package org.akaza.openclinica.dao; import org.akaza.openclinica.dao.core.CoreResources; import org.akaza.openclinica.dao.managestudy.CriteriaCommand; import org.akaza.openclinica.domain.SourceDataVerification; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; public class EventCRFSDVFilter implements CriteriaCommand { List<Filter> filters = new ArrayList<Filter>(); HashMap<String, String> columnMapping = new HashMap<String, String>(); Integer studyId; static String NON_SDVD_STUDY_SUBJECTS = " AND ( 0 = (select count(ec.event_crf_id) from event_crf ec, study_event se, study_subject ss,crf_version cv,study s where ec.study_event_id = se.study_event_id AND ss.study_subject_id = se.study_subject_id AND ec.crf_version_id = cv.crf_version_id AND ss.study_id = s.study_id AND se.subject_event_status_id = 4 AND ss.study_subject_id = mss.study_subject_id ) OR 0 < (select count(ec.event_crf_id) from event_crf ec, study_event se, study_subject ss,crf_version cv,study s where ec.study_event_id = se.study_event_id AND ss.study_subject_id = se.study_subject_id AND ec.crf_version_id = cv.crf_version_id AND ss.study_id = s.study_id AND se.subject_event_status_id = 4 AND ec.sdv_status = false AND ss.study_subject_id = mss.study_subject_id AND ( ((1 = ( select edc.source_data_verification_code from event_definition_crf edc where study_id = s.parent_study_id and crf_id = cv.crf_id and study_event_definition_id = se.study_event_definition_id ) OR 2 = ( select edc.source_data_verification_code from event_definition_crf edc where study_id = s.parent_study_id and crf_id = cv.crf_id and study_event_definition_id = se.study_event_definition_id )) AND 0 = ( select count(edc.source_data_verification_code) from event_definition_crf edc where study_id = s.study_id and crf_id = cv.crf_id and study_event_definition_id = se.study_event_definition_id )) OR ( 1 = ( select edc.source_data_verification_code from event_definition_crf edc where study_id = s.study_id and crf_id = cv.crf_id and study_event_definition_id = se.study_event_definition_id ) or 2 = ( select edc.source_data_verification_code from event_definition_crf edc where study_id = s.study_id and crf_id = cv.crf_id and study_event_definition_id = se.study_event_definition_id ) )))) "; static String SDVD_STUDY_SUBJECTS = " AND ( 0 < (select count(ec.event_crf_id) from event_crf ec, study_event se, study_subject ss,crf_version cv,study s where ec.study_event_id = se.study_event_id AND ss.study_subject_id = se.study_subject_id AND ec.crf_version_id = cv.crf_version_id AND ss.study_id = s.study_id AND se.subject_event_status_id = 4 AND ss.study_subject_id = mss.study_subject_id ) AND 0 = (select count(ec.event_crf_id) from event_crf ec, study_event se, study_subject ss,crf_version cv,study s where ec.study_event_id = se.study_event_id AND ss.study_subject_id = se.study_subject_id AND ec.crf_version_id = cv.crf_version_id AND ss.study_id = s.study_id AND se.subject_event_status_id = 4 AND ec.sdv_status = false AND ss.study_subject_id = mss.study_subject_id AND ( ((1 = ( select edc.source_data_verification_code from event_definition_crf edc where study_id = s.parent_study_id and crf_id = cv.crf_id and study_event_definition_id = se.study_event_definition_id ) OR 2 = ( select edc.source_data_verification_code from event_definition_crf edc where study_id = s.parent_study_id and crf_id = cv.crf_id and study_event_definition_id = se.study_event_definition_id )) AND 0 = ( select count(edc.source_data_verification_code) from event_definition_crf edc where study_id = s.study_id and crf_id = cv.crf_id and study_event_definition_id = se.study_event_definition_id )) OR ( 1 = ( select edc.source_data_verification_code from event_definition_crf edc where study_id = s.study_id and crf_id = cv.crf_id and study_event_definition_id = se.study_event_definition_id ) or 2 = ( select edc.source_data_verification_code from event_definition_crf edc where study_id = s.study_id and crf_id = cv.crf_id and study_event_definition_id = se.study_event_definition_id ) )))) "; public EventCRFSDVFilter(Integer studyId) { this.studyId = studyId; columnMapping.put("sdvStatus", "ec.sdv_status"); columnMapping.put("studySubjectId", "ss.label"); columnMapping.put("studyIdentifier", "s.unique_identifier"); columnMapping.put("eventName", ""); columnMapping.put("sdvRequirementDefinition", ""); columnMapping.put("crfStatus", "ec.status_id"); } public void addFilter(String property, Object value) { filters.add(new Filter(property, value)); } public String execute(String criteria) { String theCriteria = ""; for (Filter filter : filters) { theCriteria += buildCriteria(criteria, filter.getProperty(), filter.getValue()); } return theCriteria; } private String buildCriteria(String criteria, String property, Object value) { value = StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(value.toString()); if (value != null) { if (property.equals("sdvStatus")) { String dbType = CoreResources.getDBName(); String theTrue = dbType.equals("postgres") ? " true " : " 1 "; String theFalse = dbType.equals("postgres") ? " false " : " 0 "; if (value.equals("complete")) { criteria = criteria + " and "; criteria = criteria + " " + columnMapping.get(property) + " = " + theTrue; } else { criteria = criteria + " and "; criteria = criteria + " " + columnMapping.get(property) + " = " + theFalse; } } else if (property.equals("sdvRequirementDefinition")) { ArrayList<Integer> reqs = new ArrayList<Integer>(); String sdvRequirement = value.toString().trim(); if (sdvRequirement.contains("&")) { for (String requirement : sdvRequirement.split("&")) { reqs.add(SourceDataVerification.getByI18nDescription(requirement.trim()).getCode()); } } else { reqs.add(SourceDataVerification.getByI18nDescription(sdvRequirement.trim()).getCode()); } if (reqs.size() > 0) { criteria = criteria + " and "; criteria = criteria + " ec.crf_version_id in (select distinct crf_version_id from crf_version crfv, crf cr, event_definition_crf edc where crfv.crf_id = cr.crf_id AND cr.crf_id = edc.crf_id AND edc.crf_id in (select crf_id from event_definition_crf where (study_id = " + studyId + " or study_id in (select study_id from study where parent_study_id = " + studyId + ")) "; criteria += " AND ( "; for (int i = 0; i < reqs.size(); i++) { criteria += i != 0 ? " OR " : ""; criteria += " source_data_verification_code = " + reqs.get(i); } criteria += " ) )) "; } } else if (property.equals("crfStatus")) { if (value.equals("Completed")) { criteria = criteria + " and "; criteria = criteria + " ( " + columnMapping.get(property) + " = 2 and se.subject_event_status_id != 5 and se.subject_event_status_id != 6 and se.subject_event_status_id != 7 ) "; } else { criteria = criteria + " and "; criteria = criteria + " ( " + columnMapping.get(property) + " = 6 or ( se.subject_event_status_id = 5 or se.subject_event_status_id = 6 or se.subject_event_status_id = 7 ) )"; } } else { criteria = criteria + " and "; criteria = criteria + " UPPER(" + columnMapping.get(property) + ") like UPPER('%" + value.toString() + "%')" + " "; } } return criteria; } private static class Filter { private final String property; private final Object value; public Filter(String property, Object value) { = property; this.value = value; } public String getProperty() { return property; } public Object getValue() { return value; } } }