package buildcraft.core.lib.utils; import java.util.Random; /** * Based on * TODO: This thing ought to have tests! */ public class XorShift128Random { private static final Random seed = new Random(); private static final double DOUBLE_UNIT = 0x1.0p-53; private final long[] s = new long[2]; public XorShift128Random() { s[0] = seed.nextLong(); s[1] = seed.nextLong(); } public long nextLong() { long s1 = s[0]; long s0 = s[1]; s[0] = s0; s1 ^= s1 << 23; s[1] = (s1 ^ s0 ^ (s1 >> 17) ^ (s0 >> 26)) + s0; return s[1]; } public int nextInt() { return (int) nextLong(); } public boolean nextBoolean() { return (nextLong() & 0x1) != 0; } public int nextInt(int size) { int nl = (int) nextLong(); return nl < 0 ? ((nl + 0x80000000) % size) : (nl % size); } public double nextDouble() { return (double) (long) (nextLong() & 0x1FFFFFFFFFFFFFL) * DOUBLE_UNIT; } }