package org.akaza.openclinica.web.job; import org.akaza.openclinica.bean.core.DataEntryStage; import org.akaza.openclinica.bean.core.Status; import org.akaza.openclinica.bean.core.SubjectEventStatus; import org.akaza.openclinica.bean.login.UserAccountBean; import org.akaza.openclinica.bean.managestudy.EventDefinitionCRFBean; import org.akaza.openclinica.bean.managestudy.StudyBean; import org.akaza.openclinica.bean.managestudy.StudyEventBean; import org.akaza.openclinica.bean.managestudy.StudyEventDefinitionBean; import org.akaza.openclinica.bean.submit.EventCRFBean; import org.akaza.openclinica.dao.admin.CRFDAO; import org.akaza.openclinica.dao.managestudy.EventDefinitionCRFDAO; import org.akaza.openclinica.dao.managestudy.StudyDAO; import org.akaza.openclinica.dao.managestudy.StudyEventDAO; import org.akaza.openclinica.dao.managestudy.StudyEventDefinitionDAO; import org.akaza.openclinica.dao.managestudy.StudySubjectDAO; import org.akaza.openclinica.dao.submit.EventCRFDAO; import org.akaza.openclinica.dao.submit.ItemDAO; import org.akaza.openclinica.dao.submit.ItemDataDAO; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import javax.sql.DataSource; /* * Helper methods will be placed in this class - DRY */ public class CrfBusinessLogicHelper { // SessionManager sm; DataSource ds; protected final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass().getName()); // public CrfBusinessLogicHelper(SessionManager sm) { // = sm; // } public CrfBusinessLogicHelper(DataSource ds) { this.ds = ds; } private EventDefinitionCRFBean getEventDefinitionCrfByStudyEventAndCrfVersion(EventCRFBean eventCrf, StudyBean study) { EventDefinitionCRFDAO eventDefinitionCrfDao = new EventDefinitionCRFDAO(ds); // TODO we have to get that id before we can continue eventDefinitionCrfDao = new EventDefinitionCRFDAO(ds); EventDefinitionCRFBean eventDefinitionCrf = eventDefinitionCrfDao.findByStudyEventIdAndCRFVersionId(study, eventCrf.getStudyEventId(), eventCrf.getCRFVersionId()); return eventDefinitionCrf; } protected boolean isEachRequiredFieldFillout(EventCRFBean ecb) { ItemDataDAO iddao = new ItemDataDAO(ds); ItemDAO idao = new ItemDAO(ds); int allRequiredNum = idao.findAllRequiredByCRFVersionId(ecb.getCRFVersionId()); int allRequiredFilledOut = iddao.findAllRequiredByEventCRFId(ecb); if (allRequiredNum > allRequiredFilledOut) { return false; } ArrayList allFilled = iddao.findAllBlankRequiredByEventCRFId(ecb.getId(), ecb.getCRFVersionId()); if (!allFilled.isEmpty()) { return false; } return true; } protected boolean areAllCompleted(StudyEventBean seBean, StudyBean study) { EventDefinitionCRFDAO edcDao = new EventDefinitionCRFDAO(ds); EventCRFDAO eventCrfDao = new EventCRFDAO(ds); ArrayList allCRFs = eventCrfDao.findAllByStudyEvent(seBean); ArrayList allEDCs = (ArrayList) edcDao.findAllActiveByEventDefinitionId(study, seBean.getStudyEventDefinitionId()); boolean eventCompleted = true;"found all crfs: " + allCRFs.size());"found all edcs: " + allEDCs.size()); for (int i = 0; i < allCRFs.size(); i++) { EventCRFBean ec = (EventCRFBean) allCRFs.get(i); //"found a crf name from event crf bean: " + // ec.getCrf().getName());"found a event name from event crf bean: " + ec.getEventName() + " crf version id: " + ec.getCRFVersionId()); if (!ec.getStatus().equals(Status.UNAVAILABLE) || allCRFs.size() < allEDCs.size()) { eventCompleted = false; break; } }"returning for are all completed: " + eventCompleted); return eventCompleted; } protected boolean areAllRequiredCompleted(StudyEventBean seBean, StudyBean study) { EventDefinitionCRFDAO edcDao = new EventDefinitionCRFDAO(ds); EventCRFDAO eventCrfDao = new EventCRFDAO(ds); ArrayList allCRFs = eventCrfDao.findAllByStudyEvent(seBean); ArrayList allEDCs = (ArrayList) edcDao.findAllActiveByEventDefinitionId(study, seBean.getStudyEventDefinitionId()); boolean eventRequiredCompleted = true; // keep in mind that allCRFs return