnum.hasMoreElements();) { // Get property name String propName = (String) proEnum.nextElement(); // Get property value String propValue = (String) pros.get(propName); } } public Properties getPropValues(Properties prop, String propFileName) throws IOException { // System.out.println(propFileName); prop = new Properties(); File file = new File(propFileName); if (!file.exists()) return null; InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(propFileName); prop.load(inputStream); return prop; } public void getPropertiesSource() { try { String filePath = "$catalina.home/$WEBAPP.lower.config"; filePath = replaceWebapp(filePath); filePath = replaceCatHome(filePath); String dataInfoPropFileName = filePath + "/"; String extractPropFileName = filePath + "/"; Properties OC_dataDataInfoProperties = getPropValues(dataInfoProp, dataInfoPropFileName); Properties OC_dataExtractProperties = getPropValues(extractProp, extractPropFileName); if (OC_dataDataInfoProperties != null) dataInfo = OC_dataDataInfoProperties; if (OC_dataExtractProperties != null) extractInfo = OC_dataExtractProperties; } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } @Override public void setResourceLoader(ResourceLoader resourceLoader) { this.resourceLoader = resourceLoader; try { // setPROPERTIES_DIR(resourceLoader); // @pgawade 18-April-2011 Fix for issue 8394 webapp = getWebAppName(resourceLoader.getResource("/").getURI().getPath()); /* getPropertiesSource(); String filePath = "$catalina.home/$WEBAPP.lower.config"; filePath = replaceWebapp(filePath); filePath = replaceCatHome(filePath); String dataInfoPropFileName = filePath + "/"; String extractPropFileName = filePath + "/"; Properties OC_dataDataInfoProperties = getPropValues(dataInfoProp, dataInfoPropFileName); Properties OC_dataExtractProperties = getPropValues(extractProp, extractPropFileName); if (OC_dataDataInfoProperties != null) dataInfo = OC_dataDataInfoProperties; if (OC_dataExtractProperties != null) extractInfo = OC_dataExtractProperties; */ String dbName = dataInfo.getProperty("dbType"); DATAINFO = dataInfo; dataInfo = setDataInfoProperties();// weird, but there are references to dataInfo...MainMenuServlet for // instance EXTRACTINFO = extractInfo; DB_NAME = dbName; SQLFactory factory = SQLFactory.getInstance();, resourceLoader); setODM_MAPPING_DIR(); if (extractInfo != null) { copyBaseToDest(resourceLoader); // @pgawade 18-April-2011 Fix for issue 8394 copyODMMappingXMLtoResources(resourceLoader); extractProperties = findExtractProperties(); // JN: this is in for junits to run without extract props copyImportRulesFiles(); // copyConfig(); } // tbh, following line to be removed // reportUrl(); } catch (OpenClinicaSystemException e) { logger.debug(e.getMessage()); logger.debug(e.toString()); throw new OpenClinicaSystemException(e.getMessage(), e.fillInStackTrace()); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * For changing values which are applicable to all properties, for ex webapp name can be used in any properties */ private void setDataInfoVals() { Enumeration<String> properties = (Enumeration<String>) DATAINFO.propertyNames(); String vals, key; while (properties.hasMoreElements()) { key = properties.nextElement(); vals = DATAINFO.getProperty(key); // replacePaths(vals); vals = replaceWebapp(vals); vals = replaceCatHome(vals); DATAINFO.setProperty(key, vals); } } private static String replaceWebapp(String value) { if (value.contains("${WEBAPP}")) { value = value.replace("${WEBAPP}", webapp); } else if (value.contains("${WEBAPP.lower}")) { value = value.replace("${WEBAPP.lower}", webapp.toLowerCase()); } if (value.contains("$WEBAPP.lower")) { value = value.replace("$WEBAPP.lower", webapp.toLowerCase()); } else if (value.contains("$WEBAPP")) { value = value.replace("$WEBAPP", webapp); } return value; } private static String replaceCatHome(String value) { String catalina = null; if (catalina == null) { catalina = System.getProperty("CATALINA_HOME"); } if (catalina == null) { catalina = System.getProperty("catalina.home"); } if (catalina == null) { catalina = System.getenv("CATALINA_HOME"); } if (catalina == null) { catalina = System.getenv("catalina.home"); } // logMe("catalina home - " + value); // logMe("CATALINA_HOME system variable is " + System.getProperty("CATALINA_HOME")); // logMe("CATALINA_HOME system env variable is " + System.getenv("CATALINA_HOME")); // logMe(" -Dcatalina.home system property variable is"+System.getProperty(" -Dcatalina.home")); // logMe("CATALINA.HOME system env variable is"+System.getenv("catalina.home")); // logMe("CATALINA_BASE system env variable is"+System.getenv("CATALINA_BASE")); // Map<String, String> env = System.getenv(); // for (String envName : env.keySet()) { // logMe("%s=%s%n"+ envName+ env.get(envName)); // } if (value.contains("${catalina.home}") && catalina != null) { value = value.replace("${catalina.home}", catalina); } if (value.contains("$catalina.home") && catalina != null) { value = value.replace("$catalina.home", catalina); } return value; } private static String replacePaths(String vals) { if (vals != null) { if (vals.contains("/")) { vals = vals.replace("/", File.separator); } else if (vals.contains("\\")) { vals = vals.replace("\\", File.separator); } else if (vals.contains("\\\\")) { vals = vals.replace("\\\\", File.separator); } } return vals; } private Properties setDataInfoProperties() { // getPropertiesSource(); String filePath = DATAINFO.getProperty("filePath"); if (filePath == null || filePath.isEmpty()) filePath = "$catalina.home/$"; String database = DATAINFO.getProperty("dbType"); setDatabaseProperties(database); setDataInfoVals(); if (DATAINFO.getProperty("filePath") == null || DATAINFO.getProperty("filePath").length() <= 0) DATAINFO.setProperty("filePath", filePath); DATAINFO.setProperty("changeLogFile", "src/main/resources/migration/master.xml"); // sysURL.base String sysURLBase = DATAINFO.getProperty("sysURL").replace("MainMenu", ""); DATAINFO.setProperty("sysURL.base", sysURLBase); if (DATAINFO.getProperty("org.quartz.jobStore.misfireThreshold") == null) DATAINFO.setProperty("org.quartz.jobStore.misfireThreshold", "60000"); DATAINFO.setProperty("org.quartz.jobStore.class", "org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.JobStoreTX"); if (database.equalsIgnoreCase("oracle")) { DATAINFO.setProperty("org.quartz.jobStore.driverDelegateClass", ""); } else if (database.equalsIgnoreCase("postgres")) { DATAINFO.setProperty("org.quartz.jobStore.driverDelegateClass", "org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.PostgreSQLDelegate"); } DATAINFO.setProperty("org.quartz.jobStore.useProperties", "false"); DATAINFO.setProperty("org.quartz.jobStore.tablePrefix", "oc_qrtz_"); if (DATAINFO.getProperty("org.quartz.threadPool.threadCount") == null) DATAINFO.setProperty("org.quartz.threadPool.threadCount", "1"); if (DATAINFO.getProperty("org.quartz.threadPool.threadPriority") == null) DATAINFO.setProperty("org.quartz.threadPool.threadPriority", "5"); String attached_file_location = DATAINFO.getProperty("attached_file_location"); if (attached_file_location == null || attached_file_location.isEmpty()) { attached_file_location = DATAINFO.getProperty("filePath") + "attached_files" + File.separator; DATAINFO.setProperty("attached_file_location", attached_file_location); } String change_passwd_required = DATAINFO.getProperty("change_passwd_required"); if (change_passwd_required == null || change_passwd_required.isEmpty()) { change_passwd_required = "1"; DATAINFO.setProperty("change_passwd_required", change_passwd_required); } setMailProps(); setRuleDesignerProps(); if (DATAINFO.getProperty("crfFileExtensions") != null) DATAINFO.setProperty("crf_file_extensions", DATAINFO.getProperty("crfFileExtensions")); if (DATAINFO.getProperty("crfFileExtensionSettings") != null) DATAINFO.setProperty("crf_file_extension_settings", DATAINFO.getProperty("crfFileExtensionSettings")); String dataset_file_delete = DATAINFO.getProperty("dataset_file_delete"); if (dataset_file_delete == null) DATAINFO.setProperty("dataset_file_delete", "true"); ;// TODO:Revisit me! String password_expiration_time = DATAINFO.getProperty("passwdExpirationTime"); if (password_expiration_time != null) DATAINFO.setProperty("passwd_expiration_time", password_expiration_time); if (DATAINFO.getProperty("maxInactiveInterval") != null) DATAINFO.setProperty("max_inactive_interval", DATAINFO.getProperty("maxInactiveInterval")); DATAINFO.setProperty("ra", "Data_Entry_Person"); DATAINFO.setProperty("ra2", "site_Data_Entry_Person2"); DATAINFO.setProperty("investigator", "Investigator"); DATAINFO.setProperty("director", "Study_Director"); DATAINFO.setProperty("coordinator", "Study_Coordinator"); DATAINFO.setProperty("monitor", "Monitor"); DATAINFO.setProperty("ccts.waitBeforeCommit", "6000"); String rss_url = DATAINFO.getProperty("rssUrl"); if (rss_url == null || rss_url.isEmpty()) rss_url = ""; DATAINFO.setProperty("rss.url", rss_url); String rss_more = DATAINFO.getProperty("rssMore"); if (rss_more == null || rss_more.isEmpty()) rss_more = ""; DATAINFO.setProperty("rss.more", rss_more); String supportURL = DATAINFO.getProperty("supportURL"); if (supportURL == null || supportURL.isEmpty()) supportURL = ""; DATAINFO.setProperty("supportURL", supportURL); DATAINFO.setProperty("show_unique_id", "1"); DATAINFO.setProperty("auth_mode", "password"); if (DATAINFO.getProperty("userAccountNotification") != null) DATAINFO.setProperty("user_account_notification", DATAINFO.getProperty("userAccountNotification")); logger.debug("DataInfo..." + DATAINFO); String designerURL = DATAINFO.getProperty("designerURL"); if (designerURL == null || designerURL.isEmpty()) { DATAINFO.setProperty("designer.url", designerURL); } String xformEnabled = DATAINFO.getProperty("xformEnabled"); if (xformEnabled == null || xformEnabled.isEmpty()) DATAINFO.setProperty("xformEnabled", ""); String portalURL = DATAINFO.getProperty("portalURL"); if (portalURL == null || portalURL.isEmpty()) { DATAINFO.setProperty("portal.url", ""); logger.debug(" Portal URL NOT Defined in datainfo "); } else { logger.debug("Portal URL IS Defined in datainfo: " + portalURL); } String moduleManager = DATAINFO.getProperty("moduleManager"); if (moduleManager == null || moduleManager.isEmpty()) { DATAINFO.setProperty("moduleManager.url", ""); logger.debug(" Module Manager URL NOT Defined in datainfo "); } else { logger.debug("Module Manager URL IS Defined in datainfo: " + moduleManager); } return DATAINFO; } private void setMailProps() { DATAINFO.setProperty("", DATAINFO.getProperty("mailHost")); DATAINFO.setProperty("mail.port", DATAINFO.getProperty("mailPort")); DATAINFO.setProperty("mail.protocol", DATAINFO.getProperty("mailProtocol")); DATAINFO.setProperty("mail.username", DATAINFO.getProperty("mailUsername")); DATAINFO.setProperty("mail.password", DATAINFO.getProperty("mailPassword")); DATAINFO.setProperty("mail.smtp.auth", DATAINFO.getProperty("mailSmtpAuth")); DATAINFO.setProperty("mail.smtp.starttls.enable", DATAINFO.getProperty("mailSmtpStarttls.enable")); DATAINFO.setProperty("mail.smtps.auth", DATAINFO.getProperty("mailSmtpsAuth")); DATAINFO.setProperty("mail.smtps.starttls.enable", DATAINFO.getProperty("mailSmtpsStarttls.enable")); DATAINFO.setProperty("mail.smtp.connectiontimeout", DATAINFO.getProperty("mailSmtpConnectionTimeout")); DATAINFO.setProperty("mail.errormsg", DATAINFO.getProperty("mailErrorMsg")); } private void setRuleDesignerProps() { DATAINFO.setProperty("designer.url", DATAINFO.getProperty("designerURL")); } public static void setSchema(Connection conn) throws SQLException { Statement statement = conn.createStatement(); String schema = DATAINFO.getProperty("schema"); try { statement.execute("set search_path to '" + schema + "'"); } finally { statement.close(); } } private void setDatabaseProperties(String database) { String herokuUrl= System.getenv("DATABASE_URL"); if (herokuUrl!