/* * OpenClinica is distributed under the * GNU Lesser General Public License (GNU LGPL). * For details see: http://www.openclinica.org/license * copyright 2003-2005 Akaza Research */ package org.akaza.openclinica.dao.logic; import org.akaza.openclinica.bean.core.EntityBean; import org.akaza.openclinica.bean.extract.QueryBean; import org.akaza.openclinica.bean.masking.MaskingBean; import org.akaza.openclinica.dao.core.AuditableEntityDAO; import org.akaza.openclinica.dao.core.DAODigester; import org.akaza.openclinica.dao.core.SQLFactory; import org.akaza.openclinica.dao.core.TypeNames; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import javax.sql.DataSource; /** * @author thickerson * * */ public class MaskingDAO extends AuditableEntityDAO { private DAODigester digester; @Override protected void setDigesterName() { digesterName = SQLFactory.getInstance().DAO_MASKING; // TODO work on new instance } protected void setQueryNames() { getCurrentPKName = "getCurrentPK"; // TODO figure out the error with current primary keys? } public MaskingDAO(DataSource ds) { super(ds); digester = SQLFactory.getInstance().getDigester(digesterName); this.setQueryNames(); } public MaskingDAO(DataSource ds, DAODigester digester) { super(ds); this.digester = digester; } @Override public void setTypesExpected() { this.unsetTypeExpected(); this.setTypeExpected(1, TypeNames.INT);// mask id this.setTypeExpected(2, TypeNames.STRING);// name this.setTypeExpected(3, TypeNames.STRING);// desc this.setTypeExpected(4, TypeNames.INT);// status id this.setTypeExpected(5, TypeNames.INT);// owner id this.setTypeExpected(6, TypeNames.TIMESTAMP);// created this.setTypeExpected(7, TypeNames.TIMESTAMP);// updated this.setTypeExpected(8, TypeNames.INT);// update id this.setTypeExpected(9, TypeNames.INT);// study id this.setTypeExpected(10, TypeNames.INT);// role id this.setTypeExpected(11, TypeNames.STRING);// entity name this.setTypeExpected(12, TypeNames.INT);// entity id } public Object getEntityFromHashMap(HashMap hm) { MaskingBean mb = new MaskingBean(); this.setEntityAuditInformation(mb, hm); mb.setName((String) hm.get("name")); mb.setId(((Integer) hm.get("mask_id")).intValue()); // TODO set other variables here, tbh return mb; } public java.util.Collection findAll() { this.setTypesExpected(); ArrayList aList = this.select(digester.getQuery("findAll")); ArrayList al = new ArrayList(); Iterator it = aList.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { MaskingBean mb = (MaskingBean) this.getEntityFromHashMap((HashMap) it.next()); al.add(mb); } return al; } public EntityBean update(EntityBean eb) { return eb; } public EntityBean create(EntityBean eb) { return eb; } public Collection findAll(String strOrderByColumn, boolean blnAscendingSort, String strSearchPhrase) { ArrayList al = new ArrayList(); return al; } public EntityBean findByPK(int ID) { QueryBean eb = new QueryBean(); return eb; } public Collection findAllByPermission(Object objCurrentUser, int intActionType, String strOrderByColumn, boolean blnAscendingSort, String strSearchPhrase) { ArrayList al = new ArrayList(); return al; } public Collection findAllByPermission(Object objCurrentUser, int intActionType) { ArrayList al = new ArrayList(); return al; } }