package com.interview.algorithms.list; import com.interview.datastructures.list.Node; import java.util.HashMap; public class FindSubListWithAllColors { class SubList { Node start, end; int length; public SubList(Node start, Node end, int length){ this.start = start; this.end = end; this.length = length; } } class State { int stepsFromHeadToEnd = 1, stepsFromHeadToStart = 0, maxSubListLength = Integer.MAX_VALUE; Node start, end, head; Node maxSubListStart, maxSubListEnd; HashMap<String, String> colors = new HashMap<String, String>(); State(Node head){ this.head = head; this.start = this.end = head; this.updateColorsForEndNode(); this.end =; this.updateColorsForEndNode(); this.maxSubListStart = this.start; this.maxSubListEnd = this.end; this.maxSubListLength = this.getCurrentSubListLength(); } public boolean isCompleted(){ boolean completed = (stepsFromHeadToStart == 0 && == head) || (stepsFromHeadToStart > 0 && start == head); return completed; } public int getCurrentSubListLength(){ return this.stepsFromHeadToEnd - this.stepsFromHeadToStart; } public void updateColorsForEndNode(){ String color = this.end.getValue(); if(this.colors.get(color) == null) this.colors.put(color, "" + this.stepsFromHeadToEnd); else { String offsets = this.colors.get(color) + "," + this.stepsFromHeadToEnd; this.colors.put(color, offsets); } } } /** * * @param head A cyclic list contains M nodes with N types of colors * @param colorOffsets * @return */ public State find(Node head, int colorCount) { State state = new State(head); while(! state.isCompleted()) { if(state.colors.size() == colorCount){ int length = state.stepsFromHeadToEnd - state.stepsFromHeadToStart; if(length < state.maxSubListLength){ state.maxSubListStart = state.start; state.maxSubListEnd = state.end; state.maxSubListLength = length; } state.colors.remove(state.start.getValue()); state.start =; state.stepsFromHeadToStart ++; this.compactSubList(state); } else if(state.start.getValue().equals(state.end.getValue())) // there is always 1 node with the color of start node in current sublist this.compactSubList(state); else { state.end =; state.updateColorsForEndNode(); } } return state; } /* * Make the start->end sublist the smallest and contains all current colors. * The algorithm is to move start node to the node with its color only appeared once and its * stepsFromHeadToStart is the smallest */ private void compactSubList(State state){ while(state.colors.get(state.start.getValue()).split(",").length > 1){ String[] startNodeColors = state.colors.get(state.start.getValue()).split(","); String colorsString = startNodeColors[1]; for(int i = 2; i < startNodeColors.length; i ++){ colorsString += "," + startNodeColors[i]; } state.colors.put(state.start.getValue(), colorsString); state.start =; state.stepsFromHeadToStart ++ ; } } /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("a".split(",").length); } }