=null){ String namepass[] = herokuUrl.split(":"); String user = namepass[1].substring(2); String pass = namepass[2].substring(0, namepass[2].indexOf("@")); String dbhst = namepass[2].substring(namepass[2].indexOf("@")+1); String db = namepass[3].substring(5); String dbpt = namepass[3].substring(0,4); DATAINFO.setProperty("dbUser", user); DATAINFO.setProperty("dbPass", pass); DATAINFO.setProperty("username", DATAINFO.getProperty("dbUser")); DATAINFO.setProperty("password", DATAINFO.getProperty("dbPass")); DATAINFO.setProperty("dbHost", dbhst); DATAINFO.setProperty("db", db); DATAINFO.setProperty("dbPort", dbpt); }else{ DATAINFO.setProperty("username", DATAINFO.getProperty("dbUser")); DATAINFO.setProperty("password", DATAINFO.getProperty("dbPass")); } String schema =(DATAINFO.getProperty("schema").trim().equals("") ? "public" : DATAINFO.getProperty("schema").trim()); String url = null, driver = null, hibernateDialect = null; if (database.equalsIgnoreCase("postgres")) { url = "jdbc:postgresql:" + "//" + DATAINFO.getProperty("dbHost") + ":" + DATAINFO.getProperty("dbPort") + "/" + DATAINFO.getProperty("db") ; driver = "org.postgresql.Driver"; hibernateDialect = "org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect"; } else if (database.equalsIgnoreCase("oracle")) { url = "jdbc:oracle:thin:" + "@" + DATAINFO.getProperty("dbHost") + ":" + DATAINFO.getProperty("dbPort") + ":" + DATAINFO.getProperty("db"); driver = "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"; hibernateDialect = "org.hibernate.dialect.OracleDialect"; } DATAINFO.setProperty("dataBase", database); DATAINFO.setProperty("url", url); DATAINFO.setProperty("schema", schema); DATAINFO.setProperty("hibernate.dialect", hibernateDialect); DATAINFO.setProperty("driver", driver); } private void copyBaseToDest(ResourceLoader resourceLoader) { ResourcePatternResolver resolver = new PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver(resourceLoader); Resource[] resources; try { /* * Use classpath* to search for resources that match this pattern in ALL of the jars in the application * class path. See: * * .html#resources-classpath-wildcards */ resources = resolver.getResources("classpath*:properties/xslt/*.xsl"); } catch (IOException ioe) { logger.debug(ioe.getMessage(), ioe); throw new OpenClinicaSystemException("Unable to read source files", ioe); } File dest = new File(getField("filePath") + "xslt"); if (!dest.exists()) { if (!dest.mkdirs()) { throw new OpenClinicaSystemException("Copying files, Could not create direcotry: " + dest.getAbsolutePath() + "."); } } for (Resource r : resources) { File f = new File(dest, r.getFilename()); try { FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(f); IOUtils.copy(r.getInputStream(), out); out.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { logger.debug(ioe.getMessage(), ioe); throw new OpenClinicaSystemException("Unable to copy file: " + r.getFilename() + " to " + f.getAbsolutePath(), ioe); } } } private void copyImportRulesFiles() throws IOException { ByteArrayInputStream listSrcFiles[] = new ByteArrayInputStream[3]; ResourcePatternResolver resolver = new PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver(resourceLoader); String[] fileNames = { "rules.xsd", "rules_template.xml", "rules_template_with_notes.xml" }; Resource[] resources = null; FileOutputStream out = null; resources = resolver.getResources("classpath*:properties/rules_template*.xml"); File dest = new File(getField("filePath") + "rules"); if (!dest.exists()) { if (!dest.mkdirs()) { throw new OpenClinicaSystemException("Copying files, Could not create direcotry: " + dest.getAbsolutePath() + "."); } } for (Resource r : resources) { File f = new File(dest, r.getFilename()); out = new FileOutputStream(f); IOUtils.copy(r.getInputStream(), out); out.close(); } Resource[] r1 = resolver.getResources("classpath*:properties/" + fileNames[0]); File f1 = new File(dest, r1[0].getFilename()); out = new FileOutputStream(f1); IOUtils.copy(r1[0].getInputStream(), out); out.close(); } private void copyConfig() throws IOException { ResourcePatternResolver resolver = new PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver(resourceLoader); Resource[] resources = null; FileOutputStream out = null; Resource resource1 = null; Resource resource2 = null; resource1 = resolver.getResource(""); resource2 = resolver.getResource(""); String filePath = "$catalina.home/$WEBAPP.lower.config"; filePath = replaceWebapp(filePath); filePath = replaceCatHome(filePath); File dest = new File(filePath); if (!dest.exists()) { if (!dest.mkdirs()) { throw new OpenClinicaSystemException("Copying files, Could not create directory: " + dest.getAbsolutePath() + "."); } } File f1 = new File(dest, resource1.getFilename()); File f2 = new File(dest, resource2.getFilename()); if (!f1.exists()) { out = new FileOutputStream(f1); IOUtils.copy(resource1.getInputStream(), out); out.close(); } if (!f2.exists()) { out = new FileOutputStream(f2); IOUtils.copy(resource2.getInputStream(), out); out.close(); } /* * * for (Resource r: resources) { File f = new File(dest, r.getFilename()); if(!f.exists()){ out = new * FileOutputStream(f); IOUtils.copy(r.getInputStream(), out); out.close(); } } */ } /** * @deprecated. ByteArrayInputStream keeps the whole file in memory needlessly. Use Commons IO's * {@link IOUtils#copy(,} instead. */ @Deprecated private void copyFiles(ByteArrayInputStream fis, File dest) { FileOutputStream fos = null; byte[] buffer = new byte[512]; // Buffer 4K at a time (you can change this). int bytesRead; logger.debug("fis?" + fis); try { fos = new FileOutputStream(dest); while ((bytesRead = >= 0) { fos.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead); } } catch (IOException ioe) {// error while copying files OpenClinicaSystemException oe = new OpenClinicaSystemException("Unable to copy file: " + fis + "to" + dest.getAbsolutePath() + "." + dest.getAbsolutePath() + "."); oe.initCause(ioe); oe.setStackTrace(ioe.getStackTrace()); throw oe; } finally { // Ensure that the files are closed (if they were open). if (fis != null) { try { fis.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { OpenClinicaSystemException oe = new OpenClinicaSystemException("Unable to copy file: " + fis + "to" + dest.getAbsolutePath() + "." + dest.getAbsolutePath() + "."); oe.initCause(ioe); oe.setStackTrace(ioe.getStackTrace()); logger.debug(ioe.getMessage()); throw oe; } } if (fos != null) { try { fos.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { OpenClinicaSystemException oe = new OpenClinicaSystemException("Unable to copy file: " + fis + "to" + dest.getAbsolutePath() + "." + dest.getAbsolutePath() + "."); oe.initCause(ioe); oe.setStackTrace(ioe.getStackTrace()); logger.debug(ioe.getMessage()); throw oe; } } } } private void copyODMMappingXMLtoResources(ResourceLoader resourceLoader) { ResourcePatternResolver resolver = new PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver(resourceLoader); String[] fileNames = { "cd_odm_mapping.xml" }; Resource[] resources; try { resources = resolver.getResources("classpath*:properties/cd_odm_mapping.xml"); } catch (IOException ioe) { OpenClinicaSystemException oe = new OpenClinicaSystemException("Unable to read source files"); oe.initCause(ioe); oe.setStackTrace(ioe.getStackTrace()); logger.debug(ioe.getMessage()); throw oe; } File dest = null; try { dest = new File(getField("filePath")); if (!dest.exists()) { if (!dest.mkdirs()) { throw new OpenClinicaSystemException("Copying files, Could not create direcotry: " + dest.getAbsolutePath() + "."); } } File f = new File(dest, resources[0].getFilename()); FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(f); IOUtils.copy(resources[0].getInputStream(), out); out.