package org.akaza.openclinica.domain; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import org.akaza.openclinica.domain.enumsupport.CodedEnum; import org.akaza.openclinica.i18n.util.ResourceBundleProvider; public enum EventCRFStatus implements CodedEnum { INVALID(0, "invalid"), UNCOMPLETED(1, "not_started"), INITIAL_DATA_ENTRY(2, "initial_data_entry"), INITIAL_DATA_ENTRY_COMPLETE(3, "initial_data_entry_complete"), DOUBLE_DATA_ENTRY(4, "double_data_entry"), DOUBLE_DATA_ENTRY_COMPLETE(5, "data_entry_complete"), ADMINISTRATIVE_EDITING( 6, "administrative_editing"), LOCKED(7, "locked"); private int code; private String description; EventCRFStatus() { } EventCRFStatus(int code) { this(code, null); } EventCRFStatus(int code, String description) { this.code = code; this.description = description; } @Override public String toString() { ResourceBundle resterm = ResourceBundleProvider.getTermsBundle(); return resterm.getString(getDescription()); } public static Status getByName(String name) { return Status.valueOf(Status.class, name); } public static EventCRFStatus getByCode(Integer code) { HashMap<Integer, EventCRFStatus> enumObjects = new HashMap<Integer, EventCRFStatus>(); for (EventCRFStatus theEnum : EventCRFStatus.values()) { enumObjects.put(theEnum.getCode(), theEnum); } return enumObjects.get(Integer.valueOf(code)); } public static EventCRFStatus getByI18nDescription(String i18nDescription, Locale locale) { for (EventCRFStatus theEnum : EventCRFStatus.values()) { if(i18nDescription.equals(theEnum.getI18nDescription(locale))) { return theEnum; } } return null; } public String getI18nDescription(Locale locale) { if (!"".equals(this.description)) { ResourceBundle resterm = ResourceBundleProvider.getTermsBundle(locale); String des = resterm.getString(this.description); if(des != null) { return des.trim(); } else { return ""; } } else { return this.description; } } /** * A wrapper for name() method to be used in JSPs */ public String getName() { return; } public Integer getCode() { return code; } public String getDescription() { return description; } }