only existing CRFs, // while allEDCs return all event defs in an event for (int i = 0; i < allCRFs.size(); i++) { EventCRFBean ec = (EventCRFBean) allCRFs.get(i); EventDefinitionCRFBean edcBean = edcDao.findByStudyEventIdAndCRFVersionId(study, seBean.getId(), ec.getCRFVersionId()); if (!ec.getStatus().equals(Status.UNAVAILABLE) && edcBean.isRequiredCRF()) { // if it's not done but required, return FALSE eventRequiredCompleted = false; break; } } if (allCRFs.size() < allEDCs.size()) { // the above means that we didnt find all the edcs yet // iterate through edcs now, if we find a required one return FALSE, // since we found one that we didn't catch before for (int i = 0; i < allEDCs.size(); i++) { EventDefinitionCRFBean ec = (EventDefinitionCRFBean) allEDCs.get(i); if (ec.isRequiredCRF()) { eventRequiredCompleted = false; break; } } }"returning for event required completed: " + eventRequiredCompleted); return eventRequiredCompleted; } protected boolean noneAreRequired(StudyEventBean seBean, StudyBean study) { boolean noneAreRequired = true; EventDefinitionCRFDAO edcDao = new EventDefinitionCRFDAO(ds); ArrayList allEDCs = (ArrayList) edcDao.findAllActiveByEventDefinitionId(study, seBean.getStudyEventDefinitionId());"found all EDCs: " + allEDCs.size()); for (int i = 0; i < allEDCs.size(); i++) { EventDefinitionCRFBean ec = (EventDefinitionCRFBean) allEDCs.get(i);"found crf name: " + ec.getCrfName()); if (ec.isRequiredCRF()) { noneAreRequired = false; break; } }"returning for none are required: " + noneAreRequired); return noneAreRequired; } protected boolean areAllRequired(StudyEventBean seBean, StudyBean study) { EventDefinitionCRFDAO edcDao = new EventDefinitionCRFDAO(ds); // EventCRFDAO eventCrfDao = new EventCRFDAO(ds); // ArrayList allCRFs = eventCrfDao.findAllByStudyEvent(seBean); ArrayList allEDCs = (ArrayList) edcDao.findAllActiveByEventDefinitionId(study, seBean.getStudyEventDefinitionId()); boolean areAllRequired = true; for (int i = 0; i < allEDCs.size(); i++) { EventDefinitionCRFBean ec = (EventDefinitionCRFBean) allEDCs.get(i); if (!ec.isRequiredCRF()) { areAllRequired = false; break; } }"returning for are all required: " + areAllRequired); return areAllRequired; } /** * The following methods are for 'mark CRF complete' Note that we will also wrap Study Event status changes in this * code, possibly split out in a later release, tbh 06/2008 * * @return */ public boolean markCRFComplete(EventCRFBean ecb, UserAccountBean ub) throws Exception { // locale = LocaleResolver.getLocale(request); // < respage = // ResourceBundle.getBundle("org.akaza.openclinica.i18n.page_messages", // locale); // < restext = // ResourceBundle.getBundle("org.akaza.openclinica.i18n.notes",locale); // < // resexception=ResourceBundle.getBundle( // "org.akaza.openclinica.i18n.exceptions",locale); // getEventCRFBean(); // getEventDefinitionCRFBean(); DataEntryStage stage = ecb.getStage(); EventCRFDAO eventCrfDao = new EventCRFDAO(ds); ItemDataDAO itemDataDao = new ItemDataDAO(ds); StudyDAO sdao = new StudyDAO(ds); StudySubjectDAO ssdao = new StudySubjectDAO(ds); StudyBean study = sdao.findByStudySubjectId(ecb.getStudySubjectId()); EventDefinitionCRFBean edcb = getEventDefinitionCrfByStudyEventAndCrfVersion(ecb, study); // StudyEventDAO studyEventDao = new StudyEventDAO(ds); // StudyEventBean studyEventBean = (StudyEventBean) // studyEventDao.findByPK(ecb.getStudyEventId()); // Status studyEventStatus = studyEventBean.getStatus(); StudyEventDefinitionDAO studyEventDefinitionDao = new StudyEventDefinitionDAO(ds); StudyEventDefinitionBean sedBean = (StudyEventDefinitionBean) studyEventDefinitionDao.findByPK(edcb.getStudyEventDefinitionId()); CRFDAO crfDao = new CRFDAO(ds); ArrayList crfs = (ArrayList) crfDao.findAllActiveByDefinition(sedBean); sedBean.setCrfs(crfs); // request.setAttribute(TableOfContentsServlet.INPUT_EVENT_CRF_BEAN, // ecb); // request.setAttribute(INPUT_EVENT_CRF_ID, new // Integer(ecb.getId())); logger.debug("inout_event_crf_id:" + ecb.getId()); logger.debug("inout_study_event_def_id:" + sedBean.getId()); // below bit is from DataEntryServlet, is more appropriate for filling // in by hand than by automatic // removing this in favor of the more streamlined effect below, tbh // 06/2008 // Page errorPage = getJSPPage(); // if (stage.equals(DataEntryStage.UNCOMPLETED) || // stage.equals(DataEntryStage.DOUBLE_DATA_ENTRY_COMPLETE) || // stage.equals(DataEntryStage.LOCKED)) { // // "addPageMessage(respage.getString(\"not_mark_CRF_complete1\"))"); // return false; // } // // if (stage.equals(DataEntryStage.INITIAL_DATA_ENTRY_COMPLETE) || // stage.equals(DataEntryStage.DOUBLE_DATA_ENTRY)) { // // /* // * if (!edcb.isDoubleEntry()) { // * // // "addPageMessage(respage.getString(\"not_mark_CRF_complete2\"))"); // * return false; } // * // */ // } // // /* // * if (!isEachSectionReviewedOnce()) { addPageMessage("You may not // mark // * this Event CRF complete, because there are some sections which have // * not been reviewed once."); return false; } // */ // // if (!isEachRequiredFieldFillout(ecb)) { // // "addPageMessage(respage.getString(\"not_mark_CRF_complete4\"))"); // return false; // } // // /* // * if (ecb.getInterviewerName().trim().equals("")) { throw new // * InconsistentStateException(errorPage, "You may not mark this Event // * CRF complete, because the interviewer name is blank."); } // */ Status newStatus = ecb.getStatus(); DataEntryStage newStage = ecb.getStage(); boolean ide = true; // currently we are setting the event crf status to complete, so this // block is all to // complete, tbh // if (stage.equals(DataEntryStage.INITIAL_DATA_ENTRY) && // edcb.isDoubleEntry()) { // newStatus = Status.PENDING; // ecb.setUpdaterId(ub.getId()); // ecb.setUpdater(ub); // ecb.setUpdatedDate(new Date()); // ecb.setDateCompleted(new Date()); // } else if (stage.equals(DataEntryStage.INITIAL_DATA_ENTRY) && // !edcb.isDoubleEntry()) { // newStatus = Status.UNAVAILABLE; // ecb.setUpdaterId(ub.getId()); // ecb.setUpdater(ub); // ecb.setUpdatedDate(new Date()); // ecb.setDateCompleted(new Date()); // ecb.setDateValidateCompleted(new Date()); // } else if // (stage.equals(DataEntryStage.INITIAL_DATA_ENTRY_COMPLETE) // || stage.equals(DataEntryStage.DOUBLE_DATA_ENTRY)) { // newStatus = Status.UNAVAILABLE; // ecb.setDateValidateCompleted(new Date()); // ide = false; // } newStatus = Status.UNAVAILABLE; // ecb.setUpdaterId(ub.getId()); ecb.setUpdater(ub); ecb.setUpdatedDate(new Date()); ecb.setDateCompleted(new Date()); ecb.setDateValidateCompleted(new Date()); /* * //for the non-reviewed sections, no item data in DB yet, need to //create them if * (!isEachSectionReviewedOnce()) { boolean canSave = saveItemsToMarkComplete(newStatus); if (canSave == false){ * addPageMessage("You may not mark this Event CRF complete, because there are some required entries which have * not been filled out."); return false; } } */ ecb.setStatus(newStatus); ecb.setStage(newStage); ecb = (EventCRFBean) eventCrfDao.update(ecb); logger.debug("just updated event crf id: " + ecb.getId()); // note the below statement only updates the DATES, not the STATUS eventCrfDao.markComplete(ecb, ide); // update all the items' status to complete itemDataDao.updateStatusByEventCRF(ecb, newStatus); // change status for study event StudyEventDAO sedao = new StudyEventDAO(ds); StudyEventBean seb = (StudyEventBean) sedao.findByPK(ecb.getStudyEventId()); seb.setUpdatedDate(new Date()); seb.setUpdater(ub); // updates with Pauls observation from bug:2488: // 1. If there is only one CRF in the event (whether the CRF was // required or not), and data was imported for it, the status of the // event should be Completed. // logger.debug("sed bean get crfs get size: " + sedBean.getCrfs().size()); logger.debug("edcb get crf id: " + edcb.getCrfId() + " version size? " + edcb.getVersions().size()); logger.debug("ecb get crf id: " + ecb.getCrf().getId()); logger.debug("ecb get crf version id: " + ecb.getCRFVersionId()); if (sedBean.getCrfs().size() == 1) { seb.setSubjectEventStatus(SubjectEventStatus.COMPLETED);"just set subj event status to -- COMPLETED --"); } // 2. More than one CRF in the event, all of them being required. If // data is imported into only one CRF, the status of the event // should be // Data Entry Started. // // removing sedBean.getCrfs().size() > 1 && else if (areAllRequired(seb, study) && !areAllCompleted(seb, study)) { seb.setSubjectEventStatus(SubjectEventStatus.DATA_ENTRY_STARTED);"just set subj event status to -- DATAENTRYSTARTED --"); } // 3. More than one CRF in the event, one is required, the other is // not. // If data is imported into the Required CRF, the status of the // event // should be Completed. // // 4. More than one CRF in the event, one is required, the other is // not. // If data is imported into the non-required CRF, the status of the // event should be Data Entry Started. // tbh -- below case covers both // removing sedBean.getCrfs().size() > 1 && else if (!areAllRequired(seb, study)) { if (areAllRequiredCompleted(seb, study)) { seb.setSubjectEventStatus(SubjectEventStatus.COMPLETED);"just set subj event status to -- 3completed3 --"); } else { seb.setSubjectEventStatus(SubjectEventStatus.DATA_ENTRY_STARTED);"just set subj event status to -- DATAENTRYSTARTED --"); } } // 5. More than one CRF in the event and none of them are required. // If // Data is imported into all the CRFs, the status of the event will // be // Completed. If the data is imported in some of the CRFs, the // status // will be completed as well. // removing sedBean.getCrfs().size() > 1 && else if (noneAreRequired(seb, study)) { seb.setSubjectEventStatus(SubjectEventStatus.COMPLETED);"just set subj event status to -- 5completed5 --"); } logger.debug("just set subj event status, final status is " + seb.getSubjectEventStatus().getName()); logger.debug("final overall status is " + seb.getStatus().getName()); seb = (StudyEventBean) sedao.update(seb); return true; } /** * The following methods are for 'mark CRF complete' Note that we will also wrap Study Event status changes in this * code, possibly split out in a later release, tbh 06/2008 * * @return */ public boolean markCRFStarted(EventCRFBean ecb, UserAccountBean ub) throws Exception { EventCRFDAO eventCrfDao = new EventCRFDAO(ds); StudyDAO sdao = new StudyDAO(ds); StudyBean study = sdao.findByStudySubjectId(ecb.getStudySubjectId()); EventDefinitionCRFBean edcb = getEventDefinitionCrfByStudyEventAndCrfVersion(ecb, study); StudyEventDefinitionDAO studyEventDefinitionDao = new StudyEventDefinitionDAO(ds); StudyEventDefinitionBean sedBean = (StudyEventDefinitionBean) studyEventDefinitionDao.findByPK(edcb.getStudyEventDefinitionId()); CRFDAO crfDao = new CRFDAO(ds); ArrayList crfs = (ArrayList) crfDao.findAllActiveByDefinition(sedBean); sedBean.setCrfs(crfs); logger.debug("inout_event_crf_id:" + ecb.getId()); logger.debug("inout_study_event_def_id:" + sedBean.getId()); Status newStatus = Status.AVAILABLE; DataEntryStage newStage = ecb.getStage(); ecb.setUpdater(ub); ecb.setUpdatedDate(new Date()); ecb.setStatus(newStatus); ecb.setStage(newStage); ecb = (EventCRFBean) eventCrfDao.update(ecb); logger.debug("just updated event crf id: " + ecb.getId()); StudyEventDAO sedao = new StudyEventDAO(ds); StudyEventBean seb = (StudyEventBean) sedao.findByPK(ecb.getStudyEventId()); if (seb.getSubjectEventStatus().isScheduled() || seb.getSubjectEventStatus().isNotScheduled() || seb.getSubjectEventStatus().isDE_Started()) { // change status for study event seb.setUpdatedDate(new Date()); seb.setUpdater(ub); seb.setSubjectEventStatus(SubjectEventStatus.DATA_ENTRY_STARTED); seb = (StudyEventBean) sedao.update(seb); } return true; } }