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { OpenClinicaSystemException oe = new OpenClinicaSystemException("Unable to get web app base path"); oe.initCause(ioe); oe.setStackTrace(ioe.getStackTrace()); throw oe; } } public ResourceLoader getResourceLoader() { return resourceLoader; } public static ArrayList<ExtractPropertyBean> getExtractProperties() { return extractProperties; } public void setExtractProperties(ArrayList extractProperties) { this.extractProperties = extractProperties; } private ArrayList<ExtractPropertyBean> findExtractProperties() throws OpenClinicaSystemException { ArrayList<ExtractPropertyBean> ret = new ArrayList<ExtractPropertyBean>(); // ExtractPropertyBean epbean = new ExtractPropertyBean(); int i = 1; int maxExtractOption = getMaxExtractCounterValue(); while (i <= maxExtractOption) { if (!getExtractField("extract." + i + ".file").equals("")) { ExtractPropertyBean epbean = new ExtractPropertyBean(); epbean.setId(i); // we will implement a find by id function in the front end // check to make sure the file exists, if not throw an exception and system will abort to start. checkForFile(getExtractFields("extract." + i + ".file")); epbean.setFileName(getExtractFields("extract." + i + ".file")); // file name of the xslt stylesheet epbean.setFiledescription(getExtractField("extract." + i + ".fileDescription")); // description of the choice of format epbean.setHelpText(getExtractField("extract." + i + ".helpText")); // help text, currently in the alt-text of the link epbean.setLinkText(getExtractField("extract." + i + ".linkText")); // link text of the choice of format // epbean.setRolesAllowed(getExtractField("xsl.allowed." + i).split(",")); // which roles are allowed to see the choice? epbean.setFileLocation(getExtractField("extract." + i + ".location")); // destination of the copied files // epbean.setFormat(getExtractField("xsl.format." + i)); // if (("").equals(epbean.getFormat())) { // } // formatting choice. currently permenantly set at oc1.3 /* * String clinica = getExtractField("extract."+i+".odmType"); if(clinica!=null) { * if(clinica.equalsIgnoreCase("clinical_data")) epbean.setFormat("occlinical_data"); else * epbean.setFormat("oc1.3"); } else */ epbean.setOdmType(getExtractField("extract." + i + ".odmType")); epbean.setFormat("oc1.3"); // destination file name of the copied files epbean.setExportFileName(getExtractFields("extract." + i + ".exportname")); // post-processing event after the creation String whichFunction = getExtractField("extract." + i + ".post").toLowerCase(); // added by JN: Zipformat comes from extract properties returns true by default epbean.setZipFormat(getExtractFieldBoolean("extract." + i + ".zip")); epbean.setDeleteOld(getExtractFieldBoolean("extract." + i + ".deleteOld")); epbean.setSuccessMessage(getExtractField("extract." + i + ".success")); epbean.setFailureMessage(getExtractField("extract." + i + ".failure")); epbean.setZipName(getExtractField("extract." + i + ".zipName")); if (epbean.getFileName().length != epbean.getExportFileName().length) throw new OpenClinicaSystemException( "The comma seperated values of file names and export file names should correspond 1 on 1 for the property number" + i); if ("sql".equals(whichFunction)) { // set the bean within, so that we can access the file locations etc SqlProcessingFunction function = new SqlProcessingFunction(epbean); String whichSettings = getExtractField("" + i + ".sql"); if (!"".equals(whichSettings)) { function.setDatabaseType(getExtractFieldNoRep(whichSettings + ".dataBase").toLowerCase()); function.setDatabaseUrl(getExtractFieldNoRep(whichSettings + ".url")); function.setDatabaseUsername(getExtractFieldNoRep(whichSettings + ".username")); function.setDatabasePassword(getExtractFieldNoRep(whichSettings + ".password")); } else { // set default db settings here function.setDatabaseType(getField("dataBase")); function.setDatabaseUrl(getField("url")); function.setDatabaseUsername(getField("username")); function.setDatabasePassword(getField("password")); } // also pre-set the database connection stuff epbean.setPostProcessing(function); // System.out.println("found db password: " + function.getDatabasePassword()); } else if ("pdf".equals(whichFunction)) { // TODO add other functions here epbean.setPostProcessing(new PdfProcessingFunction()); } else if ("sas".equals(whichFunction)) { epbean.setPostProcessing(new SasProcessingFunction()); } else if (!whichFunction.isEmpty()) { String postProcessorName = getExtractField(whichFunction + ".postProcessor"); if (postProcessorName.equals("pdf")) { epbean.setPostProcessing(new PdfProcessingFunction()); epbean.setPostProcDeleteOld(getExtractFieldBoolean(whichFunction + ".deleteOld")); epbean.setPostProcZip(getExtractFieldBoolean(whichFunction + ".zip")); epbean.setPostProcLocation(getExtractField(whichFunction + ".location")); epbean.setPostProcExportName(getExtractField(whichFunction + ".exportname")); } // since the database is the last option TODO: think about custom post processing options else { SqlProcessingFunction function = new SqlProcessingFunction(epbean); function.setDatabaseType(getExtractFieldNoRep(whichFunction + ".dataBase").toLowerCase()); function.setDatabaseUrl(getExtractFieldNoRep(whichFunction + ".url")); function.setDatabaseUsername(getExtractFieldNoRep(whichFunction + ".username")); function.setDatabasePassword(getExtractFieldNoRep(whichFunction + ".password")); epbean.setPostProcessing(function); } } else { // add a null here epbean.setPostProcessing(null); } ret.add(epbean); } i++; } // tbh change to print out properties // System.out.println("found " + ret.size() + " records in"); return ret; } private int getMaxExtractCounterValue() { Set<String> properties = EXTRACTINFO.stringPropertyNames(); int numExtractTypes = 0; for (String property:properties) { if (property.split(Pattern.quote(".")).length == 3 && property.startsWith("extract.") && property.endsWith(".file")) { try { int value = Integer.parseInt(property.split(Pattern.quote("."))[1]); if (value > numExtractTypes) numExtractTypes = value; } catch (Exception e) { // Wasn't a number. Do nothing. } } } return numExtractTypes; } private String getExtractFieldNoRep(String key) { String value = EXTRACTINFO.getProperty(key); if (value != null) { value = value.trim(); } return value == null ? "" : value; } private void checkForFile(String[] extractFields) throws OpenClinicaSystemException { int cnt = extractFields.length; int i = 0; // iterate through all comma separated file names while (i < cnt) { File f = new File(getField("filePath") + "xslt" + File.separator + extractFields[i]); // System.out.println(getField("filePath") + "xslt" + File.separator + extractFields[i]); if (!f.exists()) throw new OpenClinicaSystemException("FileNotFound -- Please make sure" + extractFields[i] + "exists"); i++; } } public InputStream getInputStream(String fileName) throws IOException { return resourceLoader.getResource("classpath:properties/" + fileName).getInputStream(); } public URL getURL(String fileName) throws IOException { return resourceLoader.getResource("classpath:properties/" + fileName).getURL(); } /** * @deprecated Use {@link #getFile(String,String)} instead */ @Deprecated public File getFile(String fileName) { return getFile(fileName, "filePath"); } public File getFile(String fileName, String relDirectory) { try { InputStream inputStream = getInputStream(fileName); File f = new File(getField("filePath") + relDirectory + fileName); /* * OutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(f); byte buf[] = new byte[1024]; int len; try { while * ((len = > 0) outputStream.write(buf, 0, len); } finally { outputStream.close(); * inputStream.close(); } */ return f; } catch (IOException e) { throw new OpenClinicaSystemException(e.getMessage(), e.fillInStackTrace()); } } public void setPROPERTIES_DIR() { String resource = "classpath:properties/"; // System.out.println("Resource " + resource); Resource scr = resourceLoader.getResource(resource); String absolutePath = null; try { // System.out.println("Resource" + resource); absolutePath = scr.getFile().getAbsolutePath(); // System.out.println("Resource" + ((ClassPathResource) scr).getPath()); // System.out.println("Resource" + resource); PROPERTIES_DIR = absolutePath.replaceAll("", ""); // System.out.println("Resource " + PROPERTIES_DIR); } catch (IOException e) { throw new OpenClinicaSystemException(e.getMessage(), e.fillInStackTrace()); } } /** * @pgawade 18-April-2011 - Fix for issue 8394 Method to set the absolute file path value to point to "odm_mapping" * in resources. cd_odm_mapping.xml file used by Castor API during CRF data import will be copied to this * location during application initialization */ public void setODM_MAPPING_DIR() { String resource = ""; Resource scr = resourceLoader.getResource(resource); String absolutePath = null; try { absolutePath = scr.getFile().getAbsolutePath(); ODM_MAPPING_DIR = getField("filePath"); // System.out.println("ODM_MAPPING_DIR: " + ODM_MAPPING_DIR); } catch (IOException e) { throw new OpenClinicaSystemException(e.getMessage(), e.fillInStackTrace()); } } public static String getDBName() { if (null == DB_NAME) return "postgres"; return DB_NAME; } public static String getField(String key) { String value = DATAINFO.getProperty(key); if (value != null) { value = value.trim(); } return value == null ? "" : value; } // TODO internationalize public static String getExtractField(String key) { String value = EXTRACTINFO.getProperty(key); if (value != null) { value = value.trim(); } value = replacePaths(value); return value == null ? "" : value; } // JN:The following method returns default of true when converting from string public static boolean getExtractFieldBoolean(String key) { String value = EXTRACTINFO.getProperty(key); if (value != null) { value = value.trim(); } if (value == null) return true;// Defaulting to true if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("false")) return false; else return true;// defaulting to true } public static String[] getExtractFields(String key) { String value = EXTRACTINFO.getProperty(key); // System.out.println("key? " + key + " value = " + value); if (value != null) { value = value.trim(); } return value.split(","); } // JN: by using static when u click same export link from 2 different datasets the first one stays in tact and is // saved in // there. /** * */ public ExtractPropertyBean findExtractPropertyBeanById(int id, String datasetId) { boolean notDone = true; ArrayList<ExtractPropertyBean> epBeans = findExtractProperties(); ExtractPropertyBean returnBean = null; for (ExtractPropertyBean epbean : epBeans) { if (epbean.getId() == id) { epbean.setDatasetId(datasetId); notDone = false; // returnBean = epbean; return epbean; } } return returnBean; } public Properties getDataInfo() { return DATAINFO; } public void setDataInfo(Properties dataInfo) { this.dataInfo = dataInfo; } public Properties getExtractInfo() { return extractInfo; } public void setExtractInfo(Properties extractInfo) { this.extractInfo = extractInfo; } // Pradnya G code added by Jamuna public String getWebAppName(String servletCtxRealPath) { String webAppName = null; if (null != servletCtxRealPath) { String[] tokens = servletCtxRealPath.split("/"); webAppName = tokens[(tokens.length - 1)].trim(); } return webAppName; } public Properties getDATAINFO() { return DATAINFO; } // // TODO comment out system out after dev // private static void logMe(String message) { // System.out.println(message); //; // } }